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Author Topic: Hurricane Katrina  (Read 41211 times)
« on: September 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

This message is just a general one of sadness mixed with disgust.  As I have been watching the news coverage of this terrible natural disaster, it is apparant that we are witnessing the best and worst of human behavior.  I know that the response time must seem slow to the people that are there living in those terrible and desperate conditions.  But, as the Director of FEMA has stated, he was waiting for the conditions to stablize, otherwise, his medical and rescue teams would become casualties themselves.  The looting, shooting and other "low life" behavior has shown up very quickly.  The Gulf coast  in general; and in particular, the New Orleans area has always had a lot of poverty and crime anyhow.  Now, everything has degenerated into chaos!  I am praying for the good people in that area, as I am sure all of you are too. Back in 1978, I was stationed at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS, and I have travelled to New Orleans and other Gulf Coast areas too.  Back in the late '60's, I lived in the Houston, TX area, so I am rather familiar with those States and areas.  It is all such a sad situation!  I thought Hurrican Andrew was about as bad as it could get; but Katrina has seemingly trumped that!  It is all very sad.  Of course, we are all being hit hard by the high gas prices.  I am just trying to survive through this.  I own a small business, and I drive a lot because I do business in many schools.  This is really hurting me on that score.  Well, I just wanted to share my thoughts.  God Bless America!  WE NEED HIM NOW!


« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hurricane Katrina, posted by OkieMan on Sep 1, 2005

Congrats, Oke.

After being away for a spell, you've posted THE thread with probably the largest variety of posters/responses in quite a while.

If I could do so, I'd award you the "Golden Scribe".  (It's a statuette of a well-endowed nude Latina, with feather in hand, reaching over a writer's shoulder to "dip his ink".)

« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hurricane Katrina, posted by doombug on Sep 3, 2005


You are too kind.  I guess it could be due to the fact that I am brilliant; but actually I think it is because this natural disaster has gotten everyone's attention.  At any rate, I like the nude latina statue idea.  Now, if I could just "blink", and she would come to life and molest my body! ha ha   Boy, do I need a real life "in the flesh" hot, gorgeous, sexy (make that oversexed) latina-- who is in love with only me!  Now, that shouldn't be too hard? ha
Oh well, I can dream can't I?


« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hurricane Katrina, posted by OkieMan on Sep 1, 2005

The message being sent worldwide is that we cannot take care of our own domestic crisis since we're too busy sticking our nose into everyone else's affairs... I deal with people internationally every day... To a person, every farang that I've spoken with this week has mirrored that sentiment, regardless of nationality...

It is truly a sad state of affairs and a national disgrace that it has taken this long to get relief to some of these people... The national guard should have been on site, in force within the first 24 - 48 hours... Not 5 days later once anarchy had ensued...

« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The message..., posted by wizard on Sep 2, 2005


I agree that there is much room for improvement concerning the Federal and State responses to this disaster.  Right now, the President is about to speak on TV.


« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hurricane Katrina, posted by OkieMan on Sep 1, 2005

What a bunch of crybaby idiots! I’m ashamed to be an American while the world is watching these stupid looters acting like wild animals escaped from the zoo. Have these people in New Orleans no shame? Where are the police? Why aren’t they shooting those bozos carrying out TV’s, guns, jewelry, sneakers, 15 pair of new Levi’s, liquor, etc… And don’t tell me they are going to eat that stuff! I can’t condemn those who were hungry and took food or water, but the greedy bastards who were stealing everything they could get their hands on are like rabid dogs and should be shot on the spot.

Where are the men in that city? Why are they stealing, raping, and looting instead of showing a little leadership themselves? Can’t those people do ANYTHING for themselves without blaming the president for not being there in the morning with their breakfast? Where is the city’s disaster plan? Didn’t ANYONE ever think that the city might flood? Why don’t the cops have boats available for emergencies when their city is below sea level? Why isn’t the mayor showing some leadership instead of blaming the president for all his problems?

And who the hell are these idiots shooting at the rescue helicopters? Are these people totally insane? I’m sorry, but I don’t remember folks shooting at the rescuers in Florida and New York during their disasters. How do you help people when you are being shot at?

Why did so many people refuse to evacuate the city when ordered to do so? Why are they sitting there starving instead of walking out? Didn’t they at least have the brains to fill some bottles with water before the storm hit? Where are their emergency rations?

My heart goes out to the weak, the sick, the elderly, and the children. But I am just disgusted with the whining adults who want to blame the government for EVERYTHING while they sit on their asses. Don’t people ever take any responsibility for their own actions anymore?


« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Ray on Sep 2, 2005

"Why are they sitting there starving instead of walking out?"

An image yesterday shows a morbidly obese woman standing along the riverbank pouring water into a what looked like a "Hungry Man" meal.  In the water, floating by, is a corpse, and tubby didn't seem the least bit rattled.  

It's a community of "Me First's" and "Blame Them's".  She has every reason in the world not to feel a sense of self-guilt or shame.

Dan Las Vegas
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Ray on Sep 2, 2005

Blame and pointing fingers is a waste of effort at this point. Right now we need to be taking care of our fellow citizens, providing housing and food and water, reuniting families, We need to be looking to the future to provide jobs, housing etc for our  brothers and sisters in dire need. Please donate something, anything will help!!!

When this is over and people are being taken care of, we can start pointing fingers and blaming those responsible. I for one am ashamed that we could not do more for the people affected by the hurricane.

« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Ray on Sep 2, 2005

[This message has been edited by Hoda]

let's just focus on "helping" people now. BTW the Mayor of N.O. didn't hold Bush responsible, he thanked the Pres for sending Lt.General Honorey...a real get s**t done or I'll break my foot off in your ass kinda leader. Gen Hororey is one of Louisana'a own...

Gotta love the way he "ordered" everyone with a gun to "point that gat dayyum gun down" & "shoulder that weapon soldier". We're here to help these folks. Wish he could of been there 96 hours ago!

« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Enough Blame to go around...., posted by Hoda on Sep 3, 2005

I wasn't going to respond to this thread until the screaming liberals started spouting their nonsense again.

Blame Bush...
Blame Bush...
Blame Bush...

Now suddenly I'm a racist according to one of our fellow posters...ROTFLMGDAO!



« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Ray on Sep 2, 2005

Dude, you might want to think about the gravity of the situation.  Those looting would be stealing with or without the effects of the hurricane.  You also need to remember that even the junkies are out there homeless and they are probably the major ones out looting, trying to break into hospitals to their hands on drugs. Those are the ones that are most likley shooting.

Some people couldnt' leave as they didn't have a means, plain and simple. Do you question those that didn't leave Florida year after year, storm after storm? Do you questions those in Alabama or Mississippi?  They are complaining and looting as well.  

Quite frankly,  If you have not lived there, been through a hurricane in New Orleans (Like I have), Lost your home (like I Have) been to a shelter(like I have), then quite frankly you don't know and you probably should keep your comments to yourself.  I don't condone the bad actions there. I do find it more important to focus on the good people that are just there and suffering. I'm sorry, but your comments sound really bad and boderline idiot and racist.

As for the mayor, he power has been overuled and or taken away.  I'm trying to find out why, but if you notice he has not been on Televisions since about Monday.  If you visit CNN, you will find some recordings of his statement to the local television stations.  He is extremely passionate about his city and very upset that his powers and suggestions have been ignored.

Why don't they walk out?  Dude the water levels are as high as 10 feet in some areas.  Even when they can walk, where do you suggest they walk to?

Didn't they fill up bottles?  Dude, its been 3,4,5 days. Not to mention if you asked to evacuate your home, you can only take so much.

There are boats, there is a disaster plan. It wasn't very well excuted and that falls on the shoulders of local and state government. Shame on them and they need so shoulder that blame.  The failure of FEMA and others can't be explained away. Plain and simple, the government F*%ked up and big time.

Where are the men?  Dude, to be honest I don't know why I'm responding to some of your BS.  Again, let me explian to you something and hopefully you understand. It is above 90 degrees, immense humidity, NO WATER, NO FOOD, VERY LITTLE SLEEP. THE MEN ARE TRYING TO BE STRONG JUST LIKE THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN.  Try this experiment. ON Tuesday when you are driving to work, turn your heat on in your car and get the temperature up to about 90-95 degress in your car.  Imagine that feeling for 3,4,5,6 days and little or no water or food.  

As for the president and that jack ass Michael Brown, head of FEMA, they are full of shit.  They are all talking about how they didn't know this could happen.  New Orleans is the FEMA model for the ultimate national disaster.  
Ask yourself this, how quickly does Bush get to other national disasters? does he just fly over 4 days later or do his feet hit the ground immediately after the event?

The really intersting thing is most people out there think this thing is only about poverty and or race.  Guess what? It is But just as important, this shows just how inadequate our country is being run from the local, state and especially federal levels. Hell, if you live anywhere a national disaster(earthquake, flood, tornado)can occur, you are a hillbilly's heartbeat away from the same situation.  The response would probably be faster but you too would see just how poorly things are oranized here. Hell, Even Bush has admitted that things have not gone well.  No one wants to speak about why the national guard has no presence.  35% percent of the national guard in Louisiana is in Iraq, and the numbers are the similar for Mississippi and Alabama. DC says we have enugh soldiers to cover national disasters, but the logistics are a different issue. Sure we have the numbers, but they are not accessible. Even today there are only 12-13,000 troops in New Orleans. Before Iraq, the national guard was present helping prepare for the arrival of a hurricane and now, its takes 4,5,6 days after the hurricane for them to arrive.  My suggestions that each of take a hard look at how we make selections for officials. We need to elect smart and good people not just vote party platforms.

Peace and if I have offended you.  Im sure you will get over it. I'm tired of reading BS post for people that have nothing but hair and air between there ears.

« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Onephd on Sep 3, 2005

[This message has been edited by doombug]

"Why don't they walk out? Dude the water levels are as high as 10 feet in some areas. Even when they can walk, where do you suggest they walk to?"

Um, that'd also apply to potential rescuers (FEMA, the National Guard, etc.) walking or driving in, wouldn't ya think?

You'll reason out of that one, I'm sure.

Anyone who defends the corrupt mayor of New Orleans will of course label everyone else inept and/or racist.

Including the thousands of behind-the-scenes businesses, and millions of individuals, who'll eventually end up donating vast sums of money, resources, time, and effort in the reconstruction effort.

He must have been such an icon of foresight and morality during his reign.  No matter, he'll continue running around whining and blaming and exagerrating, while everyone else repairs what he ultimately had a great responsibility to protect.

[Edit:  Check this out.  Here's an example of the proactive mayor's work:  

Maybe such images are behind his new in-hiding ritual]

« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Blame, blame, blame..., posted by doombug on Sep 3, 2005


Please be fair.  The military, the President and the other emergency aid groups (Salvation Army, Red Cross, etc)
are all actually supposed to "walk on water", or "leap tall buildings in a single bound"!  What's a little water to superheroes?  The truth is that this disaster is soooo big, and covers so much area, and there are sooo many people that were not supposed to still be in the area; it is just unprecedented-- so no, they were not adequately prepared.  By the way, as sad as all of this is,(and yes I understand that some of those people are old and infirmed); I  believe that there were many of those people who just decided to stay, for one reason or the other.  Had they really listened to the authorities and evacuated, they would not be in the position they have been in.  I do not want to appear insensitive; but the numbers have been just too large, and after all, there was plenty of advanced warnings for those people to "haul buns" and get out of New Orleans. Remember, the levies did not immediately break after the worst of the storm hit. So, by then the people were defintely supposed to be long gone-- but they weren't. Besides, I am told this type of storm and flooding is one of those "every 300-500 years  type events.  Now, in truth, who can really prepare for that?  Having said that, naturally there is always room for improvement.  We are only human, and humans have limited power and intelligence.  Only God Himself can know all things and do all things.  The rest of us have to just do the best we can.  Even with that, I hope that we can all learn something about this type of thing--- like quit building cities in a floodplain; or worse yet, a fishbowl!  How smart is that?  That Mississippi Delta area has been used and abused too long.  Now, that is indeed something we can correct.


« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Onephd on Sep 3, 2005

So now I’m a racist? You and your retarded friends that are trying to make a political and racial issue out of this disaster are just demonstrating what screwed up fools you really are.

Did I mention anything about race bozo? NO, YOU DID! Looting and raping and shooting at hospital workers, firefighters, and rescue helicopters is not a “racial problem”. It’s a CHARACTER PROBLEM you stupid idiot!

Now why don’t you drop this stupid "racist" nonsense and pull your little head out of your ass? People like you only make things worse by spouting your liberal rhetoric and calling everyone a racist.


Keith NC
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Blame, blame, blame..., posted by Ray on Sep 2, 2005


As always you are right on.  I have a friend here in North Carolina that is from NO.  He told me that the city has always been corrupt and totally inept from the Mayor to the Police.  I do feel sorry for the elderly and the children.


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