... in response to Hoda ... Do the right thing., posted by Heat on Sep 3, 2005is coming from your upper lip, Bro!! For the last time, I hope it sinks through you hard head that events on WLC "ain't got a gat dayyum thing" to do with what goes on here! You say "Jake is the one guy who knows more about Brazil than anyone here? What a bunch of BULLSHIT!!! The hand of peace was extended & smacked away.
"Reach out and stop the hate?" "Unban everyone & start from anew?"
- Man, you're crazier than all outdoors! Yeah, a return to the "good old days"...Patrick's wasn't having it & he entrusted me to keep it going, until he sees otherwise.
"You were never like this before. Why have you become so nasty and vindictive"
- Well, if this isn't the pot calling the kettle, WESLEY SNIPES...LMAO! Brother Heat, IF, I repeat IF I was so vindictive & nasty with our past history when you were "Raptor" wouldn't I have dropped your ass like a bad habit, when Patrick let me be the moderator. When you returned as "Heat" you posted your exploits for the PL world. I never replied to a single one, no matter how they conflicted with my own beliefs for those on the quest. DID PATRICK BAN YOU?!!! When Patrick turned over the duties to me, DID I BAN YOU!
Your "challenge" is empty...I've stopped trying to maintain a perfect balance in my responsibilites as moderator. Some support me, some don't...that's their right! Based on the repsonses that I've received, while not 100% support, I'm averaging around 93.....
Bro, you need to move on...the Jake issue is "Dead & Stinking"