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Author Topic: For our new female academics  (Read 10990 times)
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: For our new female academics, posted by Felinessa on Jun 20, 2005

i feel you are correct on all accounts.
Gringo Loco
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: For our new female acade..., posted by papi on Jun 20, 2005


 Since we we live so close. i would like to meet the man behind the mirror some day!


Michael Hurles
The New Era Of International Relationships!

« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: For our new female a..., posted by Gringo Loco on Jun 20, 2005

Lets do it. things are starting to pick up just a tad. i will shoot yu an email
Pete E
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: For our new female academics, posted by Felinessa on Jun 20, 2005

Once a latina enters the US she is in a whole new world off supply and demandits not so much perceptions VS really of US men but now she has alot more men interested in her.An even with all the knocks on latinos as being macho givin a lation orf gringo of equal means and socila status she will probably prefer the latino.
In Colombia its a whole different worls.A gringo is on a status level with an affluent Colombiano and those are also hard to come by for the colombiana.Her choices are usually nothing or a poor Colombiano IF she can find one who will marry her.
Its not ethnicity so much as supply and demand and the opportunities available one place vs the other.
Also,I am from California and have spent some time in south Florida.Whole different deal.South Florida is predominaletly latin immigrant from Southor Central America and the Carribean.Its very LATIN there.California has a large latin population,but the majority are of Mexican decent and have been there a long time to be very assimulated in the culture.San Jose where I lived has a latino mayor who does not speak spanish.


« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Its really supply and demand , posted by Pete E on Jun 20, 2005

To add on this thought... In any bar/club in USA at hot/good looking 25 yr old girl, will have 5 guys hitting on her.  Those 5 guys will, on average make decent money and have decent education, because US is easier to make money or get schooling.  In bar/club in S.A(or any 3rd world country), same girl will get 5 guys hittting on her too.  BUT, due to the scarity of jobs/education for the average 3rd worlder.  Only 1 or 2 guys(if at all) will be someone who have decent money/education.  

Supply & Demand, in US she got 5 qualify "suitor" it's a seller's(girl) market while in 3rd world country it's a buyers(guy) market, especially once you throw in the sexism inherent in 3rd world country.  If you're a guy with money(ie foreigner or well off locals) in 3rd world, you got your pick of quality women with little competition.  

a side note:  in US personal websites(yahoo, match, etc,) there's a section for SALARY.  Women in the US apparent use those as major critera.  In personal website outside US(match.latinamerica, amigos, etc.,) there is not SEPERATE critera for SALARY.  What does that mean?  who knows?

« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Its really supply and demand , posted by caslug on Jun 20, 2005

I think a lot of personals websites try to get as much information out of their members (although, of course, someone could lie).  I personally never liked the salary part - it adds an unnecessary extra pressure and it works to the disadvantage of students, artists, etc, who otherwise may be wonderful people.
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: For our new female academics, posted by Felinessa on Jun 20, 2005

[This message has been edited by Traveller]

Let me get this straight, you're Canadian, eh? And, you are doing research on my Latina Cousins? Both here (Colombia) and the States?
"Maybe we could look at foreign women's vision of America first? Maybe there is an idealized view of the gringo and of his culture?"
Do you even know any Colombians? Calenas? I have known a bunch over the 6 YEARS I have been here. You make it seem like they are dumb ignorant peasants. (And before you say "I never said that" YES, you are making them out to be percieved that way) TALK to some of these women and you will find they think the US ain't all that. "Idealized view" indeed. You know, they do have TV here including CNN en Espanol. You need to really do more research and stop generalizing "foreign women's vision". Which Foreign Women? From what country? What demographic? What educational level? What economic level? What's that PERSON like when you simply sit down and talk with them? You Ma'am, are insulting a friend of mine in Miami who is married to a great guy in Ft. Lauderdale (and her sister). You are also insulting a friend of mine's wife in the Bay Area. You are also insulting my friend's wife in New York. You are also insulting my friend who married a guy in San Diego. You insult my friend who is married to a Colombiana and have a coule of kids in Reedley (Go Pirates), California.
If you read this last part and you actually come back and say you don't understand how you are insulting them, then I have no idea what you are trying to get across to this board: Girls rule, boys drool." I don't know. Of course, you cannot admit you know how you insulted the guys who wore or wear a uniform, so I don't know I can impress upon you this concept.
"Maybe they feel more connected to Latino men because the entire group is minority?"
What silliness is this? Have you even been to Miami? Have you ever been to Los Angeles, San Diego, Fresno, Mission Viejo, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Martinez, Salinas, Santa Cruz, San Luis Opispo, Coalinga, Fresno, Dallas, Houston, El Paso, or a ton of other cities in the US. What miniority are you speaking of? The ENTIRE group is a miniority? My sister in-law HAPPENS to be Mexican-American. My Neice and Nephew are part Mexican. My best friend is married to a wonderful woman (Who graduated from UCSC) who HAPPENS to be Mexican-American. Therefore, my God-daughter is part Mexican. My Aunt married a guy who HAPPENS to be a Mexican-American and thus my cousins are part Mexican. I grew up with Mexican kids my whole life. I din't have an English speaking friend until I was 5. My Dad was a foreman on an Agricultural ranch in the Agricultural belt of California. I WAS THE MINIORITY. And before you assume I'm a "Kracker" I'm actually a guy who HAPPENS to be an American-Indian. Mom's Choctaw Indian and Dad's German. Mom was born on a reservation in Bryan County, Oklahoma. yeah, that's right, I'm one of the imagined oppressed. I'M a miniority ANYWHERE (Except reservations) you go in the States, but I don't follow that kind of thinking. That's why I put that people HAPPEN to be this or that. I'm an American first and foremost. People like you, focus on "miniority groups" but being and living as a "miniority" I find them unimportant. I have friends that White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, and my family is a bunch of Indians. I even have a life long friend who's father is from deepest darkest China and my buddy is a card carrying Buddhist. And THAT guy is my DOG! (That's a good thing if you don't understand that last phrase) Maybe you can take a lesson from us "gun-happy" Marines. When you are out there wearing that uniform, there isn't any black, white, red, yellow, purple, or orange. There's only green. And for the most part, that's followed. (Oh sorry, that's an "idealized view." My bad.)
Ma'am are you a miniority? Well, you aren't an American in any case. Do not presume you may speak for us poor minorities. And once again, before you say you aren't or whatever, consider this statement before you go any further:
"Maybe they feel more connected to Latino men because the entire group is minority?"
Because this clearly indicates you don't know what you are talking about.
Let's move on with my opinion tirade because it's mine alone. "PRESERVEING CULTURE"
I'm with Kiltboy on this. How many people do you know in the States who come to this country and do not try to even learn the language? I know both those kinds. While I respect the ones who try to learn the language, the others I really don't. I mean, my Spanish is NOT great, but I have learned it well enough for rudimentary conversation by just listening. No classes, no books, just out the need to communicate. Why can't some of those people who move to the States, even try? Ain't nothing wrong with being bi-lingual.  I also respect that just because a person moves to the States, they don't have to give up what makes them Korean, Nigerian, Colombian, or (Insert Country here). The US has everything in every language. Go to LAX and try to hear all the different laguages on the PA system throughout the airport. And, I'm just talking about the domestic flight areas. Also, like Kiltboy says, if I am in another country for a bit of time, I understand the fact I am going to have to learn THEIR language. I don't expect these native people to make exceptions for me if I can't speak thier language. It didn't happen in Japan, Korea, Phillipines, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Saudia Arabia, or Kuwait. So we allow it to go on in the States? Because, I suppose, we are one of the only countries interested in "PRESERVEING CULTURE"?
Now for some questions:
"Considering that my contributions have had to do with academic research on Latin women, or with the validity thereof, your sarcasm is unnecessary."
You are doing research and you are asking in the next statement, "I think it would also be interesting to look at Latinas from Miami versus Latinas in California. We already know that there are noticeable cultural differences between the two coasts, so maybe that affects minority groups too?"
How much research have you done if you don't know this?
"..maybe that affects minority groups too?" OF COURSE IT DOES. I'm a native Californian and all you have to do is take a flight to anywhere on the East Coast to tell the difference. I'm sure SOMEONE has done a study on this before. Probably even got published concerning this matter.
"...affects minority groups too?" What do you mean "too"? People are people aren't they? How do you think MINIORITIES are immune from Cultural differences relating to East Coast and West Coast? What, only "Anglos" are susceptible to this phenomena?
Although, I do not share my esteemed colleague's gusto for ragging on you, I do question your sincerity of how you think you can contribute to this board. This board is about Colombia and the women who live HERE. Swapping info and experiences. No, I am NOT looking for a wife. I LIKE the bachelor life. But, I do live here. Now, right now.  I have 6 years under my belt of visitng and living here. I do get some leeway on things because I have put in my time here and I have proved that when it comes to Cali, my opnion has weight because I AM here day in day out. So, with your statement to Fathertime about being cool and don't come onto this board like gangbusters like you know everything about the culture here and the people or what it's like dating Calenas, you were out of line. Accept the fact you don't know anything first hand about Colombia. read what others have to say. Accept the fact you don't know enough to tell others about the dating scene here or how to go about looking for a wife here. I'm not getting on the femilnazi kick, but more of telling a newbie that you don't know enough about the subject matter to tell experienced people what's what. Your other subject matter is fine. I don't know anything about it or this Felicity person post away on that. When are you coming to Colombia to do more research, by the way?
You wanted equal time, then here it is. You are gettingthe SAME treatment I have seen other new guys get when coming on this board and insulting them (We've covered this), act like they know everything about the subject matter, or make cheap shots to the US.
"At least my country isn't perpetrating genocide. But let's not get into politics..."
You mean you DIDN'T mean this statement to be inflammatory to the Americans on this board?
Then there's the statement about "America doesn't owe its freedom to picking up guns.."
You DIDN'T think anyone who wore or wears a uniform would be offended by this? If you really didn't think this would be inflammatory or you don't understand WHY these statements MIGHT be offensive to people, then I say you are getting all the equal time that anyone else who jumps on this board with those staements would receive.
Anyways, another good day on the job for me today. Gotta go grab some breakfast.
Later Gators,
(Any Grammatical or spelling errors are mine alone. Don't hog 'em.)
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: For our new female acade..., posted by Traveller on Jun 20, 2005

Here we go again.

My conversation with Papi had nothing to do with making statements, but with suggesting possible questions.  If you bothered to read the entire conversation, he posed a question that he would have liked to see someone research.  I just added questions, NOT answers.  Proper research could prove any of those hypotheses wrong and add others.  I never said they were right.  Note the question marks.

I wasn't dispensing advice to anyone either.  My ONLY involvement on this forum was in the research thread and threads that span from it.

My genocide comment was a response to someone who told me that Canada is falling apart.  CONTEXT.  You blame me for "inflaming" every American here.  It doesn't seem to bother you, however, that my country was gratuitously insulted.  Also, you also seem to be glossing over the fact that I said politics doesn't reflect on individuals.  

Was the freedom and the guns thread related to Latinas in any way?

Nope, but that doesn't count, because a man started it.

As far as your guns go, you have the freedom of speech to argue one thing and I have the freedom of speech to argue another thing.  Let's agree that we are not going to convince each other and be civilized about it - it's an opinion about a situation, not the personal attack you make it to be.

For the millionth time, please stop misinterpreting and twisting what I say.  A number of you have a way of taking things out of context, blowing them out of proportion, and completely making them into what they are not (see how my simple questions were turned into statements).  If you cooled down and realized that I have nothing against you, maybe you'd read what I say the way it's meant to, not how Heat & Co choose to misinterpret it because they are bored or need to relieve their aggression on someone.

« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: For our new female a..., posted by Felinessa on Jun 20, 2005

Nope, but that doesn't count, because a man started it.""""



« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: For our new female acade..., posted by Traveller on Jun 20, 2005

I'm also part American Indian or black (mom was some kinda of mix)  One daughter is Latina and one white.
I speak fluent Spanish.


She's a racist/snob and only sees think though skin color.

She's anti American and anti male.
Knows nothing about Latin culture.

She's a nut case 24 year old...well it rhymes with punt.

« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to She is a racist, snob pure and simple, posted by Heat on Jun 20, 2005

Hey C. Where are you now? Think I can crash at your place when I apply for my VISA? Throw's place is in Ft. Lauderdale, don't you live closer to the consulate than that? Just like overnight or something while i come down to pick up in the morning. Anyway, it would be cool to visit with you. Get some Latin Culture injected by going to Mango's (love the ribs there) down on the beach. LOL!
Anyhoo, I reserve judgement until I see how she responds to my last post.
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: For our new female academics, posted by Felinessa on Jun 20, 2005


I love Latin women, but this attitude of ' PRESERVEING CULTURE"  is getting old and is one reason there is so much detest for latino Immigrants in this country. They are in general, not interested in learning our culture or language, tend to keep to themselves and not intermingle with anglo americans very much.We are to blame as a goverment for giving them everything in spanish. Bottom Line, if you are going to live in this country, LTFL

I would never live in a latin country and expect a latino to tell me everything in english !

« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: For our new female acade..., posted by Kiltboy1 on Jun 20, 2005

I could not agree more with you , you don't travel to SA and see special schools that cater to those who only speak english . We have that here every where . if they want spanish tv then they should pay the big bucks and have it cabled in from there country , here we are producing spanish tv for them ............
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