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Author Topic: my girlfriend also got mugged in Cali  (Read 4239 times)
« on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Sometimes I forget about how dangerous it is in Colombia in any given moment.  I spend alot of time in Cartagena and it is easy to get complacent even when I am trying to stay aware of the dangers.  My girlfriend was two blocks from her house the other day when she got mugged.  She lives in a pretty good barrio that is an old historic district.  I guess they were celebrating a 100 year aniversery or something and there were alot of people in the streets that are usually pretty quiet.  Probably attractted the ladrones.  As she puts it, she made a mistake and answered her telephone in the street, something that she normally does not do.  A motorcycle pulled up to her with a couple on it and the girl jumped off the back with a gun, hit her in the neck and then dug her fingernails into her neck and grabbed her phone.  There were alot of people around, and of course, noone did anything but watched.  They did not take her watch or her purse, just wanted the cell phone.  She had gotten mugged less than six months ago in Avenida Sexta at one PM where the guy also had a gun, which her put to her head,  and told her he would blow her head off if she yelled or tried to run.  That time the guy took her purse but not her cell phone nor her watch.  She had just been collecting money from her clients and had about $150.  It was almost like someone knew she had money at this time because she usually carries less than $10.  I guess, for me it is so sad that she says and believes that it is "my fault".......because I should not have answered my phone in the street.  Yea, I guess you maybe should not have done it..........but YOUR FAULT............just the way it is in Colombia.........but really a shame to have to think that way................I did mention this to a friend here in the states...........and he said that sometimes a person feels better feeling it was "their fault" that something bad happened because they have more confidence it will not happend again if THEY DO NOT DO SOME PARTICULAR THING...........I guess trying to feel more control over their      life..............I was thinking of buying a small condo in Cali, and maybe still will, but these repetitive muggings that always seem to involve guns, does not make me feel particularly safe over the long haul.  Anybody on drugs with a gun is a recipe for disaster at some point for some poor soul who is at the wrong place and the wrong time. Of course, true for the whole world, but I never seem to hear of so many assaults with a weapon on friends and friends of   friends than I do in Colombia.
jim c
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to my girlfriend also got mugged in Cali , posted by adventuro on Jun 13, 2005

Hi John
    Sorry Millie got mugged. I was in San Antonio on saturday and looked at a great house. The area has a lot of great properties that are being restored, but the area is full of junkies. They are all over the streets. I had a friend that had a gallery there and she was robbed several times. I am looking in Jaunambu because it is very upper class residential.Will let you know if I find something jimc
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to my girlfriend also got mugged in Cali , posted by adventuro on Jun 13, 2005

[This message has been edited by Pacino]

Cali is Cali.. 2 guys were shot dead in front of my apartment building while sitting in their car about 3 months ago.  I live in a good barrio in the south.  So always be careful and don't think that danger can't find you.  Be smart as in any big city...


ps. Forgot about the gun fight in the street where one of my dvd stores is.. bullets were flying everywhere, nobody died but one bullet broke into the front glass of my business, bounced around and landed on the floor.  Very lucky nobody was hit..

« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to my girlfriend also got mugged in Cali , posted by adventuro on Jun 13, 2005

Well since i have been going all over bogota for about 5 years and have an apartment there---for her to be hit twice in 6 months, seems more of a personal problem of not paying attention to what is going around oneself, rather than blaming a cellphone or others as the problem. Please do not take this personally, but if you are just taking care of her as a convenience, then do not worry about her problems, and find a girl with more sense.  However if you want to keep her, then marry her and bring her up here, or we will probably be reading another post on the trial and tribulations of her life within the next 6 months, for she is not a child, or an old defenceless lady, etc.
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