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Author Topic: Here are the FACTS!  (Read 16879 times)
Medellin Agency
« on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

[This message has been edited by Medellin Agency]


As the owner of Colombian Sweethearts, CSH, I would like to respond to the Post on 6/11/05 from AnthonyPL:

Posted by AnthonyPL on 06/11/2005
In Reply to: Re: Cali and Medellin posted by Chris F on 06/11/2005:
[This message has been edited by AnthonyPL]

Yes, I have used CSH. Steve is a good guy. His web site is kept up-to-date. His secretaries are probably the best of any agency in Colombia. The bed and breakfast is nice, too. However, both CSH and CLC are loaded with prostitutes and "prepagos" and so forth. Before you overreact, not all of the women in CSH are prostitutes - but there's a ton of them, though. I have a friend that is quite an expert in the "wild side" of Medellin. He took me to four locations one afternoon:

Blue Room

Then to four locations that same evening:

Face Dos
La Isla
San Diego

I saw a minimum of 25 different CSH women at those locations.
(I am sure your friend's wife is a great woman, however. No disrespect intended whatsoever on my part.)

First, I ask “AnthonyPL” to look on my site and send me the Code numbers of the “25 girls”.  I guarantee him and that we will research each lady he claims is working as a prostitute and I will post our findings on Planet Love.  If they are prostitutes they will be removed immediately.  I hope this should not be difficult, especially if he remembered them by face in each of the Strip Bars or Massage places.

How does Colombian Sweethearts ENSURE A GIRL we are presenting to our clients is what she says and NOT A PROSTITUTE and an HONEST girl:

1. We INTERVIEW each girl in depth looking for “Red Flags”
2. We make them fill a 2 page APPLICATION
3. We CHARGE an application Fee ($4 USD)
4. We REQUIRE each lady to bring her Colombian Identification Card.
5. We require PERSONAL REFERENCES and work numbers, and then WE CALL the references to confirm what the Lady is telling us is the TRUTH.
6. We ask them for written PROOF of studying or a letter from their work.
7. We GET TO KNOW all of our ladies and get feedback from our guests about the girls, especially if they see “RED FLAGS” as far as dishonesty in personality or intentions.

Colombian Sweethearts has already removed approximately 14 girls from our Agency for lack of honesty.  Our files are an OPEN BOOK so I invite any visitor to Medellin and Colombian Sweethearts to verify what I have written.

As I said in previous posts, we do the best to screen the girls that come to us, but YOU have to get to know her, her family and friends.  Don’t rush into anything!

The girl “Pete E” was referring to that was a stripper was removed the same day from the Agency after I investigated and she told me that she was a “Professional Dancer” and did dance at “FACE DOS,”  but only as a dancer and not the "massage side."  I removed her immediately even though she said she “only dances” and does not go with clients there.  This was put into a previous  post last year.  “Pete E”, I will email you a picture of this girl to refresh your memory (I’m getting old too!) and you can see that she has not been on since last year when you came to Medellin.

As a fellow gringo, I would never want to be introduced to a girl that is a prostitute expecting she is a serious women looking for a husband.   I am a former military officer and currently a commercial pilot and I believe in honesty, integrity and quality of service.  Our testimonials page:, will verify this.

I came to Colombian for the same reasons the rest of you guys on this site did, FED UP WITH SELF CENTERED WOMEN INTERSTED ONLY IN YOUR MONTHLY SALARY AND THEMSELVES.

I just turned 42 and my girlfriend is 22, works as a accountant and has her own Beauty Salon with her sister.  She’s drop dead beautiful, affectionate, and very family oriented.  When I told her I was going to stay in Colombia if we got married said “GREAT!” even though she said she would leave if that’s what I wanted.  My last girlfriend here, a professional model, was the same way.  These are the girls from Colombia and Medellin!

“Medellin Bob” who I bought out after 6 months, was and is running an illegal business, escort service and trying to mix the escorts with the marriage agency.  Sorry, they don’t mix.  His “Penthouse” was raided during Easter by about 10 Colombian Police. Luckily they were not there and none of their clients.  His partner, The Australian Guy, Greg, also tried to hit me with a broken bottle in Mangos 2 weeks ago.  Tells you a lot about their character.  This all verifiable and some of this was discussed in previous posts.

As far a QUALITY GIRLS in agencies: THERE ARE MANY!! The women that come to us are serious about finding a foreign husband or at least a serious relationship. It cuts out a lot of the spinning of wheels trying to meet girls in bars, street, etc., all of which is still possible. We always tell our clients to get out of the agency and experience the city and other women available.

I run a first class agency not only for my clients, but also to attract QUALITY COLOMBIAN WOMEN.  

Unfortunately, unreputable agencies destroy this image and scare away the quality women.  CSH has doctors, lawyers, students, poor girls, rich girls, etc. We leave the door open to every girl, as long as they are honest in their intentions.

I had not been monitoring Planet Love since we just moved into a more beautiful and elegant house and I was sent AnthonyPL’s post. Thank you Gary.

I want to thank all of the PL members that post here since there experiences in South America benefit us all.  Thank you to PETE E, KILTBOY, PABLO, MUD who know me and CSH personally and all of the other guys who “SET THE FACTS STRAIGHT.”  You guys keep this forum going.

Any questions or comments please call or write us.  We are an open book.

Best regards,
Steve Valdez, Owner
   Colombia:  +57-4-302-5216
   USA Line:  305-433-2207 (Florida Number rings in Medellin)

« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

I will admit to only reading bits and pieces of this sordid affair, but if someone can scan internet profiles or look at photo books and then be certain of seeing at least 25 of those faces while visiting assorted strip clubs and whorehouses, then they've got an excellent memory, even more so if alcohol was involved. Maybe they've got a future as a card counter/professional poker player. ;-)
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005


Glad to see you back posting. I know you are an upfront guy and always give you good marks  to anyone who asks. I know too about "MEDELLIN BOB"  and his goings on. He will mess the city up if continues to try to attract that type of man to come to Medellin.If guys are looking for that, cali is there place, they have over 2000 casa there, so take your pick .

« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

I know, that I speak for more than myself, in saying thanks for taking the time to post your response to the "Ant". I'm hoping that you & other agency owners find the environment here worthwhile of your participation. Clearly, there are some issues between customers & agencies that need to be addressed. Hopefully, with your help as well as JimC, Jaime, Papi & those who are lurking...we can increase the amount of success stories, with a greater understanding of each others positions.....

All together now.....WE ARE THE WORLD!!!!!

Pete E
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

I belive you and used the stripper as an example that can happen.I don't know is she was more than a stripper,but fighting this kind of reputation by association you probably did the right thing and bounced her.I actually felt a little bad rating on her,I didn't see her do anything for sure that would make her a hooker.And I have nothing against hookers,I met the best one of my life at Loutron,but agree they should not taint the agencies or the reputations of the girls at the agencies.
I was and am impressed by your effort to have a great agency.


« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

Sorry for not getting back with  you on your offer for dinner when I showed up with my new bride a couple weeks ago. I'll be in town the end of the month and would enjoy getting together with you and your girlfriend.

« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

At one time I was a big supporter of Steve and CSH and did send some business his way but no longer a fan for other reasons. However, while pro's slip into agencies from time to time, he is not running a ho house – I have met many of the ladies at CSH as a former customer and would have a hard time believing there are 29 ho's in the house. However, I give Anthony credit for his posts and agree with Valuedcustomer that guys generally shy away from speaking out when they get poor treatment from agencies. Many guys on the board complain to me about agencies but rarely do they share the problems here for others
Medellin Agency
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Here are the FACTS!, posted by papi on Jun 13, 2005


Thank you for the support and I wish you the best of luck in Panama. I'll send you an email.

Best regards,
Steve Valdez, Owner
Colombia: 4-302-5216
USA Line: 305-433-2207 (Florida Number rings in Medellin)

« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thanks, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

that would be nice (the email)..maybe an apology while you are at it
Medellin Agency
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Thanks, posted by papi on Jun 13, 2005


I do not see where an apology is due?  But why don't we talk by email.

Best regards,
Steve Valdez, Owner
Colombia:  +57-4-302-5216
USA Line:  305-433-2207 (Florida Number rings in Medellín)

« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Thanks, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

i beg to differ (on the apology) but go ahead and shoot me an email if you care to do so. I was a big friend and supporter of CSH at one time. I tried to communicate with you before and several of my last emails went unanswered.
Medellin Agency
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Thanks, posted by papi on Jun 13, 2005


If you are upset because I was not ready to do a joint venture with you, I apologize.  If you run your Agency with integrity, you will suceed on your own.

Steve Valdez, Owner
Colombia:  +57-4-302-5216
USA Line:  305-433-2207 (Florida Number rings in Medellín)

« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sorry, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005

Steve, you know that is not the reason I am upset with you!! Give me a break
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Here are the FACTS!, posted by Medellin Agency on Jun 13, 2005


Thank you for giving us your insight and an "inside" view of your business ethics.  For men like me, who need to use agencies, it is a comfort to know that there are some honest and sincere agency owners.  I am strongly considering going to Medellin on my next trip to Colombia.  I am not exactly sure when that will be; but it seems that you and I think somewhat alike.  I  am also a former Air Force man.  Honesty and integrity do mean a lot to me; as I am sure it does to most of the posters on this board.  I want to know as much information as possible about any latina I would be interested in.  That is especially true now that it appears my latest efforts with a latina in Cali have failed.  So, I will be working on learning more spanish and exercising a lot more caution the next time around.  Thanks again for your comments.


« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Here are the FACTS!, posted by OkieMan on Jun 13, 2005

Okie, per my post above, I am no longer a supporter of CSH. However, as a former customer - you could do a lot worse as the agency is not poorly run. That being said, you should consider an agency with a heavy concentration of women in their 30's or above - that is going to be difficult to find in most of Colombia and more likely to meet on a tour i.e. TLC or on my tour. But if you are hell bent on Medellin - I am sure there may be some age appropriate women for you there. Keep in mind that you can find a woman for you in their 20's but ask yourself is that going to last or is she going to ditch you when she gets to the States which does happens frequently.
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