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Author Topic: Another update  (Read 48104 times)
Pete E
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok Pete then......, posted by Chris F on Jun 11, 2005

He came with one woman in mind,the one he had been E mailing.I am sure knowing what he knows now he would have shopped and I would have helped him.
He spent all his time with her only to now find out she doesn't seem interested.I didn't intervine.He seemed sold on her.


« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Cali should not be your top two choices ..., posted by Chris F on Jun 11, 2005

Yes, I am prejudiced. I admit it but I would stay away from Cali. And I know plenty of guys have found wonderful wives in Cali. Medellin would be my top choice for obvious raesons.
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I wouldn't go back to Cali, posted by utopiacowboy on Jun 11, 2005


RIght now, I do not know exactly what I will do in the future.  However, I agree that Medellin would be an excellent choice.  I guess time will tell how everything plays out.  I do know that one of my plans is to continue to study spanish.  I want to feel more comfortable speaking to the latinas myself.  Still, I do not plan to wait any longer than necessary to return.  I'm not getting any younger.  I am just trying to find someway to meet the type of lady that interests me.  Evidently, I made some mistakes with this one.


« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Cali should not be your top two choices ..., posted by Chris F on Jun 11, 2005


I understand what you are saying.  However, as I have already stated, the calena in question is 35.   Certainly all of the available ladies are not just 20 somethings. One of the main reasons why I mentioned trying Cali again is that I am already somewhat famiiar with that city.  But, I am not limiting my search to that city.  I also realize that you have met your lady in Peru.  I am not ruling out Lima either.  But, I must tell you that so far, I have not had any results with meeting any beautiful Peruvian ladies via emails. I wish I could.  I am open to that, but so far, no luck.  But, I have exchanged emails with many Peruvian ladies.  I just was not attracted to them.  Naturally, the best way is go in person, but I do not have the money to turn into a total "globe trotter".  What I am trying to do is find ladies and/ or agencies that interest me, and work on some type of "game plan" for a trip.  Since I have already been to Cali twice, I at least know something of the area.  That might turn out to be a reason to return, and it might turn out that I will travel elsewhere.  Right now, Medellin  also seems to be a very viable city.  But, since I just got back from my last trip, I am a ways off from travelling again.  I have to work for my money.   So, I still have plenty of time to deal with these types of issues.  Thanks for your interest.


« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Cali should not be your top two choi..., posted by OkieMan on Jun 11, 2005

Two trips are nothing ...... you aren't even getting your feet wet .......
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Cali should not be your top two choices ..., posted by Chris F on Jun 11, 2005

I continue to ask this question on this board and i continue to get plastered  by the members


Colombia has so many other great cities to meet some wonderful women. And i will put the women  from medellin  up against a girl from cali any day of the week. Go somewhere else and get to know te different subcultures because the woman are all different in personalities  depending on the cities.  


Dan Las Vegas
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Cali should not be your top two choi..., posted by Kiltboy1 on Jun 11, 2005

I went fishing on and found a incredible woman from Venezuela living in North Carolina....
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Cali should not be your top two ..., posted by Dan Las Vegas on Jun 11, 2005


I read your posts about that girl.  I wish you all the best.  I don't use those type of websites because I am not fluent in spanish.  If someday I can learn more spanish  (that is one of my goals), then I might do that.  Best of luck with your "Southern Belle".


« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Cali should not be your top ..., posted by OkieMan on Jun 11, 2005

Why would you think you have to be fluent to write to these women? I could barely say Adios when I started writing to my wife but I bought a dictionary and used the internet translators and through writing to her and deciphering her letters, I taught myself Spanish. You say you want to learn Spanish - there's no better way than getting on the bicycle and getting some Spanish speaking penpals to practice with. Don't be like my wife who's waiting until she has "mastered" English before she starts speaking it.
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to You don't have to be fluent, posted by utopiacowboy on Jun 12, 2005


I think that is good advice. To some extend, I am already doing that.  I'm just starting out though, and the emotional stress of this last week hasn't helped.  But, one way or the other, I will get going.


Dan Las Vegas
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Cali should not be your top ..., posted by OkieMan on Jun 11, 2005

Hey Okieman,

I don't speak much spanish at all, many of the women that was corresponding with spoke english, those that did not, I used Babel fish to translate the letters. While there were numerous mistakes, I was normally able to get the gist of what they were saying. You might want to give it a try, what have you got to lose?  There are a incredible number of women from South American living in the states.  There are also many sweet women from various countries that have posted profiles.

All I can say is hang in there, You'll have success!!!


Pete E
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Cali should not be your top two choi..., posted by Kiltboy1 on Jun 11, 2005

KB me amigo,
I have to comment on your knock Cali theme.
Cali is not the only place,just the one with the most available women to choose from,in all catagories ,good bad and in between.I know you keep coming up with other places that you think are the place,but has any of them ever been the place?
I liked Medellin also.But in 4 days I pretty much went through the possibilities at the only major agency there.I know its possible to meet women on the streets if you are gutsy and speak spanish,but the reception is less likely to be positive than in Cali I think.
Jim C is staying with me now.Yesterday was his first full day here.He says the women in general in Cartagena,not hookers,are kind of stand offish to gringos,perhaps because the locals will think they are a hookers if they are seen with a gringo.Jim was amazed again the interest he got out of women everywhere in Cali,in stores,restaurants.He really likes Cartagena but is looking for a real estate fixer upper project here partially because he wants to spend more time here.Plus he loves this neighborhood,wants to find a fixer big old house.Most are priced to come down for new construction I think.And he thinks Cali is much safer then it was a few years ago,a major reason for his moving to Cartagena.
Yes there are some problem women in Cali.Alot I will even admit.But one of my roomates,when your name came up  the other night,the Dolly thing,said boy would a woman get roasted on planet love if she did anything like that.
Not trying to critisize,but think of it from the Dolly perspective for a miniute.Calenas could form all kinds of opinions about  gringos from something like that.Kind of lump us together.
Interesting discussion over dinner the other night.Mixed company,gringos and calenas.It went from Colombianos being dogs to all men,at least in terms of desireing multiple women.Even Angela was agreeing.I guess I gave her enough reason to include me in that thinking.But she still puts up with me,says something in spanish that sounds like compensatory.I guess that means its worth it to her.Plus she say things like unconditional.She is my Buena amiga with privileges,which she seems to enjoy at least as much as me.
You are a man of extreme opinions.Cali is not all bad,lot of good choices.And other places can be good,but most seem pretty limited in results.And internet women can be just as troublesome as agency women,but you can fantasise differently longer while you are writting to them.
In my opinion Cali is  still the numero uno place to meet a Colombianas.Just out of sheer number of possibilities.


Cali James
« Reply #27 on: June 12, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Cali,the bad,the good,the opportunities, posted by Pete E on Jun 11, 2005

Pete, the problem isn't Cali, the problem is that a lot of guys put too much emphasis on whether the girl is "hot" at the expense of finding one with character and one who loves them.  Also too many people both men and women end up in love with a fantasy rather than with their partner.  Fantasies run big in the foreign relationship game.  Anyway, when the fantasy dies,  the relationship typically does too.  But some guys just move on too a new fantasy.

« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Cali,the bad,the good,the opportunities, posted by Pete E on Jun 11, 2005


I am not knocking Cali , only saying that there are other great places and yes you do need some spanish to go into the other areas and this guy has been 2 times and he might go back. crap, i have been 15 , so it took me a while before i realized there are other places. yes, there is a large concentration of woman in cali and it is easy pickens to say the least, but there are also other places and this guy might want to see the difference of other cities and how the women differe in thoughts and personalitites.

Cali will always be cali, but there are other cities and i would like for the members here to keep an open mind that just because a place has a lot of woman , does not always mean its the best place to meet them.

I am a little surprised you brought up the thing that happened before. She is not a bad person  and we are still good friends. actually saw her in exito in january with ehr boyfriend and we still talk on messenger .

I will stand by my opinion that it is better to meet a girl through a personal ad or friends then an agency, but everyone is different in that aspect.

Actually in a way i hope most guys stick to cali and not screw up the other places like they did there with throwing tons of money around and acting like Idiots. You know i am correct on that one.

Anyway., disregard my other post guys.



« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Cali,the bad,the good,the opportunit..., posted by Kiltboy1 on Jun 11, 2005


I am a little confused.  You are knocking Cali, but in your personal info, you mention that you are married to a calena.  Are you still married to her? If not, then please explain.  Evidently, you are very experienced, so to use your words, I want to "pick your brain".   Also, as I have said many times, I am not "married" to Cali.  I have only been there twice; which is nothing compared to 15 times to wherever, like yourself.  But, a guy has to start somewhere.  Cali was the logical choice for me at that time.  Everyone has their on preferences, likes and dislikes in women.  Since I am just starting, I have a lot to learn.  I only wish I were younger.  But, the advantage to me now is that my 3 sons are all grown.  I live alone, so I can be more flexible with my work schedule than when I was 30 or 40.  so, feel free to fill me in.  While your at it, you can lend me your "crystal ball".  That might help to figure out these women! ha


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