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Author Topic: More about what latinas want - long post  (Read 7132 times)
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: More about what latinas want - long ..., posted by Traveller on Apr 26, 2005


You make some good points. I do have a tendency to overanalyze.  But, I also act decisively.  So, I will be there next month, and I will enjoy the ladies, in one form or the other. However, it will take me a little longer to learn spanish.  For you guys that live down there, you are immersed in the language and culture all the time.  Not so here.  The rest I will have to take a step at a time.  I guess part of it is the big difference between men and women anyhow.  For the most part, we are very predictable.  Needless to say, women are very unpredictable.  But, that still doesn't stop me from trying.  I guess I am stubborn or foolish.  You decide.


« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: More about what latinas want - l..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 26, 2005

The entire time that you have been writing to this Calena, I take it that you have been writing in English and the letters have been getting translated to Spanish? Is that correct? When I was writing to my wife, we corresponded exclusively in Spanish and when I began I did not know 5 words in Spanish. I learned Spanish as we corresponded and as we chatted on Yahoo - using translators and dictionaries at first and less and less as time went by. By the time I met my wife in person for the first time, I wasn't fluent but I had a rudimentary vocabulary and we could understand each other. Of course everywhere we went I took my trusty dictionary. Whether she learns English or you learn Spanish, the important thing is being able to communicate without using a go-between.
Chris F
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to More about what latinas want - long post, posted by OkieMan on Apr 26, 2005

Maybe you really did not understand my past post to you my friend.....

What Latinas REALLY WANT Okieman is a man they can talk to and understand and communicate with...

Now.....Get off the computer and go study your Spanish!!!

Your a month away from your trip....this is the most important thing for you right now!!!!!!!!!!

Soory no disrespect intended....but I just could not resist!!!!

You are probably a great guy Okieman with a wonderful heart to give that special latina.....but spending considerable free time at Planet Love coming up with question after question after qustion is not going to help you as much as spending every free moment you have studying the language.

Get a tutor if you have to. Use Pimsuluer listening Cd's if you have to.....but spend more time STUDYING SPANISH IF YOU WANT SUCCESS IN SOUTH AMERICA!!!!!!

Are you listening?HuhHuh??

« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: More about what latinas want - long ..., posted by Chris F on Apr 26, 2005

Chris is giving excellent and important advice to EVERYONE.  


He is absolutely correct in saying that what women NEED is a man they can open their hearts to without being judged.  Honest communication and the trust that will develop as a result is the key to winning her heart.

« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to More about what latinas want - long post, posted by OkieMan on Apr 26, 2005

My wife told me when she first got here how unusual it was not to have guys outright flirting with her. You know whistling, honking when they drive by etc.. She told me that in Colombia this is a very common occurence and an attractive woman can expect to get hit on by several different men during the typical day. Here men just stare while trying not to be noticed. She thinks thats really weird. Bottom line attractive women WANT to be noticed. They dont spend all day putting on makeup, fixing their hair etc so guys will ignore them! I think they just want the right kind of attention.
Okie my advice to you is be a nice guy but dont be MR NICE GUY when your in Colombia. For all these latin womens talk about how much they hate machismo most wont respect you if you let them walk all over you. In my opinion this is true of most attractive women not just latinas. They dont want to be with a guy who acts like hes happy just to be getting some attention from them. Most ATTRACTIVE women want a guy who is desired by other women. Its a turn off for them to be with a guy whos kissing their ass all day and acting like there the last chick on earth thats got what works. You should, if its in your character, Im not saying be a phony, make it clear that these women would be priveleged to be hanging out with you not the other way around. With that attitude and still being fun and respectfull your not going to have any problems brother.
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: More about what latinas want - long ..., posted by Stezo71 on Apr 26, 2005

Thank you for your response.  Yes, that is about how I will want to come across to the ladies.  I am like most guys, I have a strong ego.  But, I am also not a young buck, trying to prove myself to the girls.  That belongs to young men about the age of my sons.  Having said that, I like to notice attractive women,and I like them to want me to notice.  Sweet, sexy, stylish.  That is a deadly combination to me.  But, I don't like slutty- that is until I actually have a relationship with her.  Then in our private, intimate times, she can go wild!  I like the lady I am with to enjoy teasing me sexually (and then giving me what I want); it's just that I am still too new with the latinas to know what is playful and teasing, and what is in the category of "look,but don't touch".  I believe in boundaries being set.  I am sure that in their minds, the latinas have well defined boundaries.  I just don't know them yet.  By the way, I do not want to imply in any way that I think all latinas are immoral or Ho's!  But, based on your story, I think you know what I mean.  Your wife probably enjoys the attention of men, but I am sure that she would not want other men to be rude or try to take advantage of her.  So, somewhere in their minds, I am sure there are boundaries that they have set. I just don't know what those boundaries are.  So, I still have a lot to learn.


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