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Author Topic: My 2 cents about learning Spanish  (Read 24393 times)
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My 2 cents about learning Spanish..s..., posted by Chris F on Apr 30, 2005

Chris F

If English is the 3rd most difficult language to learn, what are the top two? I assume Chinese is in there.


Pete E
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to My 2 cents about learning Spanish, posted by zack on Apr 30, 2005

I would also agree do not let a lack of spanish stop you from going.If you are not motivated enough now maybe you will be when you have someone you want to talk to.
Spanish is very important but you can get by pretty well with a limited amount.For me I not only admit being lazy about learning it but I tend more to emotional relationships.If the emotions are right you can find a way to communicate.And you may not understand everything about a person but if they are crazy about you they will let you know,as my main girlfriend does.She speaks no english but understands pretty well.I can speak and understand spanish,but not real well.
BUT,as Heat says you will always be missing out on a portion of their life if your spanish is not good.And its limiting in social events,like with their family.


« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to My 2 cents about learning Spanish, posted by zack on Apr 30, 2005

The reason Jamie says this is HE can not speak Spanish.  If he spoke Spanish he would be telling you it was important.

When he says he will help you sort out the players from the real women then you have to remember he's needs a translator too.  You are buying his opinion on a matter that he himself is a rookie in.  Marriage to a latina.

So what is that worth to you?  You decide.  

That said at least Jamie is honest about his lack of time and experience in South America.  He seems honest but he is very new at what he does.  Again he a least is open about what he does not know.

About the women......

If you want to be on the outside of their life then do not learn their language.  But you will all ways be on the outside of half of their life.

Life has no short cuts....

« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jamie is wrong., posted by Heat on Apr 30, 2005

It is not a right or wrong issue. You can say it is a better or worse but the person is not good or bad for going either route. Since you can’t understand this I will leave it that.

"Wow you are really an emotional type person huh?"

How is that? I had fun showing you as a closet Liberal in your thinking.

"Jamie be real. You know that you are a very basic level Spanish Speaker."

You were the one not being "real" you said, "HE can not speak Spanish." I am able to get around on my own I am a beginner and I never said anything contrary to this, but you did.

"What I can not understand is why after three years you are still speaking basic Spanish."

I did not start learning Spanish until a many months after moving to Colombia because as I indicated, I do not feel it necessary to speak Spanish in the U.S.

"You know I’m right."

Heat if it is right for you good, but it is not right for everyone.

"What I really can not understand is why you want to debate this issue. You lose every time."

I debate to exchange a different point of view. This is not a strong concern for me, but there is nothing wrong with me presenting the minority position on the board and letting others choose as they may. But you are not in that crowd you need to label someone as "wrong" for not doing and believing as you do.

"Now if you want to sell the idea that you can marry a women who you DO NOT KNOW then go right ahead."

I’m not selling that idea I emphasize communications as the key to understanding and building a good relationship but it does not have to be grounded in Spanish.

"If you can not understand the hopes, dreams and desires of someone how can you know them.? And when she comes 1000 plus miles to live in a strange land and culture she will be stressed out. So will you be there for here? To calm her? To understand her fears and needs.? No you will be grunting something in caveman talk. And she will be empty inside. That will surface later."

Heat you are assuming the woman is not learning English prior to going to "a strange land." The woman should be taking English lessons the moment you feel she could be the one so when she arrives she feels some comfort with the language and should continue her studies in the States.

"And when she enters the workforce and she is approached by "Jose" the Cuban with the nice new car and house who offers her the world what will she do? Will she stay with you who has never even tried to learn her language and culture or will she go with "Jose" who can talk to her ? Jose who listens to her every desires and need? The temptation will be to be with someone who is able to communicate with her.
You had better measure up or you might lose her."

Heat one must measure up regardless if you speak Spanish or not. I’ve never been afraid of losing any woman and it has never happened. If one does not have the confidence and qualities to keep what they have or want then they have other issues to work on or choices to make.

"Not learning Spanish is a time bomb. And it will effect your marriage. You will be on the outside of all social events and happenings. You kids may speak it and you do not. So your kids and your wife will be putting you on the outside. And that will really suck."

Heat are you lost? They are in the States. They speak English there. The children will be speaking English and the wife will be speaking English and the office Christmas party will be in English.

"Now let’s address the name calling."

You mean where you called me a "rookie" or where you say I do not speak Spanish, or the under sided insult about being ignorant. No I suspect you won’t talk about those inaccuracies I called you on.

"First off it’s a liberal thing to call names."

Heat you have a history of doing just that.

"It’s a liberal thing to be stuck in the past with a failed program. Which you are doing now."

Specify my failure? What program are you referring to? The one that says do what you think is best for you and your wife its a personal decision? You don’t like such freedoms Heat?

"And it’s also a liberal thing to never admit you are wrong,(Really this is just a person thing.)

True, so add this to the list of what makes you a Liberal.

"But if you want to call me a libertarian then that would be fine."

How do you get Libertarian out of Liberal? I showed how Mr. Conservative thinks like a Liberal.

"But a guy like you who is a rookie should be willing to admit he’s wrong."

Again back to the name calling you say you abhor. While I am constantly learning I don’t accept your designation and told you so in my last post but you prefer to continue.

"Should be willing to be a little humble and not come off as a know it all."

I expressed my opinion and my observations that does not make me a "know it all." I’m not gong to bow down to your inaccurate statements and false labels.

"After all YOU are running a business. And people will judge you by your honesty."

"We are primarily judged by meeting the customer’s requirements. Once can be honest and incompetent such honesty won’t get you far in business. That’s your business lesson for the day.

"And I would think also by your ability to reason and use logic. Your argument fails the logic test."

Logic you can’t distinguish a right or wrong topic from a situation that can have different answers for different people. I asked you to explain my fathers long successful marriage and you ignored answering this question (another Liberal trait you have), using your logic they are in the "wrong."

"And you are not being honest about the need to learn the language. You are telling your clients what they want to hear."

Most men will make such determinations on their own I am rarely asked about this. I don’t tell my "clients what they want to hear" another wrong assumption that has no basis of support, but of course that doesn’t stop you from throwing them out. I get the feeling if I told you I liked Pizza and you didn’t you would say I am wrong and not honest for saying I like Pizza.  

"This is called marketing."
Its called Heat not understanding personal choice.

"School is over now Jamie……."
Thanks for the Liberal college advice. You failed to answer one question I asked nor did you apologize for your misstatements. Now how would you label such a person?

"And I want you to read basic business practices 101. The part about not digging a hole deeper and deeper."

You need to lay off the book of clichés 101. As a Liberal I’m sure it irks you to hear a counterview point. I don’t consider bringing up a different perspective as "digging a hole" nor am I in a hole because you disagree with me.

Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Heat You Still Don’t Get It, posted by Jamie on May 1, 2005


You are a classic agency owner.  You are willing to say anything to make a sale.  

What's really sad is that you are so thick headed.  Unable to see that others might have more insight and knowledge about a subject than you.  

Maybe this says why you're living down in S.A. trying to squeeze a few pesos out of some gringos.

Good luck, you are going to need it.

« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I understand now., posted by Heat on May 2, 2005

Heat you are so predictable. I knew you didn’t have the intelligence to master a reasonable response. Unlike some of the guys you have bullied in the past I have no know qualms about exposing your faulty reasoning. You misspoke and you are not man enough to admit your mistake. And now you do what you do best when challenged you run. And you see the likes of which you run with, Jake.

“Maybe this says why you're living down in S.A. trying to squeeze a few pesos out of some gringos.”

Breaking New Heat I am in Colombia to make money. Is Mr. Conservative now anti-capitalism? Maybe my angle about you being a Liberal is true.

Thanks for the warm wishes but I make my own good luck and I am sorry you feel sad that we all can’t agree with your views on life it must be a real bummer to hear.

Engage the Exotic – Latin Women

« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to So do I, posted by Jamie on May 2, 2005

So long.
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I understand now., posted by Heat on May 2, 2005


You are a classic agency owner. You are willing to say anything to make a sale.

What's really sad is that you are so thick headed. Unable to see that others might have more insight and knowledge about a subject than you.

Maybe this says why you're living down in S.A. trying to squeeze a few pesos out of some gringos.

Good luck, you are going to need it.

« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jamie is wrong., posted by Heat on Apr 30, 2005

Heat on the subject of Spanish I sure feel it helps - and i speak it pretty good for a gringo but dont feel that it is essential. I did not speak any Spanish when I met my first Colombian novia and we spent two years together. Again, it is a huge help but not speaking the language is not an insurmountable obstacle that can't be overcome. If a gringo has an otherwise successful, busy life and wants a foreign relationship but does not speak the language or have the time to learn it – i would think to go for it  and workaround the language issue down the road. once his lady starts learning English, she may not want to talk to him in Spanish anyway
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jamie is wrong., posted by Heat on Apr 30, 2005

Jamie is dead wrong ........... No matter what country you travel to you are only being dissrespectful to that country. Even if you only a attempt a few words or phrases you will be much better off. I can remember one of my earlier trips I learned to say " it is a pleasure to meet your parents" that meant a lot to the lady I was seeing at the time . To show that I was making a effort ... My lady now is speaking more english that I am portuguese to her and does bother me a little shows she is trying harder than me ... ... It is a must if you choose to have a latin wife or lady you Should learn to speak her language out of respect .... not laziness      
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jamie is wrong., posted by Heat on Apr 30, 2005

Heat this is not a right or wrong stance. As a proponent of self responsibility and respect for individual choices how can you say it is wrong for a man to decide not to learn Spanish? Has your philosophy now changed and you want to be the judge of right and wrong between couples?

I have made if very clear that I am learning Spanish why do you continue to say I do "not speak Spanish?" I speak Spanish every day. You live hundreds of miles away do you not? Where do you come off saying something that is not true? Regardless, my position does not change because of languages I may know. My position is based on my personal experience and success and my personal involvement in many more start up relationships then you have been involved with. My experience in this mater exceeds yours Heat. I see on a repeated basis that not speaking Spanish is not a hindrance in ones success in finding a good Latin bride. How can you dispute my ongoing, first-hand professional knowledge in this mater?

"When he says he will help you sort out the players from the real women..."

Heat I have never said anything like this. International Introductions makes it very clear in black and white that we do not screen the women we only offer our observations and opinions.

From the Website:
"Discovering ones content and character is a communication process best found by regular letter writing and conversations. We therefore leave the screening up to you,..."

From the Website:
"Even though the responsibility and decision of who you select for your Latin American bride is solely yours, International Introductions will inform our clients of anything we see that is of concern or interest to the health and long-term viability of your relationship."

We leave it to adults to make the decisions of what is in their best interest even if we feel it may not be. Because unlike you, we don’t dictate what is right and wrong for a couple to do in their relationship.

" have to remember he's needs a translator too."

Heat International Introductions is not just Jamie I have a trained staff that doesn’t need a translator in their assessment, guidance and help of others.

"You are buying his opinion on a matter that he himself is a rookie in. Marriage to a latina."
Call me as you like Heat. I’ve been with the same beautiful, Latina woman for 3 ½ years. I’ve live in Colombia for over a year. I’ve lived in Southern California for many years and dated and lived with a variety of Latin women. I have the largest agency in Barranquilla in just 2 years that is growing and profitable but all this just makes me a rookie.

Heat you sound like a latent liberal. First you label personal preferences between adults that have no bearing on you as "wrong" (typical liberal interference into private lives).

Second you express information that is not correct (just like the liberal press).

Third you push an arrogant "I know what’s better for you than you do attitude" (the essence of liberalism).

"That said at least Jamie is honest about his lack of time and experience in South America. He seems honest but he is very new at what he does. Again he a least is open about what he does not know."

Thanks for the complement Heat, you could have saved some words and just called me ignorant, typical patronizing liberal language, not direct but insulting.

Heat by dad has been happily married to my mom a foreign bride for almost 50 years and does not speak her mother’s tongue. How would you explain that success Heat, an accident?

I agree live has no short cuts, but neither is experience measured in years.

Engage the Exotic – Latin Women

Stay tuned for Heat’s socialist evolution where he mandates all Gringos must learn Spanish.

« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Heat's Liberal Mentality , posted by Jamie on Apr 30, 2005

I think it should be a mandate!!!!!!!!  At least those persuing a latin bride...
very good Jamie!!
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Heat's Liberal Mentality , posted by Jamie on Apr 30, 2005

Wow you are really an emotional type person huh?   Try taking a few breaths and think.

Jamie be real.  You know that you are a very basic level Spanish Speaker.  You need a translator to talk to the girls.  Your clients say so. What I can not understand is why after three years you are still speaking basic Spanish.   You know I’m right.  What I really can not understand is why you want to debate this issue.
You lose every time.

Now if you want to sell the idea that you can marry a women who you DO NOT KNOW then go right ahead.   But the smart money here says you are wrong.

If you can not understand the hopes, dreams and desires of someone how can you know them.? And when she comes 1000 plus miles to live in a strange land and culture she will be stressed out.  So will you be there for here? To calm her?  To understand her fears and needs.?  No you will be grunting  something in caveman talk.  And she will be empty inside.  That will surface later.

And when she enters the workforce and she is approached by  “Jose” the Cuban with the nice new car and house who offers her the world what will she do?  Will she stay with you who has never even tried to learn her language and culture or will she go with “Jose” who can  talk to her ?  Jose who listens to her every  desires and need?   The temptation will be to be with someone who is able to communicate with her.
You had better measure up or you might lose her.

Not learning Spanish is a time bomb.   And it will effect your marriage.   You will be on the outside of all social events and happenings.  You kids may speak it and you do not.  So your kids and your wife will be putting you on the  outside.  And that will really suck.

Now let’s address the name calling.

First off it’s a liberal thing to call names.  As you have done.  It’s a liberal thing to be stuck in the past with a failed program.  Which you are doing now.  And it’s also a liberal thing to never admit you are wrong,
(Really this is just a person thing.)  

But if you want to call me a libertarian then that would be fine. I am Libertarian.

But a guy like you who is a rookie should be willing to admit he’s wrong.  Should be willing to be a little humble and not come off as a know it all.   After all YOU are running a business.   And people will judge you by your honesty.  And I would think also by your ability to reason and use logic.
Your argument fails the logic test.  

And you are not being honest about the need to learn the language.
You are telling your clients what they want to hear.  This is called marketing.
So have at it amigo. But don’t piss us  and tell us it raining.

This business is full of hustlers and flam flam  guys trying to be something they are not.
What separates the good guys from the bad guys is honesty.  And I’ve seen many people come and go around here.   But there are simple truths in play here.  And you had better pay attention.

Is learning Spanish a %100 percent necessity?  No is it VERY important?  Yes.
Are you at a great disadvantage if you do not speak it?  Yes.

That is a fact.  Learn it, live it, love it.

School is over now Jamie……. you can go back  to studying Spanish.

But you will get no candy  at break time because you have still have not learned basic Spanish.

And I want you to read basic business practices 101.  The part about not digging a hole deeper and deeper.

« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jamie goes back to school...., posted by Heat on May 1, 2005

Heat, it's too bad more guys don't realize this...of course, how can they when they can't communicate with the women???
Plus, I'm always suspicious of guys who marry Colombianas, and are afraid to bring them here to the states to live, for fear of losing them to Jose the Cubano.
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Jamie goes back to school...., posted by beenthere on May 2, 2005

“they can't communicate with the women???

They communicate in English, did you forget this?

This is what mandatory bilingualism has done to America; English is now the forgotten language.

Plus, I'm always suspicious of guys who marry Colombianas, and are afraid to bring them here to the states to live, for fear of losing them to Jose the Cubano.

I’m always suspicious of guys who anonymously throw out indirect references without facts.

Clarify what you mean? I’m sure many would love to hear your theory.

Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

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