I quit my contract today, only had 8 days left on it anyway. Bought a ticket to R.P. and my wife. Leaving next Friday. Not sure if I have another job here yet and probably won't know till next Friday but I am not sure I care. With the economy the way it is and Honey not here my options are so limited. I wish these fools had kept me on for 6 more months and I would have had a tremendous number of options available then.
I guess Honey and I will see some sights around Baguio and a few other places. Take a few weeks to regroup.
Have a few business ideas in mind. Can someone out there help me with what is expected of making shipments back to the USA? I mean are there restrictions, taxes and fees involved? Oddly enuff, if I knew how to get the product back here, I have buyers. I already have a backlog of orders!? The seller says she can sale 2000 in a week and has orders for over 200 already and I haven't even found a supplier (but Honey has done some checking there for me). I think if all our calculations are correct and the shipping is within expectations profit should easily be 3 to 1 (before USA taxes of course).
Wow! I might add I wrote ALL my congressmen 6 weeks ago asking for help and finally got a letter from one today. I told them I had to have some action in 7 weeks or less? Gee thanks for the quick response public servants.
Hmmmmm? What should I call the return trip report?