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Author Topic: What latinas want or don't want? (Long Post)  (Read 11260 times)
« on: April 03, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

I am preparing on going back to Cali soon.  I have a latina that I have been writing to. Naturally, at this point, I don't know if it will work or not.  I will probably be meeting other girls too.  So, to prepare for my trip, I am trying to get the proper mindset.  I know that there has been many different discussions about how we as american men can enjoy the company of many attractive and younger latinas.  I want to ask some related questions, but when I do, I know that it will all be  subjective.  These questions would relate to how the latinas want to be treated, and what they expect from a gringo, like many of us on this board.  I also know that the latinas often dress very differently than the AW that many of us are used to.  So, my main question would basically be: do the latinas enjoy us looking at them and checking them out?  We all know that a beautiful face and a body to match drives us crazy!  But, when the women dress in low cut jeans, or very short skirts and low cut blouses; surely they must know we are looking and checking out their "assests"?  So, if you are with a girl, what is acceptable when we're looking?  At this point, I am talking about when you are first acquainted.  Obviously, if you are in a relationship with a latina, then things are different.  I am referring to what they like, what they want, and how we can express our pleasure concerning their physical beauty?  Let me give an example.  Let's say that I am introduced to a sweet, beautiful, latina; and as we are talking and getting acquainted, I am trying to not drool over her beautiful tits, legs, ass, etc.  But, the odds are, she will notice.  So, is it common for them to like us checking them out?  Would we have a clue about what they are thinking, at that point?  Another way to put it is that I don't believe the ladies want to be groped on a first date. (I am only talking about nice girls, so I am excluding the Ho's).  But, maybe she wouldn't mind if I tried to discreetly check out her tits or look up her skirt?  It might sound silly, but I bet every guy on this board loves to do that! I am also curious if it is acceptable to compliment the girl on how she looks, and what I particularly like about her physical appearance?  In the States, a woman will either jump in bed with you right off, or put up her defenses. One extreme or the other. I know that LA is different.  I am looking for a good girl, but I also enjoy the sexy look they have; and Lord knows the girls like to run around in all those little, sexy outfits!  I would just like to strike a balance between being a gentleman, and being considered a wolf! I am sure that some girls are more shy, and some are more aggressive.  When I went to Cali last year, I spent my time meeting  several girls, and then I went  out with a few.  I thought that I had something with one girl, but that fizzled.  So, now I am back to square one, except for the latina that I am currently writing to.  For all I know, it might go great with her, and I will be set.  But, it could go down the tubes too. Also, I admit that I am still too new at this stuff to know what these girls will really want or will let us get away with.  So, can you guys help me out?  Especially, you more experienced guys.  I know that there will be a lot of variance here.  I just want to learn a little more, so when I go back to Cali, I will feel more comfortable.


« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to What latinas want or don't want? (Long P..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 3, 2005

please explain more
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What latinas want or don't want? (Lo..., posted by Jake on Apr 4, 2005


It is obvious that you are experienced. But, I noticed on your profile, that there is next to no info on you.  Where are you from, what is your age?  I am 51, almost 52, and twice divorced, (from american women). I went to Cali for the first time last August, and I plan to go there again very soon.  I am emailing a particular lady there.  We have not met in person yet, but have had many lively discussions via email.  My questions was an attempt to get experienced guys like you to give me some additional insight into how the latinas think - What they want, want they don't want, etc.  There has already been many posters here that have been helpful; but please feel free to give me some of your insight. It is obvious that you must have met many latinas, and no doubt had many relationships over the years.  Have you ever married one? You mentioned about having a Brazilian lady you are wanting get a visa for right now.  Can you share with me and the other posters more about her?  Also, I am interested in finding out about the differences between the Brazilian ladies and the ladies from Colombia, Peru or the other countries you have been to?  I look at this as a wonderful opportunity to learn more about cultural differences, as well as enjoy the company of pretty latinas.  I will tell you that currently, I do not speak spanish, but I am trying to learn it as I can.  Hopefully, in the near future, I will be able to take a college course, or something to help.  Right now, I have a CD spanish course, a Spanish/English dictionary and another spanish language book that has many pictures to help me learn.  So, once again, feel free to share with me your experiences, especially as it relates to "getting into their heads", so to speak.  Part of the original question has to do with learning how the latinas want to be comlimented on their appearance?  It is obvious that there is much of them on display, and all of us men love that!  I always want to behave like a gentleman, and I strive to do so.  But, with the cultural changes and the way those girls dress, I am somewhat out of my element.
Hopefully, you now understand my questions a little better.
By the way, as fate would have it, my ex has a step-dad who used to be an Air Force pilot.  He was stationed in Bogota in the 60's.  My ex-wife's step-brothers speak excellent spanish.  But, I no longer see those people.  It is a curious twist to my life.  In those days, I never thought that I would be "skirt chasing" latinas in LA! ha

« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: What latinas want or don't want?..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

I am from South Florida , 47 yo . I traveled there for business and pleasure . For me to jump a plane in Miami is no big deal . If you send to me your email address i will be more honered to send you some photos of my lady . We have know each other for over 2 years .
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: What latinas want or don't w..., posted by Jake on Apr 4, 2005


You can email me at  Memorize it, and then burn it.  Mr. Phelps, if you decide to accept this mission...   I always loved the opening part of the old Mission Impossible Show.  Sorry, I got a little silly! ha
I would love to see your girl's pictures.  I will keep you posted on my progress with my calena (good or bad).  She is seemingly sweet; but since I have not met her in person yet, it is way too early to tell what will happen.  Still, we have been exchanging emails for almost 3 months; so we now know  quite abit of basic info about each other.  Thanks again for sharing your story.


« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to What latinas want or don't want? (Long P..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 3, 2005

What other posters have said is very good advice.  I would like to add that you should not be reticent about talking to the ladies about the very issues you raised in your post.  

For example, tell her that in the US women are very sensitive abou hoe men look at them and they often dress to discourage male attention.  Then ask her how she feels about the way Colombian men look at women in general and her in particular.  Then continue with asking her how YOU should look at HER in order for her to comfortable and dignified with you.  You will get a wide range of responses, all of which will help you find the lady who is most compatible with you.

« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What latinas want or don't want? (Lo..., posted by Brazilophile on Apr 4, 2005

I am writing a followup post to my last one to you.  You and I have both commented about LatinEuro on this board.  Well, to help make my point, check out a girl who just got on their website in the last day or so--B6484 Arturia.  She has one of the best bodies I have ever seen, especially her legs! Here in the States, the only place that you would normally see a girl with her looks is in some magazine; and I don't have to tell you that none of us would have a shot at her. Certainly not a man of my age!  You have much more experience with meeting girls on that website than I do.  In fact, even though I have bought some addresses from them in the past, I never got any serious response, and I just don't know how realistic it is concerning dating them?
I guess some of the questions I have is what is real, and what is illusion?  I suppose the only real way to find out is to take it one step at a time.  But, I wanted to ask you because of your experience in Brazil.


« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: What latinas want or don't want?..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005


My advice is to not confuse the quality of the management of LE with the quality of the women you may meet from LE.  

Over the years, I have lots of non-responses, some insincere/off-the-wall responses, many sincere responses from incompatible women, a handful of sincere resposnes from compatible women, of whom one of especially compatible and available.  I cannot generalize about LE or other address sellers.  

Taking it "one step at a time" is not a good strategy for using address sellers.  Your letters need to be followed-up with a trip to visit the ladies you are writing to.  The ladies I met in person ALL told me that very few of the men who wrote them have ever come to visit them.   Some ladies had received hundreds of letters from men and I was the first of those men to visit them in person.  I was the first to visit my noiva though she did not receive many letters.  Only one other man came to visit her after me.  In other words, the ladies won't give serious responses, if any at all, unless they are confident the man will soon come to Brazil.

Arturia is very sexy.  I am sure LE has sold her address 600-800 times already and she will receive 400-550 letters.  Think about what is going to make yours special to her so that it stands out from the rest and gets a reply.  You know what I think?  NOTHING!!!!  The only thing that will get Arturia's attention is you getting on a plane to Brazil and then calling her on the phone saying "I AM HERE IN BRAZIL, **NOW** !!!!!   Let's meet and talk!!!"  

« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: What latinas want or don't w..., posted by Brazilophile on Apr 4, 2005


I think you are exactly right.  I don't have much confidence in LE.  By the way, have you noticed that they don't put the city the girl is from on their site?  As you know, Brazil is a big country.  If I were to get serious about going to Brazil, I would appreciate knowing what part of the country each girl is from.  Since that agency is only an address seller, it would be very helpful to buy some addresses of different girls that were at least somewhat close to each other.  If not in the same city, at least in the same state or region. Since I have never been to Brazil, I am guessing alot.  Right now,  I am  working on something with a girl from Cali.  But, if that does not work out, I might just check out Brazil.  But, I certainly would appreciate more info from you and others who have been to Brazil.  I think it is a  fascinating country; and your info would also be a good way to compare Brazil to other Latin American countries.  If I was independently wealthy, and could travel more; I might be more inclined. But, all of this travelling isn't cheap; especially the airfare!  So, I am trying to go with what I have right now.  Before I close, I want to ask you again why you think there are not many agencies that actually have offices in Brazil?  I think that more men would go if there was actually some agency down there who was doing more than selling addresses.  Don't you?  Imagine walking into an agency office in Brazil and seeing some girls that look like Arturia!


« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: What latinas want or don..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

I think there ARE several agencies in Brazil.  However, they don't cater primarily to Americans.  They cater primarily to Europeans; Germans and Italians in particular.  

Remember that Brazilians don't need a visa to visit the EU countries in Europe and EU citizens don't need a visa to visit Brazil.  The easier paperwork makes it more economical and profitable to target Europeans for MOB agencies rather than Americans.

« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What latinas want or..., posted by Brazilophile on Apr 5, 2005

Yeah, the part of the visa is true; but I thought that was a situation that arose after 9-11?  Anyhow, thanks for the info.


« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: What latinas want or don..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005

okieman . ....... I have been to brazil 6 times .... it is completely different from Colombia . There is a very small percentage of rich people , hardly any middle class at all. And most are very very poor . Many ladies can't afford even write letters back to anybody because they have no money . I have wrote to about 250 ladies over the past 4 years . Here is a percentage break down for you  , if you write 15 letters , about 3-4 are not serious . They are having a contest to see who can get the most letters , 2-4 will not get your letter ... they move or something , so that leaves you with 6-8 that may write to you , less tha 50 % . The big reason I think you do not see agencies there ( there is a couple in Soa Paulo) is that the cities are not safe ... you would have to armed guards . I have traveled out side of the big cities and have no problem . I met one lady about 3 hours north of Rio .... she had 325 letters at her house ... I was the only one that ever showed up ... she was not the one that I was really interested in but she was the direction I was going . I will conclude that Col. babes in general are a little more pretty  , but if you find a good brazilian babe you can't go wrong . Most of the girls I have met never met a american before . So you have to your advantage , in Col. most girls have seen so many gringos. A good reference to help you , if you get a letter from Brazil ... more than likely they are very interested in you ..... then if you call them and thank them for there letter ... you will be off to a good start ... hopes this help you
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What latinas want or don't want? (Lo..., posted by Brazilophile on Apr 4, 2005


This is excellent advice.  To tell you the truth, I have already done that to some degree with the lady I am currently emailing.  When I meet her in person, I am sure that she and I can discuss this type of thing in more detail.  I would never want to come across as anything but a gentleman.  But, frankly, I have been out of the "dating game" for a long time (I am talking about AW).  As far as the latinas, I am obviously very interested, but I feel that I need more experience and a better prospective.  All of you guys have helped me.  Each of you have said some things that I can use. I am 51, almost 52. After being married for many years to an american woman; this is all new territory for me.  Even though I went to Cali last year, I know that I have just scratched the surface.  But, the advice you guys are giving is putting it into prospective for me.  By the way, I know that there has already been other posts on this board about the comparisons between ladies from Colombia, Peru and Brazil.  On this topic, how would you describe the attitudes of the Brazilian women?  Do you find that they are in any way significantly different than other latin women?  I look forward to your response.


« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: What latinas want or don't want?..., posted by OkieMan on Apr 4, 2005


In many ways, Brazilian women are identical to other Latin women I have met from Colombia, DR, CR, PR, etc.  All REALLY want a man who puts her first in his life, who makes her feel VERY special.  

In other ways, they are quite different from other Latinas.  Most are far less modest then women in PR or Mexico.  The bikinis most wear on the beach are very revealing and while there is very little toplessness, no one seems to be offended at the near female nudity on most beaches in full view of children.  That is in stark contrast to Puerto Rico where I saw women wearing t-shorts and short OVER their bathing suits when they swam in the ocean.

As I learn more about Brazil, I am getting the impression that male infidelity is less tolerated among the women in Brazil than in other countries.  In other countries it seems the women seeking foreign men are the ones most angry with male infidelity and other women accept it as part of life with a Latino.  In Brazil, it seems few women accept it.  

I am wondering whether this is related to the greater sexual openness of Brazilians.  As if women say that if we accomodate our husbands' sexual desires, they had better not stray from us.  I do not get the same impression in, say, DR, where there seemed to be a resignation to the fact of male infidelity.

I am also seeing a difference in attitudes towards money.  So far, my impression is that Brazilian women plan and budget more, or perhaps better, than women I have met in Colombia and DR.  I suspect that is because Brazil is wealthy compared to most other SA countries and they get more practice in handling money.  For example, household budgets were almost a non-issue with my current Brazilian noiva whereas with my former Colombian novia I had to teach her the concept of a budget.  She just bought the things she felt she needed until her money was gone.

Now, this is just my experience.  A huge factor is that women may have adjusted their behavior to suit me and their behavior may be different with a different man.  So YMMV.

« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: What latinas want or don't w..., posted by Brazilophile on Apr 4, 2005


This was an excellent post,and certainly insightful.  This is the type of information that can help many of us.  You mentioned about the skimpy bikinis, etc.  I know that Rio has a reputation for that, but how about the other regions of Brazil?  Also, you mentioned about the Brazilian women's attitudes concerning infidelity.   I found that very interesting.  Certainly the ladies have every right to expect their man to be faithful.  But, you also said something about the women "accomodating the men with their desires", or something like that.  What is different about how the Brazilian women would view that, or handle that?  Naturally, all of us guys want to have sex with them.(I am referring to being in a relationship with a lady).  But, what would a Brazilian woman be more likely to do that a Colombian wouldn't do?  Maybe I am misunderstanding what you said.  I just seemed to get the idea that you meant something more?  Well, thanks anyhow.  I look forward to hearing more about Brazil and the Brazilian women.


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