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Author Topic: Semana Santo holidays  (Read 1136 times)
Pete E
« on: March 24, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Today started the Semana Santo holidays.Thursday and Friday are the actual religious holidays but the whole week is pretty much a holiday.Some  offices closed all week.Even my gym was only open Tuesday and Wednesday.This is pretty much spring vacation,all the resorts are full and airline tickets are difficult.
My Colombian friend says there are lots of superstitions and some women do not want to have sex during these days.He said one story is if you have sex you will stick together like a couple of dogs.I told him I don't expect my girls to feel that way,but it could be sort of an intelligence test.
Its weird here sometimes the old superstitions that still abound.I think much more so amoung the poorer classes.
I guess last night was sort of considered the beginning of the holiday weekend.Some new people that moved in my apartment had a party that went untill 4 AM.What pisses me off about it is they don't even start untill midnight,then can go all night.Whats wrong with starting at 9 or 10 and ending at 2 AM so we can get a little sleep? Curfew seems to be around 2 AM here.Music will abruptly stop.Last night they let them go untill 4 AM.
We have very few parties like this here.I am reluctant to complain because we have had a few.But at 2 AM I close the windows and turn down the music.


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