... in response to Does it get any faster than this – Visa , posted by Jamie on Mar 26, 2005[This message has been edited by Gary Bala]
As an everyday practical matter, an immigration petition cannot get
adjudicated much faster than that (08 days from Notice of Action Receipt
to Notice of Action Approval). Your client should be pleased and happy that
Vermont Service Center (VSC), widely regarded as the most efficient
of the Service Centers, continues to work at its blazing pace.
Many petitions at VSC right now are decided in 14 days or less.
I have had a couple at that number recently.
(As in many things in life, "good luck" also
naturally plays a small but important part.)
(If you want to be technical, - in theory - some petitions have been
and can be decided faster. Some at VSC can go through in a week or
less. I had a couple back in 2001 at California Service Center very fast:
07 days (NOA1 08/31/01, NOA2 09/07/01), and another at
04 days (NOA1 09/09/01, NOA2 09/13/01).
As concerns other Service Centers, the trend which has emerged in
the past six months or so (since late 2004) is that some of the petitions
filed at Texas & Nebraska Service Centers are being transferred to
to California Service Center which has staffed-up recently, and are
being adjudicated in 30 to 60 days or less.
At any rate, good luck with the rest of the visa process,
and Happy Easter to all.