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Author Topic: What does this site need for a jump start?  (Read 13048 times)

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Offline robert angel

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2020, 01:50:54 PM »
You guys seen the new mid engine C8 Chevy Corvette? Everyday driving comfort for two, room for 2 golf bags and several cases of beer,  that goes from zero to 60 MPH in 2.8 seconds, runs the quarter mile in 11.1.

My wife is totally OK with me dropping 75K cash on one right now-- how cool is that?

Must resist, must resist..

Oh come'on boys, have a lookie--I figure if ya got enough balls, hormones and all to travel long distances to chase after red hot women, a red  hot sports car elicits a little more pulse in you than it does in the 'average joe' who never leaves Nebraska...

So do you think the car's a winner or not???

Introducing the 2020 Corvette | Mid-Engine Sports Car
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Offline mambocowboy

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2020, 08:08:16 PM »
Oh come'on boys, have a lookie--I figure if ya got enough balls, hormones and all to travel long distances to chase after red hot women, a red  hot sports car elicits a little more pulse in you than it does in the 'average joe' who never leaves Nebraska...

So do you think the car's a winner or not???

Introducing the 2020 Corvette | Mid-Engine Sports Car
Chick magnet alert! Your wife is encouraging this?lmao

Offline robert angel

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2020, 09:12:17 PM »
Chick magnet alert! Your wife is encouraging this?lmao

Funny -- it's so ez to prebuild one any which way you want 'virtually ' at --we were just looking at builds...I thought the $1000 optional metallic burgundy looks smashing, if a bit too 'classy mature'.

The head of the C8 project said:

"Design it to appeal to ten year old boys"

Average owner of a new Vette had crept north of 60...

The stock white is surprisingly sharp to me and body shop guys always buy white--user friendly to dirt, scratches..

But my WIFE says go for the full blood "lambo blood' - the  'fire engine, 'come F me', red body color, along w the red Brembo calipers, on the black wheels, lol.

Of course I want a happy wife!!!

I've done more than enough stupid things with money, I figure it won't kill me to wait a year or two. Hopefully by then. the up market hybrid, the Z06 and the 'King' ZR1s Vettes will be out and market forces will save me 15-20K on a well dressed 2020. Ya never know.

Then I'll look for some old Jewish guy in S. Florida, looking to sell a low mile cherry one at a good price.

But it's nice to have a wife who if she wasn't encouraging enough already, actually became more delighted tonight, when I showed her actual pics I got with the car top off,  in person last August 14th. It was one of ten prototypes at the time.

I showed her how even with the unorthodox jet cockpit layout of the 2 seater, we could still keep our hands on ea other, lol...
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 09:14:04 PM by robert angel »
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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2020, 09:12:17 PM »

Offline Cyprus

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2022, 09:37:26 PM »
You guys are lookin good--sounding good. 15's the next milestone for us. Seems like a wayyy big number--I just wish I'd met her instead of the 1st wife initially.

Then again, I was such a party animal and wild man back then, I'd probably have messed up. There's a reason for everything maybe...

Much of the info on here is outdated. And this forum software is really low tech and inexpensive. Not knocking on the site at all but there are much better options for forum software such as vBulletin or Invision. I have thought many times about starting one but never found anyone with interest. I wasnt going to spend the money and the time to build something that no one would use.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2022, 09:39:27 PM by Cyprus »

Offline robert angel

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2022, 03:10:43 PM »

Much of the info on here is outdated. And this forum software is really low tech and inexpensive. Not knocking on the site at all but there are much better options for forum software such as vBulletin or Invision. I have thought many times about starting one but never found anyone with interest. I wasnt going to spend the money and the time to build something that no one would use.

Low tech or not, this site 'potentially' offers a lot of resources for people who want to travel and do so to 'get lucky'--maybe find a wife, have a great time, yada, yada...I never watched that 90 day show, but apparently there's an audience beyond the apathetic one that exists here now. Meanwhile I'm ready to pull the trigger and have 4 nations lined up for safe travel. I don't know if people are too busy, bummed out or what, but I wish good things to all. Come'on--"Get on the plane!" (Or P.L.!!)
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline mambocowboy

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2022, 11:12:07 AM »

Low tech or not, this site 'potentially' offers a lot of resources for people who want to travel and do so to 'get lucky'--maybe find a wife, have a great time, yada, yada...I never watched that 90 day show, but apparently there's an audience beyond the apathetic one that exists here now. Meanwhile I'm ready to pull the trigger and have 4 nations lined up for safe travel. I don't know if people are too busy, bummed out or what, but I wish good things to all. Come'on--"Get on the plane!" (Or P.L.!!)
This site was very helpful to me learning from trip reports etc. All that info is still there to be used...

Offline JWR

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2022, 01:31:34 PM »
Power yoga Ey

There is a 26 year age difference between me and my wife.

There is no way I would have even considered getting married again if it wasn't for my daughter.

Anyone that speaks Spanish and lives here can easily pull off a 20 year age difference and guys in there 70's can easily pull off a 30 or more age difference if they are into women in their 40s.

My wife is 31 and when she turns 32 she will be the oldest woman I have ever slept with.

Plenty of guys here are living with women half their age but nobody is getting married.

If there were American guys that still wanted a mail order bride ....there are still poor women here that would undoubtedly be interested in leaving their family and everything they have ever know while marrying a guy that they don't know well for a shot at a better life.

Even an ugly gringo could get a pretty hot wife if he wanted to man up and take a woman with another guys kids.
That pretty much describes my situation.  Never slept with a women over 32 years old and my tastes are not changing. 

Curious why you say you would never get married again if it wasn't for your daughter?  Marriage life is not as satisfying as you would like??

Curious also about your comment about the guys living with much younger girls but not getting married.  How much monthly "sponsorship and support" do you think that is costing those guys.  Can you guess the figure?
Before covid, I was making exit plans to go live in Colombia, and holding out hope for maybe something real to happen...   I'm 58 now, and accepting the fact that there's going to need to be some "sponsorship" to keep sleeping with the age and beauty of the girls I've become accustomed to.
For the last several years, I've been doing the Tijuana sugar daddy thing. (35 minutes door to door) Many beautiful girls in TJ that are happy to have an older guy on the side to help them with their college tuition or expenses.  Gorgeous gorgeous girls near model material that treat me really well.  A few of them I've seen for over 2 years.  Simple relationships without any strings attached or expectations.  I figure it's cost me $1200-$1500 per month.  For me that's not alot of money, and compared to the costs of some of my real relationships including my Colombian wife of 12 years, not a bad deal. 

Now that covid is winding down, and restrictions are lifting, I'm again considering exiting the US.  Love to rent a place on Lago Calima to enjoy the lake, and close enough to Cali for city trips. I've wondered about finding some more steady pretty companionship to possibly live with, or develop something more long term.  I figure long term as a couple years before they move on to the next stage of their life.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 01:35:20 PM by JWR »

Offline robert angel

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2022, 09:34:16 PM »
This site was very helpful to me learning from trip reports etc. All that info is still there to be used...
Epic letters above!  Guys, you have ALL kinds of options! I'm/we're till holding happy. Getting old really does suck and a 24 year age difference never goes away. The reality of it all is there, but here and now I can't complain. I can't see myself doing any better at this point--throwing away a pearl. Yes, she's 40, but she's mighty fine for 40. And still has her head on right, like she did when I met her 20 years ago. She jokes: "Any bad habits I have--I learned from you." Having spent the last 26 months together 24X7, with her moving to working at home, me retiring and us moving have all been elements.  Pics from us fooling today around while she prepped dinner and then us fixing to tend bar for a good charity last week!
You never know, unless you take a leap of faith!!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 10:40:23 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline mambocowboy

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2022, 11:20:41 PM »
Epic letters above!  Guys, you have ALL kinds of options! I'm/we're till holding happy. Getting old really does suck and a 24 year age difference never goes away. The reality of it all is there, but here and now I can't complain. I can't see myself doing any better at this point--throwing away a pearl. Yes, she's 40, but she's mighty fine for 40. And still has her head on right, like she did when I met her 20 years ago. She jokes: "Any bad habits I have--I learned from you." Having spent the last 26 months together 24X7, with her moving to working at home, me retiring and us moving have all been elements.  Pics from us fooling today around while she prepped dinner and then us fixing to tend bar for a good charity last week!
You never know, unless you take a leap of faith!!
You both look great! Nothing ventured nothing gained my friends.

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2022, 05:11:24 PM »
That pretty much describes my situation.  Never slept with a women over 32 years old and my tastes are not changing. 

Curious why you say you would never get married again if it wasn't for your daughter?  Marriage life is not as satisfying as you would like??

Curious also about your comment about the guys living with much younger girls but not getting married.  How much monthly "sponsorship and support" do you think that is costing those guys.  Can you guess the figure?
Before covid, I was making exit plans to go live in Colombia, and holding out hope for maybe something real to happen...   I'm 58 now, and accepting the fact that there's going to need to be some "sponsorship" to keep sleeping with the age and beauty of the girls I've become accustomed to.
For the last several years, I've been doing the Tijuana sugar daddy thing. (35 minutes door to door) Many beautiful girls in TJ that are happy to have an older guy on the side to help them with their college tuition or expenses.  Gorgeous gorgeous girls near model material that treat me really well.  A few of them I've seen for over 2 years.  Simple relationships without any strings attached or expectations.  I figure it's cost me $1200-$1500 per month.  For me that's not alot of money, and compared to the costs of some of my real relationships including my Colombian wife of 12 years, not a bad deal. 

Now that covid is winding down, and restrictions are lifting, I'm again considering exiting the US.  Love to rent a place on Lago Calima to enjoy the lake, and close enough to Cali for city trips. I've wondered about finding some more steady pretty companionship to possibly live with, or develop something more long term.  I figure long term as a couple years before they move on to the next stage of their life.

The only reason I got married and am still married is because I like living with my it is a fair trade off....but for me to be married just to grow old with someone  well that is very over rated IMHO.

How much it cost guys to have the wife experience in Colombia varies widely.....but to live full time with an 8 probably costs 1000 to 1500 hundred a month and  that doesn't include having for her dinner out or airplane tickets to where ever you go.

For a 1000 bucks spending cash you can have something pretty darn nice and they do clean the house as well....pretry much what a live in girlfriend or wife would do...except they never get headaches
 You both know whet the deal is.

There are a few guys that get it much cheaper because they put out hope that they will marry them one day.....but not worth it in the end as it just leads to bitterness when she finally realizes what the score is.

Offline robert angel

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2022, 02:25:22 PM »
The only reason I got married and am still married is because I like living with my it is a fair trade off....but for me to be married just to grow old with someone  well that is very over rated IMHO.

How much it cost guys to have the wife experience in Colombia varies widely.....but to live full time with an 8 probably costs 1000 to 1500 hundred a month and  that doesn't include having for her dinner out or airplane tickets to where ever you go.

For a 1000 bucks spending cash you can have something pretty darn nice and they do clean the house as well....pretry much what a live in girlfriend or wife would do...except they never get headaches
 You both know whet the deal is.

There are a few guys that get it much cheaper because they put out hope that they will marry them one day.....but not worth it in the end as it just leads to bitterness when she finally realizes what the score is.

Everyone should experience children growing up. The laughter, the tears--everything and it's more than imagined. My wife remembers our youngest crawling in bed w/ us during fierce thunderstorms. Now he's wowing them at Microsoft's new Atlanta HQ Azure cloud AI team--after they wooed him. She once helped him w/ math. It doesn't mean much to the boys now and if they're out of touch w/ their parents--so was I at their age. But seeing them grow and launch, helping them mentally and financially, is very important. And at any age, travel IS "Continuing education"

But marriage, and more recently, moving into the expensive house, has it's legal obligations in the USA, children or not. Fact is, she's helped us achieve dreams beyond what I imagined. Permanent retirement in an idyllic vacation place and another home in our names there. This summer we'll have 21 people sleeping there, LOL. My pension only goes up if I go single, otherwise she gets half of that if I die and then this summer, whatever SS might entail. Hell as soon as my body's cold--she'll be back home--- the ultimate lola to nieces, nephews etc.  We pay someone a hundred bucks a month to look after her mom--how easy is that. Sometimes I think about living over there--we'll see, ha. It's perhaps inevitable that one day I'll have to manage "high six to 7ish" figures" and hell, if it was all about money, I'd be all out, I suppose. But I'm not wired like that. Big money, big problems. Get a manager--look before you leap was my high school quote. Then I lead and still have, a rather extraordinary, circumstances driven life. Like many guys here--past or whatever, life's really been an adventure thus far. And we're still rockin it!
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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #36 on: May 25, 2022, 03:47:46 PM »

But marriage, and more recently, moving into the expensive house, has it's legal obligations in the USA, children or not.

I think it is important for guys to know that you can minimize the legal obligations to a wife in the USA with proper planning because I see I lot of guys that never plan on marrying or even having children for that very reason.

If I divorce my wife gets no more than she has now and even less if we divorce in the next 10 years because she won't qualify for child in care benefits nor my social security pension after I die....unless of course I happen to die before we are divorced. Hope that doesn't happen. jajaja

All my real property is in an irrevocable trust for my daughter and all of my life insurance pays out to that trust as well....except for a policy that I have though my retirement plan for 125K that will go to my wife.

It isn't that I don't love my wife.....but rather I love my children a lot more. The wife will have to be very nice to my daughter if she is to get any real money down the line.

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2022, 11:49:33 AM »

I think it is important for guys to know that you can minimize the legal obligations to a wife in the USA with proper planning because I see I lot of guys that never plan on marrying or even having children for that very reason.

If I divorce my wife gets no more than she has now and even less if we divorce in the next 10 years because she won't qualify for child in care benefits nor my social security pension after I die....unless of course I happen to die before we are divorced. Hope that doesn't happen. jajaja

All my real property is in an irrevocable trust for my daughter and all of my life insurance pays out to that trust as well....except for a policy that I have though my retirement plan for 125K that will go to my wife.

It isn't that I don't love my wife.....but rather I love my children a lot more. The wife will have to be very nice to my daughter if she is to get any real money down the line.

How will she survive until then should you die still happily married?

Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2022, 11:49:33 AM »

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2022, 01:17:35 PM »

She will some how have to manage on social security survivor benefits of about  4500 between her and my daughter....both houses are paid for  even though they are still in a trust ...she can live in or rent them out 18 may daughter could move the property out of the trust and  sell them or  just kick my wife out if she wants.

She can work also

How will she survive until then should you die still happily married?

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2022, 09:11:02 PM »

I think it is important for guys to know that you can minimize the legal obligations to a wife in the USA with proper planning because I see I lot of guys that never plan on marrying or even having children for that very reason.

If I divorce my wife gets no more than she has now and even less if we divorce in the next 10 years because she won't qualify for child in care benefits nor my social security pension after I die....unless of course I happen to die before we are divorced. Hope that doesn't happen. jajaja

All my real property is in an irrevocable trust for my daughter and all of my life insurance pays out to that trust as well....except for a policy that I have though my retirement plan for 125K that will go to my wife.

It isn't that I don't love my wife.....but rather I love my children a lot more. The wife will have to be very nice to my daughter if she is to get any real money down the line.

As I recall, you once said you don't plan on sticking around past age 80, so maybe thats part of your mindset. I've been with the same woman almost 20 years and it's been very, very good. I am grateful--if I get another 20, it's all upside. Grateful isn't to be confused with being soft or stupid. I'm glad my pension's more than protected--it can only go up. My SS is mine, as long as I live. I increasingly prefer fixed assets-- futures, more than immediately liquefiable ones. I've had my clock cleaned financially in an economic crash, as well as in a  divorce before--so it's not like I'm naive.

But I'm going be totally objective, my wife has done a helluva a lot for me, in every dept.--more than my sons have or ever will do. As I get older and see where real loyalty and devotion has come from, my inclination is to leave my wife more, and my children less. Just rewards/desserts. She cares and adds value--my sons--who she helped raise, are successful, but they really don't give a sh!t about me, or their mom & stepmom, although we've given them the world. And as smart as they are--they don't realize how if they played their game different, they could probably eventually retire by age 40. Oh well, one day they'll learn.

I'm up from Georgia and in Michigan for 10 days to give my sisters a break, as they care for my ailing father--handling a multitude of difficult situations every week, bringing in excellent caretakers to help---they do sooo much. Then I'll spend a month in Asia--then back to Michigan to help, mix duty and please--enjoy "The Detroit Dream Cruise Week" and visit family. Honestly, I probably don't 'have to' to secure an inheritance, as I am already aware of the structure--but it's the 'right' thing to do. Someday, a lot of money will come our way--after he passes--may it be a long time from now.  And if it somehow didn't materialize?--I'd still be OK.

I'm careful with protecting my overall financial situation, but there ought to be enough for all of us--if my wife left, I'd hate it--but I'd still keep the home--I'd have to arrange an excellent cook/house keeper etc. If I wanted another boat, sportscar--a club membership, no problem. But I'd sure as hell miss her!!

I suppose it's easier to make plans [just in case]--when you feel that women as partners are readily replaceable--until you meet one you really feel can't be replaced--when she's THAT good.

Your approach sounds rather Machiavellian to me. I imagine she doesn't read this (like who does anymore?) but I wouldn't want my wife to know I was 'front loading' a future that could quite possibly turn quite negative. My wife knows my pension and future SS are shielded. She knows the equity in our home was largely established with funds I had before we wed. Not 'common' property.  So it is what it is--no pulled punches or potential time bombs--yet our happiness--our futures, are intrinsically intertwined.

In my experience, you mix blood and money and things often turn out different than 'planned.' Perhaps such 'planning' works in Colombian mindsets--but it sounds to me as if you might be more valuable dead than alive, especially before that child reaches adulthood. You seem to be confident--sounds like using you're using your child to 'hedge your bet', but there or here, I'd watch my back if I were you.  I hope that little girl grows up with values that unfortunately seem increasingly uncommon today. As one Scotsman, Robert Burns said:

[size=78%][/size]Robert Burns: [/color]“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley”. Or to translate, the best laid plans of mice and men can still go wrong.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2022, 09:16:45 PM by robert angel »
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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2022, 12:02:59 AM »

As I recall, you once said you don't plan on sticking around past age 80, so maybe thats part of your mindset. I've been with the same woman almost 20 years and it's been very, very good. I am grateful--if I get another 20, it's all upside. Grateful isn't to be confused with being soft or stupid. I'm glad my pension's more than protected--it can only go up. My SS is mine, as long as I live. I increasingly prefer fixed assets-- futures, more than immediately liquefiable ones. I've had my clock cleaned financially in an economic crash, as well as in a  divorce before--so it's not like I'm naive.

But I'm going be totally objective, my wife has done a helluva a lot for me, in every dept.--more than my sons have or ever will do. As I get older and see where real loyalty and devotion has come from, my inclination is to leave my wife more, and my children less. Just rewards/desserts. She cares and adds value--my sons--who she helped raise, are successful, but they really don't give a sh!t about me, or their mom & stepmom, although we've given them the world. And as smart as they are--they don't realize how if they played their game different, they could probably eventually retire by age 40. Oh well, one day they'll learn.

I'm up from Georgia and in Michigan for 10 days to give my sisters a break, as they care for my ailing father--handling a multitude of difficult situations every week, bringing in excellent caretakers to help---they do sooo much. Then I'll spend a month in Asia--then back to Michigan to help, mix duty and please--enjoy "The Detroit Dream Cruise Week" and visit family. Honestly, I probably don't 'have to' to secure an inheritance, as I am already aware of the structure--but it's the 'right' thing to do. Someday, a lot of money will come our way--after he passes--may it be a long time from now.  And if it somehow didn't materialize?--I'd still be OK.

I'm careful with protecting my overall financial situation, but there ought to be enough for all of us--if my wife left, I'd hate it--but I'd still keep the home--I'd have to arrange an excellent cook/house keeper etc. If I wanted another boat, sportscar--a club membership, no problem. But I'd sure as hell miss her!!

I suppose it's easier to make plans [just in case]--when you feel that women as partners are readily replaceable--until you meet one you really feel can't be replaced--when she's THAT good.

Your approach sounds rather Machiavellian to me. I imagine she doesn't read this (like who does anymore?) but I wouldn't want my wife to know I was 'front loading' a future that could quite possibly turn quite negative. My wife knows my pension and future SS are shielded. She knows the equity in our home was largely established with funds I had before we wed. Not 'common' property.  So it is what it is--no pulled punches or potential time bombs--yet our happiness--our futures, are intrinsically intertwined.

In my experience, you mix blood and money and things often turn out different than 'planned.' Perhaps such 'planning' works in Colombian mindsets--but it sounds to me as if you might be more valuable dead than alive, especially before that child reaches adulthood. You seem to be confident--sounds like using you're using your child to 'hedge your bet', but there or here, I'd watch my back if I were you.  I hope that little girl grows up with values that unfortunately seem increasingly uncommon today. As one Scotsman, Robert Burns said:

Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley”. Or to translate, the best laid plans of mice and men can still go wrong.

Well so far things are going as planned....but it hasn't been easy. My wife prefers life in Colombia... as do I. But this isn't about just me's about my daughter. And I have to remind my wife of that repeatedly...unfortunately. But it does seem to be sinking in a bit. in a few days my wife and daughter will be going back to Colombia to visit her mom.

She can stay until the first week of Aug. because that's when my daughter goes back to school. It will be interesting to see if she stays right to the end or comes back a little is possible that she won't come back at all but she says that won't happen.

Unfortunately there are other women that I actually like better than my wife......but my wife gave me my child so she is here and they are not. Like I said before..... if my wife didn't have my child I wouldn't be's just the reality of the situation. But obviously I'm happier to be living with my wife and child than I would be living with any other woman I can think of and that is simply because I love my child more than anything else on the planet.

But yeah.... my wife would be easily replaceable if she wasn't the mother of my daughter.

The funny thing is you really can't disinherit your children in law all of your property goes to your children equally at death. If you have a will you can by law only give 20 percent of your property to someone other than your children.

My mother and father where both married five times and I always knew I was more important to them than any of their spouses including when they were married to each other. I can't say that I have had any real first hand experiences with relationships..... where the wife or husband was more important than the children....but I understand that does happen. I just can't see myself ever loving a wife (or any woman) more than my child....even if the child disowned me. My child loving me isn't a requirement. Only that I love them.

Most guys find out too late in life that the only woman that has ever truly loved them unconditionally was their mother and if they are lucky their children as well.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2022, 10:10:40 AM by Calipro »

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Re: What does this site need for a jump start?
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2022, 06:21:40 AM »
I totally respect that.
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