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Author Topic: Miscellaneous Ramblings #1  (Read 3482 times)

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Offline z_k_g

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Miscellaneous Ramblings #1
« on: January 09, 2020, 09:02:54 PM »
I really love the Philippines.  Something about the weather, the people and just the vibe of the place makes me keep coming back.  Hellfire, I married a filipina. 

I started this journey over 10 years ago, and making numerous treks from Luzon to Mindanao and everywhere in between.  Its been an awesome experience. Learned a lot, made a lot of friends, a lot of mistakes, but overall my total experience has exceeded all of my expectations.

Most men, including myself, make this journey for the women.  The beautiful brown pinays that men cannot resist and come the world over to play with, love, and sometimes marry. 

The filipina is the prime motivation to move and live in one of the poorest countries on earth.  With that being said, you can't tell the Filipino is poor if you spend any time on the islands.  The family unit and the pure joy of everyday life is contagious and one would be fooled that poverty is only an afterthought in the PI.  The poverty is real, its dire in most cases, but its not all consuming.  Its hard to explain, I guess you have to experience the place to fully understand what I mean.

I've been married for almost 2 years to a filipina.  So far so good.  I was reading today in the Latin thread about a member who has a potential wife in Panama who is have his age.  I am 52 and my wife is 27.  My circumstances are pretty much the same.

When I was faced with the exact same choice, I just did it.  Why?  Well, I figured why not.  Lets roll the dice and see what happens.  Of course I spent over a year getting to know her after she returned.  We had met and dated before, she walked away.  Whatever her reasons, I understood.  Bottom line every woman will find the best option for herself, no exception, unicorns do not exist, I get it.

When she returned (literally out of nowhere and totally unexpected) I didn't put her off immediately.  We talked, started over and after a year or so, looking for red, yellow flags (I found very few) I made  the plunge.

Best decision I ever made.  My wife is awesome (So Far). 

She is young.  We have a 26 year age difference.  All the BS about some younger women have maturity etc. is BS.   The age difference is telling in many different ways.  Its not insignificant, and that age difference is a factor in all aspects of our relationship, good and bad.

But its not a LIMITING FACTOR.  All relationships require work and a commitment on both sides to put in the proper work for relationship success.  The age difference just adds more layers.

The biggest and most obvious issue is what do you share in common with a woman half your age? 

If you are married to someone you are building a future with, actually a lot!  We have so much to discuss and talk about each day, budgets, family, future plans, etc.  I can't imagine a fully vested relationship where you aren't communicating every single day about so many things.  You share your life! 

The American Feminists rail against the union of an older man and younger woman with this BS logic that just because a woman is "your age" then you will automatically have more in common.  Naw, not necessarily so.  They shame any older man who do not pair with an "age appropriate" over the hill, American chick.  Sorry.  I'm not interested, end of conversation. 

No amount of shaming will budge me.

When I was 19, I wanted 18 year old hotties and I'm 52 and I want 18 year old hotties.  If you don't like my flow it then.....kick rocks sister!

Change of direction, some miscellaneous observations

The filipina internet sluts.  Its amazing really.  These filipinas get on websites and basically get paid just for asking for money!  Amazing.  Sometimes they actually meet these poor bastards, take trips with them and give them the GFE.  But most of the time, these guys just send them money!  Seriously!  The filipinas ask for money and these guys just send it Western Union.  Can you say stupid foreigner!!  Wow.

Good food is expensive.  If you want to each healthy, its really hard getting good food cheap.  I see so much processed food in packages in the PI.  The fresh fruits and veggie sections are super tiny in even the largest of grocery stores.  Diabetes and high blood pressure is rampant all over the Philippines, so much processed foods and Sodium nitrate used for preservatives.

The traffic is getting worse in every city I visit.  There is no effort to do any traffic studies and traffic engineering.  EDSA is a parking lot, waste of time taking a taxi on EDSA.  Take the MRT, much faster even thou its super crowded.  I can get from Ayala to QC in 45 minutes on the MRT for 30peso RT.  Taking a taxi will take me 4 hours or more for 1500 peso.   

Cebu Pacific is a bare bones airline, but I gotta love them.  You can basically get anywhere is SouthEast Asia on the cheap.  They will get you with the luggage fees, but the overall value is there when you look at the other Airlines.  HK Airlines is an alternative, but they have such a limited schedule and they are about to go under any day now. 

Gotta get back to work.


Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Offline robert angel

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Re: Miscellaneous Ramblings #1
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 09:42:25 PM »
I really love the Philippines.  Something about the weather, the people and just the vibe of the place makes me keep coming back.  Hellfire, I married a filipina. 

I started this journey over 10 years ago, and making numerous treks from Luzon to Mindanao and everywhere in between.  Its been an awesome experience. Learned a lot, made a lot of friends, a lot of mistakes, but overall my total experience has exceeded all of my expectations.

Most men, including myself, make this journey for the women.  The beautiful brown pinays that men cannot resist and come the world over to play with, love, and sometimes marry. 

The filipina is the prime motivation to move and live in one of the poorest countries on earth.  With that being said, you can't tell the Filipino is poor if you spend any time on the islands.  The family unit and the pure joy of everyday life is contagious and one would be fooled that poverty is only an afterthought in the PI.  The poverty is real, its dire in most cases, but its not all consuming.  Its hard to explain, I guess you have to experience the place to fully understand what I mean.

I've been married for almost 2 years to a filipina.  So far so good.  I was reading today in the Latin thread about a member who has a potential wife in Panama who is have his age.  I am 52 and my wife is 27.  My circumstances are pretty much the same.

When I was faced with the exact same choice, I just did it.  Why?  Well, I figured why not.  Lets roll the dice and see what happens.  Of course I spent over a year getting to know her after she returned.  We had met and dated before, she walked away.  Whatever her reasons, I understood.  Bottom line every woman will find the best option for herself, no exception, unicorns do not exist, I get it.

When she returned (literally out of nowhere and totally unexpected) I didn't put her off immediately.  We talked, started over and after a year or so, looking for red, yellow flags (I found very few) I made  the plunge.

Best decision I ever made.  My wife is awesome (So Far). 

She is young.  We have a 26 year age difference.  All the BS about some younger women have maturity etc. is BS.   The age difference is telling in many different ways.  Its not insignificant, and that age difference is a factor in all aspects of our relationship, good and bad.

But its not a LIMITING FACTOR.  All relationships require work and a commitment on both sides to put in the proper work for relationship success.  The age difference just adds more layers.

The biggest and most obvious issue is what do you share in common with a woman half your age? 

If you are married to someone you are building a future with, actually a lot!  We have so much to discuss and talk about each day, budgets, family, future plans, etc.  I can't imagine a fully vested relationship where you aren't communicating every single day about so many things.  You share your life! 

The American Feminists rail against the union of an older man and younger woman with this BS logic that just because a woman is "your age" then you will automatically have more in common.  Naw, not necessarily so.  They shame any older man who do not pair with an "age appropriate" over the hill, American chick.  Sorry.  I'm not interested, end of conversation. 

No amount of shaming will budge me.

When I was 19, I wanted 18 year old hotties and I'm 52 and I want 18 year old hotties.  If you don't like my flow it then.....kick rocks sister!

Change of direction, some miscellaneous observations

The filipina internet sluts.  Its amazing really.  These filipinas get on websites and basically get paid just for asking for money!  Amazing.  Sometimes they actually meet these poor bastards, take trips with them and give them the GFE.  But most of the time, these guys just send them money!  Seriously!  The filipinas ask for money and these guys just send it Western Union.  Can you say stupid foreigner!!  Wow.

Good food is expensive.  If you want to each healthy, its really hard getting good food cheap.  I see so much processed food in packages in the PI.  The fresh fruits and veggie sections are super tiny in even the largest of grocery stores.  Diabetes and high blood pressure is rampant all over the Philippines, so much processed foods and Sodium nitrate used for preservatives.

The traffic is getting worse in every city I visit.  There is no effort to do any traffic studies and traffic engineering.  EDSA is a parking lot, waste of time taking a taxi on EDSA.  Take the MRT, much faster even thou its super crowded.  I can get from Ayala to QC in 45 minutes on the MRT for 30peso RT.  Taking a taxi will take me 4 hours or more for 1500 peso.   

Cebu Pacific is a bare bones airline, but I gotta love them.  You can basically get anywhere is SouthEast Asia on the cheap.  They will get you with the luggage fees, but the overall value is there when you look at the other Airlines.  HK Airlines is an alternative, but they have such a limited schedule and they are about to go under any day now. 

Gotta get back to work.


Great read--thanks for taking the time and congratulations on your marriage. Does she want to move to the USA? What about you?

Any broad generalizations about life  and the women in Mindanao vs Visayas, Luzon?

You did a pretty good job trying to explain (it's hard for westerners to fathom) how despite the overwhelming poverty that much of the population lives with, that paradoxically they seem so damn happy--they don't dwell on it. It is what it is. I dunno-- maybe it makes them twice as happy for whatever they DO have and three times as happy if they can share it with family. All that it kinda is mind blowing to me.

Funny--with you, me and in the other thread-- with Hector, we ea were 'involved' with a woman, then went our separate ways, only to have fate bring us back together with her.

That's some kind of 'sign' but of course everyone's situation is different.

Call it 'maturity' or whatever, but my wife's value system-- her overall deameanor, how she treats all other people, is remarkably like it was (in my estimation) close to 20 years ago when we first met. She doesn't begin to preach or act like some 'goody two shoes' but she's still quietly God fearing and really does apply the "Golden Rule" interpersonally to others.

While she's had to learn to be more assertive--we joke and say in her corporate job she needs to be more like an "American Bitch" or get thrown under the bus--she's adapted well, not being so much the stereotypical Filipino 'team/family above one's self'--worker ant mentality.

She has, due in part to travel throughout Western Europe, Canada and other countries, become more sophisticated. She can cook very well in many international styles.

My late Mom and my sisters--really my whole family, loved her from the git go and that's 'seasoned' her up a bit.

She sure as hell can order stuff on Amazon Prime and she has more shoes than the rest of her family combined, but she's still all about helping others, her family not least of all.

She wasn't spoiled or a brat before and she isn't now. Sure she told me when I got her Apple Airpods for her Christmas present, that I shouldn't have--because "they cost too much"--but if we won the Lotto and I bought her a Louis Vuitton purse and a Mercedes SL convertible, she'd keep them, after donatinga LOT to charity. But 1st she wants me to get myself one of the new mid engine C8 Corvettes, because she says: "You deserve it Honey"-'LOL (really)

Of course my ways, her stepson's ways--our own rough edges,  have made an indelible imprint on her. She never swore before, but while I say SH!T! and F_CK!!, she's probably used those words less than once a year.

I sometimes say/yell: "Damn it!--"SH!T on a SHINGLE!!!" ---Whereas when she gets really upset, she might mutter "Oh shingles.."

But take away her material trappings, the fact that she drives her own car, that she lives, dresses and eats at a much higher level than she once did, she's still as quick to laugh, (which is infectious) she's still the gal, the one in 'eldest sister mode' who can best de-escalate a family argument or work situation and the one who's first to thank God for all things, large and small.

But then as now, she's no polly anna pinay prude--she's sensual, now more fashion forward, but with out ever being remotely slutty looking. In toto, she's a marked contrast compared to every USA born and raised woman that I know.

I still feel that the old axiom:

You can take the girl out of the Philippines, but you can't take the Philippines out of the girl!"

Holds true, ESPECIALLY in OUR case, LOL

And I'd bet a ton of dried fish, durian, balut and rice on THAT!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline z_k_g

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Re: Miscellaneous Ramblings #1
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2020, 12:26:10 AM »
Great read--thanks for taking the time and congratulations on your marriage. Does she want to move to the USA? What about you?
My wife is from Mindanao, Davao Del Sur, Digos area.  We are building a house (of course, is that a surprise) near her fathers farm.  Moving to the USA is NOT a high priority.  Her best friend married an American guy a few months before our marriage and she still is in Digos.  Not sure what the holdup is with ICE/State Department in her case but we are letting things settle down before we pursue my wife's USA Visa.  Most importantly, I am working in Hong Kong and Southern China so its actually better that she is in the Philippines.

Any broad generalizations about life  and the women in Mindanao vs Visayas, Luzon?

I will post a Ramblings about each area, just a few of my observations/experiences/suggestions to guide men interested in pursuing relationships with pinays from each area.

You did a pretty good job trying to explain (it's hard for westerners to fathom) how despite the overwhelming poverty that much of the population lives with, that paradoxically they seem so damn happy--they don't dwell on it. It is what it is. I dunno-- maybe it makes them twice as happy for whatever they DO have and three times as happy if they can share it with family. All that it kinda is mind blowing to me.

In the big cities, not so obvious, but you can get a hint of the poverty if you look close enough.  In the provinces, its stark, in your face and you can see, smell and hear the poverty around you.

Funny--with you, me and in the other thread-- with Hector, we ea were 'involved' with a woman, then went our separate ways, only to have fate bring us back together with her.

That's some kind of 'sign' but of course everyone's situation is different.

We all have unique journeys.  But hopefully all of our destinations are the same. 

Call it 'maturity' or whatever, but my wife's value system-- her overall deameanor, how she treats all other people, is remarkably like it was (in my estimation) close to 20 years ago when we first met. She doesn't begin to preach or act like some 'goody two shoes' but she's still quietly God fearing and really does apply the "Golden Rule" interpersonally to others.

While she's had to learn to be more assertive--we joke and say in her corporate job she needs to be more like an "American Bitch" or get thrown under the bus--she's adapted well, not being so much the stereotypical Filipino 'team/family above one's self'--worker ant mentality.

She has, due in part to travel throughout Western Europe, Canada and other countries, become more sophisticated. She can cook very well in many international styles.

My late Mom and my sisters--really my whole family, loved her from the git go and that's 'seasoned' her up a bit.

She sure as hell can order stuff on Amazon Prime and she has more shoes than the rest of her family combined, but she's still all about helping others, her family not least of all.

She wasn't spoiled or a brat before and she isn't now. Sure she told me when I got her Apple Airpods for her Christmas present, that I shouldn't have--because "they cost too much"--but if we won the Lotto and I bought her a Louis Vuitton purse and a Mercedes SL convertible, she'd keep them, after donatinga LOT to charity. But 1st she wants me to get myself one of the new mid engine C8 Corvettes, because she says: "You deserve it Honey"-'LOL (really)

Of course my ways, her stepson's ways--our own rough edges,  have made an indelible imprint on her. She never swore before, but while I say SH!T! and F_CK!!, she's probably used those words less than once a year.

I sometimes say/yell: "Damn it!--"SH!T on a SHINGLE!!!" ---Whereas when she gets really upset, she might mutter "Oh shingles.."

But take away her material trappings, the fact that she drives her own car, that she lives, dresses and eats at a much higher level than she once did, she's still as quick to laugh, (which is infectious) she's still the gal, the one in 'eldest sister mode' who can best de-escalate a family argument or work situation and the one who's first to thank God for all things, large and small.

But then as now, she's no polly anna pinay prude--she's sensual, now more fashion forward, but with out ever being remotely slutty looking. In toto, she's a marked contrast compared to every USA born and raised woman that I know.

I still feel that the old axiom:

You can take the girl out of the Philippines, but you can't take the Philippines out of the girl!"

Holds true, ESPECIALLY in OUR case, LOL

And I'd bet a ton of dried fish, durian, balut and rice on THAT!

I watch Youtube and read posts, blogs and websites about MGTOW and Red Pill Relationships content from Stardusk, Human, Paul Elam, Karen Straun, Rollo Tomasi and many others.  In my opinion, Feminists are cancer and the cancer is spreading slowly worldwide.  But, in my personal opinion, it will not take full hold in the Philippines for many reasons (a subject of another Ramblings). 

American Feminist control the politics of the USA.  Most if not all politicians are simply cucks for females and shills for the feminist agenda which is to control, dominate and relegate men to providers and protectors. 

The American female (feminists most of them) want ALL of the Authority, and NONE of the Responsibility, hard work and Sacrifice it takes to make a society functional. 

Life, relationships, marriage and raising a family is difficult enough without then adding the lies of the feminist ideology in the mix. 

I just wanted simple.  A wife who loves me and I love her in return.  You can't really get that in the USA today, at least wasn't able to find a woman who hadn't been infected with the feminist cancer.

I married a filipina because I wanted a real relationship with a loving woman, that's pretty much it.  I didn't want to hear anything about partnerships, I wanted a wife not a partner.  I didn't want to hear anything about the pay gap, how men and women are the same in all respects, the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, #Metoo or any of the other BS false narrative and fake, phony lies of the feminist communist ideology.

For the aforementioned reasons, I really am not in big hurry to move my wife into this mess we call the American culture. 

Just my opinion.

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Re: Miscellaneous Ramblings #1
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2020, 12:26:10 AM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: Miscellaneous Ramblings #1
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2020, 09:02:48 AM »
Small world! My Mother in law is originally from Digos (mango capital of the world) & her family  still travels there. But my wife was born and raised not far from Mindanao's Nabunturan.

My wife's late Dad left a lot of land when he died and as none of her college graduate siblings want to work the land's rich soil ( or necessarily supervise the croppers) it's conceivable that we might get stuck with the big operation. 

Imagine city slicker me, running an Asian copra/corn/rice/fruit plantation, wayyyy out in the stix. Like the old 1970's TV show "Green Acres" LOL.

They recently changed the area's name (provincial) from Compostela Valley to Davao De Oro. There's gold in them hills!

But colleges are better in Davao and most of my wife's siblings went to Ateneo U. there and now live and work in Davao City. Although it doesn't 'seem' as big as Cebu City, they say especially during the work day, it has a larger population.  Some claim by legally declared (annexed) land area, it's technically the largest city on earth.

In the USA, that's Jacksonville FL.

All I know is Davao City feels safer, the people seem more easy going and the cost of living is less than Cebu City or Manila.

We're pretty close to the ferry that takes us to beautiful Island Garden of Samal's Paradise Beach and their other beaches--Pearl Farm etc..They're going to build a bridge also. Davao City doesn't get as much typhoon like weather as Visayas, Luzon- our home sits on high ground, is quiet (well, as quiet as expected where people are happily social) and we can walk to stores or catch a quick trike to the new nearby mall.

Maybe it's TOO friendly might get hard keeping my pants up with all those young, pretty morena beauties around...

We got a good deal on the Davao City house from an Aussie bloke. For ridiculously cheap, we added a 2nd story with a porch/veranda. My wife's sending I guess about a $150 to add electricity to the otherwise finished upstairs.

It's not fancy by USA standards, but it's a happy home that her family shares sometimes. Such a 'Filipino thing'

Hopefully they'll improve internet speed. I know Duterte's all for that and that guy gets things done. Like him or hate him, he's making a positive difference I once thought would never happen, lessening corruption etc.

Davao City is still safer than most USA cities by far due to him and now his daughter, who took over as Mayor is doing a good job also. I think she punched a police officer who was out of line!!

For phone,  tablets & laptops, never mind occasional electrical brownouts, the internet is sufficient, but if online work was my bread and butter, it'd be not so great.

But we like the low key living in a decent 'normal '  Filipino community, not some gated community, locked in with a bunch of (often odd) expatriates.

No, as you kind of pointed out Z.K.G.--don't expect rib eyes and Idaho potatoes there--if you want a USA lifestyle, you can find it there, but be prepared to pay a pretty peso. Even air conditioning can get steep if you like it super cold--the more electricity you use, the more each successive kilowatt costs.

The people there are so nice. I don't sense the racial division, the prejudice that we see so much of where we live in Georgia, USA.

I have told a lot of the black, single dudes I know that from what I gather anyway, I think the racial situation's a lot cooler there. As long as we're American, we're ALL 'Joe' LOL....

If you have some esoteric medical condition, you might need to fly to Manila, Bangkok or Singapore if in a spot, but for us, when we're over there, the gentle happy atmosphere in and of itself is like good heart medicine.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 06:04:05 PM by robert angel »
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