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Author Topic: Newbie here. Planning on going to International Introductions "A Romance Tour"..  (Read 21234 times)

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Offline robert angel

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Already sent you a PM, man. Not sure if you have to make 10 posts b4 you can receive & make PMs or what--some # anyways. We're off to a movie and dinner, catch u on the rebound.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline PaulChicago

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I think I will have a lot better time looking for my match with choosing to visit the Philippines and understanding their culture. Generally speaking the values and loyalty seem to be much more what I am searching for.

Offline benjio

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I think I will have a lot better time looking for my match with choosing to visit the Philippines and understanding their culture. Generally speaking the values and loyalty seem to be much more what I am searching for.

If guys keep coming to this forum for advice we’re gonna have all the Colombianas to ourselves! LMAO!!!

No, but seriously...Jamie’s is a great place to start regardless of where you end up traveling to look for a wife. It sounds like you have a very goal-oriented approach to all this. You want to go somewhere, find a girl to marry you, bring her back to the states, have babies and live happily ever after. Love, romance and marriage don’t work that way though. It’s a process. And even then, sometimes it still doesn’t work at all.  I’m assuming you wouldn’t marry a woman here in the states after meeting her once and only spending a few days with her. Don’t do that with a foreign woman for exactly the same reasons. Take your time. Get to know her. Women are very good at being on their best behavior when they first meet you, but the coin can flip easily when she realizes she has the upper hand. It doesn’t matter where the woman is from if she doesn’t really love you.

From what I’ve read in this thread the advice the guys are giving you is pretty universal. It doesn’t matter which country you go to. I will admit that Filipinas might be a little more your speed culturally but the same rules and risks apply. DO NOT BE AFRAID because of what we’re telling you. Before you go skydiving for the first time you take a class. They explain all the risks to you and how to steer clear of the dangers. That’s all that’s going on here. Don’t decide not to jump just because it’s more dangerous than you imagined. Fortune favors the bold and regardless of what’s being said, no man here regrets going to Colombia.

Again, best of luck to you, whatever you decide.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 05:16:18 PM by benjio »

Offline mambocowboy

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If guys keep coming to this forum for advice we’re gonna have all the Colombianas to ourselves! LMAO!!!

No, but seriously...Jamie’s is a great place to start regardless of where you end up traveling to look for a wife. It sounds like you have a very goal-oriented approach to all this. You want to go somewhere, find a girl to marry you, bring her back to the states, have babies and live happily ever after. Love, romance and marriage don’t work that way though. It’s a process. And even then, sometimes it still doesn’t work at all.  I’m assuming you wouldn’t marry a woman here in the states after meeting her once and only spending a few days with her. Don’t do that with a foreign woman for exactly the same reasons. Take your time. Get to know her. Women are very good at being on their best behavior when they first meet you, but the coin can flip easily when she realizes she has the upper hand. It doesn’t matter where the woman is from if she doesn’t really love you.

From what I’ve read in this thread the advice the guys are giving you is pretty universal. It doesn’t matter which country you go to. I will admit that Filipinas might be a little more your speed culturally but the same rules and risks apply. DO NOT BE AFRAID because of what we’re telling you. Before you go skydiving for the first time you take a class. They explain all the risks to you and how to steer clear of the dangers. That’s all that’s going on here. Don’t decide not to jump just because it’s more dangerous than you imagined. Fortune favors the bold and regardless of what’s being said, no man here regrets going to Colombia.

Again, best of luck to you, whatever you decide.
The same risks exist in bringing a Filipina here for marriage as bringing a Colombiana.  Very true...

Offline robert angel

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Thank you very much Robert!!! If you could please can you DM me maybe your email or anything that I can message you through. It would be greatly appreciated!

LOL--Paul---Here's a copy  what I tried sending to you in PM about 4 hours ago.

I'm trying not to pitch too hard for Filipinas in the Latin Forum!

>>>Howdy Paul,

Did you ever consider Asia--The Philippines?  I dated plenty of Latinas and three of my Uncles were married to such, so I grew up a bit around their 'kisses and hand grenades' marriages. They treated me royally and for my Uncles, when it was good, it was great and when it was bad, it was awful.

I prefer a bit more 'In the middle' of all that...

Filipinas have all kinds of looks --from pure white Spaniard "Paisa," look, w/ milky colored skin, to morenas, to chinky Chinese looking. There's slinky slim, to full figured. Most Latinas--as w/ most women, tend to 'chunk out' more by age 30.

And a whole lot of Filipinas like Colombianas, not only view intimacy not just as a given obligation, but as something they love.

If you're lucky enough to meet a gal's Mom--that (as well as meeting her Dad/family/friends) that can tell you a lot about her now, as well as possibly down the road, as she matures.

There's no crystal ball, but if she has her head and value system screwed down pretty tight now, your odds are better later.

Evaluate people on what they ARE now, not on perceived 'potential'

The 'tens' the stunners, have no problem attracting suitors, so get in line if you dare....

Either way, they look great by our side.

But more often than not, re. the Filipinas I think they don't tend to have all the dramas, the generations of dysfunctional family dynamics--incest, substance abuse, of being demeaned and beaten down by life as  women from Latin A. nations might--not to say the Philippines isn't largely poor and at all immune from the 'damaged goods' women issue....but I'd guess that they don't tend  to follow/copy the 'male bad dog side' --probably not as prone to (culturally) fooling around behind their husband's backs like the guys in the Philippines and Colombia do to the women.

There's plenty of horny women and 'fooling around' everywhere---but I don't think there's as much 'tit for tat' --  revenge or lust run amuck in some cultures as in others....

If I were in your shoes, I'd hella sure still go down to Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and more--and you can initially explore from home 1st--but having done that and 'had my fun' I'd then rethink long and hard about exactly what kind of woman I (hopefully) want to come home to each night to...

Now--that's just me----I'd just need a whip and a chair to macho maintain my alpha status with 'most' Colombianas and that's too much effort for my lazy bones--my Filipina wife always makes it known that I'm 'THE man'-- I think most guys get to a point in life before too long where good loving and less drama is the 'sweet spot'

I mean, yes, they're hotter than hell--by all means have a look and there's always diamonds in the rough (IF you do a lot of digging), but be careful about what you wish for.

Perhaps the best marriage on P.L. belongs to a swell guy named "Whitey" --a great guy who my wife and I visited with in Ontario. He stopped posting here a while back and is married to a super lovely (inside and out) lady from Barranquilla--Nazly. She's had some employability  challenges due to the extreme difficulty many Colombians experience in trying to become proficient in English. My wife had similar, but not as pronounced issues, but taking classes and a number of years here helped. While Nazly doesn't HAVE to work, she wants to. (and does) Some guys here only speak Spanish with their wives. YMMV. But they're nonetheless a super duper couple!

Then again, some guys DO love the dynamics that I don't. Some of the horn dogs here just seem to love the 'fight and then make up sex' dynamic--the highs balance out their lows, I guess.

But women are women, with variables all over the chart in every place and way, so here or there, again--your mileage may vary.

So try and figure out WHAT you want from a woman and relationship (homemaker, English fluent, education level, employable, personality type?) decide which of those characteristics ARE DEAL BREAKERS, and which you can be more flexible on. And look out for RED FLAGS, such as being unstable, unrealistic, overly needy, money grubbing gold digger, psycho, bi polar etc.

Of course you have to date and sample the populations before you can make an intelligent decision.

But that oughta be FUN!

Bet we are, but hope we're not totally over loading you--don't worry about replying--we'll probably be here when you need us!

Best to ya,


Really I feel that there are GREAT, ultra satisfying women all OVER the planet--In all sizes, shapes and colors. It's just hard to sort em out, figuring what best suits our temperament.

Even IF the old saying: "So many women, so little time" still applies!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline robert angel

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Here's what I'm talking about from a few moments ago....I have a lot of difficulty loading pics!

I'm starting to think she likes me!!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 07:21:24 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline Oiga!

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Yes absolutely cross single mothers off the list at Jamies no matter how hot they are. There are plenty of other young beautiful chicas to choose from. If you meet one on this trip that really floats your boat then plan on making repeated trips to Colombia within the next six months to visit with her, meet her family and take her places the two of you enjoy. It may be cumbersome, costly and a problem for you at work but it's really the only way to go if you're actually looking for a wife. If you just want recreation then skip everything I said above and just enjoy.

Offline mambocowboy

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Yes absolutely cross single mothers off the list at Jamies no matter how hot they are. There are plenty of other young beautiful chicas to choose from. If you meet one on this trip that really floats your boat then plan on making repeated trips to Colombia within the next six months to visit with her, meet her family and take her places the two of you enjoy. It may be cumbersome, costly and a problem for you at work but it's really the only way to go if you're actually looking for a wife. If you just want recreation then skip everything I said above and just enjoy.
We're wasting our breath. He's already moved on from Colombia to the PI due to Rob lol...can't say I blame him, Rob does seem to have the perfect wife...

Offline Oiga!

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Thanks I missed that. Well may his search bear fruit. For me there is no ethnicity world wide that floats my boat more than the chicas "indias" of Colombia.

Offline PaulChicago

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I am starting to think that I will have a much better experience and hopefully find what I am looking for by searching more through the Philippines culture and from Filipino women.

Is there any service or agency that is highly recommended like Jamie's International Introductions for the Philippines and finding Filipino women.

Offline Elexpatriado

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I am starting to think that I will have a much better experience and hopefully find what I am looking for by searching more through the Philippines culture and from Filipino women.

Is there any service or agency that is highly recommended like Jamie's International Introductions for the Philippines and finding Filipino women.

Filipinas are for guys over 80.

Go to Colombia but take your time and have fun.

Offline Hector_Lavoe

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I am starting to think that I will have a much better experience and hopefully find what I am looking for by searching more through the Philippines culture and from Filipino women.

I have always been attracted to Filipinas. That said, Colombia is loaded with hot women and nothing floats my boat quite like a hot Latina. To each their own. One thing to consider:

-Distance: Colombia is a much shorter plane ride from the USA (which is where I assume you live). Easier to fly back and forth multiple times. The Phillipines is a long trek.

Offline benjio

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I have always been attracted to Filipinas. That said, Colombia is loaded with hot women and nothing floats my boat quite like a hot Latina. To each their own. One thing to consider:

-Distance: Colombia is a much shorter plane ride from the USA (which is where I assume you live). Easier to fly back and forth multiple times. The Phillipines is a long trek.

Not to mention travel costs. Using the Hopper app, my last two flights to Barranquilla (both this year) were both under $550. My father just married a woman from the Philippines (he is 67, his new wife is 32) and the least he has paid is $800 to get back over there. It adds up fast for a man trying to court a woman overseas.

Offline mambocowboy

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Not to mention travel costs. Using the Hopper app, my last two flights to Barranquilla (both this year) were both under $550. My father just married a woman from the Philippines (he is 67, his new wife is 32) and the least he has paid is $800 to get back over there. It adds up fast for a man trying to court a woman overseas.
Sounds like your pops is living large with such a young wife. He will have plenty of haters in the US I am sure. but he must be pretty secure in himself to have a wife so much younger...

Offline benjio

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Sounds like your pops is living large with such a young wife. He will have plenty of haters in the US I am sure. but he must be pretty secure in himself to have a wife so much younger...

I have a 3 year old and a 5 day old sisters. Pretty sure her having the 1st daughter is the only reason he brought her here.

Offline robert angel

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Filipinas are for guys over 80.

Go to Colombia but take your time and have fun.

I'm afraid that some guys would be malcontents at any age, in any nation.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline robert angel

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Not to mention travel costs. Using the Hopper app, my last two flights to Barranquilla (both this year) were both under $550. My father just married a woman from the Philippines (he is 67, his new wife is 32) and the least he has paid is $800 to get back over there. It adds up fast for a man trying to court a woman overseas.

If the travel cost doesn't kill you, the amount of time in the air, combined with all the points you have to stop and transfer -- all that hassle, does.

Thirty, even 40 hours just from the USA's east coast to Manila, isn't unusual. 

Then our house is 7000 islands south of Manila and has a 360 degree different vibe than Manila's. That's two or three more hours flight away and maybe a change from international luggage allowance to domestic.

I think our record time in flight to and fro is 25 hours. (East coast)

The average USA visitors demographic is all over. With arguably the worlds best surfing beaches, over a 100 million mostly young, happy Filipinos, you see a LOT of young people flocking there from all over.

Hippie, Zen minded surfers, moneyed 'trustifarians' jet setters, guys living decently just off their USA Social Security income and folks like Bill Gates and his family, all love it there.

It's almost weird how damn happy people are there. Social and friendly. Time is different too. It's hard to describe.

They have cities and resorts with Five Star sophistication (and prices) but the essence, the heart of the people, is elsewhere--amongst the 7000+ islands apart from the islands of Luzon (Manila/Angeles City) and Cebu (Cebu City).

But to visit and stay a while with the 'regular folks' gives me a major transfusion of "Be Positive" blood.

All the stuff that seems to matter so much in the USA sort of fades away. While I do come back and appreciate life in the USA more, (bacon cheese burger, STAT!) I again just can't wrap my head around exactly why they're so damn happy, nice and real over there.

It doesn't hurt that a walk around, never mind a trip to the mall (whoah) has beautiful babes checking you out, their bright white smiles, morena skin and eyes like sparkling black diamonds.

But yeah, getting there sure is a bitch!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 03:52:50 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Not to mention travel costs. Using the Hopper app, my last two flights to Barranquilla (both this year) were both under $550. My father just married a woman from the Philippines (he is 67, his new wife is 32) and the least he has paid is $800 to get back over there. It adds up fast for a man trying to court a woman overseas.

Like Mambo said, kudos to your dad with the 35 year age gap with his filipina wife!  I love Latinas but Filipina and Thai women are also really hot in my book.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 03:58:48 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

Offline robert angel

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I am starting to think that I will have a much better experience and hopefully find what I am looking for by searching more through the Philippines culture and from Filipino women.

Is there any service or agency that is highly recommended like Jamie's International Introductions for the Philippines and finding Filipino women.

If I were you at your age, I would still go to Colombia too. Perhaps for 2 or 3 weeks+ and if and when you (hopefully) visit the Philippines, for at least three weeks.

Easy to say--in our rat race world, not enough people, especially people of prime working age, have much time.

I think in France, everyone has six weeks off by law. Police sometimes stand outside work entrances to make sure people/companies, don't break the law by 'taking work home.'

Anywhere you go, try and cultivate relationships with a number of actual people you can meet face to face with first.

Hate to admit it, but even when I had a pretty clear "Woman #1", I still had pics, profiles and phone numbers of other women, "just in case."

And never mind how expensive and how many hours the flights took (and I was raising two active young sons on a rather modest income) I made (long/expensive) multiple trips, most unsuccessful.

That was before finally realizing that one lady I left behind on line--we'd  never physically met yet, despite daily contact, was still there for me--a good friend and  that she was THE one,  I finally figured---MY wife today.

And it was terribly nice of Mambo to point out my wife sounds kinda perfect. She'd cringe at the compliment, but honestly for who and what she is, she's practically perfect for me in this crazy internet/materialism/fashion obsessed world, she's got balance.

But never mind all those bolocks, what's really important is that she pretends that I'M almost perfect!!!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 06:42:42 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline mambocowboy

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Like Mambo said, kudos to your dad with the 35 year age gap with his filipina wife!  I love Latinas but Filipina and Thai women are also really hot in my book.
+1 to that!

Offline PaulChicago

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I am absolutely going to Colombia within the next 6 months. Looking forward to meeting the girls Jamie will introduce me to.

Offline robert angel

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I am absolutely going to Colombia within the next 6 months. Looking forward to meeting the girls Jamie will introduce me to.

Atta Boy----BATTER UP!!!

This will make me look like a dated dinosaur (and I never had to pay for sex) but this tune resonates in my travel philosophy!!

At age 30, the world's your fecking oyster Paul. Why not have a dozen?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 08:08:47 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline mambocowboy

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I am absolutely going to Colombia within the next 6 months. Looking forward to meeting the girls Jamie will introduce me to.
Time to start in on Spanish!

Offline Hector_Lavoe

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I am absolutely going to Colombia within the next 6 months. Looking forward to meeting the girls Jamie will introduce me to.

As Mambocowby suggested, start working on your Spanish. Yes, Jamie will provide translation services. But you will be much better off in terms of making decisions and interacting with women down there if you have some Spanish under your belt.

A clear advantage of the Phillipines is how widespread English is there. Not the case in Colombia.

It takes 10 posts for you to PM somebody. You are almost there.

Good luck!

Offline benjio

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As Mambocowby suggested, start working on your Spanish. Yes, Jamie will provide translation services. But you will be much better off in terms of making decisions and interacting with women...

Good luck!

How quickly you can pick Spanish up can’t be stressed enough. You’ll obviously need translators during your first go at it and they are an invaluable resource. Not only are they translating what you and your date are saying to each other, but they’re women who know how to read the subtle nonverbal cues of other women. Usually they can very quickly ascertain whether a girl is truly interested in you. Younger Colombianas WILL NOT outright reject you to your face. The honest ones will just ghost you. The dishonest ones might use you for a few free meals at a restaurant and ask for financial favors before you realize she has no romantic interest.

If and when you do find a Colombiana that’s genuinely interested, communication will be key. You both need to get a good understanding of the types of people you are and your expectations with respect to relationships, marriage and children. These types of conversations can get extremely uncomfortable when a 3rd party is involved. Then there’s also the romance factor...I mean, how intimate can you get with a girl when there’s always another one there that knows everything both of you are saying to each other? That is unless they’re into each other.... 8)


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