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Offline robert angel

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Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« on: February 22, 2019, 08:46:06 PM »
We now interrupt PL's usual tawdry (but useful and interesting) "Mudd Report" for some local, breaking news...

77 year old, multibillionaire, Robert Kraft, owner of Super Bowl NFL Patriots, was said to have been caught twice on video tape at a sleazy strip mall Chinese 'massage' parlor, negotiating paying some poor Chinese girls to hopefully make sure the movies had a, ummm, "happy ending"--- but ended up instead being charged with two counts of "soliciting prostitution" from girls allegedly being held captive, soley for sexploitation purposes.

Kraft's long time girlfriend, 38 years his junior  was unavailable for comment.

Below: Mr. Kraft's long term GF, on a better day....

WTF, why don't they just make prostitution legal, keep it healthy, safe and generate some tax revenue?? ::)

Or at least, seeing how Kraft's worth over six billion and when in that area, sometimes stays at Trump's Mara Lago mega estate, or on his yacht,  why couldn't he arrange a little more private 'room service?'

I've been to enough parties where the suggestion "Why don't you two find a room?" was well heeded advice!

Then again, Amazon's head, Jeff Bezos, worth over a 150 Billion dollars this year, was cheating on his yoga hot n fit wife & mum to their 4 young kids, Mackenzie Bezo. Little Jeffie said "we had already agreed to divorce'  months before I fooled around. But he was flying his Latina, the not so hot taco, Lauren Sanchez to exotic love nests in his 75 million $ jet, as his wife realized at looking at months of their jet's passenger name manifests. She STARTED Amazon with Jeff! Why, Sanchez's Hubbie was one of Jeff's buddies! Actually, they all WERE friends--'before.'

National Enquirer had loads of pictures, even hot texts and shots bezos sent of his cock and more to Mrs. Taco

Vote your own poll, but if single. I'd take Ms. Bezos:

But I don't go out for fast food taco belles, or Chinese women, when I've got filet mignon waiting faithfully back home!

Ya'all can have Lauren 'taco' Sanchez, shown here with her still (legally anyways) husband and former Bezos buddy...

Geeze, if I had 6 or 150 billion, I'd sure have a better security detail on payroll...

« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 09:27:23 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2019, 10:39:20 PM »
Ridiculous.  The poor guy's wife died and he's publicly shamed and charged with a crime for trying to pay for sex. Sad.

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2019, 11:25:12 AM »
Ridiculous.  The poor guy's wife died and he's publicly shamed and charged with a crime for trying to pay for sex. Sad.

America is run by the right wing fundamentalists who hate the very idea of sex. We don't need to go to Afghanistan looking for the Taliban - we got our own little Christian Taliban right here.

Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2019, 11:25:12 AM »

Offline Wildstubby

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2019, 12:22:44 PM »
utopiacowbow said:
America is run by the right wing fundamentalists who hate the very idea of sex. We don't need to go to Afghanistan looking for the Taliban - we got our own little Christian Taliban right here.
You got to be fúcking kidding me??!!!! You know what? May be you ought to haul your little snow flake arse out of here if you despise it so much. And as my father, who was a WWII vet and a democrat would say, "Don't let the door hit you in the áss on the way out! Go join the fúcking Taliban!

Offline robert angel

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2019, 11:50:37 PM »
utopiacowbow said:You got to be fúcking kidding me??!!!! You know what? May be you ought to haul your little snow flake arse out of here if you despise it so much. And as my father, who was a WWII vet and a democrat would say, "Don't let the door hit you in the áss on the way out! Go join the fúcking Taliban!

While I can't feel quite as 'pointed' at least verbally in my post as W.S. was in his, U.C., in last year or so, you've had me scratching my head, reading your increasingly harsh, basically escalating anti USA posts, wondering if something/s really pissed you off.

You never struck me as having that degree of an anti USA mindset before. Like me, you've had positive things  to say about Canada, another great country, with a lot of yet to be realized potential, especially in human and material resources.

Just seems like something, maybe it's been brewing a while and the tea pot just blew it's top, but I don't get it--you've always come across as an intelligent, even, big hearted family guy, who's put together a pretty good life in Texas, USA.

I'm not gonna candy coat anything--there's crazy issues left and right, but at the end of the day, I feel for people  who want to work,  who value freedom and quality of life, the USA is 'right up there with the best'-- if not THE best. And I dare say, it sounds like your internationally blended family, based on your posts, it sounds like a fair bit of the 'American Dream' has been a big part of your family's life here.

Maybe it'd worked out as well in one of Canada's Provinces, I can't say.

But I dunno, something's sorta changed with you, it seems. We have EVERY right to our own opinions and I'll fight to keep it that way, but it just seems your opinion's soured a lot faster than the rate our nation's issues have increased.
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Offline robert angel

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2019, 12:00:19 AM »
Ridiculous.  The poor guy's wife died and he's publicly shamed and charged with a crime for trying to pay for sex. Sad.

Yea, but then again, for years, he's had a hot (see pic in my post) steady GF, for years, she's said to be a pretty smart cookie to boot....Oh, and not only is she hot, looking like 'she's built for speed' but she's about HALF his age!

I'm not preaching  or pretending I'm "holier than thou" and I've said prostitution oughta be legal, but that whole affair Kraft got into seems unnecessary and down right wonky.

Being a Chinese 'establishment ' I suppose they should given him his fortune cookie before his dish was served...LOL
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2019, 12:13:04 AM »
Yea, but then again, for years, he's had a hot (see pic in my post) steady GF, for years, she's said to be a pretty smart cookie to boot....Oh, and not only is she hot, looking like 'she's built for speed' but she's about HALF his age!

I'm not preaching  or pretending I'm "holier than thou" and I've said prostitution oughta be legal, but that whole affair Kraft got into seems unnecessary and down right wonky.

Being a Chinese 'establishment ' I suppose they should given him his fortune cookie before his dish was served...LOL
Now that I think about it  the human trafficking part is awful,  these women were pretty much slaves....

Offline robert angel

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2019, 09:49:37 AM »
Now that I think about it  the human trafficking part is awful,  these women were pretty much slaves....

Yea, and not even legally bound, 'married' slaves, with all that "till death do we part" stuff! ;)
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2019, 11:31:26 AM »

Yea, and not even legally bound, 'married' slaves, with all that "till death do we part" stuff! ;)

I mean think about it, 'marriage' is still considered an 'institution ' and a lot of us are 'locked up' in it, too many getting punished in it, with sure fire hell to pay if we try n escape! (divorce)
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Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2019, 08:43:17 AM »
utopiacowbow said:You got to be fúcking kidding me??!!!! You know what? May be you ought to haul your little snow flake arse out of here if you despise it so much. And as my father, who was a WWII vet and a democrat would say, "Don't let the door hit you in the áss on the way out! Go join the fúcking Taliban!

I love how the right wing always thinks that liberals are melting down but to see true snowflakes you only have to watch the False News Network and see grown men crying and whining like little bitches over something AOC said or did.

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2019, 08:55:32 AM »
While I can't feel quite as 'pointed' at least verbally in my post as W.S. was in his, U.C., in last year or so, you've had me scratching my head, reading your increasingly harsh, basically escalating anti USA posts, wondering if something/s really pissed you off.

You never struck me as having that degree of an anti USA mindset before. Like me, you've had positive things  to say about Canada, another great country, with a lot of yet to be realized potential, especially in human and material resources.

Just seems like something, maybe it's been brewing a while and the tea pot just blew it's top, but I don't get it--you've always come across as an intelligent, even, big hearted family guy, who's put together a pretty good life in Texas, USA.

I'm not gonna candy coat anything--there's crazy issues left and right, but at the end of the day, I feel for people  who want to work,  who value freedom and quality of life, the USA is 'right up there with the best'-- if not THE best. And I dare say, it sounds like your internationally blended family, based on your posts, it sounds like a fair bit of the 'American Dream' has been a big part of your family's life here.

Maybe it'd worked out as well in one of Canada's Provinces, I can't say.

But I dunno, something's sorta changed with you, it seems. We have EVERY right to our own opinions and I'll fight to keep it that way, but it just seems your opinion's soured a lot faster than the rate our nation's issues have increased.

I have lived in the United States for over 40 years and in Texas for over 25 years and it's been a steady decline for all of those years. At one time I was proud of both places but now I can't say that. The racism and hate expressed by white people as they become a minority has poisoned the entire country.  My grandchildren are mixed race except for one and even they are concerned about where they can live without being subjected to the daily hatred of whites for anyone who is not white. They feel threatened by people like my grandchildren and truly, they would like to see them exterminated if they could manage it.

Texas feels like white South Africa - the population is majority non-white yet the power is still held by old white men who enact more and more repressive laws in their efforts to retain their power. I have gone to vote and both my wife and stepdaughter were challenged by election officials in an effort to stop them from voting. Only a few pointed remarks by me were enough to get them to back down. All over Texas and all over the country the same thing is occurring.

Offline robert angel

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2019, 11:11:28 AM »

I have lived in the United States for over 40 years and in Texas for over 25 years and it's been a steady decline for all of those years. At one time I was proud of both places but now I can't say that. The racism and hate expressed by white people as they become a minority has poisoned the entire country.  My grandchildren are mixed race except for one and even they are concerned about where they can live without being subjected to the daily hatred of whites for anyone who is not white. They feel threatened by people like my grandchildren and truly, they would like to see them exterminated if they could manage it.

Texas feels like white South Africa - the population is majority non-white yet the power is still held by old white men who enact more and more repressive laws in their efforts to retain their power. I have gone to vote and both my wife and stepdaughter were challenged by election officials in an effort to stop them from voting. Only a few pointed remarks by me were enough to get them to back down. All over Texas and all over the country the same thing is occurring.

With about 4000 posts and a lotta years, I can't imagine thinking: He's lying, he's Bull sh!tting. And nobody can tell how another person feels, that's intrinsically personal and as far as I'm concerned, 99.9% -when any body states how they feel, I have to accept that to them, it's real as the damn rain.You've lived it.

Different source, in some ways similar (racial/ethnic related) but importantly, from the same state, (Texas) Benjio has pretty much confirmed what you say.

Not that I really have a clue, but I'd have thought, I'd have hoped, that as decades went by, things would've gotten better, but apparently not.

It seems people nowadays are taking sides and  more than ever before, are more divided than united, talking a lot more about walls than building bridges and understanding.

When I think a bit now, It's sort of contrary that I'd assume things had gotten better over time in the USA overall. I went from Michigan to Georgia in 1984 and there was racial polarization, hell out right racism in Georgia, then and now.

In places like Detroit, Chicago, NYC etc, places where they're were race riots, people get along much better nowadays.

Where we live, in the 60's and 70's poor, disenfranchised blacks didn't riot and burn whole city blocks. I have often wondered if they had, if maybe things would be better, if it'd been a catharsis, a perverse cleansing, giving them a feeling of getting it off their backs, being more empowered for having stood up.

Take 5 minutes and look up our racist GA governor and you can see things have DEFINITELY NOT changed in Georgia->

""""During Kemp's tenure as secretary of state, his office was affected by several accusations and controversies. In 2015, Kemp's office distributed the Social Security numbers and dates of birth of over 6.2 million Georgia voters.[3] Kemp was the only secretary of state to reject help from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to guard against Russian interference in the 2016 election.[4] He also implemented Georgia's controversial "exact match" system for voter registration.[5] Critics have described Kemp's actions as secretary of state as an example of democratic backsliding,[6] although Kemp denies that he actively engaged in voter suppression.

In 2018, Kemp was a candidate for governor. After coming in second place in the Republican primary, he defeated Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle in the Republican runoff with 69% of the vote. In the general election, he faced Democratic nominee Stacey Abrams. Kemp notably refused to resign as secretary of state while campaigning for governor, a move that some critics claimed constituted a conflict of interest.[7] Following the general election on November 6, Kemp was declared the winner with 50.2% of the vote. Abrams subsequently suspended her campaign on November 16.[8]""""

That's the sugar coated version, edited by his own friends to an extent......

I think this shady bastard took over a million legitimate voters (1.6.) off of legal votor registeries, almost all minorities, made sure there were little or no working voting ballot machines in poor, democratic, predominantly minority districts and a handful of other dirty tricks.

'Politics' Politicians are like diapers. They stink and should be changed often.

So damn hard to find anybody running who's worth voting for anymore. We're mad AND apathetic.

And of course, our current GA governor maintained his Secretary of State govt office that kept him in charge of the entire state voting system, doing all this WHILE running for governor.

Scaled to size, it makes the Russian meddling look minor to me.

Then again, a case could be made that with the Florida national elections, that G Bush II stole the elections by monkeying with the Florida ballots....'paper chads' etc...

Of course, we've never had any Democratic or Republican presidents EVER try and influence another nation's vote or have 'our guy over there' assume head of state, dictatorship,  whatever.

We're purer than the driven snow!

I think more than the Russians, who WERE and ARE out of line, that it was the ways that Trump used the internet that really won him the presidency.  That and hillary being an awful opponent. Never mind as a head of state she used her office as one of our highest officials in a most sensitive office and from there sent highly classified -'top secret' emails on her unsecured, personal email.

Why not just send it to the ruskies?

If she were a Captain or Lieutenant in the Military and did that, she'd be sitting in Leavenworth Federal Prison right now. And I'm an independent who will vote Democrat some elections.

So yes even as you say it, I can see , relate to what you're saying where I live, in Georgia. Like the time I asked a contractor how he could put a french drain to reduce flooding on my land without backhoe. The prick pointed at some poor Mexican sitting in the back of his truck's pickup bed and said: "THERE's MY backhoe"

I told him to get the F off my property.

In my majority black city, racial tensions are as polarized as ever, but while like before, it's still largely a quiet, toxic under current of hate, but now blacks weild control and it seems for a lot of jobs, positions of power, whites are now disenfranchised,  and it's like some people quietly want reparations paid for the civil war.

"Can't we all just get along?"----> perhaps the greatest statement about race - ethnic relations of the last 40 years....Unheeded.

There I go again, rambling, but:

If I offended you U.C., please accept my apology.

I was afraid that like me, maybe as we get a bit older, you might becoming a bit more irrational, bitter and crochety, as I'm starting to get, but obviously not in THIS case!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 12:11:45 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2019, 12:22:32 PM »
No apologies necessary, Robert, you did not offend me in the least. I know that I have become very bitter about the country, a place that I used to love. When it affects my wife, my children, my grandchildren, it's just too much.

Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2019, 12:22:32 PM »

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2019, 03:07:59 PM »

I love how the right wing always thinks that liberals are melting down but to see true snowflakes you only have to watch the False News Network and see grown men crying and whining like little bitches over something AOC said or did.

Not to worry AOC will.never get in

 Her and the ones who think like her are so loony toon out to lunch types I doubt even the most drug adled millenium would be stupid  to vote for her

Could be.wrong, about thst but I am sure it   would be much more divisive and much.more destructive than  theTrump.presidency

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2019, 09:35:14 AM »
Not to worry AOC will.never get in

 Her and the ones who think like her are so loony toon out to lunch types I doubt even the most drug adled millenium would be stupid  to vote for her

Could be.wrong, about thst but I am sure it   would be much more divisive and much.more destructive than  theTrump.presidency

More divisive? Here is what the country has become. A place where a six year US Navy veteran (my son) and his wife, an eight year US Army veteran,  seriously think that they would be better off in Canada. That is what the seething hatred of the Trump cult has done. It has completely destroyed America as a place anyone looks up to or sees as a worthy desirable place to live. EVEN AMONG THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED THEIR COUNTRY!

A disproportionate share of minorities are military veterans, 23% of vets are minorities now which shall rise to 36% in twenty years. What do they get from their country? Nothing but hatred and scorn from the white supremacists and racists that Trump leads. 

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2019, 07:25:54 PM »

More divisive? Here is what the country has become. A place where a six year US Navy veteran (my son) and his wife, an eight year US Army veteran,  seriously think that they would be better off in Canada. That is what the seething hatred of the Trump cult has done. It has completely destroyed America as a place anyone looks up to or sees as a worthy desirable place to live. EVEN AMONG THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED THEIR COUNTRY!

A disproportionate share of minorities are military veterans, 23% of vets are minorities now which shall rise to 36% in twenty years. What do they get from their country? Nothing but hatred and scorn from the white supremacists and racists that Trump leads.

Well at least people have jobs . Those crazy loony socialists get in and it will end Venezuela..eventually.

Need some one pragmatic, not extremist on.the right or left.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2019, 07:53:12 PM »
Well at least people have jobs . Those crazy loony socialists get in and it will end Venezuela..eventually.

Need some one pragmatic, not extremist on.the right or left.

Immigrants, often treated under sub human conditions,  built this nation's infrastructure. Today, from cleaning restaurants and hotel rooms, to the high tech running the likes of Google, Amazon and Microsoft,  to Nurses, Surgeons and more--everything in between, they're very valuable, hard working people.

My sister hires staff for 8 large hospitals and hates all this anti immigrant insanity.

But the President likes to portray large non white  groups as being full of rapists, murders and gang members and drug cartels.  Muslims get the same treatment. Athough probably 99.999% of them have zero terroristic inclinations, it's never been more mainstream than it is now to paint them all as such.

Historically minorities serving the US Military have died in much higher numbers than whites. Drafted in far greater numbers too.

In WWII, a battalion made up of Japanese fighting for the USA, while their families , sho lost everything,  were locked away in prison like internment camps back the USA.

They had the highest fatality rates and awards for valor rates.

But there's a long, interrupted history of hatred of non white people in the USA. We're just unfortunately in a time where the President of the USA, if my nothing else by his actions more than his often 'couched' words,  basically incites millions to despise and actually increase their hatred of minorities.

If we didn't have enough hate already, I'd think the mantra was "Make America HATE again"
« Last Edit: February 27, 2019, 09:12:18 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2019, 04:35:42 PM »
Utopian cowboy said:
I have lived in the United States for over 40 years and in Texas for over 25 years and it's been a steady decline for all of those years. At one time I was proud of both places but now I can't say that. The racism and hate expressed by white people as they become a minority has poisoned the entire country.  My grandchildren are mixed race except for one and even they are concerned about where they can live without being subjected to the daily hatred of whites for anyone who is not white. They feel threatened by people like my grandchildren and truly, they would like to see them exterminated if they could manage it.

Texas feels like white South Africa - the population is majority non-white yet the power is still held by old white men who enact more and more repressive laws in their efforts to retain their power. I have gone to vote and both my wife and stepdaughter were challenged by election officials in an effort to stop them from voting. Only a few pointed remarks by me were enough to get them to back down. All over Texas and all over the country the same thing is occurring.
Then go! Pick up your lousy ass and get it down to Cuba or better yet Venezuela you un-appreciative POS! I have been around the world a time or two. I have been to other countries where you couldn't talk about how F-ed up their leader was or how much better this country was than that country! I would like nothing more to give you and your ilk a good swift kick in the âss right the hell out! Better yet, you are so close, go live in Mexico! Stay there! I've seen too many pansy-asses like you bitch, moan and go to another country which they think is better, only to return with their tail between their legs! The USA has its issues, but I think it is far better than any other country out there. So go!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET YOUR ASS GOING!
To the rest of you, sorry for the rant. I can't stand un-appreciative people that think where they live is the cultural center of the universe and everyone should genuflect before them. This isn't a right or left issue. This is an American issue!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2019, 07:28:38 PM »
Utopian cowboy said:Then go! Pick up your lousy ass and get it down to Cuba or better yet Venezuela you un-appreciative POS! I have been around the world a time or two. I have been to other countries where you couldn't talk about how F-ed up their leader was or how much better this country was than that country! I would like nothing more to give you and your ilk a good swift kick in the âss right the hell out! Better yet, you are so close, go live in Mexico! Stay there! I've seen too many pansy-asses like you bitch, moan and go to another country which they think is better, only to return with their tail between their legs! The USA has its issues, but I think it is far better than any other country out there. So go!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET YOUR ASS GOING!
To the rest of you, sorry for the rant. I can't stand un-appreciative people that think where they live is the cultural center of the universe and everyone should genuflect before them. This isn't a right or left issue. This is an American issue!

Hey WS dont get so excited....You guys have a lot in common..Utopia Cowboy is a Brady Bunch type of you are gonna be soon!!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2019, 07:49:08 PM »
Utopian cowboy said:Then go! Pick up your lousy ass and get it down to Cuba or better yet Venezuela you un-appreciative POS! I have been around the world a time or two. I have been to other countries where you couldn't talk about how F-ed up their leader was or how much better this country was than that country! I would like nothing more to give you and your ilk a good swift kick in the âss right the hell out! Better yet, you are so close, go live in Mexico! Stay there! I've seen too many pansy-asses like you bitch, moan and go to another country which they think is better, only to return with their tail between their legs! The USA has its issues, but I think it is far better than any other country out there. So go!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET YOUR ASS GOING!
To the rest of you, sorry for the rant. I can't stand un-appreciative people that think where they live is the cultural center of the universe and everyone should genuflect before them. This isn't a right or left issue. This is an American issue!

Apology accepted. Now I'm no shrinking lily, been known to go 'over the top' , in 'attack mode' myself here. And I'll defend everyone here's right to state their own opinions, but 'POS'--'pansy-ass'?

Add some silly cartoons and I don't think we've had a diatribe of this degree since patriot, veteran, and the most voluminous poster in PL history 'Ray' was running both barrels, shooting double OO buckshot posts, with illustrations.

Of course this is 'just' the internet and I suppose none of us should take  such posts TOO personal, but still....
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2019, 08:16:29 PM »
Robert angel said:
Apology accepted. Now I'm no shrinking lily, been known to go 'over the top' , in 'attack mode' myself here. And I'll defend everyone here's right to state their own opinions, but 'POS'--'pansy-ass'?

Add some silly cartoons and I don't think we've had a diatribe of this degree since patriot, veteran, and the most voluminous poster in PL history 'Ray' was running both barrels, shooting double OO buckshot posts, with illustrations.

Of course this is 'just' the internet and I suppose none of us should take  such posts TOO personal, but still....
Yeah, you're damn right! If you want to call me a patriot, a USA zealot, fine! I'll wear it as a badge of honor. I didn't go and put my ass on the line to let U.C. or any other bastard, make bull[snip] remarks about the country I love and defend! They will P&M all day about (insert location here), being (insert unaccommodating adverb here) but what will they do it about it? He doesn't like it here, go over the fence where the grass is greener! I'm sick and tired of hearing these types! Either put up or shut up!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2019, 07:53:19 AM »
Robert angel said:Yeah, you're damn right! If you want to call me a patriot, a USA zealot, fine! I'll wear it as a badge of honor. I didn't go and put my ass on the line to let U.C. or any other bastard, make bull[snip] remarks about the country I love and defend! They will P&M all day about (insert location here), being (insert unaccommodating adverb here) but what will they do it about it? He doesn't like it here, go over the fence where the grass is greener! I'm sick and tired of hearing these types! Either put up or shut up!

W.S., this one's for you...
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2019, 04:34:04 PM »
My dad used to sing it when he played guitar for Bob & Dean McNett!

Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2019, 04:34:04 PM »

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2019, 05:57:41 PM »
My dad used to sing it when he played guitar for Bob & Dean McNett!

'Okie from Muskogee' the lyrics still crack me up--" A place where even squares can have a ball", slong with 'Mama tried', 'Sing me back home' and a ton more of American standards, Merle was a national treasure, who like Johnny, lived what he sang.

Real deal, even if Merle did smoke a lot of pot towards the end.  But he was hurting and I guess it helped...
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2019, 07:12:37 PM »
Yeah, you're damn right! If you want to call me a patriot, a USA zealot, fine! I'll wear it as a badge of honor. I didn't go and put my ass on the line to let U.C. or any other bastard, make bull[snip] remarks about the country I love and defend! They will P&M all day about (insert location here), being (insert unaccommodating adverb here) but what will they do it about it? He doesn't like it here, go over the fence where the grass is greener! I'm sick and tired of hearing these types! Either put up or shut up!

The country YOU love and defend? WTF? Like my son and daughter in law didn't defend it?

Every day I read about MAGA pendejos chewing out people for having a private conversation in Spanish hollering that this is an English speaking country blah blah blah. Yet there I am watching the Liga MX en espanol and sure enough there are ads for the US Army and US Navy en espanol recruiting the same Latinos the MAGA pendejos are cursing out.

I am sure in Nazi Germany in the 1930s there were guys babbling, hey you can't criticize Hitler, this is my country right or wrong and we love it and will defend it to the death etc etc etc. I gotta a good job at the concentration camp and this is the greatest country in the world. If you don't like Nazi Germany then why don't you just leave blah blah blah...


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