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Author Topic: My Journey  (Read 18407 times)

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Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2018, 04:02:45 PM »
I don't know why any guy would freak out over the idea of hypergamy. Would the human race have survived if women over generations of time had been choosing losers who couldn't hunt or take care of their wives and children?

Problem now adays is theoretically  the woman can find the provider and dump him, get half of his assets and alimoney and then go after the bad boys..with the six packs and tatoos..none of which are dumb enough to.marry her..just into the hump and dump.routine...espescially if she is a"cougar"who has" hit the wall"

And if the guy has ,they just make the state pay.

Totally different case in Colombia. In a large sector
of the population the women just get knocked Up by a  loser who dumps her and the kids. Sometimes he supports them , but it is still a messed up situation.

It seems there arent enough non-loser Men to go around and the woman have a strong maternal instict so they get knocked up by the loser.

Thats the nice way of putting it. Myself, I just think they are plain too stupid to make good life choices.

In your case UC your wife is a widow so a totally different.situation.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 04:05:15 PM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2018, 10:33:55 PM »

So at the end of the day relationship wise, its no different from a relationship with an American or western woman.  What's the difference? Feminism has not taken hold in the Philippines, your probability of success is much higher because filipinas are not infected by the feminist scourge.

I don't know much about the Philippines. But is it really that Feminism is a foreign concept to the women or rather that the Philippine men are not a bunch of beta wimps and the Philippine government doesn't actively support single mothers?

In Colombia feminism and hypergamy are a moot point after she has children. No guy that has anything going for him in Colombia is going to marry or even cohabitate with a woman that has another guys children.

Here in the U.S. the government will step in to support a woman if she has children and there are plenty of betas that will fight tooth and nail to support a woman that has another man's offspring.

In the U.S. if the woman is good looking she can take half of her husband's assets,  receive child support  and then marry another guy that makes even more money than the last.

This is something that a Colombian woman could only dream about. It almost never happens in Colombia..... not because women are repulsed by the idea of  feminism but rather because Colombian men are men and just won't have anything to do with women using them.

Even ugly loser Colombian men would rather pay for pussy than live with a woman that has another man's children.

Legalized prostitution is just one of many reasons why Colombian men are on top in their society and why American men are on the bottom.

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2018, 09:56:38 PM »
Was reading Fosgates "My Journey" post a few days ago and was really captivated by his narrative.

So many men go on a journey seeking the right woman, its not easy, its not always fun and its never predictable in any fashion.  But if you find the right woman, the right pinay, its well worth the price of the ticket!

His post gave me an itching to provide the newbies and anyone else with a thirst for insight into the real experiences of men who seek a mate outside of their own country.

I won't be as detailed as Fosgate (maybe do a longer post in sections) but for this short post I will provide some insight into some of what happened on my journey, well.... up to this point anyways...the "journey" is seldom ever completely over even when you are married with children right?

There is never really an appropriate place to start, so I will start with the first filipina and end with my present pinay.  Honestly, as I write this, it's not really a pleasant task because it involves a bit of self deprecation, but the truth is never quite so pleasant and at the end of the day my story may help and guide other men who seek a woman in the Philippines.  We learn from our mistakes and hopefully our bad decisions will not be repeated.

My first pinay #1 was 19 when I met her, together 3 years. Student, nice girl, smart, loving and very beautiful.  We got along well and I was extremely happy with her, I loved her, She love me (at least she told me so).  Visited her numerous times in the Philippines and we planned to marry after she graduated school.  When she graduated, she dumped me.  Just that simple.  She was cheating on me with another pinoy her own age.  I only found out about this a few months after we broke up and she defriended me on FB and start posting new pics with her new BF!  This story does not quite end here, so keep reading my friends.

My second #2 pinay was 28, together almost 4 years.  Met her while working in Hong Kong. OFW, Very pretty girl, mature, loving and ready to settle down.  We lived together and she also was able to travel with me because her employer in HK was super loaded and her only job was to care for a dog!  She could take off whenever she liked and she even had her own apartment, paid for by the employer.  She was really really wanting to get married, me not in such a hurry.  She wanted to move to Canada, which I opposed because I worked in HK and live in USA, the deep south.  I never would see her in Canada.  The Canadian government offered huge incentives to move there for filipinas, including a quick pathway to citizenship, high pay and you can bring your family!  We broke up she moved to Canada, end of story. 

Around the same time I was breaking up with #2, my first gf #1 was seeking me out.  She wanted to get back together.  So, I had no problem letting #2 go to Canada, I still wanted to marry #1, so I let #2 go. 

I got back together with #1, went to her parents house for Christmas later that year asked for permission to marry and proposed to her in front of her parents. Four months later, she called me and dumped me again!  Wouldn't tell me why, just that she wanted to break up.  At this point she is almost 26 years old!  Go figure this woman out?  WTF!  Welcome to the Philippines!

I needed some time off so I was single for a bit, just enjoyed the many many pinays in HK.

About 5 months after I was dumped by #1 for the 2nd time, I meet #3, 26 yrs old, my present fiancee.  We weren't serious at first only chatting and I didn't immediately meet her in person because she was living in Davao and I was in HK. 

After about 6 months of chatting, she went ghost!  One day we are chatting, next day no profile on FB, no FB chat.  Nothing, not even answering her cell phone.  WTF!  No clue to why she just ended all communication. 

In hindsight, we were not really that serious, only chatting, but I wanted it to get serious, I really liked her, but apparently she did not share my feelings, it was obviously not mutual and she simply didn't want to explain herself so she just ghosted.

I went back to the most enjoyable single life in HK, its pretty damn nice so I didn't fret over a woman #3, I have never actually met in person. 

About a year and six months later I am on Date In Asia and I get a random message, its #3!!!  She asks if I am single.  I say yep.  She says I want to start over.  I am like WTF, please explain your ghosting sister!  Long story short, she met an old crush from HS, they got together and since I was just a chat buddy, she didn't think it was a big deal to just end it. 

Makes sense to me but I really thought we had more that just a chatting relationship (stupid foreigner).  This is typical when you chat with pinays, your perception and the truth, the reality, are sometimes not the same!!  I'm pretty well grounded so I felt her ghosting me was a bit harsh, but whatever, I get it!

So, She #3 finds out that her crush is MARRIED with children after a year of dating him (a pinoy) and they break up.  She is back on the dating scene again and joined DIA and saw my photo.

So we resume our chatting after 18 months with no communication! Go figure that.  Things are going well so I am like, look we need to meet.  We meet up and things are cool, we have lots in common and we get long really well.  She comes to HK and stays with me and things get even better.

Fast forward to today and we are engaged, we are thinking of a church wedding next year, 18 months after we resume our relationship.  Time will tell....

As I stated at the beginning of my post, this is just a brief summary of My Journey. 

I really didn't provide any meaningful details just wanted to put my experience out there.  My experience was not very romantic or even particularly interesting just one man's experience.  I don't give a lot of details so my post may not be so helpful in gaining deep insights into the possible reasons for my failures and successes.

At any rate, posts are always opportunities for discussion and comments, I don't mind a robust discussion to help those men who are interested in a similar journey as mine and hopefully finding the woman of your dreams in the Philippines!

Thanks for the report ZKG,   Hopefully number 3 works out for you.  Her explanation for ghosting sounds pretty feasible to me.  Now that you have had time to assess the situation hopefully your judgement is good. 

All in all, it appears you have had some experiences dating and enjoying the ladies.  Probably the way it goes for many men.   

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

Re: My Journey
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2018, 09:56:38 PM »

Offline z_k_g

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2018, 11:37:04 PM »
Thanks for the report ZKG,   Hopefully number 3 works out for you.  Her explanation for ghosting sounds pretty feasible to me.  Now that you have had time to assess the situation hopefully your judgement is good. 

All in all, it appears you have had some experiences dating and enjoying the ladies.  Probably the way it goes for many men.   


Great hearing from you!  Hope all is well bro!

What part of Colombia are you living now?
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 11:39:18 PM by z_k_g »
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Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2018, 08:58:24 AM »

I don't know much about the Philippines. But is it really that Feminism is a foreign concept to the women or rather that the Philippine men are not a bunch of beta wimps and the Philippine government doesn't actively support single mothers?

In Colombia feminism and hypergamy are a moot point after she has children. No guy that has anything going for him in Colombia is going to marry or even cohabitate with a woman that has another guys children.

Here in the U.S. the government will step in to support a woman if she has children and there are plenty of betas that will fight tooth and nail to support a woman that has another man's offspring.

In the U.S. if the woman is good looking she can take half of her husband's assets,  receive child support  and then marry another guy that makes even more money than the last.

This is something that a Colombian woman could only dream about. It almost never happens in Colombia..... not because women are repulsed by the idea of  feminism but rather because Colombian men are men and just won't have anything to do with women using them.

Even ugly loser Colombian men would rather pay for pussy than live with a woman that has another man's children.

Legalized prostitution is just one of many reasons why Colombian men are on top in their society and why American men are on the bottom.

What you are dating is  generally true CP. But there are exceptions to the rule. I do know Colombians who have married and even had additional children with single mothers. 

But the women made sure they treated the men good, and of course in Colombia, the Man, with the económic.power is always últimamately in control.

In the case of gringos , I am amazed of the number of desperate guys coming here and marrying smokers, single mothers, ex prostitutes, ex alcoholic psychotic, harpy witches and the like, and even worse, dragging their a$$ jail to the US because where they come from (Montaña, Texas,Alabama or wherever) the only choice for a relationship are land whales, sheep or sex dolls
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 09:02:13 AM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2018, 09:53:22 AM »
In the case of gringos , I am amazed of the number of desperate guys coming here and marrying smokers, single mothers, ex prostitutes, ex alcoholic psychotic, harpy witches and the like, and even worse, dragging their a$$ jail to the US because where they come from (Montaña, Texas,Alabama or wherever) the only choice for a relationship are land whales, sheep or sex dolls


Not a problem in the Philippines, most of the filipinas are slim and sexy by default.  The Philippines is virtual candy store for men, Disneyland in fact but you can actually marry the princess!

The wonderful thing about the Phils is that if your filipina gf goes flaky on you, even if she is a 10, in 15 minutes you can find another 10, so getting rid of problem woman is pretty quick and painless.

In the USA and the west is that its so very difficult to dump your gf or wife because your flawed 10 will be picked up in seconds and the odds of you getting one of equal value is not so good because of the cucks and blue pills that will swoop in to "save her".

Men that haven't been to the Philippines really don't understand the volume of beautiful women that live there, its really amazing.  Granted that not all filipinas have a desire for a foreigner, the sheer numbers that want a foreign guy and the fact that most are HOT by western standards, make this the few places in the world where losing a woman, dumping a loser or striking out means zilch.  Just move on to the next one!

In the looks department all of my ex filipina gf have been 9 or 10.  I am of the firm belief that there is no reason to travel over 9000 miles to date an average woman in the looks department. 


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Re: My Journey
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2018, 10:20:14 AM »

What you are dating is  generally true CP. But there are exceptions to the rule. I do know Colombians who have married and even had additional children with single mothers. 

I know of only one single mother in Colombia that got married to a colombian man....but only after she had his child....which is rare.

Rarer still would be a Colombian guy that married a Colombia woman with another man's children and planned to have his own children with her.

And rarer still would be a Colombian guy that marries a single mother with another man's children and never plans on having children of his own with her. I have never seen that kind of unicorn in Colombia.
And they are surprisingly common in the USA.

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2018, 11:03:41 AM »


Not a problem in the Philippines, most of the filipinas are slim and sexy by default.  The Philippines is virtual candy store for men, Disneyland in fact but you can actually marry the princess!

The wonderful thing about the Phils is that if your filipina gf goes flaky on you, even if she is a 10, in 15 minutes you can find another 10, so getting rid of problem woman is pretty quick and painless.

In the USA and the west is that its so very difficult to dump your gf or wife because your flawed 10 will be picked up in seconds and the odds of you getting one of equal value is not so good because of the cucks and blue pills that will swoop in to "save her".

Men that haven't been to the Philippines really don't understand the volume of beautiful women that live there, its really amazing.  Granted that not all filipinas have a desire for a foreigner, the sheer numbers that want a foreign guy and the fact that most are HOT by western standards, make this the few places in the world where losing a woman, dumping a loser or striking out means zilch.  Just move on to the next one!

In the looks department all of my ex filipina gf have been 9 or 10.  I am of the firm belief that there is no reason to travel over 9000 miles to date an average woman in the looks department. 


Women in Colombia are gorgeous..way.way more beautiful than Filipinas in most guys opinión.

Its just a lot of guys come here and hook Up with the first one s they meet...just cuz they are good looking.. and are quite often the bottom of the heap by Colombian standards..and I am not talking physically..

After shagging sheep in Montana and being thrown in the "Candy Shop".as you say..gringos tend to think with their little head and are way too desperate and make bad decisions
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 11:07:30 AM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2018, 11:20:25 AM »

I know of only one single mother in Colombia that got married to a colombian man....but only after she had his child....which is rare.

Rarer still would be a Colombian guy that married a Colombia woman with another man's children and planned to have his own children with her.

And rarer still would be a Colombian guy that marries a single mother with another man's children and never plans on having children of his own with her. I have never seen that kind of unicorn in Colombia.
And they are surprisingly common in the USA.

I know of two.. and I am not sure that the second one has a kid with him because she is in her mid 30s.But recently I saw her with a Baby in Facebook fotos..could be baby of a prima. Her previous son is a really good kid, and the guy has kids too.Dont know if this makes a difference.

But you are right. The vast majority of Colombian single mothers stay single. Until they can find some sucker simp gringo or other foreigner to "save
" them

Actually come to think of it I know 3 cases of Colombians marrying single mothers.My ex maid is married to a guy for 12 years and she has a son in his 20s from a previios marraige.

Guess it depends how Long you have been in Colombia  how large a socio económic diverse population you are expones to.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 12:45:18 PM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2018, 03:06:28 PM »
Women in Colombia are gorgeous..way.way more beautiful than Filipinas in most guys opinión.

Haha, ok, I would say Women in the Philippines are beautiful, slim, and sexy.....way...way more beautiful that Colombian most guys opinion.

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2018, 05:50:38 PM »

Haha, ok, I would say Women in the Philippines are beautiful, slim, and sexy.....way...way more beautiful that Colombian most guys opinion.
It's a matter of taste. Both countries have tons of beauties...

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2018, 05:59:44 PM »
It's a matter of taste. Both countries have tons of beauties...
My point exactly.....its a moot point and really not a relevant topic of discussion on this forum.
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Re: My Journey
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2018, 08:43:12 PM »
It's a matter of taste. Both countries have tons of beauties...

And I imagine that like a lot of places, both nations offer a variety of 'looks', including light to dark complexions,eye shapes, straight to wavy hair, etc., etc.

Heck, get down to the brass tacks and the indigenous, terribly disenfranchised  people of the Philippines and Australia (which is part of Asia geographically) actually look more African than anything.

Fact is, especially amongst indigenous peoples of South America, Asiatic blood, more precisely DNA, is part of their being. To some extent, that''s worked its way into the greater population.

In the Philippines, 400 hundred years of past Spanish occupation has clearly worked its way into the population.

Some people have the milky white skin and the equine noses of Spaniards.It varies quite a bit from place to place.

Then there are areas where the language, the regional dialect, is very Spanish based :

"Chavacano or Chabacano [tʃaβaˈkano] refers to a number of Spanish-based creole language varieties spoken in the Philippines."

We went to a hot air ballon festival today, a few hours from where we live---wayyy out, in 'cotton country'---as you can see in the photo below from earlier today. Anyways, there were a lot of Latino people attending and I was amused at catching them looking at my wife, trying to figure where on earth she likely came from....

It's sort of insulting to both groups, but I have heard people, especially whore mongers making their way across the Philippines, dismissingly refer to Pinays (Filipinas) as "Mexicans with smaller noses"

Like Yogi said:

"You can observe a lot by watching"

« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 09:03:27 PM by robert angel »
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Re: My Journey
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2018, 08:43:12 PM »

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2018, 08:46:20 PM »
And I imagine that like a lot of places, both nations offer a variety of 'looks', including light to dark complexions,eye shapes, straight to wavy hair, etc., etc.

Heck, get down to the brass tacks and the indigenous, terribly disenfranchised  people of the Philippines and Australia (which is part of Asia geographically) actually look more African than anything.

Fact is, especially amongst indigenous peoples of South America, Asiatic blood, more precisely DNA, is part of their being. To some extent, that''s worked its way into the greater population.

In the Philippines, 400 hundred years of past Spanish occupation has clearly worked its way into the population.

Some people have the milky white skin and the equine noses of Spaniards.It varies quite a bit from place to place.

Then there are areas where the language, the regional dialect, is very Spanish based :

"Chavacano or Chabacano [tʃaβaˈkano] refers to a number of Spanish-based creole language varieties spoken in the Philippines."

We went to a hot air ballon festival today, a few hours from where we live. There were a lot of Latino people attending and I was amused at catching them looking at my wife, trying to figure where on earth she likely came from....

It's sort of insulting to both groups, but I have heard people, especially whore mongers making their way across the Philippines, dismissingly refer to Pinays (Filipinas) as "Mexicans with smaller noses"

Like Yogi said:

"You can observe a lot by watching"
I hear you. Heck, out here in San Diego we have plenty of beautiful filipinas....

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #39 on: November 11, 2018, 10:57:12 AM »

Haha, ok, I would say Women in the Philippines are beautiful, slim, and sexy.....way...way more beautiful that Colombian most guys opinion.

I am Canadian. De  have tions of Filipinos in Canada.

And I have worked overseas in countries  where they employ a lot.

Always excepions to the rule but they are not my type.

Like I said in anotger thread, the best looking Oriental women are the Japanese

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2018, 12:30:34 PM »
I am Canadian. De  have tions of Filipinos in Canada.

And I have worked overseas in countries  where they employ a lot.

Always excepions to the rule but they are not my type.

Like I said in anotger thread, the best looking Oriental women are the Japanese

Guess it boils down to WHERE you tend to find the MOST 'type/s' of women that appeal the most to you in terms of their physical and general personality appeal.

Around here, I'd guess it's a bit like being either a Yankees (pizza) or Red Sox (beans?) or Maple Leafs (Molsons) - Black Hawks fan (PBR) fanboy....

Again, all things considered, probably the one place where I saw the greatest number of incredibly beautiful women was in the relatively small city of Galway, Ireland. Lots of stunning, long, raven haired women with eyes that looked like blue and green topaz. Lots-very dense and intense presence there for sure. And like a lot (too many and to great an exent IMO) Latinas,TOO firey and emotionally explosive.

That phrase "DON''T get my Irish up" didn't come to be by mere chance.....
« Last Edit: November 11, 2018, 02:54:35 PM by robert angel »
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Re: My Journey
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2018, 08:25:23 AM »
They come in all shapes,sizes, cultures, and attitudes. And I love them all!

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2018, 09:48:10 AM »
They come in all shapes,sizes, cultures, and attitudes. And I love them all!

Sooo many women, so little time....
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2018, 11:06:06 AM »
Sooo many women, so little time....

Rob, your wife look so freaking young!!  Have you gotten the cops called on you yet when you are with her? 

Recent research shows that men in their 20's love women in their 20's and men in their 50's love women in their 20's haha.  This despite the social pressure in the USA to force men to date women at or near their age. 

Bro your wife looks under 25! (Camera angle? Lighting? Photoshop?)

You are still in Georgia?  When you go outside of your neighborhood where people know you, do you still get stares like you are a pedo? 

Just curious.....

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2018, 05:21:54 PM »
Like I said in anotger thread, the best looking Oriental women are the Japanese

There's no doubt that the Japanese women are very attractive women as a group. However I will give the Koreans the nod over the Japanese. My daughter-in-law is extremely attractive and she has two single cousins that any man would give his left nut to be with.

Offline robert angel

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2018, 07:23:38 PM »

Rob, your wife look so freaking young!!  Have you gotten the cops called on you yet when you are with her? 

Recent research shows that men in their 20's love women in their 20's and men in their 50's love women in their 20's haha.  This despite the social pressure in the USA to force men to date women at or near their age. 

Bro your wife looks under 25! (Camera angle? Lighting? Photoshop?)

You are still in Georgia?  When you go outside of your neighborhood where people know you, do you still get stares like you are a pedo? 

Just curious.....


Hey ZKG!---It's great you're back---the Asian forums haven't seen this sort of life in literally years, and guys from the Latin side reaching accross and vice versa at that. Great, well articulated perspective, based on real life. Thanks.

My wife's closer to forty. Over 12 years ago, then P.L. moderator Bob_S was teasing me here on P.L. saying that she barely looked 16 and that was AFTER he and his family visited here in Georgia! The pics I've occasionally posted are purposefully ones that make her look older!

I haven't tried to get her into the movie theater on a youth ticket price in a while, but I probably still could, especially if she wore baggy clothes!

When I met her 17 years ago and married about 13 years ago, she was less than half my age. But thankfully time and Math has closed that gap. It's the only Math I like!

Part of the reason why I held off marrying her for 4 years, was I kept saying to myself:

"TOO young, TOO pretty, TOO well educated, TOO nice, "Someone like her should have children, will make a GREAT Mom"----I had gotten 'snipped' and besides, she had a Chicago Sugeon and a commercial pilot, all trying to win her heart. We were honest, and when I told her about my snip, I figured that was 'it'--the end.  But with guys making 4 or 5 times what I make, instead she walked into a new life as a Stepmom to a 3rd and 6th grader, Boys!  Hypergamy?

Up until last week, she's been driving a 1997 Toyota Camry that we purchased in 2005. Actually, that 97 Camry was built in August 1996!

I had to talk her into finally getting a new one. Hell, the final straw was we road tripped to Atlanta, ate our way across that city's Manila and Korea towns, hit Lennox Square, had a nice room and she wouldn't let me pay for a thing.

She had paid a $100 for another bottle of Dior Eau D Homme for me after just last week dropping $130 on a bottle of Yves Saint Laurent L' Homme cologne. (maybe I should shower more?---probably, she'll get in and scrub my back and behind my ears) but on a whim, I said:

"Let's hit Atlanta Toyota and at least have a look, it's the biggest Toyo dealer in the south, ya never know honey,  let's just have a look, OK....?"

She would've tried to talk me out of buying her even a T shirt, so I had to sell her on going to the dealership....

She and I had talked about a low miles 2016 or 17 Honda Accord EX, but after we realized that they slapped a turbo  on a smaller engine and CVT transmission into the Honda for 2018, we balked.

But I still had to talk her into even considering the new Camry. If not, she'd drive that 1996 Camry till the wheels fell off...

We went in, got a great deal on a sporty new SE model Camry. I wrote a check and we drove home in two cars.

But Mrs. 'A' is also 'Ms. Modesty.' Unlike 98% of Filipinas, as much as she LOVES it, she refused to post it on her face book, only sending a private pic to her family. She was a even a little irked when I told my family, not wanting me sounding too proud.

"Thall shall not covet" fits her to a "T' and she'd rather give than recieve, including to the poor and homeless.

She doesn't HAVE to help with the bills, in fact I have never asked her for a dime to cover household bills. She makes good money finally (deservedly) and especially when her siblings were young, she put them all thru college.  I never questioned her suppport of her family or church, charity. I just ask her not to give money to street people begging while smoking cigarettes or reeking of booze.

This summer, she took her Mom and sisters around the Philippines, then to HK Disneyland and Macau. I was delighted, they all deserved at least as much. She's the one who remembers all my family's B. days and she always gives my sons gifts and praise.

But even before our bank accounts eventually 'co mingled', she was already paying for most of the household bills and meals out. Aside from most groceries, the house mortgage and insurance, those I pretty much insist on paying for, she's really fast to pay for stuff.

Her job covers both our dental and vision. We each have our own excellent health insurance, but she's always healthy, never even a cavity, thank God.

Back to her youthful looks, no photo shopping. I deliberately post only pics that make her look OLDER, LOL.

She just takes exceptional care of her skin and mine too. Good genetics, but oddly, her single younger sisters have gotten a bit bigger than my wife, who's still a woman's size zero. But while my wife's kept her size pretty much, she's developed nice 'curves' --curves that she didn't have so much 15 or so years ago. Reproportioned a little from her vIrgin days, when we first met...

But between her hitting yoga and our brisk 15 minute or less per mile paced walks, and me on light weights, we both try to stay fit. We try and watch what we eat, but we occasionally, like last night--make a half pound cheese burger, hit Chili's on a Friday or the the too salty Chinese mega buffet.

We battle a bit because at home she's always 'tweaking' recipes to make them 'healthier'--- less oil, salt, sugar. She'll put tumeric and other health food 'stuff' in recipes. Last night it was banana bread with cranberries and raisins (excellent) but no flour---instead she ground up oatmeal. Last time, she used almonds for flour. She's great on Italian dishes, but I had to outlaw the green, spinach based pasta!

I occasionally go to yoga with her. I used to go every time--20 hot young women, usually,  2 or 3 other guys there maybe--typically gay guys,  LOL. But at 100 degrees of super sweaty, exhausting non stop exercise,  Im not always going--I'd rather work out with a football team--easier. I drop 4 or 5 pounds of sweat in an hour at yoga. My neighbor, an Army Pilot and grad of unbelievably intense killer "Ranger Training'--HE quit our yoga, LOL.

We try and 'date' a couple nights a week and 'road trip' to Atlanta, Charleston, St. Augustine,  Jacksonville once a month. NYC once in a while. A bigger vacation at least once a year. She TALKED me into retiring, as my job was getting terrible and I could. Meanwhile, she gets 5 weeks a year vacation at work, so we can get away a fair bit. She's never jealous of it, never comes home saying " And WHAT did you do today?"

Her NOT being jealous or bitchy keeps her mind, body and attitude young and healthy.

I've always told people not to let their kids and/or work lives rule over time with your spouse/lover, but I became even more aware and a bit guilty feeling, when I saw that none other than the chief of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, somehow manages two 'date nights' a week with his wife.

Tell the POTUS, she has definitely paid her 'immigrant dues'---worked some crappy jobs-- five years a public school classroom para professional, then five years as a manager for Chick Fil A which started as a 2nd job to the school's 8 to 4:00 grind, working with too many delinquent children. Chick Fil A wasn't 'that bad' but when she went to full time management, it was intense. No holidays or weekends off either.

But Chick Fil A is an awesome, super well organized company, where she gained much needed USA style confidence, interviewing, hiring, firing, managing and the company totally loved her. We'd have a franchise by now if she stayed and they're like mints to make money. But long hours....

But not only Chick Fil A, but area corporations who's employees ate there, noticed how sharp, how nice and hard working she was. The multimillionaire, leading local medical corporation owner, who always ordered the same chicken salad and tap water lunch everyday, noticed  her consistency and 'poached' her to work at his company. There, she's had a great five years, rising up the ranks there. Took a while to get 'up there'-- literally to the top floor, where the heads work, but she shined in every position and it's finally paying off, $$$ wise.

But looks, beauty and youth wise, she religiously uses Korean and a few other place's skin care products. The Korean's stuff really is the best today. For cosmetics and they're also now THE world center (Seoul) for plastic surgery, taking it from Brazil. Look at their boy bands and females, almost every one of them has been 'under the knife'.

She bathes twice a day, applies two or three stages of Korean skin care and then moisturizes her entire body. When I shower, she sometimes gets in and scrubs me from head to toe, then moisturizes me and has had me on an easier skin care regimen. One, two or three quick steps, depending on how I feel. Wish I started 20 years ago.

I use 2 or 3 fast steps, most days, but sometimes just one, once a day, I use cheap but great "theordinary"'s 'Buffet' ($12.99)  lasts a couple months easy ---it's like a Heinze 57 for one step skin care. But skin lotions head to her toes keep HER skin soft, like warm, light brown butter. The Korean stuff is about the best on earth and not overly expensive.

Only in the past year or so has she begun to use any sort of makeup beyond lip moisturizer and even then, you'd be hard pressed to notice any. I kept asking her to buy red lipstick and as soon as we're in the car, she's toning that down with tissue. Classic Filipina from the 'province'

If anyone's interested,  PM me, for about $10  a month, your skin will love you. Women I've worked with for thirty years noticed big time. She and I don't sell or telemarketing anything.  In fact we hate that sort of stuff. Sites like Canada's, also Canada's and some Amazon products imported from Korea rule.  Look yourselves if you care.

But guys, if you don't use skin care products now, START. If you're in your 40's or 50s, a good skin care regimen --and it's simple, easy--will have you looking 5, 10 years younger over time.

Sunday nights she likes to do our toes and fingernails and have us wear collagen face 'masks for 20-30 minutes. Last night, she was working me literally head to toe for about 2 hours. I said: "My toes are fine, honey"-- but she insisted, "I LIKE to do them." I have to let her start at the beginning of the TV game or movie, because she's got me! 

I''m the only straight guy I know with manicured and lacquered (polished, then clear laquer) toe AND fingernails! She gets mad if I even try and clip my own nails!

But yeah, she looks a LOT younger than her age and the way she takes care of herself (and tries to do so with me) I can't see it changing too much. After all, a really nice Filipina a few doors down our street just turned 60 and she looks like a hot version of someone late thirties! (She does yoga every day)

Oh--Z-K-G ---before I ramble on to death----on that Q about possibly  being busted  as a 'perv'--- ONE time....Just after she got here and was scared of all this new USA stuff, she was very clingy with me, it kind of happened. I still had a pencil thin mustache and she hadn't asked me to shave or instilled more modern fashion style on me yet, which DIDN'T help.

Anywho, we were in some "Holy come to Jesus' thrift shop....There was some schizophrenic looking, really beady eyed, weird woman.....This demented  'holy roller' somehow got my wife out of earshot and said: " Are you OK?. Do you need me to rescue you--take you to safety?  Totally bizzare.

ONE other time, at Disney World, an old woman who wasn't moving fast enough in line, muttered an age related crack under her breath.

But the people who count, namely OUR family, our friends and even all our co workers, never. They freaking love, love her and if anything that gets old, often remind me how lucky I am to have her. And their comments are 90% based on her personality, not age or looks.

Not that we really care what others think. It's about US.

Good golly, Ms. Molly...Ya'll are probably wondering  "How about in the bedroom?"-- how about in 15-20 years, Rob?" My wife is obviously conscious of appearances and as to our 'love life' she sometimes wonders if people see her five ft, 94 pound frame and my 6 ft, 200 pounds one and wonder "How, Do, they 'do it?', LOL. Like a German Sheppard and Chihuahua kind of mismatch curiousity, she's giggles, a bit not sure of if people ever wonder....

Well, she certainly loves and expects my 'affections' it's all great, she gives at least as good as she gets, and I just hope that while I always caution myself in the back of my mind:  'Nothing lasts forever', that if, when that time comes, be it 15, 20, 30 years from now, that IF needed, viagara is still available!!!!

PS: Hey, I looked at the pics I posted below (and this WHOLE frickin post 'reconfigurated, arrrgh) and the one of us in the city market square from last week at night (me in the fruity pink! hat) came out weird....not photo shopped, but it was low light. The picture near sunset time from just day before yesterday--in the cotton fields, earlier in this tread, THAT shows her sweetness, again untouched!!!

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 10:02:03 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2018, 06:45:31 AM »

My wife's closer to forty. Over 12 years ago, then P.L. moderator Bob_S was teasing me here on P.L. saying that she barely looked 16 and that was AFTER he and his family visited here in Georgia! The pics I've occasionally posted are purposefully ones that make her look older!

I haven't tried to get her into the movie theater on a youth ticket price in a while, but I probably still could, especially if she wore baggy clothes!

When I met her 17 years ago and married about 13 years ago, she was less than half my age. But thankfully time and Math has closed that gap. It's the only Math I like!

Part of the reason why I held off marrying her for 4 years, was I kept saying to myself:

"TOO young, TOO pretty, TOO well educated, TOO nice, "Someone like her should have children, will make a GREAT Mom"----I had gotten 'snipped' and besides, she had a Chicago Sugeon and a commercial pilot, all trying to win her heart. We were honest, and when I told her about my snip, I figured that was 'it'--the end.  But with guys making 4 or 5 times what I make, instead she walked into a new life as a Stepmom to a 3rd and 6th grader, Boys!  Hypergamy?

Up until last week, she's been driving a 1997 Toyota Camry that we purchased in 2005. Actually, that 97 Camry was built in August 1996!

I had to talk her into finally getting a new one. Hell, the final straw was we road tripped to Atlanta, ate our way across that city's Manila and Korea towns, hit Lennox Square, had a nice room and she wouldn't let me pay for a thing.

She had paid a $100 for another bottle of Dior Eau D Homme for me after just last week dropping $130 on a bottle of Yves Saint Laurent L' Homme cologne. (maybe I should shower more?---probably, she'll get in and scrub my back and behind my ears) but on a whim, I said:

"Let's hit Atlanta Toyota and at least have a look, it's the biggest Toyo dealer in the south, ya never know honey,  let's just have a look, OK....?"

She would've tried to talk me out of buying her even a T shirt, so I had to sell her on going to the dealership....

She and I had talked about a low miles 2016 or 17 Honda Accord EX, but after we realized that they slapped a turbo  on a smaller engine and CVT transmission into the Honda for 2018, we balked.

But I still had to talk her into even considering the new Camry. If not, she'd drive that 1996 Camry till the wheels fell off...

We went in, got a great deal on a sporty new SE model Camry. I wrote a check and we drove home in two cars.

But Mrs. 'A' is also 'Ms. Modesty.' Unlike 98% of Filipinas, as much as she LOVES it, she refused to post it on her face book, only sending a private pic to her family. She was a even a little irked when I told my family, not wanting me sounding too proud.

"Thall shall not covet" fits her to a "T' and she'd rather give than recieve, including to the poor and homeless.

She doesn't HAVE to help with the bills, in fact I have never asked her for a dime to cover household bills. She makes good money finally (deservedly) and especially when her siblings were young, she put them all thru college.  I never questioned her suppport of her family or church, charity. I just ask her not to give money to street people begging while smoking cigarettes or reeking of booze.

This summer, she took her Mom and sisters around the Philippines, then to HK Disneyland and Macau. I was delighted, they all deserved at least as much. She's the one who remembers all my family's B. days and she always gives my sons gifts and praise.

But even before our bank accounts eventually 'co mingled', she was already paying for most of the household bills and meals out. Aside from most groceries, the house mortgage and insurance, those I pretty much insist on paying for, she's really fast to pay for stuff.

Her job covers both our dental and vision. We each have our own excellent health insurance, but she's always healthy, never even a cavity, thank God.

Back to her youthful looks, no photo shopping. I deliberately post only pics that make her look OLDER, LOL.

She just takes exceptional care of her skin and mine too. Good genetics, but oddly, her single younger sisters have gotten a bit bigger than my wife, who's still a woman's size zero. But while my wife's kept her size pretty much, she's developed nice 'curves' --curves that she didn't have so much 15 or so years ago. Reproportioned a little from her vIrgin days, when we first met...

But between her hitting yoga and our brisk 15 minute or less per mile paced walks, and me on light weights, we both try to stay fit. We try and watch what we eat, but we occasionally, like last night--make a half pound cheese burger, hit Chili's on a Friday or the the too salty Chinese mega buffet.

We battle a bit because at home she's always 'tweaking' recipes to make them 'healthier'--- less oil, salt, sugar. She'll put tumeric and other health food 'stuff' in recipes. Last night it was banana bread with cranberries and raisins (excellent) but no flour---instead she ground up oatmeal. Last time, she used almonds for flour. She's great on Italian dishes, but I had to outlaw the green, spinach based pasta!

I occasionally go to yoga with her. I used to go every time--20 hot young women, usually,  2 or 3 other guys there maybe--typically gay guys,  LOL. But at 100 degrees of super sweaty, exhausting non stop exercise,  Im not always going--I'd rather work out with a football team--easier. I drop 4 or 5 pounds of sweat in an hour at yoga. My neighbor, an Army Pilot and grad of unbelievably intense killer "Ranger Training'--HE quit our yoga, LOL.

We try and 'date' a couple nights a week and 'road trip' to Atlanta, Charleston, St. Augustine,  Jacksonville once a month. NYC once in a while. A bigger vacation at least once a year. She TALKED me into retiring, as my job was getting terrible and I could. Meanwhile, she gets 5 weeks a year vacation at work, so we can get away a fair bit. She's never jealous of it, never comes home saying " And WHAT did you do today?"

Her NOT being jealous or bitchy keeps her mind, body and attitude young and healthy.

I've always told people not to let their kids and/or work lives rule over time with your spouse/lover, but I became even more aware and a bit guilty feeling, when I saw that none other than the chief of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, somehow manages two 'date nights' a week with his wife.

Tell the POTUS, she has definitely paid her 'immigrant dues'---worked some crappy jobs-- five years a public school classroom para professional, then five years as a manager for Chick Fil A which started as a 2nd job to the school's 8 to 4:00 grind, working with too many delinquent children. Chick Fil A wasn't 'that bad' but when she went to full time management, it was intense. No holidays or weekends off either.

But Chick Fil A is an awesome, super well organized company, where she gained much needed USA style confidence, interviewing, hiring, firing, managing and the company totally loved her. We'd have a franchise by now if she stayed and they're like mints to make money. But long hours....

But not only Chick Fil A, but area corporations who's employees ate there, noticed how sharp, how nice and hard working she was. The multimillionaire, leading local medical corporation owner, who always ordered the same chicken salad and tap water lunch everyday, noticed  her consistency and 'poached' her to work at his company. There, she's had a great five years, rising up the ranks there. Took a while to get 'up there'-- literally to the top floor, where the heads work, but she shined in every position and it's finally paying off, $$$ wise.

But looks, beauty and youth wise, she religiously uses Korean and a few other place's skin care products. The Korean's stuff really is the best today. For cosmetics and they're also now THE world center (Seoul) for plastic surgery, taking it from Brazil. Look at their boy bands and females, almost every one of them has been 'under the knife'.

She bathes twice a day, applies two or three stages of Korean skin care and then moisturizes her entire body. When I shower, she sometimes gets in and scrubs me from head to toe, then moisturizes me and has had me on an easier skin care regimen. One, two or three quick steps, depending on how I feel. Wish I started 20 years ago.

I use 2 or 3 fast steps, most days, but sometimes just one, once a day, I use cheap but great "theordinary"'s 'Buffet' ($12.99)  lasts a couple months easy ---it's like a Heinze 57 for one step skin care. But skin lotions head to her toes keep HER skin soft, like warm, light brown butter. The Korean stuff is about the best on earth and not overly expensive.

Only in the past year or so has she begun to use any sort of makeup beyond lip moisturizer and even then, you'd be hard pressed to notice any. I kept asking her to buy red lipstick and as soon as we're in the car, she's toning that down with tissue. Classic Filipina from the 'province'

If anyone's interested,  PM me, for about $10  a month, your skin will love you. Women I've worked with for thirty years noticed big time. She and I don't sell or telemarketing anything.  In fact we hate that sort of stuff. Sites like Canada's, also Canada's and some Amazon products imported from Korea rule.  Look yourselves if you care.

But guys, if you don't use skin care products now, START. If you're in your 40's or 50s, a good skin care regimen --and it's simple, easy--will have you looking 5, 10 years younger over time.

Sunday nights she likes to do our toes and fingernails and have us wear collagen face 'masks for 20-30 minutes. Last night, she was working me literally head to toe for about 2 hours. I said: "My toes are fine, honey"-- but she insisted, "I LIKE to do them." I have to let her start at the beginning of the TV game or movie, because she's got me! 

I''m the only straight guy I know with manicured and lacquered (polished, then clear laquer) toe AND fingernails! She gets mad if I even try and clip my own nails!

But yeah, she looks a LOT younger than her age and the way she takes care of herself (and tries to do so with me) I can't see it changing too much. After all, a really nice Filipina a few doors down our street just turned 60 and she looks like a hot version of someone late thirties! (She does yoga every day)

Oh--Z-K-G ---before I ramble on to death----on that Q about possibly  being busted  as a 'perv'--- ONE time....Just after she got here and was scared of all this new USA stuff, she was very clingy with me, it kind of happened. I still had a pencil thin mustache and she hadn't asked me to shave or instilled more modern fashion style on me yet, which DIDN'T help.

Anywho, we were in some "Holy come to Jesus' thrift shop....There was some schizophrenic looking, really beady eyed, weird woman.....This demented  'holy roller' somehow got my wife out of earshot and said: " Are you OK?. Do you need me to rescue you--take you to safety?  Totally bizzare.

ONE other time, at Disney World, an old woman who wasn't moving fast enough in line, muttered an age related crack under her breath.

But the people who count, namely OUR family, our friends and even all our co workers, never. They freaking love, love her and if anything that gets old, often remind me how lucky I am to have her. And their comments are 90% based on her personality, not age or looks.

Not that we really care what others think. It's about US.

Good golly, Ms. Molly...Ya'll are probably wondering  "How about in the bedroom?"-- how about in 15-20 years, Rob?" My wife is obviously conscious of appearances and as to our 'love life' she sometimes wonders if people see her five ft, 94 pound frame and my 6 ft, 200 pounds one and wonder "How, Do, they 'do it?', LOL. Like a German Sheppard and Chihuahua kind of mismatch curiousity, she's giggles, a bit not sure of if people ever wonder....

Well, she certainly loves and expects my 'affections' it's all great, she gives at least as good as she gets, and I just hope that while I always caution myself in the back of my mind:  'Nothing lasts forever', that if, when that time comes, be it 15, 20, 30 years from now, that IF needed, viagara is still available!!!!

PS: Hey, I looked at the pics I posted below (and this WHOLE frickin post 'reconfigurated, arrrgh) and the one of us in the city market square from last week at night (me in the fruity pink! hat) came out weird....not photo shopped, but it was low light. The picture near sunset time from just day before yesterday--in the cotton fields, earlier in this tread, THAT shows her sweetness, again untouched!!!

Good for you. 17 years is a long time.
I never have been in a relationship that lasted that long.

Maybe you are a lot nicer guy than tve surgeons or the.other guy who was after her who made 5times your salary.

But I doubt she would be.interested in you if you worked at Pizza Hut .  Even if you were promoted  to.manager at $15 an hour.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 06:51:10 AM by Elexpatriado »

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2018, 08:57:48 AM »
Sometimes I think people give too.much information about.their personal.lives on this site.

Some things maybe should remain private.

At least with your currency partner.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 09:00:14 AM by Elexpatriado »

Re: My Journey
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2018, 08:57:48 AM »

Offline Wildstubby

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2018, 10:50:04 AM »
Damn! I wished this forum had a 'Like' button at the top of each post like the 'other' forum does. This bit about hypergamy is for the birds. I'm sitting here typing this in my novia's living room here in Ibague, because she won't let me help her in the kitchen. Including the dishes!
Elex: I understand now how you make 'spelling mistakes.' I am using my LG tablet and it is a royal PITA!

Offline robert angel

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Re: My Journey
« Reply #49 on: November 13, 2018, 03:10:07 PM »
Sometimes I think people give too.much information about.their personal.lives on this site.

Some things maybe should remain private.

At least with your currency partner.

You should run face book!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!


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