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Offline Neoblk40

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Latina's in America vs Abroad
« on: June 20, 2017, 11:46:57 AM »
I'm new to this site, and i have to say i love the comments and have gained great and new perspectives on what i want.

Ofcourse the older you get the wiser you get, and that may be a factor in my decision making process. I wanted to discuss the difference between Latin women in american vs. going to their country.  I've always been in the Latin circles dancing salsa, merengue and bachata. I grew up living around dominicans and puerto ricans. I've developed a regular friendship with many Latin women from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Peru and Ecuador and more.  I can say one thing. The dominican women are some of the biggest gold diggers up front. The puerto rican's that i have met over the years are some of the most generous.  I've gone to parties where some of my Puerto Rican friends have paid for my drinks all night just because they haven't gone out for a while and wanted to go dancing.  The south american women (Peruvian's, Ecuadorians) tend to be a bit like the dominicans. They will size you up in the first 10 min you meet them to see whether you will be their boyfriend or dance buddy or sugar daddy. The difference between them and the dominicans is that the dominicans will party with you and use you on a deeper level.  The others would just leave you alone.  This is for the most part and in general.  That being said, dominicans can be great friends if they are in your family circle; they can be great friends too.  But these are few and far between.  Just saying in America they are hard to find, ESPECIALLY, in NY.

After traveling around a bit, i've gone to PR, DR and CR. I have to say, the girls in PR are very nice. DR are pretty nice as well depending on where you go. Santiago they can be very nice and seem to be very unspoiled.  You are not likely to find a lot of prostitution and such there so the girls are more pure there. In puerto rico prostitution isn't running rampant there like in DR as a whole either. As a matter of fact, many men take the boat to DR from PR just to spend a nice weekend partying. PR seems more or less more family oriented.  CR is also a great place to have fun just like DR.  I've been to San Jose and Jaco Beach.  I went to a place called HOTEL DEL REY in San Jose.  You talk about a brothel....that place is worst than the old wild west. Lots of choices there too.  It was definitely a fun time as you will feel more pampered than ever while you play various games there.  The have lots of casino type games there and such.  The women are there for you for sure, but not like you were in a strip club. It's a bit more layed back than that. But you can find a girl anywere in San Jose.  Down in Jaco Beach, we stayed at a place called Copabana Hotel.  That's a great place to visit as well. Lots of girls around, fairly quiet town. We invited some girls to play volleyball in the pool there and it was aloooootta fun.

As far as meeting a wife in these places i can't say that I've ever ventured into doing that, but during my time going to these places to look for fun, i had a sense of the types of girl i wanted for a wife. I know it sounds like I would be looking to wife up a prepaga, but no.  The girls you meet at their workplace whether it be in a hotel attendant, a bank, a store, a restaurant .......I've had great conversations with and gotten to know pretty well.  I just wasn't trying to sleep with them, but those are the types i would bring home to Dad and Mom.  Every woman you meet has a roll to play.  That's why they teach us as children where the Triangle, Square, and Circle blocks go in kindergarden, lol remember that?  You can't fit a square into a cirlce hole and you can't fit a circle into a triangle whole.  If you didn't get that you're in trouble, lol.

Next on my list was brazil, but after looking at places down there in south america and speaking to many of my lady friends, it's become apparent to me that I'm not going to learn Portuguese as i am spanish due to the fact that I already know lots of spanish. So i began my research on the different countries and places and there was Jamie's website.  I thought damn, that's expensive. But as i began to read the testimonies and see the photos of the men down there over time you realize it's probably worth it. So i furthered my search and couldn't really find a website worthy of giving me the insight i needed. So i'm planning to get on that plane in a few months to see for myself. Again, going to places like Miami and some other cities were good too, but i takes a bit longer unless you live there.

To wrap up my thoughts on this I'd have to say that i would not marry a latin woman in NY, maybe i would if i found one out of state, but outside of my country i probably would entertain marrying a woman from Jamie's agency. Time will tell as i continue my journey and search for my wife. So i guess it all depends on where you are starting from in your life.

What are your thoughts on this?

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 12:44:42 AM »
I'm new to this site, and i have to say i love the comments and have gained great and new perspectives on what i want.

Ofcourse the older you get the wiser you get, and that may be a factor in my decision making process. I wanted to discuss the difference between Latin women in american vs. going to their country.  I've always been in the Latin circles dancing salsa, merengue and bachata. I grew up living around dominicans and puerto ricans. I've developed a regular friendship with many Latin women from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Peru and Ecuador and more.  I can say one thing. The dominican women are some of the biggest gold diggers up front. The puerto rican's that i have met over the years are some of the most generous.  I've gone to parties where some of my Puerto Rican friends have paid for my drinks all night just because they haven't gone out for a while and wanted to go dancing.  The south american women (Peruvian's, Ecuadorians) tend to be a bit like the dominicans. They will size you up in the first 10 min you meet them to see whether you will be their boyfriend or dance buddy or sugar daddy. The difference between them and the dominicans is that the dominicans will party with you and use you on a deeper level.  The others would just leave you alone.  This is for the most part and in general.  That being said, dominicans can be great friends if they are in your family circle; they can be great friends too.  But these are few and far between.  Just saying in America they are hard to find, ESPECIALLY, in NY.

After traveling around a bit, i've gone to PR, DR and CR. I have to say, the girls in PR are very nice. DR are pretty nice as well depending on where you go. Santiago they can be very nice and seem to be very unspoiled.  You are not likely to find a lot of prostitution and such there so the girls are more pure there. In puerto rico prostitution isn't running rampant there like in DR as a whole either. As a matter of fact, many men take the boat to DR from PR just to spend a nice weekend partying. PR seems more or less more family oriented.  CR is also a great place to have fun just like DR.  I've been to San Jose and Jaco Beach.  I went to a place called HOTEL DEL REY in San Jose.  You talk about a brothel....that place is worst than the old wild west. Lots of choices there too.  It was definitely a fun time as you will feel more pampered than ever while you play various games there.  The have lots of casino type games there and such.  The women are there for you for sure, but not like you were in a strip club. It's a bit more layed back than that. But you can find a girl anywere in San Jose.  Down in Jaco Beach, we stayed at a place called Copabana Hotel.  That's a great place to visit as well. Lots of girls around, fairly quiet town. We invited some girls to play volleyball in the pool there and it was aloooootta fun.

As far as meeting a wife in these places i can't say that I've ever ventured into doing that, but during my time going to these places to look for fun, i had a sense of the types of girl i wanted for a wife. I know it sounds like I would be looking to wife up a prepaga, but no.  The girls you meet at their workplace whether it be in a hotel attendant, a bank, a store, a restaurant .......I've had great conversations with and gotten to know pretty well.  I just wasn't trying to sleep with them, but those are the types i would bring home to Dad and Mom.  Every woman you meet has a roll to play.  That's why they teach us as children where the Triangle, Square, and Circle blocks go in kindergarden, lol remember that?  You can't fit a square into a cirlce hole and you can't fit a circle into a triangle whole.  If you didn't get that you're in trouble, lol.

Next on my list was brazil, but after looking at places down there in south america and speaking to many of my lady friends, it's become apparent to me that I'm not going to learn Portuguese as i am spanish due to the fact that I already know lots of spanish. So i began my research on the different countries and places and there was Jamie's website.  I thought damn, that's expensive. But as i began to read the testimonies and see the photos of the men down there over time you realize it's probably worth it. So i furthered my search and couldn't really find a website worthy of giving me the insight i needed. So i'm planning to get on that plane in a few months to see for myself. Again, going to places like Miami and some other cities were good too, but i takes a bit longer unless you live there.

To wrap up my thoughts on this I'd have to say that i would not marry a latin woman in NY, maybe i would if i found one out of state, but outside of my country i probably would entertain marrying a woman from Jamie's agency. Time will tell as i continue my journey and search for my wife. So i guess it all depends on where you are starting from in your life.

What are your thoughts on this?

I don't think there is much value in making broad generalizations about women from different countries....because there are good and bad women in all countries.

And as far as Latinas in America vs abroad.....I think you already know the answer....if you could find a women that you really liked in the US that was also attracted to you....why would you travel all over the world looking for a woman somewhere else.

If you want some specific advise on how you should go about finding a latin wife abroad....I think you should start by telling us a little about yourself (age, physical condition) and what you want out of a relationship (family vs thing).

Then we'll tell you what you are likely to end up with based on your looks, Spanish ability and the amount of time you can spend in country.

I can tell you right now that if you can't spend more than 2 or 3 weeks a year in Colombia....there really isn't any amount of advice that will improve your odds of success because you will most likely be limited to using an agency due to time constraints.

And if you are gong to use an agency.....just find one that you like sleeping with that likes sleeping with you and then roll the dice because there really is no way of getting to know her in just a few weeks of face time and writing for months after meeting her will not help much....because any agency chick that likes you will only be telling you everything she thinks you want to hear.


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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 08:42:51 AM »

What about Puerto Plata in DR?  I believe many prostitute girls with dye hair "blond" from what I saw in the DR Cupid site.  I agree with you about DR girls being gold digger / sugar daddy.  When added them in my whatapps lists, most of them lasted up to 2 days before "crying" that they needed my $$$ for "salon"  and some for "rent" !!!

Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2017, 08:42:51 AM »

Offline Neoblk40

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 04:20:34 PM »
Thanks for the great advice guys,

As far why I'm looking outside the US borders.....I am indeed in between leaving NY state and dating in whatever state I move to or dating someone from Colombia in the short term. I believe that there is a difference between a latina or anyone for that matter that was born in a 3rd world country and born in the states.  I've found that the women in the countries that i've been to seem to have a lot more comfortable being a good wife instead of trying to be the man of the house.  There's an unspoken energy that i pick up from a woman that will let me lead as a man in a relationship and those that refuse to do so.

Perfect example.....I had a friend once whose family was from Puerto Rico, but he was born here. He married a girl from DR that he met there and brought to the US years ago. These were the days when i thought, damn, she's gonna leave him as soon as she gets a better deal. Well, i remember going to his apt for a birthday party.  We were all laughing and having some drinks while his new wife was serving us.  He was yelling out how his wife is the BEST in the world. He repeatedly stated that he was so happy with her (in his own way) about how she treated him, cooked for him, kept a clean house and always looked good for him and knew her place as a woman of the house when his friends came over. What i mean by this is that she would let the guys drink and talk [snip] as we hung out and wouldn't try to dive into our conversations and occasionally later on use our behavior against us since we were just being loose with our words....know what i mean.  I think this moment was the first time i considered traveling and thinking about marrying outside the US. At my age though, you can imagine how much resistance i've built up over the years against a rebellious type of woman.

As far as how i look, i'm a black guy (carribean), over 40 yrs old, closer to 40.  Due to not having kids or ever having been married i still have my 35 yrs old look. My spanish is decent as well, but could be better.  I'll be able to speak alot more fluently within about 4 months. As i said i'm out and about in the salsa scene so i still can pull em when i'm ready. I do talk to girls occasionally and enjoy my time with them, but a native girl is still the best option as a wife.  With that being said, i wouldn't totally consider dating someone within my own community or in another state. 

As far as time off during the year, that's a great point that's been on my mind as well.  I can probably get 3 to 4 weeks off per year at a time plus long holidays.  In a couple of years i hope to be running my own business and able to travel and vacation at least 2 months per year off or more, so i'm good in that department.

Offline Neoblk40

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2017, 04:30:54 PM »


Yes, dominican women are some of the best looking women in the world, which is why they are so saught after. Over the years they have been getting very spoiled.  DR isn't that far by plane either so that has allowed many men to easily go down there.  So you can imagine many of the thirsty men looking for love and sex or whatever running down there constantly.  This is also a bad thing, but it's cause and effect.

On another note though, if you listen to some of the spanish music, the women performers sing about this saying don't let the man take away your dreams of independence......Your are powerful.....the best women in the world and that, he has to pay if he wants to be with you. Some of this is said "Literally" in spanish. Many dominicans that come to america come to NYC. There are areas we call little DR, cause it's no different that their home country. 

So over the years i've seen them change and it's given me a bad taste in my mouth. Not all but many of them. Domincan men get a bad rep too.  They are machismo, not what dominican women are looking for when they come over here. I'm only speaking of the typical dominicans here.

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2017, 01:01:10 AM »
Thanks for the great advice guys,

As far why I'm looking outside the US borders.....I am indeed in between leaving NY state and dating in whatever state I move to or dating someone from Colombia in the short term. I believe that there is a difference between a latina or anyone for that matter that was born in a 3rd world country and born in the states.  I've found that the women in the countries that i've been to seem to have a lot more comfortable being a good wife instead of trying to be the man of the house.  There's an unspoken energy that i pick up from a woman that will let me lead as a man in a relationship and those that refuse to do so.

Perfect example.....I had a friend once whose family was from Puerto Rico, but he was born here. He married a girl from DR that he met there and brought to the US years ago. These were the days when i thought, damn, she's gonna leave him as soon as she gets a better deal. Well, i remember going to his apt for a birthday party.  We were all laughing and having some drinks while his new wife was serving us.  He was yelling out how his wife is the BEST in the world. He repeatedly stated that he was so happy with her (in his own way) about how she treated him, cooked for him, kept a clean house and always looked good for him and knew her place as a woman of the house when his friends came over. What i mean by this is that she would let the guys drink and talk [snip] as we hung out and wouldn't try to dive into our conversations and occasionally later on use our behavior against us since we were just being loose with our words....know what i mean.  I think this moment was the first time i considered traveling and thinking about marrying outside the US. At my age though, you can imagine how much resistance i've built up over the years against a rebellious type of woman.

As far as how i look, i'm a black guy (carribean), over 40 yrs old, closer to 40.  Due to not having kids or ever having been married i still have my 35 yrs old look. My spanish is decent as well, but could be better.  I'll be able to speak alot more fluently within about 4 months. As i said i'm out and about in the salsa scene so i still can pull em when i'm ready. I do talk to girls occasionally and enjoy my time with them, but a native girl is still the best option as a wife.  With that being said, i wouldn't totally consider dating someone within my own community or in another state. 

As far as time off during the year, that's a great point that's been on my mind as well.  I can probably get 3 to 4 weeks off per year at a time plus long holidays.  In a couple of years i hope to be running my own business and able to travel and vacation at least 2 months per year off or more, so i'm good in that department.

Seems to me that if your Spanish is conversational and you can meet women on the fly....that you might be better off skipping the marriage agencies.

Yes there can be some fairly attractive women in agencies...but there are also inherent pitfalls with meeting women that have already decided that they want to leave their country and everything they have ever known before they have ever even met a foreigner.

If I were you I'd stay at an Airbnb with an active host that can introduce you to people and show you their city.

I found three in Medellin in about 10 minutes that I think would be good as a starting point.

Sure a host can cramp your style when you want to bring a chick back to your place....but for the first week they can be a huge advantage.

You can meet women while having your host show you the city and when you find a chick that you want more privacy can just get your own place.

Facebook is a very good place to meet women....but at first it is slow going....once you get 50 or more women from the same city on your facebook the ball really starts moving.

Since you are starting from scratch I would start meeting women on Colombian Cupid and quickly get them to friend you on facebook.....then just start friending her friends that you find attractive.

I have met hundreds of women facebook just by friending other women's friends....and at least 50 percent of the time Colombian women will friend you just because you have a mutual friend with her....that is really all you need to get your foot in the door.

Colombian women are so easy to meet online that it hardly seems necessary to do a cold approaches in person when you are out. But if you can make eye contact with a woman and she holds it for a couple of seconds then I she is open for an approach.

Never approach a chick with a guy unless he is obviously gay.

Some Colombian women are really attention whores....and will stare at you long and hard while they are with a guy. But if you make an approach they will act like they have never seen you before....even if they have been staring a hole through you for 15 minutes.

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2017, 02:27:19 PM »

Seems to me that if your Spanish is conversational and you can meet women on the fly....that you might be better off skipping the marriage agencies.

Yes there can be some fairly attractive women in agencies...but there are also inherent pitfalls with meeting women that have already decided that they want to leave their country and everything they have ever known before they have ever even met a foreigner.

If I were you I'd stay at an Airbnb with an active host that can introduce you to people and show you their city.

I found three in Medellin in about 10 minutes that I think would be good as a starting point.

Sure a host can cramp your style when you want to bring a chick back to your place....but for the first week they can be a huge advantage.

You can meet women while having your host show you the city and when you find a chick that you want more privacy can just get your own place.

Facebook is a very good place to meet women....but at first it is slow going....once you get 50 or more women from the same city on your facebook the ball really starts moving.

Since you are starting from scratch I would start meeting women on Colombian Cupid and quickly get them to friend you on facebook.....then just start friending her friends that you find attractive.

I have met hundreds of women facebook just by friending other women's friends....and at least 50 percent of the time Colombian women will friend you just because you have a mutual friend with her....that is really all you need to get your foot in the door.

Colombian women are so easy to meet online that it hardly seems necessary to do a cold approaches in person when you are out. But if you can make eye contact with a woman and she holds it for a couple of seconds then I she is open for an approach.

Never approach a chick with a guy unless he is obviously gay.

Some Colombian women are really attention whores....and will stare at you long and hard while they are with a guy. But if you make an approach they will act like they have never seen you before....even if they have been staring a hole through you for 15 minutes.

+1---wish we had more insightful, informative posts like that here lately. Even though it dosen't pertain to my situation by and large, it's good stuff and interesting at that.
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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2017, 03:20:44 PM »
Next on my list was brazil, but after looking at places down there in south america and speaking to many of my lady friends, it's become apparent to me that I'm not going to learn Portuguese as i am spanish due to the fact that I already know lots of spanish.

I find it amazing how many men rule out Brazil because of the language barrier. The high cost of traveling and staying there during the summertime months? That I understand. But Portuguese isn't Mandarin or Arabic. For the most part the same rules of Latin Languages apply. I will admit there are several reasons Spanish is much easier for Americans to pick up. We're used to hearing it and it's usually the 2nd language of choice in high school and college in the United States. It's always on some TV station or on the radio here as well. If you're not living in some small town in the Midwest you can usually find plenty of people to practice with. But here's the thing though....I've never met a guy that came to Brazil and started meeting women not be able to pick up the language. The pronunciation can be tough and native Brazilian Portuguese speakers have very unforgiving ears. But believe me when it say there's PLENTY of motivation to learn once you get there.

Offline Neoblk40

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2017, 04:02:02 PM »
Greeeeaaattt idea bro!! I'll def keep these ideas in mind. I did Air B&B in DR and i loved it. Had a jacuzzi, hammock disco room and everything. I'll save this post for my notes.  Hadn't even thought about it that way in terms of what the agency girls would be looking for either. Although, I'll take that with a 50% chance of being problematic. 

Well in terms online dating, I've done lots of that here and things tend to jump off nicely and quickly. Two people having the similar goals can have great outcomes. It's just that in that land of online dating its almost hopeless since most people are single for different reasons.

Love this idea though, will let it marinate. The other hangup is that I'll only have 1 week (2 weekends), and i'll want to start in Baranquilla.  Love the costena morenas.
[size=78%]  [/size]

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2017, 04:14:38 PM »
Brazil is on my list, just thinking about Colombia first. I may or may not make it that far though, lol!!

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2017, 05:19:10 PM »
Hey Calipro,

It seems like there is a BIG debate on the forum as to whether you should email, what's girls in Latin countries vs. going to visit face-to-face.  I see soooo many horror stories of no chemistry in person once a visit has taken place.

What's your thoughts about that?

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Re: Latina's in America vs Abroad
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2017, 06:37:21 PM »
Hey Calipro,

It seems like there is a BIG debate on the forum as to whether you should email, what's girls in Latin countries vs. going to visit face-to-face.  I see soooo many horror stories of no chemistry in person once a visit has taken place.

What's your thoughts about that?

I don't think there is much to debate.....nothing is better than meeting face to face. But there is nothing wrong with prospecting online before a trip. I never tried to cultivate an online relationship with a woman I had never met in person. However I do cultivate friendships and let women know when I'm gong to be in town.

Just makes it so much easier to hit the ground running.


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