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Author Topic: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else  (Read 2627 times)

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Offline StepRightUp

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Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« on: March 16, 2017, 01:09:29 PM »
Hi everyone. I'm getting kinda sick of the dating scene here (Northeast U.S.) and was thinking of looking in South America. I'm a white male in my late 30s looking for a serious relationship (marriage). I'm average looking, stay in shape, have a decent job that might even let me live in another country for a part of the year.

I believe I'm a little more of an "old fashioned" gentleman than my peers (i.e. I don't hook up), but I also believe in equality in relationships. I take my relationships seriously and expect the same in a partner. My grandparents were my greatest inspiration in that it was clear that they loved and respected each other and were in it to win it when it came to their relationship.

Anyway, I've been reading mostly good things about Peru and parts of Mexico and thought I would look in that direction. Over the years, my Spanish has gone from decent to terrible. I know a bit more than the basic phrases and would enjoy learning more.

My plan is to do a vacation where I can volunteer somewhere (teaching English, building houses, etc.) for a couple weeks just to check a place out, maybe making some friends first through social networking sites so I know people when I get wherever. My plans aren't much more solid than that at this point. However, I'm open to suggestions.

Any tips/locations to recommend to someone just starting out? Thanks!

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Re: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2017, 02:37:54 PM »
Welcome to P.L.

You are fortunate if you can take weeks at a time south of the border. One week really isn't enough if you are looking for wife material. Sure you can get lucky but a few weeks at a time will give you a much better chance.

Both Mexico and Peru are pretty large countries. I can't speak about Peru but we have a few regular posters who can. ChrisF's wife is from there. JimmyStLouis, who rarely posts anymore, also met his wife in Peru.

Are you an "urban/city" guy or a small town guy? A beach guy or a mountains guy?

Mexico has a lot to offer from large cities to smaller colonial cities. It also offers a wide variety in geography (tropical beaches, mountain towns, etc.).

What are your tastes and/or preferences...? 

This board is pretty heavily weighted to Colombia. Lots of people from the U.S.A. think Colombia and want to run the other way. The fact is it the country is much safer than in the past. It is roughly the size of Texas with an incredibly diverse geography, several cool large cities and lots of pretty girls.

All that said, pick a country that interests you and go for it.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 02:40:02 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2017, 07:47:57 PM »
Think your idea of doing volunteer wprk and hanging out is a great idea.

Re: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2017, 07:47:57 PM »

Offline Gavan

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Re: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 06:49:34 AM »
I lived in Peru for 6 years. I think your idea to just go volunteer and meet people is great.

Peru is a great country with lots of interesting places to visit, nice climate, excellent food (one of the best cuisines in Latin America), fun nightlife and yes attractive women too.

Most foreigners in Peru live in Lima, in the wealthier areas like Miraflores or San Isidro. These neighborhoods are very nice and developed, but also relatively expensive. Cities in the "provincias" (provinces) like Arequipa or Trujillo are more affordable , but not quite as developed. They do have nice colonial architecture and in the case of Trujillo also ok beaches where you can go surfing (Huanchaco).

The main downside of Peru is crime (mostly robberies of all kinds) so that is something to be aware of. If you stay in safe areas, take some precautions and don't do anything stupid you should be fine though.

I would recommend that you wait a bit before going to Peru though because they are having serious flooding problems caused by the "El NiƱo" phenomenon right now.

I have been to Mexico (Mexico City and Acapulco) but don't know it as well as I do Peru. I would say it is somewhat similar in many ways, but a bit more developed with better infrastructure in most areas. And of course it is closer to the US if that matters to you.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2017, 08:14:01 AM by Gavan »

Offline StepRightUp

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Re: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2017, 08:31:40 AM »
I consider myself to be more of a small town guy. If I had to choose beaches versus mountains, I'd go with mountains only because I'm really fair and would burn up at the beach.

Side note, and possibly not terribly relevant to this particular forum/post, but I'm also considering Vietnam. I don't know much about the retirement potential and I know I'll never get a grasp of the language, but I'm somewhat familiar with the culture and absolutely love the food.

I've heard about the robbery thing in Peru. That could be a problem. Ideally, I also want to choose a place I might be able to spend a part of the year working and possibly even retire. For my work, I have some pricey equipment I can't afford to have stolen.

As for El Nino, I wouldn't be going until later this year or early next year anyway, so that'll have time to pass.

I've read a fair bit about Colombia, most of it bad. Not so much the crime and politics, but the marriage potential for relationships. Also, I'm generally not attracted to women who have had plastic surgery and I read that was a big thing there.

But please, keep the advice coming. I find that people who have experienced what I'm trying to do are often the best resource for information.

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Re: Thinking of checking out Peru, Mexico, or somewhere else
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2017, 08:51:59 AM »
I consider myself to be more of a small town guy. If I had to choose beaches versus mountains, I'd go with mountains only because I'm really fair and would burn up at the beach.

If you prefer mountains and are interested in Peru you could try Arequipa, or maybe even Cuzco. Like I said though, those cities are less developed and a bit "third world". If you need to live in a modern place that feels "first world" your only option in Peru is Lima.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2017, 09:20:05 AM by Gavan »


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