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Author Topic: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.  (Read 23956 times)

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #75 on: November 11, 2016, 09:21:48 AM »

Trump is a cheat and unethical and Hillary is a liar....Old news!

People that try to get you to focus on the the canidates themselves and not on their policies are just trying to get you to vote against your best interests.

If I were you I would take a look at what the Republicans want to do..... because they will control both houses and the Presidency very soon.

You know the Dodd Frank Act that the Democrates and Obama put in place to protect us all from another financial crisis.....well that will be one of the first things that gets reversed. And banks will soon have a lot more of your money to play with.

So I suggest you quit crying about our racist, hate mongering, pussy grabbing president elect and start adjusting your portfolio. jajaja

the Trump administration would look for a repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act, the postfinancial-crisis regulatory overhaul that has subjected banks to more-stringent rules and higher capital requirements.

I wasn't aware of that.  That scares me.  Trump is going to open up every avenue possible for big business(wealthy elite) to work the system and make profits no matter the consequence.  And I highly doubt he's going to deport any more illegal immigrants than Obama or any other president has done.  Why?  Because big business wants and needs their labor.  Trump doesn't care about all those blue collar working people who got him elected.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #76 on: November 11, 2016, 03:06:56 PM »

There are fools who voted for Trump thinking their steel mill jobs are coming back along with the rest of US manufacturing.

I don't think anyone believes that those jobs are coming back anytime soon, if at all.

HOWEVER, they probably figured that their children and grand children will have a better chance at the American dream with Trump than they would with Hillary/Obama, and be able to get decent employment at a decent wage and be able to move out of their parents' basement.

And for those working in good jobs that are in jeopardy of being lost to the overseas/Mexican low wage allure for manufacturers, just MAYBE Trump can do something to save their jobs. With tax incentives and union cooperation, I think that is at least a possibility. With Hillary they don't have a chance in hell.

Question: Is your wife's auto plant unionized?


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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2016, 06:05:37 PM »

I found this picture of kiltboy from the kkk rally/donald trump celebration going on in North Carolina...

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2016, 06:05:37 PM »

Offline Hector_Lavoe

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #78 on: November 11, 2016, 06:34:51 PM »
I found this picture of kiltboy from the kkk rally/donald trump celebration going on in North Carolina...

In my view Trump is truly deplorable on so many levels. But that is either a really bad joke or a Trump like move to smear Kiltboy. Not a good move either way.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #79 on: November 11, 2016, 07:05:13 PM »
Hey Awesome Dude

Must be nice to sit home in Granny's basement
and look like a complete ass while the rest of us go to work
And provide for our families.But hey, for Awesome Weed Lives Matter!
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #80 on: November 11, 2016, 07:13:25 PM »
In my view Trump is truly deplorable on so many levels. But that is either a really bad joke or a Trump like move to smear Kiltboy. Not a good move either way.

Guys like Awesome do not bother me at all.
He can make smear jobs all he wants because
that is all Liberals know how to do.They cannot rely on substance to make any sence at all and Awesome is small minded. Small Minds=Small Dicks
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #81 on: November 11, 2016, 08:21:13 PM »
I found this picture of kiltboy from the kkk rally/donald trump celebration going on in North Carolina...


Maybe you would feel better if you go down on the interstate and block traffic with the rest of the whiny little bitches who can't handle the truth? Maybe smash a few car windows to relieve your frustrations?


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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #82 on: November 11, 2016, 08:42:50 PM »
In my view Trump is truly deplorable on so many levels. But that is either a really bad joke or a Trump like move to smear Kiltboy. Not a good move either way.

Kb goes on and on foaming at the mouth screaming about how much he hates hard-working immigrants who supposedly get a tax refund, but he adores and praises donald trump who cheats on his taxes, cheats people he does business with, and basically lies and scams his way through life.

Why does lying, cheating, scamming donald trump get so much love from kb?  Why do hard-working immigrants get so much hate?

Offline Hector_Lavoe

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #83 on: November 11, 2016, 10:01:35 PM »

Kb goes on and on foaming at the mouth screaming about how much he hates hard-working immigrants who supposedly get a tax refund, but he adores and praises donald trump who cheats on his taxes, cheats people he does business with, and basically lies and scams his way through life.

Why does lying, cheating, scamming donald trump get so much love from kb?  Why do hard-working immigrants get so much hate?

As I said I offer no defense of deplorable Donald. But I don't carte blanche apply that term (or make KKK references) to people who voted for him, especially someone whom I have never met and don't really know. Again, a very Trump like move of you (birtherism, etc.).

Moreover, try taking a page from Michael Moore, the Michigan native, who very wisely said as early as last summer that Trump could easily win his home state (and win the election). He made a documentary on Trump and to Moore's credit he really tried to understand Trump's supporters. These are "his people" as he put it.

No question Trump's populist appeals in the campaign (like many populist movements in U.S. history) were laced with bigotry and that definitely played a role in his win. No question about it. But to apply that term to all or even most of his supporters misses the boat.

As Moore put it, plenty of Trump voters are just sick and tired of the system and felt that Trump was a "human Molotov cocktail" that would blow up or reform a system they see as broken.  Now I happen to think Trump is a HORRIBLE and potentially dangerous vehicle for that project.   

But for many of his supporters the racial element is something they looked past (or minimally tolerated), though for others it clearly is something they endorsed.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 11:31:21 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #84 on: November 11, 2016, 10:05:23 PM »
Guys like Awesome do not bother me at all.
He can make smear jobs all he wants because
that is all Liberals know how to do.They cannot rely on substance to make any sence at all and Awesome is small minded. Small Minds=Small Dicks

Be careful of what you say: I am a liberal (on most issues) and I defended you against Awesome's pathetic attack (not that you needed my defense).
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 11:03:52 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #85 on: November 11, 2016, 10:46:44 PM »
I got no problem with hard working Immigrants getting tax money back. Good for them, they deserve it.
I got a lot of problems for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS GETTING A FRICKEN DIME . A crime is a crime and they are here illegally and breaking our laws. They need to go period.

They do a terrible dis service to all the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS  that made many sacrafices to come here LEGALLY. All of you Libs have a terrible time telling the difference between Legal and Illegal. Maybe you need to go back to the 5 th grade and take a retest.

Ok, I'll bite KB. What is the difference between Legal and Illegal?

The fact that something is legal doesn’t make it moral. Nor does something being illegal make it immoral. Illegal doesn’t necessarily imply unethical.

For example, most would probably agree that adultery is immoral, but it’s NOT illegal. Should we have more respect for a cheating husband/wife than we do for someone who left poor/desperate circumstances to improve their lives or feed their children? Just because one is legal and the other is not?

I am not for open borders or anything of the sort. I don't support illegal immigration and think every reasonable effort should be made to prevent it.  But I just don't get the sudden turn on the dime of respecting legal immigrants one second and the total disdain some have for illegal immigrants the next.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 08:18:13 AM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #86 on: November 12, 2016, 05:22:39 AM »
I think Mr Trump and the rest of America just want people to come here the legal way   I know a lot of Polish people that entered illegally and then disappeared and are still here   The illegals here don't pay into our system SOcial Security and disability etc yet they are lined up at our Emergency rooms using our resources for free. I have to work a legal job taxes taken out I have ins but pay my share of co- pays etc.  so why is it such a bad thing he wants people to follow the rules?  I'd much rather not pay taxes and get free medical care but that's not how it is. I welcome anyone from the world to come here as long as they do it legally and don't cause trouble here and pay their fair share. I don't know maybe it's me

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #87 on: November 12, 2016, 08:37:20 AM »
Ok, I'll bite KB. What is the difference between Legal and Illegal?

The fact that something is legal doesn’t make it moral. Nor does something being illegal make it immoral. Illegal doesn’t necessarily imply unethical.

For example, most would probably agree that adultery is immoral, but it’s NOT illegal. Should we have more respect for a cheating husband/wife than we do for someone who left poor/desperate circumstances to improve their lives or feed their children? Just because one is legal and the other is not?

I am not for open borders or anything of the sort. I don't support illegal immigration and think every reasonable effort should be made to prevent it.  But I just don't get the sudden turn on the dime of respecting legal immigrants one second and the total disdain some have for illegal immigrants the next.


I'm not sure what country you live in ( I know you live in the USA) but we are a country of laws.
Illegals have committed a crime and need to be punished  IE Deported. They made no sacrifice like other "legal" Immigrants that had to take time off a job or pay very expensive fees or fly to another part of their country to go for an Interview at a US Embassy. Those people made the sacrifice and the Illegals did not.

If you enter Mexico illegally you get either deported, put in jail or both.They have LAWS and they ENFORCE Them.

Awesome thinks I have  problem with hard working immigrants, on the contrary , I love hard working immigrants. It's the Illegal immigrants that suck off the tit of our system, send $$$$$$ back across the border through remittances and pay little to no taxes while getting loans, refunds and benefits using stolen or fake SS# and using relatives or even dead relatives  back in their country to use as a deduction.

At least when I do my taxes and take the absolute maximum deductions , I have records to back them up and justify them( Oh I guess that makes me racist, homophobic, a hatemonger, ect). Oh, I'm being audited for my 2013 taxes at this moment , but I got all the documentation to back up my deductions just like DT, Warren Buffet or anybody else that makes good bank.

As far as you or anybody else being Libs, I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is that Liberalism in general wants to circumnavigate the laws in this country to advance their liberal agenda.

As well, Liberals never want to admit defeat or when they are wrong and will go out of their way to slander other people because it makes the fact that they lack general substance, more palatable in their minds.
All it really does is magnify and showcase their selfish small mindness.
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #87 on: November 12, 2016, 08:37:20 AM »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #88 on: November 12, 2016, 08:39:06 AM »
I welcome anyone from the world to come here as long as they do it legally and don't cause trouble here and pay their fair share. I don't know maybe it's me

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:
  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
  • Most fines are broken down to the following:
  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
  • llegal immigrants who seek employment often engage in identity theft (use a legal persons SSN)  in order to work in the United States. Employers are required to make a good faith effort to make sure that their employees are legally permitted to work in the country. Good faith efforts include checking social security numbers and making sure the numbers are valid. -

    The vast majority of businesses will no longer hire someone without  a Social Security number because of the criminal and civil fines involved and losing their business licenses.

    So most Illegals do pay income tax or the person whose Social Security number they are using has to eventually pay them. The Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes they pay will benefit the person whose SSN they are using eventually but not the illegals themselves.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #89 on: November 12, 2016, 08:45:01 AM »

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:
  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
  • Most fines are broken down to the following:
  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
  • llegal immigrants who seek employment often engage in identity theft (use a legal persons SSN)  in order to work in the United States. Employers are required to make a good faith effort to make sure that their employees are legally permitted to work in the country. Good faith efforts include checking social security numbers and making sure the numbers are valid. -

    The vast majority of businesses will no longer hire someone without  a Social Security number because of the criminal and civil fines involved and losing their business licenses.

    So most Illegals do pay income tax or the person whose Social Security number they are using has to eventually pay them. The Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes they pay will benefit the person whose SSN they are using eventually but not the illegals themselves.

Not True

The vast majority of Illegals work for themselves or  are in"Cash" business.
My wifes bank is a Latin Credit Union and they come in everyday and get loans, credit cards, ect without any SS# or a fake one.They brag how they are exploiting the system here and that Americans are stupid to put up with it, all with a ass eating smile.
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #90 on: November 12, 2016, 08:52:11 AM »

As well, Liberals never want to admit defeat or when they are wrong and will go out of their way to slander other people because it makes the fact that they lack general substance, more palatable in their minds.
All it really does is magnify and showcase their selfish small mindness.

Insert the word Trump for Liberal in your statement above and you have just described the man you supported for President of the U.S.A.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #91 on: November 12, 2016, 09:40:31 AM »
and pay little to no taxes while getting loans, refunds and benefits using stolen or fake SS# and using relatives or even dead relatives  back in their country to use as a deduction.

Not TrueThe vast majority of Illegals work for themselves or  are in"Cash" business.
How many times are you going to contradict yourself kb?  Is it your position that they're working with ss# or are they not working with ss#?

A construction company isn't going to hire anybody without a ss#.  A cleaning company isn't going to hire anyone without a ss#.  A meat packing plant isn't going to hire anyone without a ss#.  A restaurant isn't going to hire anyone without a ss#.  Even landscaping companies and farms require ss#.

These people are paying taxes.And you said it yourself kb, YOU PAY THE LEAST AMOUNT OF TAXES REQUIRED BY LAW.  You're not volunteering anything more than what will keep you out of jail.  These immigrants are doing the same thing.  If the system is letting get tax refunds then they're paying THE LEAST AMOUNT REQUIRED BY LAW, same as you kb.

Now if you want laws to be enforced, that's perfectly fine, so do I.  If an illegal immigrant gets arrested and deported I have no problem with that.  I might feel bad for the person, but he/she knew they were living outside of the law.

What I have a problem with is the hatred and insults you express while at the same time praising the notorious lying, cheating, scamming donald trump.  It's a total double standard.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 09:43:19 AM by Awesome »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #92 on: November 12, 2016, 11:28:26 AM »
Insert the word Trump for Liberal in your statement above and you have just described the man you supported for President of the U.S.A.

I respect your opinion Hector, but hey YOU LOST

Now don;t be like my 19 year old immature daughter who is protesting and rejecting Trump because her beloved Hillary( Before that Bernie) did not win.

When Obama got elected , I was disappointed but said hey, let him have a chance to prove he is worthy of the office. Unfortunately He was not but I did not act like a child, I found a way to be successful despite his econmic and out of control social programs.

Its time for you Libs to give Trump the same opportunity to unite the country and bring back economic prosperity and respect that our country has pilfered away.

I am proud to be an American and will tell any country that cares to disrespect me to go screw themselves,
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #93 on: November 12, 2016, 11:39:57 AM »
I respect your opinion Hector, but hey YOU LOST

Now don;t be like my 19 year old immature daughter who is protesting and rejecting Trump because her beloved Hillary( Before that Bernie) did not win.

When Obama got elected , I was disappointed but said hey, let him have a chance to prove he is worthy of the office. Unfortunately He was not but I did not act like a child, I found a way to be successful despite his econmic and out of control social programs.

Its time for you Libs to give Trump the same opportunity to unite the country and bring back economic prosperity and respect that our country has pilfered away.

I am proud to be an American and will tell any country that cares to disrespect me to go screw themselves,
I think these protests are ridiculous. Shame on the Democrats for running a horrible campaign and giving us a horrible candidate. As for Trump, how many times has he declared bankruptcy? He's a snake oil salesman who did a great sales job. If working class Americans think he's going to help them, I've got some oceanview property in Phoenix I'd like to sell them. Just look at his track record. He will look out for corporate interests, including his own, above all. But credit to him for running one of the smartest campaigns ever....

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #94 on: November 12, 2016, 12:00:52 PM »
I respect your opinion Hector, but hey YOU LOST

Now don;t be like my 19 year old immature daughter who is protesting and rejecting Trump because her beloved Hillary( Before that Bernie) did not win.

When Obama got elected , I was disappointed but said hey, let him have a chance to prove he is worthy of the office. Unfortunately He was not but I did not act like a child, I found a way to be successful despite his econmic and out of control social programs.

Its time for you Libs to give Trump the same opportunity to unite the country and bring back economic prosperity and respect that our country has pilfered away.

I am proud to be an American and will tell any country that cares to disrespect me to go screw themselves,

I NEVER suggested Trump didn't win. And I support both Obama and Clinton's support for the "American tradition" of giving credit to the winner and supporting a peaceful transition of power. Too bad candidate Trump couldn't do the same when asked multiple times if he'd accept the results. Let's not forget him crying about what a "disaster for democracy" the electoral college was back in 2012. Don't hear him saying anything about that now.

The fringe protesters (who are mostly young/college students) are free to protest non-violently even if I don't support it. But if you were fair minded you'd realize that these type of protests didn't happen in other GOP victories: Reagan in 80/84, Bush 88 and Bush 2004.  Trump ran as a demagogue with little or no respect for the rule of law which are "traditional American values." I think that had a little something to do with it.

We have very little to go on since he's never held public office but his first tweet to the protesters had echoes of Hugo Chavez or Putin. Very disturbing. I mean the guy just won the U.S. Presidential Election, one of the biggest ego strokes on the planet and he is blaming the media for the protests and crying about things being unfair?  WTF is wrong with this guy?? He needs to grow the up and start acting like a President.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 12:07:27 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #95 on: November 12, 2016, 12:09:35 PM »
I NEVER suggested Trump didn't win. And I support both Obama and Clinton's support for the "American tradition" of giving credit to the winner and supporting a peaceful transition of power. Too bad candidate Trump couldn't do the same when asked multiple times if he'd accept the results. Let's not forget him crying about what a "disaster for democracy" the electoral college was back in 2012. Don't hear him saying anything about that now.

The fringe protesters (who are mostly young/college students) are free to protest non-violently even if I don't support it. But if you were fair minded you'd realize that these type of protests didn't happen in other GOP victories: Reagan in 80/84, Bush 88 and Bush 2004.  Trump ran as a demagogue with little or no respect for the rule of law which are "traditional American values." I think that had a little something to do with it.

We have very little to go on since he's never held public office but his first tweet to the protesters had echoes of Hugo Chavez or Putin. Very disturbing. I mean the guy just won the U.S. Presidential Election, one of the biggest ego strokes on the planet and he is blaming the media for the protests and crying about things being unfair?  WTF is wrong with this guy?? He needs to grow the phuck up and start acting like a President.


We also had very little to go on regarding Obama, but I gave him his chance to shine and he did not.

Bottom line is he is our soon to be President and changes are coming that are long overdue.
If he turns out to be a Dud, I will accept that I made a mistake, but until then, Hes our man.

He cannot be worse than Obama who will go down as maybe the worst President in history not because of his skin color but because he is an arrogant elitist activist that could not even help his on people out of poverty with a 100% democrat controlled congress. Shameful really.

Headed to the my Golf Club to take some jack off my 4 some.

Peace Out
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #96 on: November 12, 2016, 12:21:50 PM »
For those of you readers who simply cannot for the life of you understand the disdain all around our country for illegal immigrants:

For the vast majority of Americans, this has NOTHING to do with race, regardless of what you hear on CNN. I believe most Americans are sympathetic with the plight of poor illegals who came here looking for opportunity, and would consider changing our laws to allow some form of legalization so a good number of them can live and work here without the fear of deportation.

However, when Americans turn on their TV after a hard day at work, and see demonstrations where illegals and their surrogates are marching down our highways and streets, blocking traffic, yelling and screaming obscenities at our police officers, throwing garbage at them, waving their (mostly Mexican) flags in our faces, while arrogantly DEMANDING their right to American citizenship, etc., citizens are going to be greatly offended and quickly lose any sympathy that they had.

When they read news almost daily of heinous crimes committed by illegals who have been deported many times, see Democrats doing everything in their power to protect and coddle illegals, openly blocking federal officers from performing their duties by declaring "sanctuary cities", and blocking every attempt to control our borders, with the main goal of eventually padding the rolls with millions of more Democrat voters, is it any wonder there is animosity out there?

So when you believe the big lie that all of this opposition toward illegals is motivated by race, you are being duped by the leftist media and politicians who put their own political power and personal ambitions above the good of our country.

Remember... Illegal Alien is NOT a race. Mexican is NOT a race. Wanting to do something about the wholesale disrespect for our immigration laws or voting for Donald Trump DOES NOT make someone a racist. I think that term is being overused by leftists and ignorant folks who don't know the meaning of the word. When they can't argue their point with logic or reason, they start calling their opponents racists, Nazis, and Klansmen.

So is it so unbelievable that Americans are fed up with this crap and voted for the first candidate who had the balls to actually use the word "deport"?


« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 12:30:34 PM by Ray »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #97 on: November 12, 2016, 12:40:49 PM »
We also had very little to go on regarding Obama, but I gave him his chance to shine and he did not.

Bottom line is he is our soon to be President and changes are coming that are long overdue.
If he turns out to be a Dud, I will accept that I made a mistake, but until then, Hes our man.

He cannot be worse than Obama who will go down as maybe the worst President in history not because of his skin color but because he is an arrogant elitist activist that could not even help his on people out of poverty with a 100% democrat controlled congress. Shameful really.

Headed to the my Golf Club to take some jack off my 4 some.

Peace Out

Cool, enjoy your day on the course.

Yes, of course, I am going to give Mr. Trump his chance. We have no other choice and that is they way the system works.

Obama the worst president in history? Uh, I can think of a few others. Like the guy that came before him for starters!

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #97 on: November 12, 2016, 12:40:49 PM »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #98 on: November 12, 2016, 01:55:23 PM »
Cool, enjoy your day on the course.

Yes, of course, I am going to give Mr. Trump his chance. We have no other choice and that is they way the system works.

Obama the worst president in history? Uh, I can think of a few others. Like the guy that came before him for starters!
Worst president in my lifetime? Richard Nixon, followed by W, then HW, then Reagan. Best president in my lifetime was Bubba Clinton followed by Obama.

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #99 on: November 12, 2016, 02:10:57 PM »
As I said I offer no defense of deplorable Donald. But I don't carte blanche apply that term (or make KKK references) to people who voted for him, especially someone whom I have never met and don't really know. Again, a very Trump like move of you (birtherism, etc.).

Moreover, try taking a page from Michael Moore, the Michigan native, who very wisely said as early as last summer that Trump could easily win his home state (and win the election). He made a documentary on Trump and to Moore's credit he really tried to understand Trump's supporters. These are "his people" as he put it.

No question Trump's populist appeals in the campaign (like many populist movements in U.S. history) were laced with bigotry and that definitely played a role in his win. No question about it. But to apply that term to all or even most of his supporters misses the boat.

As Moore put it, plenty of Trump voters are just sick and tired of the system and felt that Trump was a "human Molotov cocktail" that would blow up or reform a system they see as broken.  Now I happen to think Trump is a HORRIBLE and potentially dangerous vehicle for that project.   

But for many of his supporters the racial element is something they looked past (or minimally tolerated), though for others it clearly is something they endorsed.

I was quite surprised, and think he is quite deplorable as least some of the things he said during the election, some of his ideas ,how he packaged his ideas and solutions (or lack  thereof..more just complaining about the status quo, and no offering any viable solution).

That being said, we have to accept the decision of the electorate, and can only hope he will be more practical, pragmatic and all-inclusive in his presidency than he was with his campaign rhetoric during the election.

I talked to my ( liberal) sister in Canada, and said "What a Surprise, I guess half the US population are Hillbillies or something?" She said "He only got 43% of the vote Hilary got more popular vote, only uneducated white males voted for him " I said "Come on, thats pretty close to half, still, a lot of Hillbillies in the US, seriously there arent that many uneducated white males in the US" she said "Most people dont vote , the are too apathetic, sit at home because they dont like either candidate"..I said " well in that case , looks like all those uneducated white males are actually way, way  smarter than all the educated (usually liberal arts..ja.ja)liberal females that are apathetic and sit at home and dont vote.they got their candidate elected, didn't they"..

At that point she got frustrated and hung up on me..


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