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Author Topic: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.  (Read 23968 times)

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2016, 10:05:25 AM »
With all due respect and coming from a different part of the nation, I think you're taking it a bit far. That said, maybe where you live it's like that--but my 'thinking' is hard to qualify in reference to where you're coming from. Your geography, your reality, is different than mine.

Where we live in Georgia, there's still so much bad blood between blacks and whites that the Latinos/Hispanics and Asians are sort of not factored in that much. I think there's a begrudging respect for the significant number of Mexicans who work trades, like building, construction, restaurant work and agriculture, but also some simmering resentment re illegal immigration, as if the rest of the 'legal populace' would run to take those jobs. Hell, in Georgia, the minimum wage is still $5.15 an hour for those businesses not subject to the Federal Govt's FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act)---It's been like that w/o a raise since 2009.

Civil war? You probably remember Father Time's long, long running thread predicting riots in the streets and things falling apart by 2013. Not to say it couldn't happen, but I think we're a ways off if anything. But our dollar's value is positioned on sand that's washing away. Our own perception about our situation is much more dumbly optimistic than is the way most of the rest of the world does, the way the 1st, 2nd and 3rd world, sees our situation. If they don't hate us, they worry about us and about what's happening. Most north Americans believe the BS the media here feeds us.

It's concievable that we could have a monetary collapse. But while we're (currently) the world's 'Reserve Currency' which means almost all nations must produce US dollars to pay for major international goods, the growing preception that we're cranking out $$$$$$ lIke a paper mill turns out toilet paper is increasing. As is the knowledge that since the first Bush administration, that we don't have to legally tell the anyone how much the mint's rolling out. Scary.

But most first world nations are also playing fast and easy, like using smoke and mirrors, lIving in increasing debt. It's become 'the way of the world'. As bad  as we know it is, it's actually much more dire than we realize, but we're either blind or in denial. I can't think of a single nation that backs it's currency with gold and silver anymore. It's like a mix of fantasy land and a nightmare.

Furthermore, I don't think there's anything relevant in history to compare it too, nothing that genuinely and clearly, based on previous examples, shows us how it's all gonna pan out. Not Rome, not post WWI Germany. We're in uncharted territory and what maps, reports and predictions that are being fed to us are half baked at best.

 I must say that personally, I don't feel too good about it. I've worked for money since I was 5 or 6 years old. The other night I figured I've made a couple milllion dollars over my lifetime so far, mostly living in places with reasonable cost of living and have little to show for it (but I've had a lot of fun!!) Our house is barely 2/3's paid off. And thinking of retirement being possible in the next year or two, I wonder how well positioned I am with my USD based liquid cash, similarily based (USD) retirement investments, a pension and Social Security. It all could concievably become severely devalued, effectively ruining my plans of a comfortable retirement, one where I don't work but still get an annual 3%+ increase of income. Instead, I could see it go flushing down the toilet.

And never mind the doomsday predicters, the books and infomercials, they're simply isn't a lot we can do to reposition ourselves to avoid gettIng burned if it comes to that. Not bitcoins, not diamonds, metals--none of the present indicators. And let's be honest, does anybody still awake reading this (unlikely) REALLY think we can ever pay off our debt? NOT!

If the USD's no good, it won't suit me too well anywhere else in the world-- -we'll all be going to hell together in the same, big haybasket. Maybe a little better in some 3rd world outposts, but probably not even there.

But if and when a day comes when the money's no good, it'll be a dangerous world, one where bartering and using trades--and the ability to fix and do/supply certain things and services, will become valuable. I realize now what gold and silver we have will be of little utility in such a case. What are you gonna do with it---trade for money? Make nails--bullets? 

While previous history doesn't apply itself well to our present predicament and predicting outcomes, it gives pause to recall that in post WWI Germany, the money became so worthless that they burned it in stoves to boil water because it was less valuable than wood. I have a stack of half billion Deutch mark currency bills out in the garage, to attest to it---I am actually a collector of obsolete currency, such as Khmer Rouge Cambodian paper currency, money that China minted for them, not realizing the Khmer Rouge were going to a non monetary civilization, where they turned the clock and calendar back to zero and targeted for death people who could read or wore eyglasses. DIdn't turn out too well. Want some pre desert storm Iraqi dinar notes with Saddam Hussain's visage on them? I got a whole shoebox full!

"Man is one of few species that eats it's own"

In the worst of times, guns will become very desirable and ammunition will probably become a currency of sorts--perhaps last resorts. Never mind American Express credit cards---Don't leave home without it!!

And other than having simpler needs, desires and infrastructures, I think 2nd and 3rd world countries      would be in just as bad a spot as first world countries.

Most 'first world' countries in reality don't build, don't make and export a lot of (besides food) of what is consumed therin. It's just so much cheaper to import it all from China and other nations. What does create wealth and drive 1st world economies is ideas---"intellectual property"--insurance, banking, drugs, technology and inventions, the later which we rely on poorer nations to build for us. So, what's driving our first world economies would probably not be particularly useful in the advent of a monetary collapse. Our whole existence is basically predicated on money.

I think the next 'Great Depression' will actually be global, in scope, that perhaps the one thing that's still true to some extent is the old adage: "When the USA sneezes, the rest of the world catches pneumonia ". And yes, that includes China and Russia too.

As long as we continue to use the rest of the world's energy--oil, gas etc., while we drill and cap and store other vital resources, using up everyone else's before using our own and as long as vast oceans keep us separated, (never mind intercontinental missiles--they'll still need/hope we rebound) we'll all suffer. Warfare against other nations on our own soil is probably unlikely.

But us fighting amongst ourselves to some extent is possible, and we are by and large, an overly spoiled nation, where deservedly or not, too many of us feel a sense of 'entitlement' and being already numb to violence and well armed to boot, some bad sh!t could happen. Strong fences, gates, guns and chicken coops have never been bad ideas....

Georgia has numerous KKK clans, numerous militia groups and a white supremacist population arrayed against large minority populations. A simple Google search shows that many of these groups are planning for violence after the election if their man does not win. Anyone who is not aware that the US is divided into factions which hate each other has not been paying attention. Now is the time to take steps to protect your family. Everyone should have a second or third passport at the very least.   

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2016, 01:20:18 PM »

...Now is the time to take steps to protect your family. Everyone should have a second or third passport firearm at the very least.


Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2016, 04:31:41 PM »

We have enough weapons and ammunition to arm both sides of an African civil war. What we are in the market for now are tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2016, 04:31:41 PM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2016, 04:48:10 PM »

Georgia has numerous KKK clans, numerous militia groups and a white supremacist population arrayed against large minority populations. A simple Google search shows that many of these groups are planning for violence after the election if their man does not win. Anyone who is not aware that the US is divided into factions which hate each other has not been paying attention. Now is the time to take steps to protect your family. Everyone should have a second or third passport at the very least.

It'll be a close call, but regardless of the winner, I don't expect significant violence. While we're about as buttoned down police wise as most southern states could be, with prisons overflowing and them not being able to build new ones fast enough, I can't see the extreme right or left wing mobilizing. Yes, the KKK is real, with members within the police as well as within our significant presence of military bases and of course, within the overall populace, but again no, I don't see or sense it coming on. There are plenty of other groups too.  Some of our friends are police officers who've come up in the ranks over the years. They're 'in the know'. Aware but not too wary. They know pretty much who's who and what's what.

We probably have the most lax gun laws in the nation. Anybody over 18 who's not a convicted felon can openly carry a gun almost anywhere that doesn't clearly post a sign saying: "No guns allowed" and people boycott those places, so you don't see too many such signs.

It's odd, but the laws are more restrictive on the expensive concealed weapons licenses that we have and carry. When I've been pulled over by the cops, I always keep my concealed weapons permit under my license. Invariably, they ask: "Sir, I see you have a concealed weapons permit--are you presently carrying?" I respond typically: "Yes Sir--I have a 380 in a holster in the small of my back and a 45 in the glove box" (S&W 380 'Body Guard' --about 12 ounces---and a full sized, match grade Springfield 45 XDm) They've always let me go (minor speeding, stop signs, no seatbelt, etc.) a couple times even thanking me for carrying weapons responsibly.

Meanwhile, I have if anything TOO many guns and too much ammo. My wife can switch from a Smith and Wesson Airweight revolver, shooting 38P loads, to a full sized 45, to a 9mm, (her favorite) to a 380, to the 40's and still,out shoot me. Rifles too. The change up, the weight, the recoil, the way a 40 twists, none of that throws her. Refuses to use a laser or tac light.  She could pick em off of our six foot high privacy fences before they get their shoulders over it. Hell, she can fish too, so we'll always have fish too eat if we please.

Being a 'castle doctrine' state, she knows that if by chance someone gets hung up on the  fence, to pull em over and finish whatever needs finishing. I figure let her have the premium ammo, it's more expensive and she's more accurate. But at 92 pounds, the Ole Mossberg and Winchester 870 12 gage shotguns are not her favorites.

Nah, I'm not too worried short term.
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2016, 08:17:18 PM »
Before dating an American, she needs to know that the US is a nation in decline that is steadily becoming a Third World country. She should also know that as a Latina she will be hated by most white people in the country and if she is a person of color, that will give them one more reason to hate her. She should also know that the US is a country on the verge of civil war with most people in various areas of the country despising each other and arming themselves for the violence to come.

OMG, I can't imagine putting this on a blog post, this would turn anyone off.   :-X
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2016, 08:17:50 PM »
Our culture is more structured and "jodido" than theirs. We have many more rules here, and even though we make more money here, we do actually work hard for it and the cost of living here is a lot more than over there...also, we don't have the same sense of community. In my wife' s Barranquilla neighborhood, neighbors drop in on each other all the time, whereas here in suburbia , "no hay Gente in la Calle."

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2016, 08:18:48 PM »
even the usa has poor people
money isnt easy to come by, you actually have to work for it and save it and not spend every dollar you make
we hate it when your late, it shows lack of respect and or laziness.
learn some english before going to usa or other country
yes, we plan to do things and plan for a future and done live " for the monent"
we dont dance well  because most when kids in school, play sports, we dont have a disco in our " barrios" where we live, is why most american men can play baseball, basketball, football, soccer, tennis, most sports well, where most colombian men can only dance and soccer.

just a few things,

This one hit the spot..

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2016, 08:21:04 PM »
I notice more cases where if she's fat, so is he--- if he or she is fit (although not as common) so is the other,  if he's dressed shabby and is toothless, so is she. More common than people looking like their dog, but I see that too. But in the USA, I don't see a great deal of cases where body types amongst married couples is all that different. Even though the age difference between my wife and I is unescapably evident, we're both in pretty good shape.

Agreed! I've seen it all too.... The things I saw in Egypt drop dead gorgeous men and the wives...  ::)  not so much..

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2016, 08:25:07 PM »

What every latinas should know, before dating a foreign man:

1)  Learn their future husband's language
2)  Men are the boss when come to money management.  They know far better than women
3)  Respect men's money. 
4)  Their future husbands are more important than their friends back home.
5)  Make sure they discipline their children when moving into men's house
6)  Make sure their children learn to sleep on their own - not sharing mother's same bed!

Great points!!  yup kids need to sleep on their own beds... Ain't nobody got time for that!!
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 08:34:17 PM by MariaJBueno »
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2016, 08:26:22 PM »

Well I was a teenager and quite shallow I'm sure.  I might still I approach 50 I care a little less about looks though...I find that I'm too busy to care that much anymore....but I guess I got extremely lucky as my wife looks outrageously good to me. 


« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 08:35:23 PM by MariaJBueno »
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2016, 08:32:02 PM »

Every straight Colombian I've ever met would give his left nut to hook up with a hot gringa. 

Yup!! True story...

« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 08:34:51 PM by MariaJBueno »
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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2016, 06:53:38 AM »

OMG, I can't imagine putting this on a blog post, this would turn anyone off.   :-X

Are you serious? This is white America where white men rule.

Loud and clear this is the message, if you are not a white person, this country is not for you. Go home or stay home. White people hate Latinos and people of color. They have taken the country back into their hands. Latinas should know before they come to the US that they will be hated and despised.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2016, 07:36:42 AM »

Are you serious? This is white America where white men rule.

Loud and clear this is the message, if you are not a white person, this country is not for you. Go home or stay home. White people hate Latinos and people of color. They have taken the country back into their hands. Latinas should know before they come to the US that they will be hated and despised.

At first I thought this was over the top, largely incorrect. As I recall, UC's  Latina wife holds a supervisory post with Toyota.

But a little research shows pretty clearly that where the power REALLY lies, in the boardroom, in the CEO, CFO and the other highest level positions, you'd be hard pressed to find a Latina, Hispanic woman amongst any of the Fortune 500 companies. I'm pretty sure there are such women who've attended the best schools and have excellent work performance  records. It's just not happening--not getting them up an into at the highest levels. I think black, Asian and women from India probably fare better.

On the other hand, in academia, I think women of color have a greater chance to advance to the highest levels than do white males.Not so much as College Deans and Presidents, but as school system superintendents and program managers. I've heard some guys with great qualifications but always not getting past the interview stage, talk about getting car bumper stickers saying "Save the white males"
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2016, 07:36:42 AM »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2016, 08:09:49 AM »

Are you serious? This is white America where white men rule.

Loud and clear this is the message, if you are not a white person, this country is not for you. Go home or stay home. White people hate Latinos and people of color. They have taken the country back into their hands. Latinas should know before they come to the US that they will be hated and despised.


You must have been a Clinton supporter.
Your comments are exactly the reason that things have gotten worse. White people do not hate people of color. Americans regardless of race or color hate lazy people that always have their hand out regardless of color. When the dust settles I bet  more Latinos and African Americans voted for President Donald Trump than you think. They too are tired of working hard only to get sucker punched by Liberals who only want to make themselves rich and stay in an Elitist position to control everyone else.

Maybe we can start to include everyone now and not just Elitist Leftists that have no regard for the rule of law !
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Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2016, 12:55:36 PM »

You must have been a Clinton supporter.
Your comments are exactly the reason that things have gotten worse. White people do not hate people of color. Americans regardless of race or color hate lazy people that always have their hand out regardless of color. When the dust settles I bet  more Latinos and African Americans voted for President Donald Trump than you think. They too are tired of working hard only to get sucker punched by Liberals who only want to make themselves rich and stay in an Elitist position to control everyone else.

Maybe we can start to include everyone now and not just Elitist Leftists that have no regard for the rule of law !

I despise Clinton. She is a lying criminal who should be in jail. The Clintons and Trump both represent all that is evil about this country.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2016, 01:39:34 PM »
Trump got 30% of the Latino vote UT and more African American Vote than Romney.
Bottom line is all people regardless of color had enough of the lying liberals who think they are above the law. \I have been on the Trump team for almost 3 years. The bombastic persona you see is a character. He is a decent man that I think wants everyone to have an equal opportunity to excel. Weather you take advantage of the opportunity hopefully his Presidency brings, that will be up to the individual.

My Latina wife as well voted 100% Republican and she is extremely happy she helped effect change.
All of the Latinos coming into her credit union today needed Kleenex as most are illegals and looking to get their cash out and head their assess back across the border. Good Bye --Adios Amigos.
We are proud to Make America Great Again !!!!!!!!!
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2016, 03:41:35 PM »
Trump got 30% of the Latino vote UT and more African American Vote than Romney.
Bottom line is all people regardless of color had enough of the lying liberals who think they are above the law. \I have been on the Trump team for almost 3 years. The bombastic persona you see is a character. He is a decent man that I think wants everyone to have an equal opportunity to excel. Weather you take advantage of the opportunity hopefully his Presidency brings, that will be up to the individual.

My Latina wife as well voted 100% Republican and she is extremely happy she helped effect change.
All of the Latinos coming into her credit union today needed Kleenex as most are illegals and looking to get their cash out and head their assess back across the border. Good Bye --Adios Amigos.
We are proud to Make America Great Again !!!!!!!!!

Obama has deported 2.5 million people since he took office. More than any other president ever.
I doubt trump will deport more or build a wall. All political BS  that really gets the Mexicans where I live worked up. I work with a women that has a mother in her 80s that she is worried will get deported.

I told her to stop worrying about it. Will never happen.

If they start deporting all the illegals in this country they would need to build a refugee camp that could house millions of people because most of them have nothing to go back to. He'll know some that can't even remember living in Mexico

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #42 on: November 09, 2016, 07:14:36 PM »
Trump got 30% of the Latino vote UT and more African American Vote than Romney.
Bottom line is all people regardless of color had enough of the lying liberals who think they are above the law. \I have been on the Trump team for almost 3 years. The bombastic persona you see is a character. He is a decent man that I think wants everyone to have an equal opportunity to excel. Weather you take advantage of the opportunity hopefully his Presidency brings, that will be up to the individual.

My Latina wife as well voted 100% Republican and she is extremely happy she helped effect change.
All of the Latinos coming into her credit union today needed Kleenex as most are illegals and looking to get their cash out and head their assess back across the border. Good Bye --Adios Amigos.
We are proud to Make America Great Again !!!!!!!!!



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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #43 on: November 09, 2016, 07:17:58 PM »

Obama has deported 2.5 million people since he took office. More than any other president ever.
I doubt trump will deport more or build a wall. All political BS  that really gets the Mexicans where I live worked up. I work with a women that has a mother in her 80s that she is worried will get deported.

I told her to stop worrying about it. Will never happen.

If they start deporting all the illegals in this country they would need to build a refugee camp that could house millions of people because most of them have nothing to go back to. He'll know some that can't even remember living in Mexico

Best way to get illegals out of here is to make them pay taxes.They will be headed to the border faster than flies on poop.
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #44 on: November 09, 2016, 07:20:29 PM »

Are you serious? This is white America where white men rule.

Loud and clear this is the message, if you are not a white person, this country is not for you. Go home or stay home. White people hate Latinos and people of color. They have taken the country back into their hands. Latinas should know before they come to the US that they will be hated and despised.

UC, I respect your opinion, but with all due respect, your attitude is full of crap!

This diatribe is typical of the leftist bull shyt you hear continuously on CNN and MSNBC.

Disagree with ANYTHING a leftist says and they immediately label you a racist. Give me a freaking break for God's sake!



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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #45 on: November 09, 2016, 07:30:22 PM »
UC, I respect your opinion, but with all due respect, your attitude is full of crap!

This diatribe is typical of the leftist bull shyt you hear continuously on CNN and MSNBC.

Disagree with ANYTHING a leftist says and they immediately label you a racist. Give me a freaking break for God's sake!



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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #46 on: November 09, 2016, 10:58:38 PM »
Best way to get illegals out of here is to make them pay taxes.They will be headed to the border faster than flies on poop.

Most illegals that I know pay taxes....they usually use a relative or a friends Social Security number to get the job.

A lot of them don't get a refund at the end of the year of unless the friend or relative files for them.

Fines are pretty stiff for hiring an illegal anymore....but if they can provide a good social security number plenty of companies will hire them even if they suspect they are illegal because they can just say the social security card was good.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #47 on: November 10, 2016, 06:31:05 AM »

Most illegals that I know pay taxes....they usually use a relative or a friends Social Security number to get the job.

A lot of them don't get a refund at the end of the year of unless the friend or relative files for them.

Fines are pretty stiff for hiring an illegal anymore....but if they can provide a good social security number plenty of companies will hire them even if they suspect they are illegal because they can just say the social security card was good.

I will agree on getting a fake or friends SS# because they come in every day to my wife's credit union and present them. The paying taxes  part is more complex as even if they pay taxes, they claim long lost relatives in Mexico as dependents and thus get huge refunds  and way more than they paid in.

They come into my wife's credit union bragging about this and there just is not much she can do about it.
She comes home pissed a lot because of all the underhanded things these people do, thus she did her part to try to force them back across the border.

As far as I'm concerned they can all take a hike as they contribute little to my community. I mean like we need another Mexican Restaurant--PLEEEEZZZZZ
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #47 on: November 10, 2016, 06:31:05 AM »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #48 on: November 10, 2016, 06:59:07 AM »
Shades of the film Being There and truth is stranger than fiction. As Joseph-Marie de Maistre said; Every nation gets the government it deserves.
Hermosamente feliz

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #49 on: November 10, 2016, 08:38:43 AM »
How wrong you are. I am a Libertarian. Yes, liberal and libertarian start with the same five letters but they are poles apart in philosophy.

Why is it Americans can never admit what a racist nation it is? Here we have a country with a history of genocide and slavery busy denying the past. Blacks hate whites, both blacks and whites hate Latinos, Latinos hate whites and blacks. That's the reality of America. Get over it.

To hear you bozos tell it, life in the US is a happy neighborhood like Sesame Street where everyone loves each other.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

I am prepared for the coming chaos and anarchy in the US. Are you?


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