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Author Topic: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.  (Read 23950 times)

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Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #100 on: November 12, 2016, 02:18:17 PM »


As well, Liberals never want to admit defeat or when they are wrong and will go out of their way to slander other people because it makes the fact that they lack general substance, more palatable in their minds.
All it really does is magnify and showcase their selfish small mindness.

You are generalizing here. Case inpoint. Hector has admitted defeat and accepted your candidate as the president of the US and defended his supporters.

And he has called out Awesome on his slander.

You are sounding a bit like the pot that called the kettle black with your generalizations.

Actually, I would call Hector more centralist than liberal, but only from what I have seen here.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #101 on: November 12, 2016, 02:22:12 PM »
I think these protests are ridiculous. Shame on the Democrats for running a horrible campaign and giving us a horrible candidate. As for Trump, how many times has he declared bankruptcy? He's a snake oil salesman who did a great sales job. If working class Americans think he's going to help them, I've got some oceanview property in Phoenix I'd like to sell them. Just look at his track record. He will look out for corporate interests, including his own, above all. But credit to him for running one of the smartest campaigns ever....

Best comment of the lot..

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #102 on: November 12, 2016, 02:28:08 PM »
Worst president in my lifetime? Richard Nixon, followed by W, then HW, then Reagan. Best president in my lifetime was Bubba Clinton followed by Obama.

I think Reagan was a good one..

So do People from the ex communist block.

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #102 on: November 12, 2016, 02:28:08 PM »

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #103 on: November 12, 2016, 02:39:11 PM »
Getting back on subject, (WHICH WE SHOULD)

What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.

1. Dont go about complaining how hard life is , how difficult things are for you, especially if you have pictures of yourself on face book attending parties and Rumbiando and spend money on lipo and silicone implants (which you shouldn't do in the first place).

2. Never, never ask a guy you are dating for money, or even hint on it. Especially on first or second date or before you have sex. This is an instant  killer to your potential relationship. When you are a Pareja, a good kind man will see when you are in need and come to your help without you hinting.

3. Be punctual for dates.

4. Always keep your word when you say you will do something.If something comes up, and you cant meet him or meet a commitment,  communicate with the man right away.

5. Never lie

6, If you dont like a guy , or just want to be friends, dont string him along, tell him the truth. I that doesnt work for you because you are too cowardly and dont want to "hurt his feelings", block him on WatsApp and Facebook.He will get the idea.

7. Dont be stubborn and think you know it all. Your gringo boyfriend (unless he is a Trump supporter from chicken lips Alabama) is way smarter than you. Be respectful and listen to him. He is way more educated , sophisticated and worldly than you , no matter how educated you are in your own country. Education system is way better over there-thats a fact. Dont be fooled because he doesnt dance as good as your barrio boyfriend and speaks Spanish with a funny accent.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 02:49:33 PM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #104 on: November 12, 2016, 02:50:17 PM »

Serious question:

Why does everyone automatically assume that Barak Obama is black? His skin color isn't very dark compared to most black men I know.

Is it because his father is a black African? I have seen pictures of his mother and she is lily white.

Is it because he grew up in a disadvantaged home in the ghetto? He was primarily raised by well-off white grandparents in a good neighborhood and he went to the best schools.

I think it is just as correct to say that Obama is white, is it not?

Perhaps he isn't really "the first black president"? But if that is true, then that blows the whole leftist argument that anyone who opposes him is a racist who hates blacks...  ;)

My prediction is that the next Democrat nominee for president will actually be the first black to fill that roll and potentially the first woman president. Can anyone guess who I am thinking of?

Michele Obama


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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2016, 02:52:34 PM »

His wife....

Serious question:

Why does everyone automatically assume that Barak Obama is black? His skin color isn't very dark compared to most black men I know.

Is it because his father is a black African? I have seen pictures of his mother and she is lily white.

Is it because he grew up in a disadvantaged home in the ghetto? He was primarily raised by well-off white grandparents in a good neighborhood and he went to the best schools.

I think it is just as correct to say that Obama is white, is it not?

Perhaps he isn't really "the first black president"? But if that is true, then that blows the whole leftist argument that anyone who opposes him is a racist who hates blacks...  ;)

My prediction is that the next Democrat nominee for president will actually be the first black to fill that roll and potentially the first woman president. Can anyone guess who I am thinking of?

Michele Obama


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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #107 on: November 12, 2016, 02:55:56 PM »
For those of you readers who simply cannot for the life of you understand the disdain all around our country for illegal immigrants:

For the vast majority of Americans, this has NOTHING to do with race, regardless of what you hear on CNN. I believe most Americans are sympathetic with the plight of poor illegals who came here looking for opportunity, and would consider changing our laws to allow some form of legalization so a good number of them can live and work here without the fear of deportation.

However, when Americans turn on their TV after a hard day at work, and see demonstrations where illegals and their surrogates are marching down our highways and streets, blocking traffic, yelling and screaming obscenities at our police officers, throwing garbage at them, waving their (mostly Mexican) flags in our faces, while arrogantly DEMANDING their right to American citizenship, etc., citizens are going to be greatly offended and quickly lose any sympathy that they had.

When they read news almost daily of heinous crimes committed by illegals who have been deported many times, see Democrats doing everything in their power to protect and coddle illegals, openly blocking federal officers from performing their duties by declaring "sanctuary cities", and blocking every attempt to control our borders, with the main goal of eventually padding the rolls with millions of more Democrat voters, is it any wonder there is animosity out there?

So when you believe the big lie that all of this opposition toward illegals is motivated by race, you are being duped by the leftist media and politicians who put their own political power and personal ambitions above the good of our country.

Remember... Illegal Alien is NOT a race. Mexican is NOT a race. Wanting to do something about the wholesale disrespect for our immigration laws or voting for Donald Trump DOES NOT make someone a racist. I think that term is being overused by leftists and ignorant folks who don't know the meaning of the word. When they can't argue their point with logic or reason, they start calling their opponents racists, Nazis, and Klansmen.

So is it so unbelievable that Americans are fed up with this crap and voted for the first candidate who had the balls to actually use the word "deport"?


I don't disagree with everything you're saying.  But do you actually believe trump is actually going to follow up with his promise of mass deportations and building the wall?  Do you believe that he even meant it in the first place?  Do you not think that he just said what he said because he knew it would get all the kkk/tea party people all fired up and inspire more people to vote for him.  Do you think trump who is a MASTER at scamming and cheating decided to leave his dishonest ways behind when he began his Presidential campaign?

Do you believe that the few dumbasses who are out there in the streets protesting represent the millions of immigrants who risked their lives to come here and who work DAMN HARD every day to give their AMERICAN kids a better life?

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #108 on: November 12, 2016, 03:00:49 PM »
Awesome, you're still campaigning for Hillary.

The election is over and the people have spoken...


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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #109 on: November 12, 2016, 03:02:03 PM »
Cool, enjoy your day on the course.

Yes, of course, I am going to give Mr. Trump his chance. We have no other choice and that is they way the system works.

Well said...

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #110 on: November 12, 2016, 03:13:08 PM »
Worst president in my lifetime?

Obama, by far.

I think he has been the most divisive president in my lifetime. He was not the president of all the people, only those who worshiped him and voted for him He never stopped campaigning over 8 years, and he never passed up the opportunity to bash Republicans whenever he could.

He was a proven liar and never took responsibility for his failures. I never felt that he was my president.

Though I have mostly voted Republican all my adult life, I never voted for Tricky Dick Nixon. I didn't vote for him for the senate, governor, or president. There was just something about those sneaky eyes of his...

I kind of miss political bumper stickers. If you put one on your car now, you're very likely to come out of the store and find your car keyed or your windows broken.

Best bumper sticker ever:  Don't Change Dick in Middle of Screw... Vote for Nixon in '72



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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #111 on: November 12, 2016, 04:50:16 PM »
The Truth Hurts People.Cannot be said any better. Get over yourselves those that lost.
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #112 on: November 12, 2016, 05:23:51 PM »
Awesome, you're still campaigning for Hillary.

The election is over and the people have spoken...


The people have definitely spoken and MORE AMERICANS VOTED FOR HILLARY THAN TRUMP.  What does that tell you?

I never liked or supported hillary, I just (barely)chose her over the conman trump.

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #112 on: November 12, 2016, 05:23:51 PM »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #113 on: November 12, 2016, 06:24:41 PM »

The people have definitely spoken and MORE AMERICANS VOTED FOR HILLARY THAN TRUMP.  What does that tell you?

It tells me our system worked EXACTLY as it was designed to.

Where were you during high school government class? Behind the bleachers smoking dope?   ;D

That's OK, you'll get over it. A lot of us survived 8 years of that bozo Obama, and I'm sure you'll survive a Trump administration or two...

Relax man, you'll live longer...


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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #114 on: November 12, 2016, 07:31:44 PM »
News Flash!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg sighted departing on her flight to New Zealand.

Have a safe flight Ruthie...


Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #115 on: November 12, 2016, 09:12:15 PM »
Worst president in my lifetime?

Obama, by far.

I think he has been the most divisive president in my lifetime. He was not the president of all the people, only those who worshiped him and voted for him He never stopped campaigning over 8 years, and he never passed up the opportunity to bash Republicans whenever he could.

He was a proven liar and never took responsibility for his failures. I never felt that he was my president.

Though I have mostly voted Republican all my adult life, I never voted for Tricky Dick Nixon. I didn't vote for him for the senate, governor, or president. There was just something about those sneaky eyes of his...

I kind of miss political bumper stickers. If you put one on your car now, you're very likely to come out of the store and find your car keyed or your windows broken.

Best bumper sticker ever:  Don't Change Dick in Middle of Screw... Vote for Nixon in '72



Did you hear Nixon went to see "Deep Throat" 3 times before he finally got  it down Pat?

Anymore Jokes from the 70s?

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #116 on: November 12, 2016, 09:34:54 PM »
It tells me our system worked EXACTLY as it was designed to.

Where were you during high school government class? Behind the bleachers smoking dope?   ;D

That's OK, you'll get over it. A lot of us survived 8 years of that bozo Obama, and I'm sure you'll survive a Trump administration or two...

Relax man, you'll live longer...


You're the one who said "the people have spoken" and the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS VOTED AGAINST TRUMP!!

He lost the popular vote.

But it's cool.  We'll see how this next 4-8 years go.  If nothing else, I'm sure it'll be interesting.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #117 on: November 13, 2016, 02:23:51 AM »
People are so ignorant and don't think for themselves anymore I have a 19-year-old daughter at a major university she's not out protesting she sees how hard myself and my ex wife (her mom) work to send her to college we don't get any help from the government but we don't complain we work hard and we are trying to be responsible parents she told me in her political science class of 32 people they are only five Trump people in there that's what we're looking at in our future. I wish more young people would look at all the facts and see how it affects their families and then make an educated decision who they think should lead the country not just jump on the bandwagon because their friends are out jumping on cars or whatever they are doing

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #118 on: November 13, 2016, 07:28:44 AM »
Getting back on subject, (WHICH WE SHOULD)

Thank you!  ;D

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #119 on: November 13, 2016, 08:36:31 AM »
Question: Is your wife's auto plant unionized?


Of course it is not unionized. In fact they fire anyone when they find out that they are a union organizer. She fired a guy from Michigan who was from the UAW even though he was a really good worker.

That is the reason Toyota closed their Fremont, California plant - the idiot union would defend people who were chronically late, didn't come in etc. Most California Toyota union members were pissed that the union would defend these people because they knew it would lead to loss of the plant.

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #120 on: November 13, 2016, 09:05:52 AM »

Thank you!  ;D
Bottom line is the US is a country with so many more opportunities and protections in place for women. However, I know a few Barranquilleras in this country who accomplish nothing because they are lazy, refuse to learn English or drive,etc...

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #121 on: November 13, 2016, 01:11:45 PM »
lol, I love how this thread went from 'What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.' to Obama and the elections

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #122 on: November 13, 2016, 01:22:04 PM »

Thank you!  ;D



I don't think you expected to see your thread turn into a free-for-all brawl.  A lot of heat and little light. Seems it take very little to set people off on this forum ! 

You're getting quite the display of attitudes and emotions here.  If the women of your agency could see this - I bet it would shocking to most of them. But maybe not...

Maybe then they might want to re-consider getting involved with a gringo?

Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #122 on: November 13, 2016, 01:22:04 PM »

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #123 on: November 13, 2016, 04:41:34 PM »

Not True

The vast majority of Illegals work for themselves or  are in"Cash" business.
My wifes bank is a Latin Credit Union and they come in everyday and get loans, credit cards, ect without any SS# or a fake one.They brag how they are exploiting the system here and that Americans are stupid to put up with it, all with a ass eating smile.

If there weren't so many illegal immigrants there would be no need for a Spanish speaking bank in North freaking Carolina.  So if all those latino immigrants get deported your wife will be out of a job.  I wonder if your wife really has a problem with all those immigrants like you say she does or if she just tells you that because she thinks that's what you want to hear.  You say she voted for the liar/cheater/scammer trump but were you actually in the voting booth with her when she cast her vote.

Things that make you go hmm...

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Re: What Every Latina Should Know, Before Dating a Foreign Man.
« Reply #124 on: November 13, 2016, 07:49:53 PM »

If there weren't so many illegal immigrants there would be no need for a Spanish speaking bank in North freaking Carolina.  So if all those latino immigrants get deported your wife will be out of a job.  I wonder if your wife really has a problem with all those immigrants like you say she does or if she just tells you that because she thinks that's what you want to hear.  You say she voted for the liar/cheater/scammer trump but were you actually in the voting booth with her when she cast her vote.

Things that make you go hmm...

For the record my wife says you are an Idiot"quote "

She does not need to work at all and could say home if she wanted to. I do very well.

She hates people that break laws and takes money out of her/ my pocket.

My wife views herself as an American, not a Latina .
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !


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