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Offline Hector_Lavoe

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Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:25:30 PM »
Following Kai2's leap into Mexico City (the "D.F.") last year, I recently got back from 4 nights in Mexico City. My first time there.

I came, I saw and I failed...or at least I didn't hit the jackpot. And that is ok as I still enjoyed myself and I did some tourist stuff along with trying to meet women. But this was my LAST trip just "free ranging" or going "cold turkey" with no attempt at online connections and/or agency assistance or some other additional means to opening doors.

The D.F. is mind blowing from a historical, cultural and architectural standpoint. The city is a heavyweight in so many areas (culinary scene, museums, historic architecture, theater, great public spaces and parks, etc.). Located 7,000 feet above sea level and built over ancient Aztec ruins, the city's historic core was built from 1521 to the late 1800's. And as if that is not enough, just a 45 minute drive from the city center will get you to the ruins of Teotihucan which were built between 100 and 250 A.D.

I stayed in the southern portion of the Polanco neighborhood. A very nice high-end area with good restaurants, bars and nightclubs. But if I were to do it again, I'd stay in the Roma or Condesa neighbohroods. These areas are more lively, have more street activity and the bars/restaurants/clubs are more concentrated making walking from one place to the next very easy. Polanco is more spread out. All three areas are close to each other and are very safe.

I mostly used Uber to get around. It was cheap, safe and worked well for the most part. I found the drivers to be very professional. Their cars and personal presentation were very clean and up to big city standards.

THE WOMEN in the D.F.
Mexico City may not be Miami or Medellin but there are some cute ladies there for sure. One day at a high-end mall in Polanco I saw a smoking hot Mexicana with some 70-ish year old Carlos Slim looking dude. Of course, I don't know for sure her nationality was Mexican but she looked about 28 years old and straight out of one of those Telenovelas. Saw a few others that were ballpark to her from a looks standpoint but it was hard to find them alone in a situation where it would be kosher to chat them up.

Did not meet ONE rude lady (or person) during my time there. The only time I saw rude behavior was cars in traffic. The traffic is HORRENDOUS and the residents of the D.F. will honk their horn, etc.

No Mexican Cupid. No agency. As mentioned in another thread, Kai2's lady was nice enough to offer to set me up with a 42-year old friend. I declined as she was outside my desired age range (my sweet spot is roughly 27 to 35 or so). I tried to meet up with Kai2 and his lady for drinks but we were unable to make it happen, unfortunately. I do believe networking of this sort is great and it would have been great to just meet up.

At night I hit bars and nightclubs. During the day I did some tourist stuff, hit sidewalk cafes, and also stopped by some high-end malls in the city center. Approached some women during the day but found more opportunities and success at night.

Night No. 1 (Friday): Just tried to get a lay of the land and hit up a few places I had read about. Probably should have pressed harder but was home by 2:00am. Pretty tame by M.C. standards. No numbers on day one.

Night No. 2 (Sat.): Feeling more comfortable knowing my way around. Hit up the Roma Norte neighborhood to start the night off. Very walkable area with bars and restaurants, etc. Chatted up an attractive 37 year old lady waiting for her amiga outside of a bar. She gave me her number.

Later that night I hit a high-end night club called Joya in the Polanco neighborhood.  A very seated club environment but it was a Saturday night and there was enough spillover to try to make something happen. Just as I was hitting my speed I took a dive on the a boxer in round one I just flopped to the ground. Call it drinking yourself out of the game or a brain malfunction or whatever. I blew some opportunities there.  Ended up getting in with this 30 year old Mexicana who was in a group of about 6 people (mixed m/f). Ended up staying with her for most of the night at the club. Really should have circulated more. Was just not that into her. Lesson learned: stay away from the Mezcal.

Night No. 3 (Sunday): Hit the Peta Negra bar in the Condesa neighborhood. A bit of a sausage fest but I met a nice 20-something Colombina who was there with this really cool gay guy from the D.F. He let me know up front, "Hey we are just friends. Just have at it if you want." Had fun hanging with them and their crew of people. Got the Colombiana's number but not sure I was feeling it and not sure she was either. This was a Mexican/Latin bar for the most part but I heard "U.S. or English-speaking" pop music all night. Danced with the Colombiana to 1979's "Funky Town"...she knew all the lyrics. 

Night No. 4 (Monday): Hit Teotihucan ruins during the day. Amazing! Went out for a bit Monday night. Hit a bar a local suggested that was supposed to be good on Mondays but it was DEAD. I went home early and rested.

Last day: Had a late flight out at 6pm. So I had a lunch date with the 37 year old near her office which was not too far from my hotel. She has nice facial features. A very feminine profile with a nice smile. She is college educated, no kids, studied abroad in Europe, fluent in English and has traveled pretty extensively in the U.S. The restaurant she suggested was excellent. My best meal of the trip.

She showed up dressed in tight black dress pants, a professional jacket and a sexy blouse that was transparent over her stomach/midriff. Nice woman, pretty nice figure, interesting background, etc. If I was 100 percent rational and little less enamored with younger ladies she could be a good catch.

Considering Colombia with Maria's agency in Barranquilla (or maybe another one) to help facilitate meetings later this year.

Mexico City is so close to the USA that it is logistically VERY convenient. Now that I know the lay of the land in M.C., it is tempting to take another shot at a long weekend there. Time will tell. 

Here is a shot of Teotihuacn:


« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 12:49:29 AM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2016, 05:56:42 AM »
Great trip report HL. Thanks for taking the time out to go into so much detail. I plan on going to the Texans game in the D.F. in November and haven't been in a while so information like this is priceless.

Offline kai #2

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2016, 06:10:35 AM »
It's unfortunate you don't believe or like that kind of networking. I'm glad you liked the city it really is amazing though. I might have to check out that area you're talking about though. I've always generally stayed in the Chapultepec close to the castle and giant park right there but those areas sounds pretty interesting. I find that mexican woman are pretty open towards me I think, probably becasue there aren't a lot of black people there. They're pretty brazen, they'll look me dead in the when I'm with my girl walking about, come up and say hi to me when she's around, stare me down in bars and discos. It'll still be cool to meet up to. I'll be going back down for a long weekend for my birthday..I'm glad you enjoyed it though

Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2016, 06:10:35 AM »

Offline Kiltboy1

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2016, 06:13:02 AM »
Very Nice Report.
Might have to put that on my bucket list to visit for the food and culture.Thanks for taking the time.

She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2016, 06:13:34 AM »
Oh I almost forgot, you might want to try using Badoo to meet girls online in Latin America. Before I went the first time I had met 4 girls that wanted to meet up. I've met a few girls using it to include Ecuador, Costa Rica and Mexico. Best of all it's free. I've also used Tagged but Badoo is the best imo

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2016, 06:28:02 AM »
Following Kai2's leap into Mexico City (the "D.F.") last year, I recently got back from 4 nights in Mexico City. My first time there.

I came, I saw and I failed...or at least I didn't hit the jackpot. And that is ok as I still enjoyed myself and I did some tourist stuff along with trying to meet women. But this was my LAST trip just "free ranging" or going "cold turkey" with no attempt at online connections and/or agency assistance or some other additional means to opening doors.

The D.F. is mind blowing from a historical, cultural and architectural standpoint. The city is a heavyweight in so many areas (culinary scene, museums, historic architecture, theater, great public spaces and parks, etc.). Located 7,000 feet above sea level and built over ancient Aztec ruins, the city's historic core was built from 1521 to the late 1800's. And as if that is not enough, just a 45 minute drive from the city center will get you to the ruins of Teotihucan which were built between 100 and 250 A.D.

I stayed in the southern portion of the Polanco neighborhood. A very nice high-end area with good restaurants, bars and nightclubs. But if I were to do it again, I'd stay in the Roma or Condesa neighbohroods. These areas are more lively, have more street activity and the bars/restaurants/clubs are more concentrated making walking from one place to the next very easy. Polanco is more spread out. All three areas are close to each other and are very safe.

I mostly used Uber to get around. It was cheap, safe and worked well for the most part. I found the drivers to be very professional. Their cars and personal presentation were very clean and up to big city standards.

THE WOMEN in the D.F.
Mexico City may not be Miami or Medellin but there are some cute ladies there for sure. One day at a high-end mall in Polanco I saw a smoking hot Mexicana with some 70-ish year old Carlos Slim looking dude. Of course, I don't know for sure her nationality was Mexican but she looked about 28 years old and straight out of one of those Telenovelas. Saw a few others that were ballpark to her from a looks standpoint but it was hard to find them alone in a situation where it would be kosher to chat them up.

Did not meet ONE rude lady (or person) during my time there. The only time I saw rude behavior was cars in traffic. The traffic is HORRENDOUS and the residents of the D.F. will honk their horn, etc.

No Mexican Cupid. No agency. As mentioned in another thread, Kai2's lady was nice enough to offer to set me up with a 42-year old friend. I declined as she was outside my desired age range (my sweet spot is roughly 27 to 35 or so). I tried to meet up with Kai2 and his lady for drinks but we were unable to make it happen, unfortunately. I do believe networking of this sort is great and it would have been great to just meet up.

At night I hit bars and nightclubs. During the day I did some tourist stuff, hit sidewalk cafes, and also stopped by some high-end malls in the city center. Approached some women during the day but found more opportunities and success at night.

Night No. 1 (Friday): Just tried to get a lay of the land and hit up a few places I had read about. Probably should have pressed harder but was home by 2:00am. Pretty tame by M.C. standards. No numbers on day one.

Night No. 2 (Sat.): Feeling more comfortable knowing my way around. Hit up the Roma Norte neighborhood to start the night off. Very walkable area with bars and restaurants, etc. Chatted up an attractive 37 year old lady waiting for her amiga outside of a bar. She gave me her number.

Later that night I hit a high-end night club called Joya in the Polanco neighborhood.  A very seated club environment but it was a Saturday night and there was enough spillover to try to make something happen. Just as I was hitting my speed I took a dive on the a boxer in round one I just flopped to the ground. Call it drinking yourself out of the game or a brain malfunction or whatever. I blew some opportunities there.  Ended up getting in with this 30 year old Mexicana who was in a group of about 6 people (mixed m/f). Ended up staying with her for most of the night at the club. Really should have circulated more. Was just not that into her. Lesson learned: stay away from the Mezcal.

Night No. 3 (Sunday): Hit the Peta Negra bar in the Condesa neighborhood. A bit of a sausage fest but I met a nice 20-something Colombina who was there with this really cool gay guy from the D.F. He let me know up front, "Hey we are just friends. Just have at it if you want." Had fun hanging with them and their crew of people. Got the Colombiana's number but not sure I was feeling it and not sure she was either. This was a Mexican/Latin bar for the most part but I heard "U.S. or English-speaking" pop music all night. Danced with the Colombiana to 1979's "Funky Town"...she knew all the lyrics. 

Night No. 4 (Monday): Hit Teotihucan ruins during the day. Amazing! Went out for a bit Monday night. Hit a bar a local suggested that was supposed to be good on Mondays but it was DEAD. I went home early and rested.

Last day: Had a late flight out at 6pm. So I had a lunch date with the 37 year old near her office which was not too far from my hotel. She has nice facial features. A very feminine profile with a nice smile. She is college educated, no kids, studied abroad in Europe, fluent in English and has traveled pretty extensively in the U.S. The restaurant she suggested was excellent. My best meal of the trip.

She showed up dressed in tight black dress pants, a professional jacket and a sexy blouse that was transparent over her stomach/midriff. Nice woman, pretty nice figure, interesting background, etc. If I was 100 percent rational and little less enamored with younger ladies she could be a good catch.

Considering Colombia with Maria's agency in Barranquilla (or maybe another one) to help facilitate meetings later this year.

Mexico City is so close to the USA that it is logistically VERY convenient. Now that I know the lay of the land in M.C., it is tempting to take another shot at a long weekend there. Time will tell. 

Here is a shot of Teotihuacn:
Thanks Hector. Great trip report!

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2016, 06:47:02 AM »
It's unfortunate you don't believe or like that kind of networking. I'm glad you liked the city it really is amazing though.

I think you misread what I wrote. I said I do believe in and like that kind of networking.

That is cool you've generated a positive reaction from the local ladies. Since you are tall and black (think you said you are 6'3" or so) you must be like a modern day Hernan Cortes to them. When the Aztecs first laid eyes on Cortes they thought he was an Aztec god from another world. JaJaJa.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 06:54:20 AM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2016, 06:48:59 AM »
Oh I almost forgot, you might want to try using Badoo to meet girls online in Latin America.

Yep, I was on there a few years ago. Good suggestion. I'll have to check it out again.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2016, 07:26:18 AM »
Cool report. CDMX/DF was the first city I visited in Latin America and I have friends who live there. Definitely worth visiting.

Here is a very interesting Youtube channel by an English guy living in Mexico City:
True Mexico - Youtube Channel
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 07:29:57 AM by Gavan »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2016, 07:34:07 AM »
I hope you go back soon. I think real Mexican women are very generous. I might be a bit bias lol

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2016, 08:12:01 AM »
That is cool you've generated a positive reaction from the local ladies. Since you are tall and black (think you said you are 6'3" or so) you must be like a modern day Hernan Cortes to them. When the Aztecs first laid eyes on Cortes they thought he was an Aztec god from another world. JaJaJa.

I felt like that when I went to India a couple of months ago LOL. It was like I became some sort of celebrity there. People came up to me to take pictures, waved and shouted at me as was walking around, little kids stared at me in awe,etc. Much more extreme than anything that happened to me in Latin America. It was pretty weird actually.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2016, 03:20:02 PM »

I felt like that when I went to India a couple of months ago LOL. It was like I became some sort of celebrity there. People came up to me to take pictures, waved and shouted at me as was walking around, little kids stared at me in awe,etc. Much more extreme than anything that happened to me in Latin America. It was pretty weird actually.

What was the female situation like there in India?  I love Indian chicks, where there are quite a few where I live, of course theyr'e very Americanized around here for the most part.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2016, 03:42:40 PM »
Just as I was hitting my speed I took a dive on the a boxer in round one I just flopped to the ground. Call it drinking yourself out of the game or a brain malfunction or whatever. I blew some opportunities there.  Ended up getting in with this 30 year old Mexicana who was in a group of about 6 people (mixed m/f). Ended up staying with her for most of the night at the club. Really should have circulated more. Was just not that into her. Lesson learned: stay away from the Mezcal.

Jaaaaaajajajaaaa!!  Damn that sucks doesn't it??!!

I've been there done that, damn that sucks so bad!  Did you eat prior to getting plastered?  The last time that happened to me I was drinking and smoking on an empty stomach, big mistake.

If you go back you should stop by the youth hostels and join a group of people who are going out partying in a group.  There's always at least a couple of people who know the good spots to go and knows a few locals.  There are always locals who go to the hostels to make friends so they can show you off to their friends.  It's like it makes them feel cool to be seen with a gringo.  Another advantage is at hostels there are always some hot blonde gringa girls who will make you look good to be seen with at the bars and clubs, and you also have a good shot at hooking up with them if that's your thing too.  Just do a little research to find a hostel that's walking distance to the nightlife district.

Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2016, 03:42:40 PM »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2016, 07:39:50 PM »
How come none of you are riding the subway? The Mexico City subway is hands down, the best subway experience in the world. It's a moving party.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2016, 08:04:53 PM »
How come none of you are riding the subway? The Mexico City subway is hands down, the best subway experience in the world. It's a moving party.

Yeah, I blew that. Meant to try it out. I hear it is great but VERY packed at peak hours during the week...probably not a bad place to ask a nice girl for directions. JaJaJa

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2016, 09:06:23 PM »

She showed up dressed in tight black dress pants, a professional jacket and a sexy blouse that was transparent over her stomach/midriff. Nice woman, pretty nice figure, interesting background, etc. If I was 100 percent rational and little less enamored with younger ladies she could be a good catch.

Well Hector, if I recall correctly you are no spring chicken (Mid to upper 40's I think).  I'm not sure how young  the ladies are that you are more enamored with, but it would seem a lady around 30 might be a sweet spot.  If I'm correct about your age, she still would be significantly younger than you.    You seem to be pretty rational to me, so I'm curious what you meant by  "If I was 100 percent rational". 

You may wind up choosing to 'trade off'...something in terms of age, if the lady has other attributes that fit into your goals going forward.  I suppose  it would depend partially on how important those goals might be. 

Good luck with the future trips.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2016, 11:28:43 PM »

I've been there done that, damn that sucks so bad!  Did you eat prior to getting plastered?  The last time that happened to me I was drinking and smoking on an empty stomach, big mistake.

If you go back you should stop by the youth hostels and join a group of people who are going out partying in a group.  There's always at least a couple of people who know the good spots to go and knows a few locals.  There are always locals who go to the hostels to make friends so they can show you off to their friends.  It's like it makes them feel cool to be seen with a gringo.  Another advantage is at hostels there are always some hot blonde gringa girls who will make you look good to be seen with at the bars and clubs, and you also have a good shot at hooking up with them if that's your thing too.  Just do a little research to find a hostel that's walking distance to the nightlife district.

I did eat but apparently not as much as I should have. Youth hostels could work if I were still 25 or 30 or even 35...but I am not. Did see some cute Mexicanas on couchsurfing.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2016, 12:05:39 AM »

Well Hector, if I recall correctly you are no spring chicken (Mid to upper 40's I think).  I'm not sure how young  the ladies are that you are more enamored with, but it would seem a lady around 30 might be a sweet spot.  If I'm correct about your age, she still would be significantly younger than you.    You seem to be pretty rational to me, so I'm curious what you meant by  "If I was 100 percent rational". 

You are correct F.T. in that I am no spring chicken...late 40's at this point.

By 100% rational I meant if I was basing everything on upon intellect and reason I might be chasing down the 37 year to the ends of the earth. But as a guy (or even human being) questions about potential significant others also involve physical chemistry, romance, intuition, etc.

Everyone has their tastes. The 37 year old is perhaps not my type (too "white") and yes, showing her age a bit more than is optimal. I get that we are all gonna fade and I am not so young anymore either. However, as a starting point I'd like someone who "looks" a bit younger even if she is 37, 38, etc.

I will post a few photos temporarily and delete in a few days.

Here is the 37 year old. The sunglasses obscure my aging comments but given the statements I've made it is only fair to not expose her here 100 percent. Again, she is a great lady but perhaps just not for me:

Someone that is very much more my type is the Nica I met over a year ago in Nicaragua. She was only 24 when I met her but I am very confident I could have gotten her to come back to states and marry me. I walked away for a variety of reasons but mostly due to age and incompatibility in religious/moral views, etc. Otherwise a very sweet girl. She still texts me from time to time.

Here are two photos of the now 25 year old Nica girl to demonstrate my type. If I could pull a 30 to 35 year old version of her out of a hat and remove the fundamentalist religious baggage I'd marry her in a New York minute.
Photo 1:

Photo 2: She is the one in the pink shirt to your left.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 12:08:43 AM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2016, 04:22:50 AM »

What was the female situation like there in India?  I love Indian chicks, where there are quite a few where I live, of course theyr'e very Americanized around here for the most part.

Well I didn't really go there to meet women and didn't really try, but yeah I saw a LOT of attractive women there. Definitely a lot of eye candy walking around even in very poor areas.

I am not really sure how easy it would be to date them though because of Indian culture which still seems to be very religious, old fashioned and conservative. From what I heard there 65% of marriages are still arranged so a lot of people don't even date at all. I do think some of the more westernized Indian women would be open to dating a foreigner as I got quite a few curious stares/eye contact from them. There was one woman who actually started taking pictures of me with her smartphone when she saw me  ;D  But most of the extreme attention I got there was actually from men and little kids LOL.

Here is a funny commercial I kept seeing on Indian tv while I was there about a foreigner who proposes to an Indian girl:


India was an interesting country to visit. It has some similarities to Latin America but there are LOTS of differences as well. One noticeable difference is safety. While India has a lot more extreme poverty than LA it also feels much, much safer. I definitely prefer Latin America though. The latin culture just appeals to me more.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 05:05:08 AM by Gavan »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2016, 09:39:09 AM »
You are correct F.T. in that I am no spring chicken...late 40's at this point.

By 100% rational I meant if I was basing everything on upon intellect and reason I might be chasing down the 37 year to the ends of the earth. But as a guy (or even human being) questions about potential significant others also involve physical chemistry, romance, intuition, etc.

Everyone has their tastes. The 37 year old is perhaps not my type (too "white") and yes, showing her age a bit more than is optimal. I get that we are all gonna fade and I am not so young anymore either. However, as a starting point I'd like someone who "looks" a bit younger even if she is 37, 38, etc.

I will post a few photos temporarily and delete in a few days.

Here is the 37 year old. The sunglasses obscure my aging comments but given the statements I've made it is only fair to not expose her here 100 percent. Again, she is a great lady but perhaps just not for me:

Someone that is very much more my type is the Nica I met over a year ago in Nicaragua. She was only 24 when I met her but I am very confident I could have gotten her to come back to states and marry me. I walked away for a variety of reasons but mostly due to age and incompatibility in religious/moral views, etc. Otherwise a very sweet girl. She still texts me from time to time.

Here are two photos of the now 25 year old Nica girl to demonstrate my type. If I could pull a 30 to 35 year old version of her out of a hat and remove the fundamentalist religious baggage I'd marry her in a New York minute.
Photo 1:

Photo 2: She is the one in the pink shirt to your left.

I see exactly where you are coming from. The Mexicana is just not your type. I would have been all over her - for me she is vastly more attractive than the Nica.

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2016, 09:49:30 AM »
You are correct F.T. in that I am no spring chicken...late 40's at this point.

By 100% rational I meant if I was basing everything on upon intellect and reason I might be chasing down the 37 year to the ends of the earth. But as a guy (or even human being) questions about potential significant others also involve physical chemistry, romance, intuition, etc.

Everyone has their tastes. The 37 year old is perhaps not my type (too "white") and yes, showing her age a bit more than is optimal. I get that we are all gonna fade and I am not so young anymore either. However, as a starting point I'd like someone who "looks" a bit younger even if she is 37, 38, etc.

I will post a few photos temporarily and delete in a few days.

Here is the 37 year old. The sunglasses obscure my aging comments but given the statements I've made it is only fair to not expose her here 100 percent. Again, she is a great lady but perhaps just not for me:

Someone that is very much more my type is the Nica I met over a year ago in Nicaragua. She was only 24 when I met her but I am very confident I could have gotten her to come back to states and marry me. I walked away for a variety of reasons but mostly due to age and incompatibility in religious/moral views, etc. Otherwise a very sweet girl. She still texts me from time to time.

Here are two photos of the now 25 year old Nica girl to demonstrate my type. If I could pull a 30 to 35 year old version of her out of a hat and remove the fundamentalist religious baggage I'd marry her in a New York minute.
Photo 1:

Photo 2: She is the one in the pink shirt to your left.
You are doing well Hector. They are both attractive. The Nicaraguan has a small waist and the booty that does it for me plus the youth, and looks wise you have a good pool to choose from... not sure if you want kids but if you do, choose a woman under 30. If you don't want kids then age is a lot less important

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2016, 12:00:03 PM »
Mambo and Utopia: Thank you both for the input. Good to hear from both of P.L.'s resident "cowboys".....

U.C.: Yep, I think you've stated in the past how you love fair skin and of course your wife is a paisa. We each have our own preferences. Give me a petite brunette with dark skin and I get weak in the knees, no matter what her background: Latina, Asian, Italian, Jewish, etc.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2016, 12:12:56 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2016, 02:20:30 PM »
I see where you're coming from my ideal Latina would have a nice brown complexion but at the end of the day a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman in my eye lol. Mine woman doesn't even really look mexican...untill you talk to her watch her eat chamoy *ugh* but what can you do right

Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2016, 02:20:30 PM »

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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2016, 08:54:06 AM »
You are correct F.T. in that I am no spring chicken...late 40's at this point.

By 100% rational I meant if I was basing everything on upon intellect and reason I might be chasing down the 37 year to the ends of the earth. But as a guy (or even human being) questions about potential significant others also involve physical chemistry, romance, intuition, etc.

Everyone has their tastes. The 37 year old is perhaps not my type (too "white") and yes, showing her age a bit more than is optimal. I get that we are all gonna fade and I am not so young anymore either. However, as a starting point I'd like someone who "looks" a bit younger even if she is 37, 38, etc.

I will post a few photos temporarily and delete in a few days.

Here is the 37 year old. The sunglasses obscure my aging comments but given the statements I've made it is only fair to not expose her here 100 percent. Again, she is a great lady but perhaps just not for me:

Someone that is very much more my type is the Nica I met over a year ago in Nicaragua. She was only 24 when I met her but I am very confident I could have gotten her to come back to states and marry me. I walked away for a variety of reasons but mostly due to age and incompatibility in religious/moral views, etc. Otherwise a very sweet girl. She still texts me from time to time.

Here are two photos of the now 25 year old Nica girl to demonstrate my type. If I could pull a 30 to 35 year old version of her out of a hat and remove the fundamentalist religious baggage I'd marry her in a New York minute.
Photo 1:

Photo 2: She is the one in the pink shirt to your left.

Hector, your choice in what is considered a good looking woman is nothing short of outstanding, IMO.  Too bad she is a fundamentalist religious type...Maybe you should bite the bullet and convert!  haha

Yeah, the 37 year old also looks very nice...but if you are intending on having a child or 2 she may not be the best choice due to age. 

You will probably have to roll the dice, perhaps more so than you are comfy with.  It would seem that based on your tastes, going to Barranquilla would be a good choice.  A place like Jamie's or MariaBueno's would be a good start, as I suspect you would have a lot of your ideal put right in front of you.  Some of them won't be fundamental religious types, and if you are attractive enough yourself, you will have very good options. 

Attempting to put myself in your shoes, I'd probably want to get on my horse if you have the ability to make trips, no time like the present. 


09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
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Re: Mexico City Trip Report: July 2016
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2016, 04:51:05 PM »

Someone that is very much more my type is the Nica I met over a year ago in Nicaragua. She was only 24 when I met her but I am very confident I could have gotten her to come back to states and marry me. I walked away for a variety of reasons but mostly due to age and incompatibility in religious/moral views, etc. Otherwise a very sweet girl. She still texts me from time to time.

Here are two photos of the now 25 year old Nica girl to demonstrate my type. If I could pull a 30 to 35 year old version of her out of a hat and remove the fundamentalist religious baggage I'd marry her in a New York minute.
Photo 1:

Photo 2: She is the one in the pink shirt to your left.

Why do you want a 30-35 version of this girl?  Is her personality not mature enough for you?

And what exactly is it about her "age/morality" issues that puts you off?  When you first posted about her in your Nicaragua trip report I assumed you gave up on her because she didn't want to put out on the first/second date.  Is there something more to it that I'm missing?  Do you want a girl who will go out and drink and party with you? 

I actually like the religious types who don't believe in casual sex, it usually means they're still virgins or close to it.  But at the same time it means theyr'e not so much fun at parties and I'm the type I like to party hard all night long.  That's why I see myself marrying a good religious girl but still going out on the side with the fun loving wild party girl types.


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