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Author Topic: TLC - 90 Day Fiance  (Read 34362 times)

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Re: TLC - 90 Day Fiance
« Reply #75 on: November 09, 2016, 08:48:00 PM »
Man, this show is hilarious.

Now they are trying to remake the original show into a continuing soap opera.

Now we have the Mohammed and Fatty show, where Mohammed runs around the country chasing hot chicks and Fatty follows him around threatening to have him deported.

Then there's the Colombiana wife who is willing to dump her husband for a career as a lingerie model in Miami.

Or the fat chick who almost falls off a camel in the Moroccan desert.

And the drunken sot mother of the guy who married the Thai girl...

And the Russian fiancée of the Marijuana grower who wants a $10,000 a month shopping allowance and a $40,000 wedding dress.

This nonsense is getting so ridiculous that I might have to go take a dump...



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Re: TLC - 90 Day Fiance
« Reply #76 on: March 01, 2021, 08:08:39 PM »
Good grief this show has to have gone totally scripted. Nobody is committed to marriage upon their fiance's arrival and one guy hasn't given one her ring back after a fight. My wife would have absolutely murdered me in my sleep the first night I pulled any of the "Maybe maybe not." BS. Unlike a few couples that had the blinders on to get married. None of the couples have that open mindset now. My thought was always, "If your not committed you'd better not ask someone to quit their job, sell/give/toss all their belongings except what they can fit in a couple bags and come running.

But at least there is some seriously good train wrecks like the drunk rich botox infused blonde that seems like a sex tourist willing to bang one dude, cheat on him, accuse him of not being faithful to her and then go bang his cousin again.

I fell sorry for the French woman though. She's got a real doorknob as a fiance.  He's pretty self centered trying to talk her into going to multiple countries to try and get married. Cost of the first trip alone when she got detained in Mexico would have been either refile or go to her, get married and bring her over on another type of visa.

Filipina wanting a girlfriend...yeah right.

Offline robert angel

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Re: TLC - 90 Day Fiance
« Reply #77 on: March 01, 2021, 08:31:30 PM »
Good grief this show has to have gone totally scripted. Nobody is committed to marriage upon their fiance's arrival and one guy hasn't given one her ring back after a fight. My wife would have absolutely murdered me in my sleep the first night I pulled any of the "Maybe maybe not." BS. Unlike a few couples that had the blinders on to get married. None of the couples have that open mindset now. My thought was always, "If your not committed you'd better not ask someone to quit their job, sell/give/toss all their belongings except what they can fit in a couple bags and come running.

But at least there is some seriously good train wrecks like the drunk rich botox infused blonde that seems like a sex tourist willing to bang one dude, cheat on him, accuse him of not being faithful to her and then go bang his cousin again.

I fell sorry for the French woman though. She's got a real doorknob as a fiance.  He's pretty self centered trying to talk her into going to multiple countries to try and get married. Cost of the first trip alone when she got detained in Mexico would have been either refile or go to her, get married and bring her over on another type of visa.

Filipina wanting a girlfriend...yeah right.

Schlock. We live in a world where the last president was the star of a so called 'reality show'--for 14 years, a scripted show that got him elected. What's real, what's scripted, be it the 'news', entertainment etc,. it's harder than ever to define 'reality.'

For me, it boils down to whatever I want to believe. But more than ever, I take more things than ever before with a 'grain of salt' - one that's as big as a boulder.

361 days together with my wife (since she started working at home March 5th, 2020) 24X7, with us basically 'quarantining' away from the rest of the world, makes the world outside our sphere seem weirder than ever.
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Re: TLC - 90 Day Fiance
« Reply #77 on: March 01, 2021, 08:31:30 PM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: TLC - 90 Day Fiance
« Reply #78 on: March 02, 2021, 08:44:39 AM »
Good grief this show has to have gone totally scripted. Nobody is committed to marriage upon their fiance's arrival and one guy hasn't given one her ring back after a fight. My wife would have absolutely murdered me in my sleep the first night I pulled any of the "Maybe maybe not." BS. Unlike a few couples that had the blinders on to get married. None of the couples have that open mindset now. My thought was always, "If your not committed you'd better not ask someone to quit their job, sell/give/toss all their belongings except what they can fit in a couple bags and come running.

But at least there is some seriously good train wrecks like the drunk rich botox infused blonde that seems like a sex tourist willing to bang one dude, cheat on him, accuse him of not being faithful to her and then go bang his cousin again.

I fell sorry for the French woman though. She's got a real doorknob as a fiance.  He's pretty self centered trying to talk her into going to multiple countries to try and get married. Cost of the first trip alone when she got detained in Mexico would have been either refile or go to her, get married and bring her over on another type of visa.

Filipina wanting a girlfriend...yeah right.

Lawyer destroys 90-Day Fiance
« on: January 11, 2020, 08:30:45 AM »
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