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Author Topic: SENDING MONEY CREATES A MONSTER  (Read 42915 times)

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Offline LatinSharpei

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« on: January 25, 2014, 12:05:46 PM »
I am posting this more to help the guys with thier future girls and adventures or searches...  I think that it is stated time and time again guys but hear my story so you dont make the same mistakes I did.  I have recently called off my engagement to my girl due to the fact I allowed her to grow into a monster.  I dismissed many warning signs such as getting in fist fights with her sister over a pen... Telling me i needed to drop a conference call at work so she could argue with me over insignificant stuff... 

However looking back I think I caused it by sending her money...  I started with just small things but it grows and grows into this beast that has an insatiable appetite for more...  I swear toward the end her hand was always out.  To give you an idea she was getting over 600 a month... She tried to tell me that she thinks she had life better making her 120k pesos a week so 500 a month over what I was sending her.  I offered to let her go back to that life cause I would love to get some new movies for my collection and other things.  She quickly declined on that. 

My red flags came out before the 2nd trip when the stress she was putting me through put me in the hospital overnight and sent home with a catheter.  All she was worried about was how fast I could get back to the gym and if the was going to ruin the trip I was to take down there in November.  I recovered in time to go but I still was not quite myself as far as strength and energy.  While down there she was staying with me in my hotel.  She got really drunk and verbally abusive one night.  Because I have had my issue in the past with domestic violence over an argument I wanted nothing to do with the moment and was going to call her a cab to go home so I did not have to deal with local authorities.   She threw a wine bottle at me missed me but damaged the floor... The broke the two wine glasses over her head not causing damage.  At that point I was like I had to get outta here I went to go sit in the lobby and she ripped my shorts off and told me to get back here and [snip] her like a man...  I told her I would stay but please go to sleep.  She climbed in my face and tried to get me to hit her.  I never did.  I finally was allowed to go to sleep.   I am sure I owned my part as I try to laugh my way out of situations that get uncomfortable and all and that pissed her off more. 

And a friend of mine said all problems in marriage are 50 / 50. So please do not think I am playing a victim here.  I am only sharing what I went through so others know that they dont have to put up with it.  I am not going to try again as I am seeing that there's so much dependency on your life that going to work became a task in itself.  I write this as my learning experience and warning that if a girl loves you she will not need your money to survive the 6 month process of waiting for a visa.  I mean yes pay for all the stuff for her visa but when the guys tell you that she managed to live 20 something years on thier own in that infotainment they will make it another 4 to six months waiting for the visa. 

Another thing I learned is 20 something is 20 something maybe I got the most immature girl out there but I think the younger girls and thier head in the clouds behavior is beyond what I could be into.  If your not into asinine silly behavior listen to what you learned in life date something 28 to 30 something.  I didnot enjoy having to finish raising a teen age daughter again. If your gonna do this know yourself.. know you limits and dont let people convince you of difference. 

When they tell you to go on a 2nd trip before making the final commitment... do so.  You see alot of stuff you don't originally when the birds and star dust is out with new romance.  I am not jaded or bitter toward my experience but I do lend all new guys my previous words of caution. 

I would endorce Jamie's services if asked about them. 

I just think this process is high risk high reward. Do your homework while you are there dont be afraid to ask the tough questions.  If a girl gets offended then let her go.  You are about to be financially responsible for her for the next 10 years.  If she wont be open with you then she ain't worth it.  I have a ton of regrets at this point as to why I did not give more time with a couple of girls that were sweet and beautiful.. if you go through the process save the money to take a longer stay... I was there for like 2 weeks.  It was not enough time.  I would wanna be there for amonth if I were to try again. 

This year I am thinking Alaska would be nice.  Not for a date but for vacation.  Best of luck to you all and hope my story helps at least one guy thinking of how todo the process.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 04:39:19 PM by Bob_S, Reason: Added paragraphs for easier reading. »

Offline mambocowboy

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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2014, 01:09:21 PM »
I am posting this more to help the guys with thier future girls and adventures or searches...  I think that it is stated time and time again guys but hear my story so you dont make the same mistakes I did.  I have recently called off my engagement to my girl due to the fact I allowed her to grow into a monster.  I dismissed many warning signs such as getting in fist fights with her sister over a pen... Telling me i needed to drop a conference call at work so she could argue with me over insignificant stuff...  However looking back I think I caused it by sending her money...  I started with just small things but it grows and grows into this beast that has an insatiable appetite for more...  I swear toward the end her hand was always out.  To give you an idea she was getting over 600 a month... She tried to tell me that she thinks she had life better making her 120k pesos a week so 500 a month over what I was sending her.  I offered to let her go back to that life cause I would love to get some new movies for my collection and other things.  She quickly declined on that.  My red flags came out before the 2nd trip when the stress she was putting me through put me in the hospital overnight and sent home with a catheter.  All she was worried about was how fast I could get back to the gym and if the was going to ruin the trip I was to take down there in November.  I recovered in time to go but I still was not quite myself as far as strength and energy.  While down there she was staying with me in my hotel.  She got really drunk and verbally abusive one night.  Because I have had my issue in the past with domestic violence over an argument I wanted nothing to do with the moment and was going to call her a cab to go home so I did not have to deal with local authorities.   She threw a wine bottle at me missed me but damaged the floor... The broke the two wine glasses over her head not causing damage.  At that point I was like I had to get outta here I went to go sit in the lobby and she ripped my shorts off and told me to get back here and [snip] her like a man...  I told her I would stay but please go to sleep.  She climbed in my face and tried to get me to hit her.  I never did.  I finally was allowed to go to sleep.   I am sure I owned my part as I try to laugh my way out of situations that get uncomfortable and all and that pissed her off more.  And a friend of mine said all problems in marriage are 50 / 50. So please do not think I am playing a victim here.  I am only sharing what I went through so others know that they dont have to put up with it.  I am not going to try again as I am seeing that there's so much dependency on your life that going to work became a task in itself.  I write this as my learning experience and warning that if a girl loves you she will not need your money to survive the 6 month process of waiting for a visa.  I mean yes pay for all the stuff for her visa but when the guys tell you that she managed to live 20 something years on thier own in that infotainment they will make it another 4 to six months waiting for the visa.  Another thing I learned is 20 something is 20 something maybe I got the most immature girl out there but I think the younger girls and thier head in the clouds behavior is beyond what I could be into.  If your not into asinine silly behavior listen to what you learned in life date something 28 to 30 something.  I didnot enjoy having to finish raising a teen age daughter again. If your gonna do this know yourself.. know you limits and dont let people convince you of difference.  When they tell you to go on a 2nd trip before making the final commitment... do so.  You see alot of stuff you don't originally when the birds and star dust is out with new romance.  I am not jaded or bitter toward my experience but I do lend all new guys my previous words of caution.  I would endorce Jamie's services if asked about them.  I just think this process is high risk high reward. Do your homework while you are there dont be afraid to ask the tough questions.  If a girl gets offended then let her go.  You are about to be financially responsible for her for the next 10 years.  If she wont be open with you then she ain't worth it.  I have a ton of regrets at this point as to why I did not give more time with a couple of girls that were sweet and beautiful.. if you go through the process save the money to take a longer stay... I was there for like 2 weeks.  It was not enough time.  I would wanna be there for amonth if I were to try again.  This year I am thinking Alaska would be nice.  Not for a date but for vacation.  Best of luck to you all and hope my story helps at least one guy thinking of how todo the process.
WOW! I give you credit for coming back and telling your story. A lot of more experienced guys were telling you to slow down, but that's sometimes easier when you're on the outside looking in...At any rate, you're one of the few who came back to talk about how the relationship train wrecked, and credit to you for that....

Offline benjio

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« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 02:37:02 PM »


I'm not in any way trying to say I told you so...but you declined to answer me when I questioned you about her identity in a PM...which of course was definitely your prerogotive. I had a very good idea of who you were dating though. Go back and read the private message I sent to you on July 27th of last year. I can almost guarantee you my assumption was correct. I tried to warn you about that girl.

With that being said, chalk it up to experience and take it as a win. You can always earn more money. Avoiding the emotional and mental anguish that comes with marrying women like that is nothing short of dodging a bullet. Thanks for sharing your story and I'm sure it will help someone out in the future.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 02:50:52 PM by benjio »

« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 02:37:02 PM »

Offline fathertime

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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 03:58:58 PM »
Thanks for reporting back doesn't sound good, but it could have been worse... sounds like you nipped the whole thing in the least you didn't marry her or bring her over here.

if you continue in this adventure you have learned a good lesson and you can make a better choice for yourself the gal back up on Jamie's website?

Good luck,

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

Offline LatinSharpei

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« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 04:08:24 PM »
I have not looked... I still feel like I am in a game of chess not sure which piece to move...  if I looked at his site right now I would be filled with regret with 2 girls there. I will give it a month and see if she is.  She sounds like she just wants a visa out after everything she said...  I was considering selling my place and moving down there and she straight up flipped out saying how she hates it there.  If anyone is worried in the mean time and on a trip I will look for thier sake but otherwise for now...  I am just back to the basics.. movies gym x box and work.

Offline Kiltboy1

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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 04:42:26 PM »

Thanks for taking it like a man and writing a great history of your situation that can hopefully help others down the road. Your story sounds very similar to what I went through with the Calena I married from Latin Encounters back in 2002.

I too looked passed all the red flags because well, DAMN SHE WAS HOT. let the bottom part of me affect the top part. Cost me a lot of $$ but at least you did not marry her.

The bright side is there are good woman out there. I found one and we will celebrate our 8Th wedding anniversary  the 17Th of March, so you can find your wonderful lady too.

Don't give up the fight and thanks again for sharing something that I know is very painful in many ways.

She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

Offline LatinSharpei

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 04:49:50 PM »
KB. and Mambo.

Nothing hurt but pride...I just gotta dust myself off and figure out where I am and what I am doing.  I thank god for a good friend of mine that showed me the win win situation I really was in.  Was not the way I wanted to win but its better than the alternative. 

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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2014, 05:42:13 PM »
Keep your head up, LS.

FWIW, I don't think sending money was the main problem, she was. Sometimes life's lessons are difficult (sometimes expensive too), but in the big picture, you dodged a bullet.


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« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2014, 05:55:17 PM »
I have not looked... I still feel like I am in a game of chess not sure which piece to move...  if I looked at his site right now I would be filled with regret with 2 girls there. I will give it a month and see if she is.  She sounds like she just wants a visa out after everything she said...  I was considering selling my place and moving down there and she straight up flipped out saying how she hates it there.  If anyone is worried in the mean time and on a trip I will look for thier sake but otherwise for now...  I am just back to the basics.. movies gym x box and work.

These 2 girls could have been worse..... you won't know it yet.

Offline robert angel

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« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2014, 12:36:04 PM »
I am posting this more to help the guys with thier future girls and adventures or searches...  I think that it is stated time and time again guys but hear my story so you dont make the same mistakes I did.  I have recently called off my engagement to my girl due to the fact I allowed her to grow into a monster.  I dismissed many warning signs such as getting in fist fights with her sister over a pen... Telling me i needed to drop a conference call at work so she could argue with me over insignificant stuff...  However looking back I think I caused it by sending her money...  I started with just small things but it grows and grows into this beast that has an insatiable appetite for more...  I swear toward the end her hand was always out.  To give you an idea she was getting over 600 a month... She tried to tell me that she thinks she had life better making her 120k pesos a week so 500 a month over what I was sending her.  I offered to let her go back to that life cause I would love to get some new movies for my collection and other things.  She quickly declined on that.  My red flags came out before the 2nd trip when the stress she was putting me through put me in the hospital overnight and sent home with a catheter.  All she was worried about was how fast I could get back to the gym and if the was going to ruin the trip I was to take down there in November.  I recovered in time to go but I still was not quite myself as far as strength and energy.  While down there she was staying with me in my hotel.  She got really drunk and verbally abusive one night.  Because I have had my issue in the past with domestic violence over an argument I wanted nothing to do with the moment and was going to call her a cab to go home so I did not have to deal with local authorities.   She threw a wine bottle at me missed me but damaged the floor... The broke the two wine glasses over her head not causing damage.  At that point I was like I had to get outta here I went to go sit in the lobby and she ripped my shorts off and told me to get back here and [snip] her like a man...  I told her I would stay but please go to sleep.  She climbed in my face and tried to get me to hit her.  I never did.  I finally was allowed to go to sleep.   I am sure I owned my part as I try to laugh my way out of situations that get uncomfortable and all and that pissed her off more.  And a friend of mine said all problems in marriage are 50 / 50. So please do not think I am playing a victim here.  I am only sharing what I went through so others know that they dont have to put up with it.  I am not going to try again as I am seeing that there's so much dependency on your life that going to work became a task in itself.  I write this as my learning experience and warning that if a girl loves you she will not need your money to survive the 6 month process of waiting for a visa.  I mean yes pay for all the stuff for her visa but when the guys tell you that she managed to live 20 something years on thier own in that infotainment they will make it another 4 to six months waiting for the visa.  Another thing I learned is 20 something is 20 something maybe I got the most immature girl out there but I think the younger girls and thier head in the clouds behavior is beyond what I could be into.  If your not into asinine silly behavior listen to what you learned in life date something 28 to 30 something.  I didnot enjoy having to finish raising a teen age daughter again. If your gonna do this know yourself.. know you limits and dont let people convince you of difference.  When they tell you to go on a 2nd trip before making the final commitment... do so.  You see alot of stuff you don't originally when the birds and star dust is out with new romance.  I am not jaded or bitter toward my experience but I do lend all new guys my previous words of caution.  I would endorce Jamie's services if asked about them.  I just think this process is high risk high reward. Do your homework while you are there dont be afraid to ask the tough questions.  If a girl gets offended then let her go.  You are about to be financially responsible for her for the next 10 years.  If she wont be open with you then she ain't worth it.  I have a ton of regrets at this point as to why I did not give more time with a couple of girls that were sweet and beautiful.. if you go through the process save the money to take a longer stay... I was there for like 2 weeks.  It was not enough time.  I would wanna be there for amonth if I were to try again.  This year I am thinking Alaska would be nice.  Not for a date but for vacation.  Best of luck to you all and hope my story helps at least one guy thinking of how todo the process.


You did a really good deed when you posted the above--hopefully it'll help some guys avoid similar scenarios. Takes some courage to 'put it out there' like you  did--kudos to you again. Glad that you didn't bring her over, get married and really put yourself in a vulnerable position, both personally and financially.

Sometimes even situations with women seem good at first, then we move too fast and end up getting burned. It really takes time to get to know a person and you're best off if you seen them in different situations--under happy, mad and sad scenarios. It's a good thing you saw the raging red flags early on. Some women are able to repress their negative qualities very well--but just for while. When you have a woman who doesn't really show her ass until after the honeymoon or even later, the end result is even worse than what you've been through. In short, it was bad, but it could've been a whole lot worse. I married the first time to a woman who only after a couple years--after we'd already bought a house and had a child, did I realize had some serious emotional issues.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2014, 03:54:15 PM »
Guys...  I am going to warn you now.. This on is nuts..  She calls today to tell me that she found the love of her life less than a week after I was done with her...  When I tell her that this behavior speaks to her character and not to call me again she goes off the deep end.  She is making a bunch of threats but they hold no weight.  At this point I will release her name so that you do no get caught in this mess.  I am sure I will not return to Colombia as this is craziness what is going on...  but be warned of a girl named Marlene she will be going back to the agency is what I here... Guess that love of her life was not that great... 

Offline Dan Las Vegas

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« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2014, 05:13:02 PM »
Sorry to hear about what happened, but I give you credit for posting your experence.  Sometimes the true person and character does not come out in the few few times you spend with her, but looking back, I'm sure you can see the red flags now. Consider it a lesson learned and hopefully you will choose wisely next time.

Good luck in your future adventures

Dan LV

Offline Ricardo1

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« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 05:54:56 PM »
2 things:
1. I would bet she has NOT found the love of her life - just trying to get a rise out of you.
2. I concur - she is crazy.

I think it is abundantly clear to you by now that your ex is a total neurotic and you were spared from serious problems and also possible physical harm.

Bottom line - you lived to fight another day.  That in itself is something to be grateful for....

Guys...  I am going to warn you now.. This on is nuts..  She calls today to tell me that she found the love of her life less than a week after I was done with her...  When I tell her that this behavior speaks to her character and not to call me again she goes off the deep end.  She is making a bunch of threats but they hold no weight.  At this point I will release her name so that you do no get caught in this mess.  I am sure I will not return to Colombia as this is craziness what is going on...  but be warned of a girl named Marlene she will be going back to the agency is what I here... Guess that love of her life was not that great...

« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 05:54:56 PM »

Offline Kiltboy1

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« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2014, 05:59:39 PM »
Somebody Call Norman Bates  :-X
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

Offline robert angel

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« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2014, 06:13:01 PM »
Not only did you learn a valuable life lesson, (I think) but you are lucky you weren't extensively involved with this nut job for a real long time. You're actually fortunate. This chica sounds like the kind who ends up doing stuff like stabbing, pouring hot oil/water on guys, while they sleep.

The thought of after the honeymoon, having miserable married years together, then divorce and possibly even paying spousal and child support to a mad woman is bad enough--but besides emotional and financial scars, women like this can leave you physically maimed.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2014, 06:56:24 PM »
2 things:
1. I would bet she has NOT found the love of her life - just trying to get a rise out of you.
2. I concur - she is crazy.

I think it is abundantly clear to you by now that your ex is a total neurotic and you were spared from serious problems and also possible physical harm.

Bottom line - you lived to fight another day.  That in itself is something to be grateful for....

I think she did find the love of her's $$$ & apparently booze.

Once again guys, let's take it from the top.
And while we're at it..

Offline Ricardo1

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« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2014, 07:43:05 PM »

Filipina Scams: The Medical Emergency, Part 1of2 - Philippines

Filipina Scams: The Medical Emergency, Part 2of2 - Philippines

This guy give his take on Filipinas and life there.  Covers common themes, of course......
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 07:49:48 PM by Ricardo1 »

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« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2014, 10:37:28 PM »
Yes, thanks for sharing your story here. I don't see the point in releasing her name. I mean guys don't go to Milwaukee and date Jennifer Smith okay. That biatch be cra cra. In all seriousness this is more about the OP no shutting this down a lot sooner. He got out before things could have gotten a lot worse and that's very positive. But he's still talking to her on the computer or whatever. He needs to shut it all down and terminate all contact. The power for him to stop this "monster" (his words) is to block her in every way and never communicate again.

As for money being the reason for creating the monster... giving Jennifer some cash won't likely recreate the situation he had. It's hard to point the finger to any one red flag to blame it all. There are plenty of red flags identified and many more that probably didn't get listed. A number of factors, culture, money, just a bad personality, potential generational differences, etc. If you think money was the problem just go to Colombia (or wherever) and date only women that don't "need" your financial assistance and don't want it.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

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« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2014, 12:18:52 AM »
Ricardo brought light to something I never paid attention to.  She kept asking for money for vaccinations and a pre check up... 

This is what made it clear that I was in trouble.  She knew I had a domestic Violence on my record.  I have to disclose it.  At one point she got nose to nose with me dared me to hit her.  When I wouldn't she told me I was a chicken [snip] gringo and said I was scared of the colombian police.

Every time I turned around she needed money for a new dress or something.  Why does she always need new dresses?  Not sure if that's Colombian tradition but in my opinion who cares I wont return this was dynamite waiting to go off in my face.  I might be turned off by the experience so dont let me turn you away.  I know there are sweet gorgeous girls down there i just do not want to run the risk of finding Satans spawn again.

I don't have any contact at this point with her.  She would have to call my phone and the phone bill is unpaid being I am no longer paying it.  I assume she only had one gringo paying. 

Things are done...I am gonna go spend a week with a friend of mine in Florida next month..  Help her coach her girls in softball and forget all about this disaster... 

Perhaps leaving her first name out here was distasteful...  to any offended I apologize. ..  I knowfrom conversations that I have had with Jamie he reads the page.  He runs a very tight ship so he will pprobably let her know that this kinda craps wont be tolerated if she is allowed to even come back.  But Jamie and his agency is the only good I got out of my trips to Colombia...I missed out on a lot of quality girls and one shines out from the rest but she was so honest that she could not leave Colombia at the time that I had to drop hope on that one.  Guys best of luck in your journey...  I put this out there for guys to learn from my experience.   My plans are to go back to the basics and live a quiet life.  I am giving up on marriage or kids after all this.  That should tell you how bad it can be if you dont get to know a girl for real and you make her your queen and give her free reign to the vault.

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« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2014, 06:33:05 AM »
He needs to shut it all down and terminate all contact. The power for him to stop this "monster" (his words) is to block her in every way and never communicate again.


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« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2014, 06:42:17 AM »
Finding a marriageable woman overseas is always a risky and tedious process.  I agree with many others here that this site has a ton of valuable tips, advice and caution.  But really it comes down to the individual guy - he's always going to be face with a somewhat 'unique' situation. 

Granted, the games women (and men) play are already known and talked about on this board over and over again. 

But wouldn't you know it - each woman puts her special 'spin' on it. On top of that, once we've developed feelings for her, we're going to be reluctant to see the scam in the making. 

One thing that always 'set my teeth on edge' is common refrain on Colombian women of wanting a man who is detailista.  The term can encompass little gifts, mementos, all the way up to dresses, electronic gadgets, trips etc.  And the typical Colombiana will pout if the guy won't spend his $$ on her in a somewhat frivolous way.

It would seem that a guy has to be willing to 'walk away' from any woman or situation that doesn't sit well with him.  If the gal comes around, great - if not be willing to let her go.  With the Latinas tempestuous disposition, a lot of guys will be intimidated. 

Another factor that can make us put up with undesirable behaviour, is our investment in time and money into a woman.  It's not like we can just play the field, and date another woman.  Essentially, most guys have very limited time to travel, and date women in Colombia or Asia for that matter.  A guy who's living there would have a lot more options and could just move on having learned his lesson.  This guy Henry (reekay) from life-beyond-the-sea, lives in the Philippines and maintains that the best if not the only way to know if a Filipina is fit to be married is the live in her city/province and see here for at least 9 months.  That alone, hints at the difficulty of sorting the women out and finding a keeper. 

It seems to me that every time I hear of a guy getting scammed, he was early on focussed on only one woman, too quickly enamoured, somewhat desperate to make it work, wanted to help her (also thinking that he's dealing with a 'diamond in the rough'), or thinking that the gal in question has had a rough go of life in one way or another, and not wanting to let her down or disappoint her. 

All of the above would fairly easily lead to disaster.

I think also that LS let the 'cat out of the bag' too soon, if he should have at all, in telling her about his past run-in with the domestic abuse issue.  That kind of stuff can be held against you.  It's always best to be cautious - on a need to know basis (only after a lot of thought for any negative issues). 

I think it's always best to realize the relationship can at any time go south -  Dating a foreign woman indeed is a veritable minefield.   Do your own reconnaissance always, and have an exit strategy. 

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« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2014, 08:27:58 AM »
The hotter a girl is, ESPECIALLY if she's quite aware of it, the more 'high maintenance' you can expect. With that type, you'd damn sure better watch for red flags, as these babes often have them in spades. And if they're already well aware themselves that they're 'hot' back home, when they get to the USA, they and their pretty little heads will be really flaming. If you marry someone like that, you're always second guessing her friends and if she wants to work, what sort of environment will that create.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2014, 08:58:39 AM »
Ricardo brought light to something I never paid attention to.  She kept asking for money for vaccinations and a pre check up... 

This is what made it clear that I was in trouble.  She knew I had a domestic Violence on my record.  I have to disclose it.  At one point she got nose to nose with me dared me to hit her.  When I wouldn't she told me I was a chicken [snip] gringo and said I was scared of the colombian police.

Every time I turned around she needed money for a new dress or something.  Why does she always need new dresses?  Not sure if that's Colombian tradition but in my opinion who cares I wont return this was dynamite waiting to go off in my face.  I might be turned off by the experience so dont let me turn you away.  I know there are sweet gorgeous girls down there i just do not want to run the risk of finding Satans spawn again.

I don't have any contact at this point with her.  She would have to call my phone and the phone bill is unpaid being I am no longer paying it.  I assume she only had one gringo paying. 

Things are done...I am gonna go spend a week with a friend of mine in Florida next month..  Help her coach her girls in softball and forget all about this disaster... 

Perhaps leaving her first name out here was distasteful...  to any offended I apologize. ..  I knowfrom conversations that I have had with Jamie he reads the page.  He runs a very tight ship so he will pprobably let her know that this kinda craps wont be tolerated if she is allowed to even come back.  But Jamie and his agency is the only good I got out of my trips to Colombia...I missed out on a lot of quality girls and one shines out from the rest but she was so honest that she could not leave Colombia at the time that I had to drop hope on that one.  Guys best of luck in your journey...  I put this out there for guys to learn from my experience.   My plans are to go back to the basics and live a quiet life.  I am giving up on marriage or kids after all this.  That should tell you how bad it can be if you dont get to know a girl for real and you make her your queen and give her free reign to the vault.
I think this points out the danger of spilling your guts to someone before she earns your trust. Too many guys give these ladies the keys to the kingdom without making them earn it. That's not a Colombiana thing. Women all over the world trample on guys who are too nice...

« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2014, 08:58:39 AM »

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« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2014, 10:14:34 AM »
Guys...  I am going to warn you now.. This on is nuts..  She calls today to tell me that she found the love of her life less than a week after I was done with her...  When I tell her that this behavior speaks to her character and not to call me again she goes off the deep end.  She is making a bunch of threats but they hold no weight.  At this point I will release her name so that you do no get caught in this mess.  I am sure I will not return to Colombia as this is craziness what is going on...  but be warned of a girl named Marlene she will be going back to the agency is what I here... Guess that love of her life was not that great...
Yes, do it. Post a picture of her too. You don't want anything to do with her anyway, and you'll be helping some other guy from winding up with her.
I've sent money to my fiancĂ©, but not like your situation. The most I've sent was $200 that covered a semester of english classes and 3 months cell phone service, and that was 2 months ago. You gottta get a woman that's dikwhipped and putty in your hands. I purposely act macho and give my novia every opportunity to back out, because as a man in my 40s, I have certain habits that I wont change, like I don't like talking on the phone or text messaging all day, and I don't like a woman looking for me all day and wondering what and where I am. Most guys will say a Colombiana doesn't have the capacity to not be jealous, and that's true, but she can definitely be trained to respect your wishes if she actually respects your place as a man and trusts you. Wait for it, here it comes.... 

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« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2014, 11:04:33 AM »
Yes, do it. Post a picture of her too. You don't want anything to do with her anyway, and you'll be helping some other guy from winding up with her.
I've sent money to my fiancé, but not like your situation. The most I've sent was $200 that covered a semester of english classes and 3 months cell phone service, and that was 2 months ago. You gottta get a woman that's dikwhipped and putty in your hands. I purposely act macho and give my novia every opportunity to back out, because as a man in my 40s, I have certain habits that I wont change, like I don't like talking on the phone or text messaging all day, and I don't like a woman looking for me all day and wondering what and where I am. Most guys will say a Colombiana doesn't have the capacity to not be jealous, and that's true, but she can definitely be trained to respect your wishes if she actually respects your place as a man and trusts you. Wait for it, here it comes....

Why not just let Jamie handle it? Isn't that what you pay this guy for.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)


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