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Author Topic: 13 Of The Most Influential Posts from non PL Members (Business/Philosophy)  (Read 1056 times)

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Offline robert angel

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Um--I'm not directly involved in linkedin, just have access--the above link may not work--here's a hopefully more accessible version that I hope works for those interested:

LinkedIn's top influencer posts of 2013

If that doesn't get it, I KNOW you can copy and paste the above in google and get the whole shebang--all 13 posts--it's not formatting correctly w/o me divulging sources I shouldn't and there are other interesting, divergent mindsets with interesting (I think) posts to be read.

 I just don't like having to be a member of Facebook, LinkedIn, Google etc., to have to buy or access anything. These umm--'resources'? might help some folks be successful financially and while I'm no island alone, I think my modest success is more similar to Popeye's philosophical expression as to why HE is who he is and does what he "do", LOL


Three Things I’ve (Bill Gates)Learned From Warren Buffett

June 12, 2013
10,649 Likers
I’m looking forward to sharing posts from time to time about things I’ve learned in my career at Microsoft and the Gates Foundation. (I also post frequently on my blog.)

Last month, I went to Omaha for the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. It’s always a lot of fun, and not just because of the ping-pong matches and the newspaper-throwing contest I have with Warren Buffett. It’s also fun because I get to learn from Warren and gain insight into how he thinks.

Here are three things I’ve learned from Warren over the years:

1. It’s not just about investing.

The first thing people learn from Warren, of course, is how to think about investing. That’s natural, given his amazing track record. Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of people stop, and they miss out on the fact that he has a whole framework for business thinking that is very powerful. For example, he talks about looking for a company’s moat—its competitive advantage—and whether the moat is shrinking or growing. He says a shareholder has to act as if he owns the entire business, looking at the future profit stream and deciding what it’s worth. And you have to be willing to ignore the market rather than follow it, because you want to take advantage of the market’s mistakes—the companies that have been underpriced.

I have to admit, when I first met Warren, the fact that he had this framework was a real surprise to me. I met him at a dinner my mother had put together. On my way there, I thought, “Why would I want to meet this guy who picks stocks?” I thought he just used various market-related things—like volume, or how the price had changed over time—to make his decisions. But when we started talking that day, he didn’t ask me about any of those things. Instead he started asking big questions about the fundamentals of our business. “Why can’t IBM do what Microsoft does? Why has Microsoft been so profitable?” That’s when I realized he thought about business in a much more profound way than I’d given him credit for.

2. Use your platform.

A lot of business leaders write letters to their shareholders, but Warren is justly famous for his. Partly that’s because his natural good humor shines through. Partly it’s because people think it will help them invest better (and they’re right). But it’s also because he’s been willing to speak frankly and criticize things like stock options and financial derivatives. He’s not afraid to take positions, like his stand on raising taxes on the rich, that run counter to his self-interest. Warren inspired me to start writing my own annual letter about the foundation’s work. I still have a ways to go before mine is as good as Warren’s, but it’s been helpful to sit down once a year and explain the results we’re seeing, both good and bad.

3. Know how valuable your time is.

No matter how much money you have, you can’t buy more time. There are only 24 hours in everyone’s day. Warren has a keen sense of this. He doesn’t let his calendar get filled up with useless meetings. On the other hand, he’s very generous with his time for the people he trusts. He gives his close advisers at Berkshire his phone number, and they can just call him up and he’ll answer the phone.

Although Warren makes a point of meeting with dozens of university classes every year, not many people get to ask him for advice on a regular basis. I feel very lucky in that regard: The dialogue has been invaluable to me, and not only at Microsoft. When Melinda and I started our foundation, I turned to him for advice. We talked a lot about the idea that philanthropy could be just as impactful in its own way as software had been. It turns out that Warren’s brilliant way of looking at the world is just as useful in attacking poverty and disease as it is in building a business. He’s one of a kind.

Photo: Bill Gates

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Bill Gates
Bill Gates

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Ted Burnett
Ted Burnett
Recently, I was lamenting about, both, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Both men have made a fortune due to Ponzi scheme tax policies created by Congress and the president that under-collected taxes for our Treasury. This allowed for the creation of a class of American's known as the 1% or billionaires who virtually own most of America. Neither have taken anytime to serve in our government like our founding fathers did when its so desperately needed. Rather than have an economy that's organic with an ebb and flow or "pay as you go" we've created economic bubbles that have burst twice in the past decade. Bill Gates has made giving one's fortune away to charities or to his foundation chic while blowing his horn in the process over returning that same wealth back to balancing our federal budget and pay down the national debt. The generations that follow will be saddled with debt that can't be repaid, that will have a huge impact on our economy, the quality of our lives and our chance at enjoying a similar opportunity.
4 months ago

LinkedIn Member“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. We are born to make manifest the glory of hope that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” The best people are those who make other people hopes Hearty Greetings Hamza & Maher Geia
5 months ago

Angie Endrud
Angie Endrud
Admissions coordinator at DSW Inc. and HDS Inc
I am very happy I stumbled on this posting. Both Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett are two men that I admire because they truly get the fact that the true rewards in life come from helping others. I have made a 6 figure salary and not found the reward that I have working in my current position. It is not glamorous and does not pay much but I have been able to help countless homeless and low income students start over with new careers where they are making decent money and working respectable jobs. One thing I have learned is that you get far more out of life when you give back to others. It does not have to be the money but sharing ones knowledge can have a huge impact on others. Thanks so much for sharing and I look forward to reading more posts. ~ Angie :)
5 months ago

BP Lim
BP Lim
Sales Performance Improvement ★ Winning More Deals ★ FastForward Decision Making ★
Every great man can be rich, but not every rich man is great! Warren and Bill are two rich men who are great in sharing and giving!
5 months ago

Scott Patrick Humphrey
Scott Patrick Humphrey
SEO Manager at Geometry Global
It would be better for the entire world if your investment portfolio didn't include Monsanto; for what I believe are monumentally obvious reasons. Thanks in advance,
5 months ago

Monica A. Davis
Monica A. Davis
Pres., Atela Productions, Leading Media Executive, Media Strategist, Media Coach, Publisher, Small Business Author
Time is a precious resource that can never be regained. Therefore we must determine what’s most important to us and then plan and use our time in a way that will have the most impact our own lives and the lives of others.
4 months ago

Farhan Munir
Farhan Munir
Software Architect
Bill Gates - definitely an eye opener. I especially liked the fact that Warren doesn't like useless meetings - something which I am trying to get away from. Still trying to learn how to delegate
5 months ago

Thomas Lo
Thomas Lo
Founder, NEPC
Mr. Gates, I'm curious to hear your answer on Warren's question, “Why can’t IBM do what Microsoft does? Maybe on your next post you can briefly share your answer if possible. Thanks for sharing
4 months ago

mohammed kamil
mohammed kamil
am a young guy coming up, and am inspired by this articles of the already successful men and hope they will guide us to be like or more than them.
5 months ago

Monica Garcia Bustamante
Monica Garcia Bustamante
Top-notch professional expert on Marketing Strategy, Leadership & Entrepreneurship. Bilingual.
Business success and philanthropy together, more than real, nowadays a need. Great inspiration
4 months ago

Mark Bartholomew
Mark Bartholomew
Venture Capitalist/Managing Director
The Mastermind of Investing taps into those things unseen by basic arithmetic, and goes deep into the heart and spirit of man. Deep into the meaning and structure of human existence. That's what great entrepreneurs and investors do.
5 months ago

Lonnie Ingram
Lonnie Ingram
Research Professional
My goal is to invent products for a safer life.
5 months ago

GramaKeshava Ananthram
GramaKeshava Ananthram
Omthara Kala Kuteera
Look back with confidence at your Peers ! Look forward to leave behind your Foot Prints Also !!
5 months ago

Lrd. Isaac Kalu
Lrd. Isaac Kalu
3. Know how valuable your time is..... yes that is the main point among others.
5 months ago

Rudy Dopico
Rudy Dopico
Director of Sales and Marketing
Mr. Gates, I'm curious to hear your answer on Warren's question, “Why can’t IBM do what Microsoft does? Maybe on your next post you can briefly share your answer if possible. Thanks for sharing.
4 months ago

Anabella Siblesz Hernandez
Anabella Siblesz Hernandez
Sales Associate at EWM, Realtors International in the Residential and Commercial Areas of the Florida Market
Great minds think alike!!! Check out how decitions are made to impact today's business market....
5 months ago

Amin Jibril
Amin Jibril
Supplier Quality and Reliability Engineer at Ford Motor Company
Success comes by rising above self, counter intuitive, oh?
5 months ago

Krishna bhatt
Krishna bhatt
A phony guy obsessed with religion and charity. It is an accident that he is in technology.
5 months ago

Tanmoy Bauri
Tanmoy Bauri
Attended Birbhum Institute Of Engg. & Technology-WBUT
valueable words from genius.
5 months ago

Dharmendra Tiwari
Dharmendra Tiwari
Application Specialist - LabTec at Mettler Toledo International Market Support Group
Really amazing guy with amazing thoughts. Also, like his suggestion to always have 2 or more source of income to be financially stable.
5 months ago
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 08:54:23 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!


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