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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2013, 08:32:49 AM »
Their is a Hell and Dont worry It will come sooner than latter. I guess!! :o
18 she was 19 You commie.  :P You guys will be begging Jesus for forgiveness.  But the angels will hold you back from even talking to him and will send you on your way.   and your  wife and or girl friend wont be where your going.

Where do dirty, old, sexually depraved perverts go when they die?

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2013, 09:46:45 AM »
Bcc knows so much about the philippines from all the brochures he reads.  Sorry Rob you don't know the philippines. Let bcc tell you how it is. Maybe he can prepare a packet of educational materials for you.

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2013, 10:12:20 AM »
Bcc knows so much about the philippines from all the brochures he reads.  Sorry Rob you don't know the philippines. Let bcc tell you how it is. Maybe he can prepare a packet of educational materials for you.

Might be time to knock all the countries where the 1st world goes to get their nut off their pedestal of innocent moral high-ground.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2013, 10:12:20 AM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2013, 10:48:30 AM »
My advice...grow some balls.  If you're keeping a woman well satisfied in the bedroom there would be no need to ask questions like this.  You're the MAN, you run the show, period.  I guarantee I'd date a religious chick and won't hesitate to verbally sh*t all over her so called "religion".  My ex girlfriend went to church at least 3 days a week and always tried to get me to go with her.  I'd just laugh at her when she'd bring up her church crap.  Then after I'd give her multiple orgasms I'd take a fat hit off a joint and blow the smoke in her face.  She'd call me a "demonio descarado" haha!!  I freaking loved that chick.

Another thing, from my point of view, these "religious" goody two shoes types just beg to be cheated on, which is ok with me I guess.

Thanks for sharing that with the entire class  ::)

You maybe should've married her. In your own obviously very special ways, you may have been perfect for each other. Is she the one who gave you that name 'Awesome', by chance? I thought it was your own creation, but now seeing what a real man you obviously are, it's hard to tell, LOL.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 11:53:53 AM by robert angel »
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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2013, 10:52:32 AM »
What are you guys a bunch of commies?  If you dont want a religious girl Go to Russia.
There you will feel  right at Home with a non religious girl and You can stay their and rot with all the rest  :o of the commies. and burn Bibles. and wait for the Muslims to take over.

Most certainly not! I think by and large, most of us are closet queens of the John Birch Society! ;)
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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2013, 11:13:20 AM »

It is true your odds might be better with someone else, but it's so easy to assume while talking online. I remember this particularly nice guy, he asked a lot of details about my family and relatives which I thought it was nice but at the end he cut me off completely as soon as I mentioned there is a catholic priest, a christian pastor and a couple of nuns in my family... even though I am not religious. Me being old fashioned combined with that led him to believe I was some sort of fanatic I am sure!

When she clarified, did you tell her you were not comfortable with that? how did she react? it's a bigger deal if you plan to have children, but if you are not there might still be a chance there I think.

I learned that catholics in the USA are more like christians in Mexico and I did not feel comfortable with it. Most catholics in MX don't even know how to pray, it's more about tradition. So perhaps you need to start looking into which religions are more on "your level" if that makes sense if you are going to consider religious women at all.

To me the main thing was that they had to be open minded and respectful, the odds to make things work with an atheist always seemed as bad as it would be with a religious fanatic in my case at least. I ended up with a non religious guy like myself that comes from a catholic family, we share old fashioned values and we both respect tradition.

IV: Thanks for your thoughtful post. Yes, we both have no kids but we both want them in the future. So that does complicate things a bit. Also, she apparently attends an evangelical church in Venezuela. In general, evangelicals in the USA are too extreme for my tastes. That said, I don't know enough about evangelicals in Venezuela but the USA track record is not good.
A traditional (or semi-traditional) cahtolic girl from Latin America that wants to attend church on major holidays (and for me to go with her) is fine in my book. But weekly or monthly church attendance is not in my game plan. I put a suit/tie on most days for work. The last thing I want to do on a Sunday is get up early and get dressed up like that again!
She is clearly open to a guy that does not go all the time with her and I could probably "neogiate" her down to once every two months or something. But if she resembles the evangelicals in the USA I could not make that work. Of course, I can't "judge" this girl in just two chat sessions. She could be different....she does appear to be "modern/progressive" in every other way. University educatated, professional, etc. 
But there are millions of ladies in Latin America so it is probably best to forget about it and look elsewhere.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 11:15:31 AM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2013, 11:25:02 AM »
I dated a very religious girl in Colombia from the Cartago area about two years ago and it didn't last very long. They're like communism, they look great on paper but simply won't ever work in the real world because of human nature (that is unless of course you're a really religious guy). Unlike in the U.S. where from my experience most girls from religious families are loose cannons waiting for someone to light their fuses, girls like this in Latin America are usually exactly what they appear to be. They are usually honest, virtuous women that are either virgins or have never been with more than a couple of guys sexually. They are not at all material and have little interest in designer clothing, shoes and handbags. Most don't wear very much makeup either. They understand and embrace their role as a wife and mother and expect their men to lead the household and bring home the bacon. There are some significant downsides as well though.

Based on her LAC profile/photos she is not afraid to put on some make-up and dress it up. Granted she isn't in a G-string bent over the hood of a sports car like some of those ladies on LAC.  Never been to Venezuela but the women there appear to be like Colombianas...they like to look their best. Of course, there are always excpetions.  But this lady already told me she likes to do natural beauty treaments every weekend for her skin and face. And they are certainly doing the trick for her.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 05:58:35 PM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2013, 02:03:27 PM »
Is she the one who gave you that name 'Awesome', by chance?

I was already Awesome way before she came along.  :)

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2013, 02:39:25 PM »
Calling me a child is about as accurate as me calling you a young buck.   

you are correct...a better description would have been infantile.

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2013, 09:45:36 PM »
No harm in testing the waters like they say. Are you looking exclusively in her country or all over?

I would advice against making judgments based on american standards, you decided to look abroad because we are different no? so it wouldn't make sense to "measure them up" the same. Though it does sound like you should focus on non-religious women, in Mexico that would include women listed as catholic, not sure over there.

If you have anything on your profile mentioning god you are attracting the wrong crowd or if you are contacting women that mention it on their profile then you might want to try avoiding them and see how that goes, an expression here and there should be safe enough.

Another hint could be what kind of wedding they want. I always mentioned if possible I would want the church wedding with fluffy white dress and all but it was not a requirement. In my opinion women who are adamant about this are either more religious than it seems or simply care too much about what people will think.

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2013, 10:11:37 PM »
As should be obvious, I have NEVER met this girl in person. She lives in Venezuela and I live in California. I have only chatted with her online two times.

For some reason, I thought you were more involved--more serious about this girl. It sounds a bit more like she's really pretty  and as with most guys, you like that and you're letting the rest fall into place as it may (or may not)  go 'as time goes by'.

So it sounds like a long time before , (if ever)  that you're planning on visiting Venezuela, but the last time I heard, it's not the safest, friendliest place for Americans to spend time in. Just food for thought.

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2013, 10:12:57 PM »

Just be upfront with this woman. If you don't plan on attending church with her then tell her. My wife and I are different religions. I went to Mass with her for a while until she got settled here but then stopped going. The reason I stopped is because I'm not Catholic. It just didn't seem right to be there for any other reason than being Catholic. She knew I wasn't Catholic from the start.

There is no way to predict future issues with someone but if you can get things like that settled it helps. There have been other issues arise but if I want to do things her way I will but if not I put my foot down. She knows I'm stubborn enough not to bend once my mind is made up.
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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2013, 10:49:44 PM »
All that could be true. The Philippines could be just about the only place on Earth where it doesn't happen where a guy decides to stay home while his spouse partakes in religious activities. Or you could just be full of it.  It's one of the largest cum dumpsters in the world along with San Jose so I have a hard time believing this could be so prevalent while men that don't go to church get excluded.

Since the title includes the word Novia I have no idea why an Asian woman's religion is relevant. Catholicism is quite a bit different in Latin America than it is in the USA. About the only similarities that I see is that alter boys can't get pregnant. Other than that they are pretty different for being the same.

Wow, you continue to out do yourself, with your 'man of the world' knowledge on cultures, economies and customs of other nations. There's a stark irony in your statement made with (hard to believe but true) increasingly gross, insulting and debasing language :

>>Might be time to knock all the countries where the 1st world goes to get their nut off their pedestal of innocent moral high-ground<<<

You, spew crap like that while counting down the days before you can retire to your Honduran  'paradise' with your every post?

Didn't you find the love of your life in Honduras? You seem depict it as an almost utopian place.  Not the end all authoritarian resource, but not some shabby ragazine or one sided website either, but according to Wikipedia, on Honduras:

>>Crime is a major problem in Honduras, which has the highest murder rate of any nation<<

Drug trafficking is widely known to be a major problem there.

Prostitution is also widely known to be a major, major business there and Honduras is the only nation I've heard of where child prostitution is said to be even more of a problem than it is in Thailand.

Look, BCC, for a long time, I watched guys bash you left and right and I stayed out of it. Yea, I rolled my eyes and your bratty, immature 'know it all' posts irked me, but I didn't want to get in line with the guys who quite often call you out---I sort of likened you to Zon, who a lot of times caught criticism no matter what he wrote. I stayed out of the fray.

So what if you like to talk on one hand about all the money you have, but being ungrateful for just about everything, critical of the people who gave you the money to start with shows a sordid lack of class and other signs bordering on indicators of mental illness. Perhaps I should show pity for you rather than annoyance.

Nonetheless, as you write and reveal what may well be your true colors more and more, I am beginning to think that  despite your hypocrisy about such places, that Honduras may well be the perfect fit for a person like you!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 11:06:34 PM by robert angel »
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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2013, 10:49:44 PM »

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2013, 11:37:06 PM »
Yes, Robert, I hear you. Hate to drag this thread further into the mud....   

BCC your tasteless reply No. 9 in this thread appeared directed at Rob when it was Belluah who provoked you. Robert was calmly disagreeing with you and you went straight to the gutter. Perhaps that was just sloppiness on your part. I am not sure. Was going to defend you in Jimmy's investment thread but withheld comment because I figured you were bound to offend someone else soon enough. Like the girl who slept with the whole football team (or was rumored to have done so)....your reputation precedes you now.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 07:15:10 AM by Hector_Lavoe »

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2013, 11:50:26 PM »
For some reason, I thought you were more involved--more serious about this girl. It sounds a bit more like she's really pretty  and as with most guys, you like that and you're letting the rest fall into place as it may (or may not)  go 'as time goes by'.

So it sounds like a long time before , (if ever)  that you're planning on visiting Venezuela, but the last time I heard, it's not the safest, friendliest place for Americans to spend time in. Just food for thought.

Yeah, I can understand why you might have thought that. To some degree I am taking a page from Ace and Stevieboy who both recently pulled off one woman trips. I have NO plans to go to Venezuela. Again, I've only chatted with this gal TWO times. I am experimenting with the method right now. Typically, I have only used Skype for ladies I had already met in person. Just feeling my way around with a different approach (i.e., Skype first and maybe meet in person later).

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2013, 11:55:49 PM »
No harm in testing the waters like they say. Are you looking exclusively in her country or all over?

I would advice against making judgments based on american standards, you decided to look abroad because we are different no? so it wouldn't make sense to "measure them up" the same. Though it does sound like you should focus on non-religious women, in Mexico that would include women listed as catholic, not sure over there.

If you have anything on your profile mentioning god you are attracting the wrong crowd or if you are contacting women that mention it on their profile then you might want to try avoiding them and see how that goes, an expression here and there should be safe enough.

Another hint could be what kind of wedding they want. I always mentioned if possible I would want the church wedding with fluffy white dress and all but it was not a requirement. In my opinion women who are adamant about this are either more religious than it seems or simply care too much about what people will think.

I am open to any country in Latin America.  Yes, I do screen the profiles before I reply. Some ladies will mention God and church in the self-description, etc. I don't reply to those. But this woman did not have that much detail. Just the generic "Religious" box checked off on her profile.  I have met several other ladies with the same box checked and well they were not avid church attendees at all. Just once in a while, etc.

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2013, 11:10:35 AM »
Hector if you like everything else about her I'd just humor her for now on the church thing. Most colombianas are superstitious so either follow Catholicism, a cristiana sect or brujeria (witchcraft) in fact most I've met take brujeria more seriously than either of the churches. I have a friend who was pissed because his woman spent good money on special water to throw on the walls to keep away evil spirits. Of course she was worth it so he gave her the money.

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2013, 02:16:46 PM »
Hector if you like everything else about her I'd just humor her for now on the church thing. Most colombianas are superstitious so either follow Catholicism, a cristiana sect or brujeria (witchcraft) in fact most I've met take brujeria more seriously than either of the churches. I have a friend who was pissed because his woman spent good money on special water to throw on the walls to keep away evil spirits. Of course she was worth it so he gave her the money.

Buencamino: Thanks. Yeah, I hear you. That sounds reasonable enough and I see no harm in chatting with her some more and see what happens. It is just when I hear someone say they go to an evangelical church every Sunday I jump to some conclusions (however fair or unfair that is).

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2013, 05:52:07 PM »
I am open to any country in Latin America.  Yes, I do screen the profiles before I reply. Some ladies will mention God and church in the self-description, etc. I don't reply to those. But this woman did not have that much detail. Just the generic "Religious" box checked off on her profile.  I have met several other ladies with the same box checked and well they were not avid church attendees at all. Just once in a while, etc.
Some perspective on this. The women in Latin America, unlike us, do not have to pay to use cupid and see messages, so they can be more casual about it's use than we are since we pay for it. Also, my wife has created cupid accounts for several of her friends at their request because they weren't computer savvy enough, so I wouldn't put much stock in profiles other than the pics and whether they have children...

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2013, 08:04:15 PM »

Buencamino: Thanks. Yeah, I hear you. That sounds reasonable enough and I see no harm in chatting with her some more and see what happens. It is just when I hear someone say they go to an evangelical church every Sunday I jump to some conclusions (however fair or unfair that is).

Sounds like you're just 'rolling with it' which makes sense. You're early in with this lady---your not putting huge significance early on into anyone thing makes sense and that's the way it really was, until we wrote a whole lot more into it. Us making an issue out of what was basically an innocuous religion question into a no sense, drag it out and on and on topic made NO sense. There was no description of this lady's actual, observed religious habits, no mention of her handling snakes in church to prove their faith, speaking in tongues, etc. Nonetheless, this thread got off on a religious track--never an easy topic and lost a lot of perspective from there (I take plenty of blame and apologize) with it pin balling here and there.

But Mambo's right about friends and family members often helping women set up accounts on these Cupid and other sites. My wife did it for a cousin--in fact she actually was the one typing for her at first. Sounds comedic--as they would be on cam (Her cousin and her now long time husband) and my wife along side her, typing a mix of their thoughts so it would hopefully 'come out right'--and despite adding this extra element to the already 'lost in translation' element always present between cultures/languages, it really worked out well in this case. The guy she liked very early on has actually been to her married to the cousin seven years now and they're still going strong on a very rural farm in frozen Illinois!

But you have to take a lot of stuff that's written on profiles with a grain of salt. If she says she's 5'0 tall, don't be surprised if she's 4'10 or 4'11. Says 99 pounds? I'd round that up--in general, I'd round weight up and take their body's  'vital statistics (if even given) with a grain of salt the size of a sugar cube.

A lot of women will make them selves out to be more devout 'good girls' than they really are and do you think they really expect "Prince Charming" or "Their Knight in Shining Armor" from us?--Gag me--I hope not, and a another reason I'm glad my sister has 4 brothers--she knows we're ALL bad sometimes.

A lot of people 'gild the lily' a bit, exaggerating, if you will. Do you think women lie about their age? The only difference in many cases like these is besides saying they're younger than they really are as many N. American women routinely do, some babes who are 16 y/o (or somewhere around that age) in other countries will claim they're 18 or older. If you read the archives here, there are stories of guys intent on one trip, one woman, who traveled to meet her and her family, only to find it was one trip to meet what turned out to be a 16 year old, with the possibility of staying there a lot longer --in jail on underage rape charges!

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #45 on: December 18, 2013, 09:17:13 PM »

But Mambo's right about friends and family members often helping women set up accounts on these Cupid and other sites. My wife did it for a cousin--in fact she actually was the one typing for her at first. Sounds comedic--as they would be on cam (Her cousin and her now long time husband) and my wife along side her, typing a mix of their thoughts so it would hopefully 'come out right'--and despite adding this extra element to the already 'lost in translation' element always present between cultures/languages, it really worked out well in this case. The guy she liked very early on has actually been to her married to the cousin seven years now and they're still going strong on a very rural farm in frozen Illinois!

Is your wife Febtember's cousin?

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #46 on: December 18, 2013, 09:59:20 PM »
I think a much bigger issue is her living in Venezuela. You dont wanna go there unless you have to . Almost as bad as Honduras. You'd have to be a real social outcast loser to go to a place like that just to meet a woman (Sorry BCC, I'm getting hit with "Lord of the Flies Syndrome" myself).. :D 

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2013, 11:10:50 PM »
Oh you are considering the possibility of making a trip exclusively for one woman? that's brave! and a great attitude no matter if you end up doing it or not.

I know we dragged on the religion thing but it was refreshing for me to find a different and very useful question for a change around here.

Anyways, as you might know Mexico is not exactly a #1 destination for dating, so in my case the few men I met came here just to meet me and I must admit I did end up in some awkward situations, thankfully that never happened with someone who came from too far away or for too long so I wouldn't feel as guilty. I was still friendly and polite of course, acting more of a tourist guide than anything  :-X

Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2013, 11:10:50 PM »

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #48 on: December 19, 2013, 12:08:36 AM »
Oh you are considering the possibility of making a trip exclusively for one woman? that's brave! and a great attitude no matter if you end up doing it or not.

Actually, that is not on the table. I think Elexpatriado was conjecturing that IF I did that it might be a bit nuts given the security situation in Venezuela, etc. I won't rule anything out at this point but that is not in the conversation right now.

Was thinking my next trip might be to Colombia (again) or a different part of Latin America just to see more territory and try something different. We shall see. 

I know we dragged on the religion thing but it was refreshing for me to find a different and very useful question for a change around here.

No worries, it was a good discussion for me too. I've dated women from Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador and Colombia. All catholic girls. Never had religion cause a divide. But they were all pretty casually religious as I put it before.

Anyways, as you might know Mexico is not exactly a #1 destination for dating, so in my case the few men I met came here just to meet me and I must admit I did end up in some awkward situations, thankfully that never happened with someone who came from too far away or for too long so I wouldn't feel as guilty. I was still friendly and polite of course, acting more of a tourist guide than anything :-X

That could be an interesting thread all its own. The one woman (or man) trip gone wrong and the associated war stories!! 

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Re: A Question about your wife/novia's religious habits/beliefs
« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2013, 12:18:37 AM »
Some perspective on this. The women in Latin America, unlike us, do not have to pay to use cupid and see messages, so they can be more casual about it's use than we are since we pay for it. Also, my wife has created cupid accounts for several of her friends at their request because they weren't computer savvy enough, so I wouldn't put much stock in profiles other than the pics and whether they have children...

Yes, Mambo, I hear you. Weeding through all those non-serious, fake and/or scam profiles to find a real gem is a veritable pain in the you know what.

Met one girl whose profile said she only finished high school. When we got to chatting it turns out she has a university degree. Asked her why she missed that part? Her reply, she didn't notice and she wasn't taking the site too seriously.


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