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Author Topic: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol  (Read 2243 times)

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friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:36:24 PM »

ok, we  all know in medellin, sooner or later, your gonna get robbed. its just a matter of time. problem is, are you going to lose a little money or a lot and are they going to  go away after they get  it, or get pissed and shoot you because they didnt get enough.

soooo, again, my friend got robbed........... and again.....  took  forever to get the  whole story out of her. getting details , other then, gun, money and robbed, is like pulling teeth  lol.

so, here are her words.....

hay  amor!!!!!mira  por el  edificio  coltejer..hay  un cajero  ..donde  retire  mi  dinero  cuan  estaba  saliendo  llegaron 2 hombres  con  pistolas  y  me  dijeron ..callada  entregame  la  plata  y  no te  pasa  nada..entonces hay que  entregarla  porque  ellos  estan  con drogas son  ladrones y  pueden disparar y salen corriendo  y  se  montan en 2 motos  y  ya  chao  dinero.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 02:51:20 PM »
ok, we  all know in medellin, sooner or later, your gonna get robbed. its just a matter of time. problem is, are you going to lose a little money or a lot and are they going to  go away after they get  it, or get pissed and shoot you because they didnt get enough.

soooo, again, my friend got robbed........... and again.....  took  forever to get the  whole story out of her. getting details , other then, gun, money and robbed, is like pulling teeth  lol.

so, here are her words.....

hay  amor!!!!!mira  por el  edificio  coltejer..hay  un cajero  ..donde  retire  mi  dinero  cuan  estaba  saliendo  llegaron 2 hombres  con  pistolas  y  me  dijeron ..callada  entregame  la  plata  y  no te  pasa  nada..entonces hay que  entregarla  porque  ellos  estan  con drogas son  ladrones y  pueden disparar y salen corriendo  y  se  montan en 2 motos  y  ya  chao  dinero.

Not to be funny but I can just hear that Paisa Accent while reading this.
I don't go to ATM's without armed security guards in Latin America. Not to suggest they would give half a $hit if someone did try to rob me...but at least it may give a thief the moment of pause I need to get away. Citibank is your best bet. I don't go to ATM's at all at night.
I think I've written this little tidbit on this board before. Might have been another one. If you absolutely, positively have to carry a large amount of cash in Colombia, put it in your sock. Now, take a $50,000 COP bill and wrap it around about 50 $1000 COP bills and keep that in your pocket. If you're robbed at gun or knife point (I might take my chances against one a$$hole armed with a knife...I'm a pretty big guy. Definitely not a good idea though), just hand over the the huge wad in your pocket. The guy isn't going to sit there and count it, then ask for more. He's going to see a huge wad of cash, get really happy, and try to get the hell out of there.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 02:59:17 PM »
The Colterjer building downtown is the tallest office building in Med.  It has a crap load of armed guards,  it has a crap load of people.  It is on La Playa,  very wide sidewalks with tons of people.  Lots of one way traffic,  not the best place for a fast,  clean get a way.  Strange,  but it is Med.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 02:59:17 PM »

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 03:23:48 PM »
Yea that's sounds strange to me too.  I used to walk past that area every day and it's crawling with cops and armed guards, even at night.

It's probably a miracle I never got robbed at the atm's in medellin, I was practically begging for it jaja!  I remember a couple of times I was drunk in the shadiest parts of el centro searching for an atm.  I would ask whoever was around to lead me to an atm and the only people around there late at night are shady ass people, crackheads and hookers.  One time I literally had like 2 crackheads and 2 hookers standing outside the little atm booth while I drunkenly tried over and over to withdraw money.  For some reason my card didn't work at this atm and my little crew walked away with disappointed looks on their faces.
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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2013, 07:16:03 PM »
Htown...that my friend, Is a GREAT story.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 10:39:17 AM »
It's probably a miracle I never got robbed at the atm's in medellin, I was practically begging for it jaja!  I remember a couple of times I was drunk in the shadiest parts of el centro searching for an atm.  I would ask whoever was around to lead me to an atm and the only people around there late at night are shady ass people, crackheads and hookers.  One time I literally had like 2 crackheads and 2 hookers standing outside the little atm booth while I drunkenly tried over and over to withdraw money.  For some reason my card didn't work at this atm and my little crew walked away with disappointed looks on their faces

lol, probably only reason they didnt roll you  :o

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 12:06:36 PM »

Not to be funny but I can just hear that Paisa Accent while reading this.
I don't go to ATM's without armed security guards in Latin America. Not to suggest they would give half a $hit if someone did try to rob me...but at least it may give a thief the moment of pause I need to get away. Citibank is your best bet. I don't go to ATM's at all at night.
I think I've written this little tidbit on this board before. Might have been another one. If you absolutely, positively have to carry a large amount of cash in Colombia, put it in your sock. Now, take a $50,000 COP bill and wrap it around about 50 $1000 COP bills and keep that in your pocket. If you're robbed at gun or knife point (I might take my chances against one a$$hole armed with a knife...I'm a pretty big guy. Definitely not a good idea though), just hand over the the huge wad in your pocket. The guy isn't going to sit there and count it, then ask for more. He's going to see a huge wad of cash, get really happy, and try to get the hell out of there.
What? You dont go to ATMs without security?? I didn't know it was like that? Man, I need to adjust my preparations and especially attitute, because if i see attempt, or am getting robbed, I get severely offended. Like offended as though I wasnt just robbed, but my mother was also called a b!tch and knocked down in the process, therefore I wouldnt think twice about chasing him down and severely hurting the muther fuker. Yes, yes, I know I know, blah blah blah. I'm not a big man, and isnt my first time in a 3rd world country,  and yes have been robbed beforehere in the US,  but there's nothing worse than getting robbed of your hard earned money in broad daylight.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2013, 01:58:35 PM »
SB -

Relax a little,  Most ATM's have security here.  With the crime here there are rent-a-cops everywhere (almost).

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2013, 02:22:27 PM »
What? You dont go to ATMs without security?? I didn't know it was like that? Man, I need to adjust my preparations and especially attitute, because if i see attempt, or am getting robbed, I get severely offended. Like offended as though I wasnt just robbed, but my mother was also called a b!tch and knocked down in the process, therefore I wouldnt think twice about chasing him down and severely hurting the muther fuker. Yes, yes, I know I know, blah blah blah. I'm not a big man, and isnt my first time in a 3rd world country,  and yes have been robbed beforehere in the US,  but there's nothing worse than getting robbed of your hard earned money in broad daylight.

well stevie, if you were to get robbed it isn't that big a deal, it is only a little money.   after hearing of all the stories and people dying, even if it were a  armed woman robbing me, i think i would just hand it over and possibly start disrobing.   I'm rather sure I'd choose to make a stand and/or die if the evildoers tried to separate me from my wife or child, to me that would be worth
fighting/dying for, but not for pesos in my pocket....but i have had your attitude in the past, i'm just glad nobody tried anything when i was carrying a lot of money, because who wants to die for a wallet?

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2013, 02:22:58 PM »
SB -

Relax a little,  Most ATM's have security here.  With the crime here there are rent-a-cops everywhere (almost).

Ok, then.  I remember going to an ATM at Citibank in Panama. A little outside booth with a door that wouldnt lock. There was no security, and the girl I was with instinctively stood guard outside.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2013, 02:35:44 PM »

well stevie, if you were to get robbed it isn't that big a deal, it is only a little money.   after hearing of all the stories and people dying, even if it were a  armed woman robbing me, i think i would just hand it over and possibly start disrobing.   I'm rather sure I'd choose to make a stand and/or die if the evildoers tried to separate me from my wife or child, to me that would be worth
fighting/dying for, but not for pesos in my pocket....but i have had your attitude in the past, i'm just glad nobody tried anything when i was carrying a lot of money, because who wants to die for a wallet?

Believe me I know what you're saying, but it's like some people comment negatively when  a guy shoots someone for attempting to steal their car and say "a car isn't worth killing someone over". Um, try it here in Texas and see what happens. I dont go to the ATM machine unless I'm taking out a large amount of money, pesos, call it whatever you want. Why else would you go to the ATM? Why go severeal times, thus increasing the chances of getting robbed? You don't have to be a veteran of traveling abroad to have common sense. As far as the topic of the thread, has the PO mentioned that the gal that got robbed ma ybe lying to get the sympathy of the dude to help her out financially?

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2013, 02:58:40 PM »
Believe me I know what you're saying, but it's like some people comment negatively when  a guy shoots someone for attempting to steal their car and say "a car isn't worth killing someone over". Um, try it here in Texas and see what happens. I dont go to the ATM machine unless I'm taking out a large amount of money, pesos, call it whatever you want. Why else would you go to the ATM? Why go severeal times, thus increasing the chances of getting robbed? You don't have to be a veteran of traveling abroad to have common sense. As far as the topic of the thread, has the PO mentioned that the gal that got robbed ma ybe lying to get the sympathy of the dude to help her out financially?

Ok, just trying to give you a little perspective.  It is not that I feel sorry for the thief, if somebody was armed and robbing me, and I had a gun and could get it pointed at them or shoot them I might.  That is not how it usually goes though, so how do you fight back when a couple young fast guys have a gun pointed at you or knives?  They have no respect for your life, they got adrenaline flowing.  If they take your pesos, you can go withdrawal some more or borrow some money from Benjio, and besides then you can tell the PL membership how you survived a Colombian robbery.  You would be a hero!
I once had the equivalent of over 5 grand US on me after winning at a casino in Barranquilla.  It was 2-3am in the morning and I was alone.  I was in the mood to fight back that night as I got the hell out of there and into the cab.  I don’t ever want to put myself in that position again, or have that attitude. I’d say carry reasonably small amounts of money on yourself, if you think you can’t contain your anger about getting it taken.  That way if somebody holds you up and you lose say 150  bucks, you can just walk away thankful you didn’t get shot.
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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2013, 04:01:40 PM »
Ok, just trying to give you a little perspective.  It is not that I feel sorry for the thief, if somebody was armed and robbing me, and I had a gun and could get it pointed at them or shoot them I might.  That is not how it usually goes though, so how do you fight back when a couple young fast guys have a gun pointed at you or knives?  They have no respect for your life, they got adrenaline flowing.  If they take your pesos, you can go withdrawal some more or borrow some money from Benjio, and besides then you can tell the PL membership how you survived a Colombian robbery.  You would be a hero!

I once had the equivalent of over 5 grand US on me after winning at a casino in Barranquilla.  It was 2-3am in the morning and I was alone.  I was in the mood to fight back that night as I got the hell out of there and into the cab.  I don’t ever want to put myself in that position again, or have that attitude. I’d say carry reasonably small amounts of money on yourself, if you think you can’t contain your anger about getting it taken.  That way if somebody holds you up and you lose say 150  bucks, you can just walk away thankful you didn’t get shot.
When out of country I only go to the ATM maybe once a week. No sense in extracting only a few pesos. I do what you probably do and only keep a few dollars in the wallet and the rest in my sock, and I also always wear a leather belt with a heavy thick brass buckle. The scenario of the young fast guys with a gun and knife is typical. Of course i wouldn't fight those guys. Let's keep it in perspective. But, yeah, if I have the opportunity to defend myself with less risk, I'm not gonna give any opportunity to get hurt, hence, self defence of the deadly kind with no remorse.

Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2013, 04:01:40 PM »

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2013, 04:34:57 AM »
Stevie, think of it this way:
How much money would it take for you to leap of a building with a 1% chance of living to talk about it?

How much money do you think a dirt poor Colombian with no future would accept to leap off a building with a 1% chance of living [size=78%] [/size][size=78%]to talk about it[/size][size=78%]?[/size]

Stevie, as soon as that guy pulls his gun out you have only two realistic options.

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Re: friend robbed....... again in medellin lol
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2013, 10:58:15 PM »
Stevie, think of it this way:
How much money would it take for you to leap of a building with a 1% chance of living to talk about it?

How much money do you think a dirt poor Colombian with no future would accept to leap off a building with a 1% chance of living [size=78%]to talk about it[/size][size=78%]?[/size]

Stevie, as soon as that guy pulls his gun out you have only two realistic options.
You're missing my point. And you're 1% survival chances analogy with jumping off a building is ridiculous. Many  people that get robbed by a knife get stabbed first, then robbed because it's easier to take the money. Same with getting robbed at gunpoint, except guns are expensive in third world countries and make loud attention getting noises. If you read my comment thoroughly,  i never eluded to being some badass cowboy that would take on armed thugs. I won't retype it again. I'll let you read it again for yourself. Now, if you're the type of person that would readily give up in the face of danger and hope the boogie man has a conscious and lets you walk away unscathed to possibly identify them to the police, that's up to you.


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