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Author Topic: False Accusation route  (Read 6295 times)

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Offline aconcepts

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Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2012, 07:54:38 AM »
Appreciate the response guys...

VM - Now I did not say anything about boundaries... really don't understand where you got that. Negotiation is the way of life. Communication is crucial.

Revealing your Achilles heal is foolish. That is communicating the wrong thing.

VM - hopeless romantics are easy crash and burn victims. That's puppy talk.  "I am gonna set her straight, kick her to the curb if she does not behave. blha blha.... then your kid has no access to both mom and dad? That is not confidence that is cockiness.

Its carelessness. Women and children can afford to be careless, not men. - Don Corleone

Look you are a father: you have to keep it together. To give your wife access to your Achilles heel is like Samson giving Delilah the scissors.

Hey - you do what you want... I am not your daddy. But I bet I have a lot more experience than you do so you may want to consider that being married does not mean bear your sould / soul mate crap... far from it. Marriage for the most part is a business agreement. really is. This is your role and you do this. This is my role and I do that. You remember this, and I remember that. Performance. Same as in all the business contracts I have ever reviewed, except you are in each other junk. Now that is where the women have the advantage, That is when they get their business partner to reveal the "trade secrets."

Sure, do the puppy love stuff and when that blows in your face remember the practical realistic advice old AC gave you. Hope I am wrong about it, but I am sure I am right.

You never reveal your position to the opposition before you strike. Its arrogance and carlessness to weaken yourself to the opponent especially when children are involved. And listen up VM because this I can guarantee, one day, maybe for 30 minutes or maybe for the rest of your life your wife will become your opponent.

That macho bluff stuff. Again that is not what I speak of when I say own the room. If you have confidence... in your self... you don't need to bear your soul to a woman... or to anybody. If you are getting married to bare your soul to someone then you are getting married for the wrong reasons.

This is why I like a lot of what you write but question your maturity.

There is a big difference between intellectually grasping a concept and emotionally accepting it. Practice vs theory.


I like how you guide your ship. So drop me an email to keep in touch - you too VM. You got a lot to learn but your heart is in the right place and you got a lot of potential. just don't trip over your romantic fantasies and you will be Ok - jajajaja (its all just my crap remember?).

Any ways

"My thought is I want to tell my wife what I really want and if that results in her telling me what she really wants that is ok with me.  There is no problem with a little negotiation here and there, just so long as the wants are not out of line on both ends.   Maybe I misunderstand and you agree with that point or maybe not....What say you?"
[/size]What you really want and telling her so is an art. The mundane things you don't care about reveal them to her of course. But when you let a woman know what can really hurt you... you are asking for trouble. You just gave her a big weapon.
[/size]Bear your soul to me Sampson...
[/size]Its called strategy boys. Everyone uses it. Many times those that prevail have the best ones.
[/size]Don't forget they are women. They do not think like us. That is the most we will ever know about them and how they think. The only thing we KNOW about women for sure is: they are not men. Nothing more.

[/size]You can assume
[/size]have your opinions
[/size]think you "know"
[/size]but you and me, "we" don't know. Period.

[/size]You would have to have that biological make up - those same chemicals in you body.

[/size]Its a physiological impossibility to think like a woman. When you can think like one, you will know one.

[/size]Remember the illustration I used about the Chess game. The queen is the most powerful piece on the board, but the game revolves around the king. Because it is the king that represent the player moving the Chess pieces. The strategist...[/font]

Careful is as careful does . And that's all I have to say about that Forest...[/font]

"but we who knew that different truths can coexist thought not that we were lowering ourselves by countenancing another's truth, unpalatable though it might seem."

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2012, 05:50:23 PM »
Firstly I haven't been "getting it" since I left Colombia. Oh wait..... different topic! Ooops! jajaja!

Secondly AC - don't take offense but I think you are talking about a different sort of relationship than I am.
She'd have to be a moron not to figure this out of her own, given everything else she knows about me. It's much better to to set right at the start what simply wont be tolerated. If she tries to play games with her own child as a porn she'll wonder why her bum hurts before she even realises she is on the curb. Rightly or wrongly. best she knows that in advance, I figure.

Dude, you are contradicting yourself. This is not acceptable behaviour in an adult relationship. What happened to all this talk about being "the man"? That didn't last long.

My adivse: Don't tolerate it. Be a man when it actually matters. Define some friggin boundries. Let it be known there are good and bad consequences depending on the choices you both make. Lead by example. Stamp out that pattern of behaviour good and early. Show her how to get positive results from positive actions instead. You need to be an adult and do the same.

To manipulate your spouse by witholding love for a child is simply unacceptable under any circumstance to me. Witholding a child to get something she wants is child abuse. If I was willing to put up with that attitude I'd stick to western women.

I have zero tolerance with my wife sleeping around either. We've made that very clear to each other as well. That's one of her big fears. I'm not going to play games with that fear either.
How about you both be adults and set some friggin boundries on behaviour!!!

Sure, all women have an urge to be manipulative with smaller things. They are women. Men do it too. However both people need to choose if they want to play games or be married. Do you they want a positive relationship or not?

It takes a certain level of maturity that has nothing to do with age, wealth or education.

If you think you are going to be married with someone and not discover their deepest fears, I guess you have a different concept of marriage to me.

AC at some point, if you want a deep, lasting long term relationship with another person you need to trust that person. if you can't trust her with your deepest fears, why the hell would you marry her?

Hence if she knows what my fear is and then still exhibits a similar sort of behaviour it's more than a little red flag to me.

Maybe in wrong. Maybe all the wise people have it sorted out and know better. I didn't claim to be one of them.
Rightly or wrongly that's how I'm playing it.

FWIW, I think you're playing it well.

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Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2012, 06:57:21 PM »

Remember the illustration I used about the Chess game. The queen is the most powerful piece on the board, but the game revolves around the king. Because it is the king that represent the player moving the Chess pieces. The strategist...

yoyo old boy! 

I don't think marriage has to be played like a chess game insofar as there has to be a victor and a loser.  How about a game of chess where both marital partners win?   I try to emphasize that we are a team and if anybody is going to get f'ed over it is going to be some outsider to the family!  I love strategy and thinking 4 moves ahead but having a partner in crime (instead of another person to be wary of) makes it much better!

That macho bluff stuff. Again that is not what I speak of when I say own the room. If you have confidence... in your self... you don't need to bear your soul to a woman... or to anybody. If you are getting married to bare your soul to someone then you are getting married for the wrong reasons.

This is why I like a lot of what you write but question your maturity.

There is a big difference between intellectually grasping a concept and emotionally accepting it. Practice vs theory.

I agree that 'tough talk'  on the website is bluster and meaningless.  Before I was married I probably engaged in some of it myself.   Actually putting it into action is A LOT more difficult and unpleasant.  My feeling is once a person starts down that road he probably won't be talking about it as much. 

I agree with vman in that an intelligent woman is usually going to know how to a hit you wear it hurts if that what she wants to do.  I don't think it is very realistic to have a long term marriage and think it is going to very good if you have to always be guarded and hide your true intentions/wants/needs/weaknesses.   I'd rather just say what I want to say and reveal what my genuine thoughts are and suffer the consequences, if there has to be some. 

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2012, 06:57:21 PM »

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Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2012, 02:11:02 AM »

    Marriage like a game of Chess? Nah, I like to think of it as a game of Strip Poker!  ;D

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline aconcepts

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Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2012, 07:43:06 AM »

"I don't think it is very realistic to have a long term marriage and think it is going to very good if you have to always be guarded and hide your true intentions/wants/needs/weaknesses.   I'd rather just say what I want to say and reveal what my genuine thoughts are and suffer the consequences, if there has to be some.  "

You guys are corrupting my point.

You have to have great communications. I agree Iagree and do I have to write it on the chalk board 100 times jajaja

The point is why do you have to reveal what makes you most vulnerable (maybe its only one thing or 5 things),

Do you think that you are not a soulmate and you are emotionally cheating if you don't...

And if you do then so what! get over it.

Kids are serious business.

Have the wonderful talks, comunicate you butts off, love eachother be intimate - just don't give away the trade secrets so it becaomes easy for your partner to run the shop or open another business (if you know what I mean)


For the last time I did not say do not trust her and act aloof. I am saying best not trust her with everything. Best not trust anybody with everything - if you do and things go south you have contributed to the negligence...
That's my simple point.

yeah I know some that do trust with everything but those guys are married to other men! jajajajaja careful..... I love women bless their hearts but I never forget that they are women.

Remember the apple thing???

Researcher - strip poker with your wife? Thats like already knowing the opposing players hand? hahahaha shooting ducks in a barrel... Best barrel ducks than no ducks at all I say...

« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 07:47:02 AM by aconcepts »
"but we who knew that different truths can coexist thought not that we were lowering ourselves by countenancing another's truth, unpalatable though it might seem."

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Re: False Accusation route
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2012, 10:48:49 AM »
Marriage like a game of Chess? Nah, I like to think of it as a game of Strip Poker!  ;D
Where even if you lose, you win.  ;)
...a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
- "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift


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