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Author Topic: How has the economy affected things?  (Read 1543 times)

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Offline Alabamaboy!

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How has the economy affected things?
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:43:49 AM »
In general I see fewer and fewer posts here. And it seems fewer guys are actually traveling. The price of traveling seems to be rising higher and higher every year.

How has the economy changed things for you and your travel patterns, and with your search for a wife from another country.

Personally, I was traveling to Colombia every 2-3 months back in 2005, but now maybe once every 9 months or so. If I had waited to take the plunge on this whole process until today, I probably would never have even started it. It is way too costly for me to travel and do the whole visa process again in this economy.

I do think that Jamie's place will always stay in business though because he provides a good service and even with his prices, the results seem to be unmatched by anything else I have seen reported on. I think in the long run it is very efficient use of time and funds and will save the person money overall.

For the guys who go to Jamie's, does he still require you to use his own lodging or has he relaxed things on that issue?

Offline Brazilophile

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Re: How has the economy affected things?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 10:06:07 AM »
How has the economy changed things for you and your travel patterns, and with your search for a wife from another country.

My travel has declined markedly over that past 10 years.  The reasons are the decline in the value of the US dollar, a decline in my personal wealth, and a change in my strategy (from staying in the US to moving to Brazil). 


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