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Author Topic: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine  (Read 42326 times)

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #75 on: May 08, 2012, 11:38:12 AM »
I always viewed A.Hepburn as very mousey looking. 
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 11:43:35 AM by SkyNorth, Reason: add photo »

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #76 on: May 08, 2012, 12:54:44 PM »
A Hepburn was elegant and graceful - she had wide innocent eyes. Not voluptuous

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2012, 01:27:25 PM »
I always viewed A.Hepburn as very mousey looking.

I adore Audrey Hepburn. Mousey looking women drive me crazy!!!! (In a good way) A couple of more are Ashley Judd and Anne Hathaway.

Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2012, 01:27:25 PM »

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #78 on: May 08, 2012, 02:04:32 PM »
I like the chick from the Quibids commercial (now that's mousy). She is a wide glide though... gret ITC potential at least it appears so...
"but we who knew that different truths can coexist thought not that we were lowering ourselves by countenancing another's truth, unpalatable though it might seem."

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #79 on: May 08, 2012, 08:02:32 PM »
ITC - in the closet, internet chat, the gap, or someting else?

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #80 on: May 08, 2012, 08:24:24 PM »
ITC - in the closet, internet chat, the gap, or someting else?

Inner Thigh Clearance, a.k.a UTC:

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #81 on: May 08, 2012, 08:28:21 PM »
JayLo, Kardashians - Go to Colombia Easy.  Penelope Cruise - Go to Colombia, but bring your very best game.  Audrey Hepburn? Go to Ukraine, and good luck

I don't get the scale. It's not just about looks, right? Is it about class/elegance?

Penelope is not "mousey", but she is certainly "birdy", and has a horrible accent.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #82 on: May 09, 2012, 12:23:04 AM »
How to know you're really out of it....

When you have to rely on the Brazilian chick to explain American slang to you.

Guilty as charged.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #83 on: May 13, 2012, 05:23:25 PM »
Zon,  are the agencies in the Ukraine , the same as in Colombia?   Can you just show up , look though the agency books , and cut a deal with the agency for 5-10 dates?
How many agencies did you use in the Ukraine?
The Ukraine agency websites , many of the women look like models, lots of blondes,  most are taller tehn average 5'7" and taller, You use any Ukraine dating websites?

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #84 on: May 13, 2012, 05:59:45 PM »
How to know you're really out of it....

When you have to rely on the Brazilian chick to explain American slang to you.

Guilty as charged.

Don't worry Jeff, I still have no idea what mousey or birds mean.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #85 on: May 13, 2012, 11:23:22 PM »

The agencies are not the same as Colombia. They offer a similar service but they are very different in how they conduct business. First I must lay down a big disclaimer here. I group agencies into 2 categories. One being pretty much above board and the other not so much... They play in the grey area or could be full blown on the dark side.

Of course you can just show up to the agency and look through their database and select the women you want to contact. You are going to have way more success there doing it in person than writing first. I seriously do not recommend writing the woman first.

There are a few down sides though... The main one being that she is either to busy to see you or is out of town. So just be prepared that about 10-15 % of the women you try to see will not be ble to due to logistical problems.

As far as cutting a deal there... It's the Ukraine... Everything is negotiable. But do not expect to big a discount. If you think your a good negotiator... Then I guarantee you will meet your match there. They take negotiation to a whole new level. They will not cave easily so be prepared for it.

Now as for the models you see on the site... Well model is code speak for hooker, call girl, gaisha girl, professional companion, stripper, porn star etc... You get the picture. It is very rare to find an actual model there that does not sell herself in some form and of course in varying degrees.

If she can speak japanese then you can bet your left you know what she was in Japan working one of the gentleman clubs. If she speaks Arabic or any of the darivatives she was most likely paid companion in Dubai or something like that.

If she was or is an exotic dancer then it is pretty much assumed at some point some guy offered her enough to take it to the next level.

You get the picture here.

You will find some of the most stunning blondes on the planet there. There is a huge amount of very attractive women there. They dress impeccable there. They are very fashion aware. They might not have a lot of clothes to choose from at home but they always look good when they go out.

If you watch a busy street you will be amazed at how many absolutely beautiful women that are there. And yes there are a lot of tall slender women there.

If you are going to go down the Ukraine marriage agency road then I cannot stress enough to be confident and have a take charge attitude. I don't mean abusive I mean ready a able to make decisions and know what your doing. Or at least look like you know what your doing.

If your a weak and timid... It's the same as being a wounded animal in the wild. They will sense it and they will take advantage of it without even giving it a second thought. It is their culture to do so. Second nature. They might still choose to be with you but if you are like that then you open yourself up to the bad women that are there... They will milk you like a cow... Daily... Twice a day!

Oh and one other thing. If a woman there is constantly worried about you spending your money... Or paying to much... Or being taken advantage of by a vendor... That is a very good sign. Those are the serious ones... She will do that if she is into you. If she is not looking out for you in that way... I don't care how nice she is in other areas she is gunna take you for a ride eventually.

Women there are always on the lookout to protect their family. You would be amazed at what lengths they will go to in order to save the family money. If she is watching out for you like this... That is a sign she is thinking of you as part of that... It's a very good sign... Now that woman is a keeper.

Now all of this only applies to a guy actually there to find a partner... Not just sample the talent. For those guys none of what I said above will matter... Cause you will just go for the models... It's not even hard work...

So don't come crying back here if you go after a model and she takes you for quite the ride... You were warned!


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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #86 on: May 15, 2012, 10:29:02 PM »
The women you described above ... I am not the one that need's to be warned about them; it is them that needs to be warned about me.  (well, the "old me")  I have specialized in those type of girls, more or less for 3 years.  And, in Kharkov, Ukraine I stretched my wings just to see.  Same thing as Medellin, with some huge cultural differences.   But, that is not want I want. 

So far I am the only guy I know that has been to the Ukraine for greater than 15 days and has not gotten laid:)

I got off gringo trail about a week ago, and traveled to a small town Poltava.  I like it here.   There is a small agency here and I arranged 3 meetings.  I saw the first lady from 50 feet, and I said to myself "Just Don't [snip]THIS up."   A nice meeting.  We liked each other.    The next day the agency owner, a friend of the woman I met calls and said that "I" wants me to go to the river with her and her sister, maybe I should cancel all my other appointments?  Just what I wanted.

This woman is a NICE, SMART, STABLE, SERIOUS woman.  I see a warmth and kindness in her when she talks to her sister and friends. Things are not going to be like I am used to with her, and things are not going to happen fast.  She is my equal.   I do not know if there is deep compatibility yet.  I do not know all the things about her that I may love, or hate.  But, for the next month, I will learn.   What do I want?  I want her to take me to the train station in 30 days, and cry when I leave.   I want to feel the same - but I do not want to cry :)


Is it possible to meet women locally - of course.  It has been simple for me.  But, there is a SLIGHT problem with this too.  The skills of meeting a woman and breaking the ice, also puts her on alert that you do that type of thing all the time.  Here is the deal - there are too many women here!  And, the presumption that you are a foreigner visiting her beautiful country, nice people, etc...  does not hold any water at all!   

If you must, say you are on business.   Don't tell them how great their country is BLA BLA BLA   (This works great in Colombia BTW.  Does not work here.)

Look, I have had more choices in recent years that any one man should.   Even on this trip: Berlin, Prauge, Bratislava ... I met interesting women who were worthy to get to know.   I met a couple fine women in Kiev that did not want any part of me because of my travel plans (1+1=2)   In Kharkov, maybe there would be too much temptation to just play and date young women, at least to me at this time in my life?   I am in a place now  feels more sober and slow (I would not say necessarily honest!   People do not look you in the eye, except bully police.   This place is similar to Colombia in that there is NO social fabric, there is no common good.  Have you seen the common areas of the apartments!!  Looks like a nuclear explosion.  Then, on occasion, you meet the individual, and an entirely different set of values and morals are in place.)

I think it is very very possible to find very very good women everywhere, especially in Ukraine - in every way!  Agencies are what they are, but they still save time and filter.   Most of these women have some baggage, but so do we.   

And, here is something very very powerful that I am only beginning to fully understand:  Depending on who you are, an AM has the ability to design a prosperous, happy life using an expanded set of choices that is simply NOT available to 98% of the people in Ukraine.  (HELL!  Colombia is much better!)   That makes a decent, hard working, honest, family guy very very attractive - more than physical and true wealth.  I think the normal women here, the ones without children especially, want a good husband and father mostly; not an apartment on Madison Ave and a Porsche.  So, the real challenge for a normal man is simply how to position that asset, and his character to the woman who is leery. (THIS is especially true for me by virtue that did not have any communication BEFORE my arrival.  Now that I know what I know, THAT was probably a mistake.

The biggest challenge is building familiarity and trust NATURALLY after you have taken the chance to travel around the world to see "what if." The tick of the clock and "natural" are in absolute conflict for most guys. For me, relaxing and balancing the mind has been very helpful.   I am fortunate! I can work here on the Internet (client correspondence, conference calls, ect...)  So, I just as easy can say: "I can not see you today, I have to work", as the women.

One last note.  After you have gone through enough beauties to satisfy one's male curiosity.  And, after you realize that there is no perfect woman.  And, after you truly want someone to grow a real human relationship with ... then, surprisingly, MANY MANY woman are ideal and suitable matches worthy - more than worthy - of time and care.  I remember Blues Fairy commenting on what she told her husband to be upon leaving him after their first meeting:"It is in your hands."  At the time that struck me as interesting.  Now it strikes me as the simple truth of things.


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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #87 on: May 16, 2012, 05:35:25 PM »

Bright days
Gone soft?
as in "Ripe for the picking" (or the puking)... as in love drunk ... jajaja

BTW I love "Love drunk."

My cousin who knows me well said to me after I said to her, "Louise, you don't want to be in love. You are in love with the idea of being in love." To which she replied "Look who's talking!"

That's love drunk...

Zon - how are you going to talk to Le Chick

You gonna learn Ukrainese or is she gonna speak Americanese?

And the rug rats????

Say it ain't so Joe!

"Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you woo woo wooo."

Where have you gone Mr. Robinson. heaven holds a place for those who prey (not a typo), hey hey hey, hey hey hey (enters base guitar)...

I am feeling/channeling Paul Simon right about now..

Food for thought...

and whoda thunk????

Whatever. as a fellow man at arms I will respect your decision and tolerate her no matter who she is (as I promise all friends, before they drink the kool aid!)... jajajaja.

And I will respect you more if she has long long legs and a monkey butt. You can always buy her a set of cans!

Just kidding (kinds of).

sorry i am energetically programmed to be myself... how unacceptable that may be....

"but we who knew that different truths can coexist thought not that we were lowering ourselves by countenancing another's truth, unpalatable though it might seem."

Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #87 on: May 16, 2012, 05:35:25 PM »

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #88 on: May 16, 2012, 10:02:31 PM »
I'm wondering if someone has hijacked Zon's account and is posting in his stead.  Those Slavic beauties do do a number on your senses.

Zon - how are you going to talk to Le Chick
You gonna learn Ukrainese or is she gonna speak Americanese?
What, haven't you heard?  All those lovelies are taught English in spy school from an early age.  I encountered one fair maiden in St. Petersburg who spoke English complete with a Queen's English accent.  Both charming and disorienting.
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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #89 on: May 17, 2012, 12:47:26 AM »
Bright days
Gone soft?
Mature[size=78%]as in "Ripe for the picking" (or the puking)... as in love drunk ... jajaja[/size]

THANKS - I needed that!  I have been adventure seeking by myself in foreign lands for a LONG TIME now - I feel like I have been gone for 6 months.  Your post made me laugh out loud. 

Here is the deal...

I cut a path from Hamsburg, Berlin, Prauge, and Vienna that Sherman would have been proud of.  Then, I hit Kharkov a couple of times too.   This is on top of my legendary depotchery in Colombia, USA, DR, and elsewhere.  Through it all I was in it for ME - I did not look, REALLY, I did not care, REALLY, to find a serious woman.   I was sucking the marrow out of life.  AND THAT IS FUCCKING GREAT! 

But, life is lived in chapters and phases.  That life - the life of phsycal excess has not turned me on for a while now ... 1.5 years, maybe.  Sure!  It is also a blast for the senses.  BUT, clearly there is more to life - R I G H T ?!?!?!?   

So, I am guilty!  The willingness to change has been in me for a while.  I needed the proper motivation / possibility.

This woman is 30 (a woman, not a girl).  This woman is the closest thing to a perfect 10 I have ever seen (and that does not matter because in a couple years, I will love her, she will be an 8, or my ex).  This woman speaks 75% English.   This woman seems like a nice, solid human being. I need more time.  She appears to be an EXCELLENT match, if I can pull it off.  IF NOT?!?!  My Plan B Kicks Ass Too.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #90 on: May 17, 2012, 09:16:12 AM »

So far I am the only guy I know that has been to the Ukraine for greater than 15 days and has not gotten laid:)

hmmm....nice trip report but I find the above quote a bit disturbing.

I'd hate to think that you succumb to the "school of thought" that having sex with a hot woman will so cloud your judgement that you will not be able to tell if she is the "right one" or worst yet...causing you to lose control of your wallet.

Or is it that Ukrainian women actually think more highly of men that refrain from sexual advances....if that's the case..... I can never see me leaving Colombia for the Ukraine. jajaja
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 09:20:01 AM by Calipro »

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #91 on: May 17, 2012, 10:42:01 AM »
hmmm....nice trip report but I find the above quote a bit disturbing.

I'd hate to think that you succumb to the "school of thought" that having sex with a hot woman will so cloud your judgement that you will not be able to tell if she is the "right one" or worst yet...causing you to lose control of your wallet.

Or is it that Ukrainian women actually think more highly of men that refrain from sexual advances....if that's the case..... I can never see me leaving Colombia for the Ukraine. jajaja

I just read this and laughed soo hard I choked LOL.   Don't worry, brother, I had a normal man's sex life for an entire year last month in Germany, and Prauge, and Austria.  AND, Don't worry  AConcetps!  I was just trying to see what it felt like being a pussy.  I am better now. 

It is easy to have fun here if you just come clean ... but, you will not be taken seriously.  These cities are very traveled by Wife Hunter Loosers that create a very negative perception from the get-go.   So, if you do meet a woman you really like seriously, she has the a$$hole stop clock on you for a couple days.  I am passed that now.  But, yeah the first 4 - 5 days felt like romper-room

« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 02:26:10 PM by Zon »

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #92 on: May 18, 2012, 12:10:29 AM »
I just read this and laughed soo hard I choked LOL.   Don't worry, brother, I had a normal man's sex life for an entire year last month in Germany, and Prauge, and Austria.  AND, Don't worry  AConcetps!  I was just trying to see what it felt like being a pussy.  I am better now. 

It is easy to have fun here if you just come clean ... but, you will not be taken seriously.  These cities are very traveled by Wife Hunter Loosers that create a very negative perception from the get-go.   So, if you do meet a woman you really like seriously, she has the a$$hole stop clock on you for a couple days.  I am passed that now.  But, yeah the first 4 - 5 days felt like romper-room

 Well zon, the manner in which you post leads me to believe that you are silly, confused and in a constant state of denial.  You will continue to suffer from loneliness until you make gradual changes in your own behaviors. 
One moment  you pronounce that you are living the life of a monk and the next day when Calipro questions you, you quickly imply that you are a  :D (self) pollinating stud…it is like you are trying to be everything to everybody.

A reason your wife-hunting is not going well for you is strictly because of YOU!  I have no ideal why u continue to be so demanding of these young ladies.  U have your own collection of baggage, are near 50 years old, and are literary turning into a shriveled grey skeleton.   Why would you continue to believe in the fairly tale that you are entitled to near perfection from a young woman?  That is NOT how it works gooftard!  ;) I believe that yu have to help make the woman perfect FOR YOU and not just arrogantly stick your nose up in the air and expect everything to be done for you!

If a young woman is healthy, attractive/very attractive, reasonably intelligent, willing to demonstrate devotion and flexibility then I would say that is pure gold.  There are a lot of woman like this on the 3 continents you have visited/lived, and either you are passing on them for petty reasons, or YOU are putting out a vibe that sets off red flags in their minds and these ladies don’t take YOU seriously or they run away as fast as they can from you. 

Based on how you characterize your experiences, you may have to accept the fact that you would be better off just hiring some random woman (with good genes) to carry your children.  Not everybody is cut out for marriage and the normal rigors that come with that adult lifestyle.   You seem to be looking for a certain amount of social approval from members here, but I’m not seeing any reason to enable/encourage you in that way because based on what I’m reading you still sound like a VERY spoiled/entitled child to me!  :D [size=78%]  [/size]

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #93 on: May 18, 2012, 01:15:57 AM »
Well zon, the manner in which you post leads me to believe that you are silly, confused and in a constant state of denial.  You will continue to suffer from loneliness until you make gradual changes in your own behaviors. 

You may be right ...

I would like to think that offer my share of potential for a marriage and a family. I also absolutely require another person to provide me with the motivation and conviction I need to commit to her and that lifestyle.  I is / and has been difficult for me to play the suitor, I admit.  I feel like a puss, and I am double guessing things in a way that is very unusual to me.

Let's face it!  All these elements - Culture; Language; New Cities; Negative Presumptions (agency girl / foreigner).  That is a BUTT LOAD of $hit. 

I am a life hunter first and foremost.   Again, nothing wrong with that.  I am open to more.  I love the idea of being in love. I am capable of NOT BEING a selfish little boy.  But, I must be met at the halfway mark.   And, this last week ... was strange for me.   More than that - to be perfectly honest - I have not allowed myself to be emotionally vulnerable for a long time.  Life is free and easy when that is the case.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #94 on: May 18, 2012, 01:30:10 AM »
A reason your wife-hunting is not going well for you is strictly because of YOU!  I have no ideal why u continue to be so demanding of these young ladies.  U have your own collection of baggage, are near 50 years old, and are literary turning into a shriveled grey skeleton.   Why would you continue to believe in the fairly tale that you are entitled to near perfection from a young woman?  That is NOT how it works gooftard!   I believe that yu have to help make the woman perfect FOR YOU and not just arrogantly stick your nose up in the air and expect everything to be done for you!

Am I wrong to want to be met HALF WAY?!?!  And, why do you get so moralistic and $hit?!?!?  I understand it when I act like a PIG.  But, I have been on my BEST ZONZON Behavior here, man:)

In fact, my wife hunting MAY BE GOING UNBELIEVABLY WELL right now?!?!?  I am using this as a sounding board for my inner dialog, not writing an academic paper.  Of course, I am conflicted and confused.  I have me the first woman in years that is driving me crazy.  Do, not be surprised if I fish tail a little here on this board, and in my thoughts.   I will not do it in real life, however.  Measure Twice.  Cut Once.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #95 on: May 18, 2012, 07:51:42 AM »

Am I wrong to want to be met HALF WAY?!?!  And, why do you get so moralistic and $hit?!?!?  I understand it when I act like a PIG.  But, I have been on my BEST ZONZON Behavior here, man:)

In fact, my wife hunting MAY BE GOING UNBELIEVABLY WELL right now?!?!?  I am using this as a sounding board for my inner dialog, not writing an academic paper.  Of course, I am conflicted and confused.  I have me the first woman in years that is driving me crazy.  Do, not be surprised if I fish tail a little here on this board, and in my thoughts.   I will not do it in real life, however.  Measure Twice.  Cut Once.

Lets stop pretending I am being ‘moralistic’…that is a phony defense you always concoct when somebody points out that you are acting like a child.  I have not CONDEMED your behavior on moral grounds.  I’ve pointed out that you own unrealistic expectations are a self-inflicted blow that you constantly give yourself. 
What is this ‘meeting me half way ‘ crap?  That is just a meaningless expression that tells the readership nothing except that you are laying the blame elsewhere. 
I shall make a suggestion to you…if you think you have found a nice lady then quit being so defensive, and full of yourself, and give her the benefit of the doubt.  IF she is interested in you and you let her get away, don’t write about how she wasn’t ‘this or that’ or it as the 'gringo wife-hunters' fault…start by finding your own areas of weakness and make changes there.  Everything else is just an excuse/justification!

Measure twice cut once...HA! .you have measured 25 times and cut haphazardly 25 that axiom does not apply!

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #96 on: May 18, 2012, 08:30:42 AM »
yeah - love drunk.

I vote love drunk.

I am envious....

for some, its hard to couple up.

I just met a very cool 37 year old actress. really like her. She has it together, 4000 sqft house, newer car, performing, directing and producing. natural type, super cute and two kids...

So how does she fit my vision???

What would my vision even be with her in it?

She has it pretty well dicked.

We both do,,,

who enters the other's life?

Won't we both get in each others way.

She is involved with life, and her kids and busy and I like that about her because of her personality as in that way we are alike, but where is the time for me. What am I going to compete with her kids and work?

Me? I get up early and write, walk my dogs, garden in the finca with my caretaker, administer my portfolio or some day I blow it all off and do nothing, Other days I leave on vacations and let the maid and caretaker handle the house and grounds...

Where does she fit into my life.

Would it be better to lve together, or just have every other weekend together when her kids are with their father?

It gets back to one thing of which I spoke before. The glue that holds it together: the need.

Do I need her? Does she need me?

That is why I think it easier for people that are starting off in life to couple up because they need each other for different reasons.

I write this to illustrate we all have our challenges peculiar unto us.

"every man thinks his burden is the heaviest."

Zon, after thinking about it I decided to have a glass of wine and met such a 25 year old cutie that said, yeah  i will go out with you just call me any time.

Beautiful smile, super cute and "love drunk potential" for a little while anyways... jajajaja

Its a matter of latitude. I have to admit I love my freedom. I like you am hesitant to trade it for a companion unless its the exact right deal.

So am I picky - very.

Why? because I can be,

That my man may be a luxury or a curse.., (you know what I mean).

There are those and I may very well be one, that are not cut out to be the married type not because of their personality, but their position.

Just too free...

I got my dogs, my maid, my caretaker, my playmates and a couple of friends here in Costa Rica. Got a lot of friends in the US.

That may be enough.

I like kids. I could see having more. I don't need them to be mine biologically, but its got to be the right package, and what is that?

I will know it when I see it.

So measure about four times before you cut. Especially if you got it dicked, cause you might end up trading down when you were trying to trade up.

Now if you aint got it dicked and you need to get it together, than marriage could be a convieient way to climb the mountain. I kind of like that because its struggle and romance of being young (usually), but you and i aren't young in the bones.. yes young in the mind - and that is a blessing...

So watch out what you wish for! Or you are going to repeatedly answering this question "where are you?!?!"

if you are lucky enough to get up everyday and do what you want to do, when you want to do it, than you got it dicked.

And my reply to the above question is ) I am right here where I am doing what I am supposed to be doing! and the reply never goes over well.

Do you really want an owner?

Its the latest chick flick thing that a man must not only love his woman but she must posses his soul! Soulmates! I don't want to own nobody and I don't want nobody owning me.

Turn off the TV girls and emerge out of your living day time drama. Let a man live by giving him his space and dignity.

The thing that makes me different and hard to match up is that I don't care what my partner is doing, I trust her.

I don't want to control her as most women want to control men (and maybe men do to women as well).

Women hate this. In my experience the moment they know you do not want to control them they run out of control, to see if you will come running after them. Then if you do you must really love them.

Oh please!

Its just a control drama played on the man.

Its never ending.

Why do women want to monopolize a mans time and thereby control him?

The only women I see that do not do this are like 50 or 60! Does it take you girls that long to get it? Or is it just a matter of showing off to your girlfriends how pussy whipped your man is?

Love is not owning someone. That is called slavery.

Now my man, do you still feel love drunk? Or do you feel exZONerated??? jajajajaja
(not guilty of wrong doing by being a life hunter)

"but we who knew that different truths can coexist thought not that we were lowering ourselves by countenancing another's truth, unpalatable though it might seem."

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #97 on: May 18, 2012, 09:20:50 AM »
I gotta go with FT on this one Zon. There's no middle ground between finding a true life partner and just having fun dating and sewing your royal oats. It's either one or the other, and even I had to learn that. Absolutely nothing wrong with meeting interesting women, making friends, or even having the occasional fling; but I've found that living that type of lifestyle is counterproductive to finding a wife. Concentrating on one will always come at a great cost to doing the other.

Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #97 on: May 18, 2012, 09:20:50 AM »

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #98 on: May 18, 2012, 11:38:43 AM »
I don't get the scale. It's not just about looks, right? Is it about class/elegance?

Penelope is not "mousey", but she is certainly "birdy", and has a horrible accent.

Yes, I love the beak on Penelope Cruz. I have a real fascination with women's noses and hers is one of the best.

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Re: A Different Destination for a change - Ukraine
« Reply #99 on: May 18, 2012, 10:27:00 PM »
I have haphazardly measured more than 25 times and I have not cut in a very long time.  Over the past 3 - 4 years, I have been playing only.

I’ve pointed out that you own unrealistic expectations are a self-inflicted blow that you constantly give yourself.
What is this ‘meeting me half way ‘ crap?  That is just a meaningless expression that tells the readership nothing except that you are laying the blame elsewhere.
I shall make a suggestion to you…if you think you have found a nice lady then quit being so defensive, and full of yourself, and give her the benefit of the doubt.  IF she is interested in you and you let her get away, don’t write about how she wasn’t ‘this or that’ or it as the 'gringo wife-hunters' fault…start by finding your own areas of weakness and make changes there.  Everything else is just an excuse/justification!

Measure twice cut once...HA! .you have measured 25 times and cut haphazardly 25 that axiom does not apply!

1 ===
I have to admit this last week has been "nice."  BUT I AM AN UNCOMFORTABLE SUITOR. I "think" about my behavior towards this woman - which is something I have not done in a long time. I know I might be an extreme example. My recent dating patterns have been very lopsided to women with less "inhibitions."  I am much more "competent" with these types of women  we call "pro-daters / scammers", ect.. 

I am far less accomplished with my current object of affection. 

This week, I feel like I am at the Betty Ford Clinic for the pick up artists LOL   I am more and more attracted and drawn to her.  However, this is not a HOT attraction based on attractive personalities, social structures, or psychical attraction.  It is more human and slow. 

Being patient and investing time here may end up being the best move I could make, or not. In either case, it was not a waste of time.   We will see.

2 - Well, I am sad / happy to admit that I have been in knots over this for 3 days.  I did not believe I could feel this way anymore!

I just had another day with her, but on this day we had "the talk" and everything turns out to be perfect - she was feeling everything that I was, maybe more so.  She was sincere, expressive, and adamant.   She is a good communicator I see now.   Within 30 minutes we re-framed our relationship from the friendly tentative to something with much more gravity.  We now have a more candid and mature understanding of things.   I see now in real life what I had hoped I would see in my hopeful imagination - she is a very very good woman.   She makes me want to become a better man.

I came DAMN CLOSE to acting impulsively (I was only coaching myself to be patient) - and I am very very very very happy I did not.

Now, we will determine very naturally, respectfully; and, yes SLOWLY, what will become of us.   But, that's fine for me.  I feel very lucky to have a real chance with her.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 10:29:24 PM by Zon »


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