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Talking to Latina women
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:55:56 PM »
So, I know anything I say has probably been discussed quite extensively in the past but I appreciate the perspectives, experience, and wisdom of various individuals I've read here for the past few weeks.

I've certainly had some successes based both on my own genuine interest in this beautiful Costena Naty, and because I did research and learn of her culture.  I found that taking a genuine interest in her family and asking about her family and sharing with her my family helped to get closer to her.  It also was a good thing to discuss, because it can reveal some things about the way she views the world and life.  I know that showing genuine interest in her culture and having solid Spanish has gone a long way, and it's very endearing to me when she said "Alright Senor Kyle, soy tu profesora Natalia" and she's very nice about correcting me and laughs so much when I make mistakes but in a sweet way and tells me I'm cute.  That's cool, and I think allowing a Latina woman to help you learn the language and showing appreciation is a great way to endear yourself to her.   I also see being sweet but not a pushover, passionate, understanding, classy, educated, and confident go far (as with any women).

I think for me, understanding the cultural differences and the way Colombian women want to be pursued and conduct themselves is a little more challenging.  Like any girl, she obviously doesn't want a pushover or a guy who will simply fall all over her.  It's tough because it's quite easy to completely melt and lose any smoothness and composure when a beautiful Colombian women says certain things to you in Spanish.  I also know Colombian women tend to be very passionate, open, and affectionate.  It seems there's no problems with moving quite quickly if they are interested and there is a genuineness to it which is refreshing.  I do also see the flip side is they lose interest quickly and if you want to share a life with a sexy Colombian woman and expect her to stay loyal and in love - you have to do your side to keep her attracted, interested, happy, respected, and in turn faithful.

I do have some issues with knowing the right balance of how hard to pursue her, how much interest to show, etc.  I know Colombian women are "old fashioned" although more and more modern.  When she's lived in the US a few years, that does rub off on her too so she's probably a little more independent.  She clearly wants a man to chase her, sweep her off her feet, and give her all her dreams and be this amazing guy.  Every woman wants that, but I can see she really expects it and is all about love and passion.  You have to pursue her because she is so beautiful and she does know it, so you risk losing her interest too and many men want her.  I'm fortunately a bit unique and so think I have a good opportunity, but I've also found it a little difficult to keep her attention.  She has been making a bit less time for me, but I also am not a guy that will put up with that.  If I message her and she doesn't reply after a few times I'll just forget about her and go about my life and let her reach out when she wants.  It typically works, because she'll think I'm not interested but it's silly because I clearly like her very much.  It makes me wonder if she's wanting me to pursue her more, show her more attention or devotion, or what?  If I do though, I don't want it to just get taken advantage of either.  I just don't know exactly what Colombian women want or expect as well as I do with American women.  She wasn't happy that I didn't do much for Valentine's Day unfortunately, but she was really busy I guess so it came off like she wasn't that interested in me.  Any feedback or advice here?  How do Colombian women like to be courted/pursued?



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Re: Talking to Latina women
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 05:32:06 AM »
They like you to be romantic, passionate, decisive and confident. Like all women really except more intense than what you are probably used to.
What has worked best for me is to be all in - boots and all. They struggle to resist that approach. But at the same time don't loose your head - esp before you've meet in person.
She'll wont really take you seriously unless you get on a plane and go visit her. Why should she? Stop anaylising everything and book a weekend in Miami. Tell her to meet you at the airport. That's how she wants to be pursued.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 05:36:03 AM by V_Man, Reason: add »

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Re: Talking to Latina women
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 07:56:30 AM »
Stop anaylising everything and book a weekend in Miami. Tell her to meet you at the airport. That's how she wants to be pursued.

I agree...this [snip] ain't Rocket Science. Just gotta be sure you're "launching" in the right direction.

Re: Talking to Latina women
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 07:56:30 AM »


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