BTW - as you hail from Australia, what is wrong with your local women??
As I have said on here before Australian women are beautiful. People on here rave about how beautiful Colombia woman look. Well just between us, it's nothing. Not compared to here. If I hadn't dated a Colombian woman here and was only going based on the pictures on CC or on the streets in Colombia then I'd be wondering what the big deal was. Walk around my city in Australia and you'll see what I mean.
The pictures you are pointing to in the bikini contest. Those are normal women here. They are everywhere.
There are some caveats to that though.
(a) Women here tend to be one thing or other. They tend to be beautiful or at least reasonable or else just horrible. Really horrible looking. Obese. My city has a very high percentage of the good looking ones. Other places not so much.
(b) I am only talking about external looks.
You question was "...what is wrong with your local women?".
Well it is definately not their looks. I have dated plenty of smoking hot women here. In fact I've never dated a woman that was not above average in looks. It's easy. Well it's easy for me anyway.
Also they tend to be "down to earth". I mean they have the same relaxed culture that I have. At least initally anyway. If you ever come to Australia you will find the people have a certain relaxed, friendly attitude. This obviously includes the women.
Also it's not their reluctance to have sex. Forth date, Third date, 2nd date, first date. Whatever. It usually wont be long. The very first time I went to a bar here, I hooked up and did the wild thing. I thought to myself. I like this city.
I have dated plenty and I would date them again. It's easy for me to find dates here and so why not? Just in case I find a gem. However I am not expecting to find that gem locally any time soon.
You find out what is wrong with them when you try to have a long term relationship with them.
Usually when I am my normal charitable self I explain it by hinting at it like this:
Ask your average Aussie woman over 30 what she wants in life.
Usually they don't know.
If they say they want to be happy ask them how can they have happiness in life.
They don't know.
Sometimes they tell you one thing, but you explore that thing a little and you realise they just picked something so they don't look stupid. They really don't know.
If they don't know at 30+ then chances are they are never going to know.
Why does this matter?
It matters because that feminist woman that does not know what she wants out of life is going to make it your problem if you marry her. I absolutely guarantee it.
That wouldn't be so bad except that she will use the laws here to screw your life up good and proper through no fault of your own.
There is a reason that good looking woman in still single in her 30s.
It's a risk thing.
I could expand on this a great deal because I have spent a lot of time thinking about it. I have dated plenty of women here. As I say, they often look great. Get to know them really well and all sorts of warning bells start ringing. Hopefully before you've got in too deep. I have lots of male and female friends. I know about their lives.
Cross cultural relationships are common here. At least in my city. I have dated almost as many women from other countries than I have of my own country. So I have something to compare with. Personally and in talking with other men.
If you just want to shag around. No problem. If you want a lasting relationship. Western women = big problem (eventually).
Then the other problem is a rewards thing.
The other problem is that the vast majority of western women haven't stopped to think about what they bring to the table. I am fit, happy, healthy. I earn good money. I have a house, etc. I do all my own house work and everything else domestic. I have since I was 14. I am a good cook. Etc etc etc. A housewife is worse than useless to me. I don't need her income. Therefore what is she bringing to the table? She will bring somethings but she will also bring some negatives. I have to weigh this up with what is available elsewhere or simply staying single. Both viable options for me.
So you see it really comes down to a risk/rewards sort of thing. Except being that it is about love, you can't actually measure it.
I could expand on this a great deal. In the end it comes down to one word: "...what is wrong with your local women?"