When talking to the Costa Rican lady that I am shortly going to be visiting in January, I described my trip as a bit of an aventura, adventure. Eyes wide as saucers and a mouth agape said, Pablito, you got some 'splainin to do!
She explained to me that the word aventura has a rather unique common usage in Costa Rica, and showed me the fourth definition in her Spanish dictionary, Costa Rican version. It denotes a short-term romantic encounter, i.e. a one-night stand. In other words, I had basically just told her I was going down for a good time, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more. Not exactly on-message there, from my point of view.
Anyways, she was good about it, she explained she knew that I could not be expected to know the local meaning, she said not even the neighbouring countries give it that meaning.