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Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:08:16 PM »
Many of you have dated or fallen in love with women of different nationalities and I often wondered which women are the most straightforward, always tell the truth and don’t hide anything no matter how painful the revelation may be.
It may very well be that there are about the same percentage of honest as well as dishonest women in every country, but can we say for example that the majority of Japanese women are very honest and hate lies, are absolutely not interested if the foreigner is loaded or just scraping by? I don’t know really, just a thought, never met one.
I know from experience that many Latinas are having a problem telling the truth and hiding facts, not all of course, some are surprisingly honest, I actually know of one or two
I have heard enough horror stories about Russian women, leaving their gringo husband after they get settled in and many being coldhearted scammers
and a Philippino woman I saw first hand when she dumped an elderly gringo the moment she had her green card without blinking an eye and it seems to me many are more interested in helping their family than they are in the ‘love of their life gringo’.
I have had a traumatic experience with a Chinese woman once who lives in Africa, she seemes to be a professional scammer, but have also known a Chinese woman from North Borneo whom I met in Canada when I was a young man who was completely honest.
Of course I don’t expect them to say: I am madly in love with you because I’m tired of living in poverty, it is obvious in most cases that they love us because we offer some financial stability and they are tired of worrying where the next meal is going to come from. But when they say how much they love you with all their heart and then you have to tighten the purse strings somewhat out of necessity and they start looking for greener pastures immediately, that in my book is being very dishonest. So how do you know if a woman is telling the truth? Or will you ever know? They can be very clever telling you exactly what you want to hear, don’t they? And many a time I was gullible enough to believe every word they said. Sure would love to hear your comments…
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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 11:48:04 PM »
but can we say for example that the majority of Japanese women are very honest and hate lies, are absolutely not interested if the foreigner is loaded or just scraping by? I don’t know really, just a thought, never met one.

Japanese culture is not exactly foreigner friendly, their women are easily embarrassed and very shy towards foreigners, very big face their Vikingo, very big face their indeed!!! There whole culture has some issues with sailors, back when one was unlucky enough to wash up on their shores he was politely hung up and stabbed. I would put Japan on the bottom of the friendly list but high on the trustworthy list.

I think you should judge a woman by her attitude towards you and take each person one at a time, scammers are everywhere. It’s a good conversation piece which is why I bought in, just because you’re in one country or another should not mean you let your guard down. Nothing is going to take the place of common sense here, if it’s too good to be true, it most often is.

Vikingo we never really know anybody, we get to know them with time, but sometimes under the most extreme circumstances people change (suddenly) especially when survival is at stake.


I am madly in love with you because I’m tired of living in poverty, it is obvious in most cases that they love us because we offer some financial stability and they are tired of worrying where the next meal is going to come from. But when they say how much they love you with all their heart and then you have to tighten the purse strings somewhat out of necessity and they start looking for greener pastures immediately, that in my book is being very dishonest.

That’s a classic question for “love or money” or” love of money”.  Did you know what the number one reason for divorce in America is today………..It’s financial, loss of job or lowered income, and hidden debt. This comes BEFORE Infidelity. Financial was listed as the number one reason why couples call it quits in AMERICA.  Now you are asking if “love” truly can exist despite economic troubles with a women who “obviously loves us because we offer some financial stability, because they are tired of worrying where their next meal comes from”……………………………………………………Seriously!!!

It depends on this, how much was your relationship based on the shallower things in life, like money, youth, consumer lifestyle, and beauty? You can never truly answer that question, it just HAPPENS TO YOU. You made a statement that obviously they want us for economic reasons, can I finish this by saying obviously we want them because they are younger and hotter, So I guess it’s fair to ask, that when you say honey I love you with all of my heart and then by unfortunate accident or illness that beauty you flew thousands of miles for begins to dwindle how long will it be before you start looking for greener pastures?

Your question is the root of loyalty and love, and that has no boundaries or nationality.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 11:56:05 PM by maritime04 »

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 12:24:12 AM »
Honesty means something different in every cuture.
And we as American men think the straight shooter John Wayne method is the only acceptable approach.   That approach entails confronting and facing people down and resolving problems...John Wayne did it with words, but more with fists and guns.
I tried to be Duke in my Colombian wife hunting campaigh that lasted in Bogota from May 2008 until the end of 2009.  Of course, I only used words.....
But, I realized that objective, verifiiable truth is not something that has value to many in Colombian society...and I changed my approach, not so much as to lie.....but to be more cautious in what and how I said things..,
In the latin culture you simply have to find a balance between what you think is honest and the established cultural concepts of saving face, avoiding confrontation and not taking individual responsiiblty for individal actions.
Its not easy....
The two most honest women i ve eve rmet were not Americans, one was Rusisan and the other is my ex novia in Medelin.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 11:11:56 AM by dennislevy »

Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 12:24:12 AM »

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2011, 12:37:42 AM »
My experience may be very different than others, but I've made several dozen trips to Japan going back to the mid 70s, both single and married and have never found anyone there to be the least bit unfriendly. In fact, it is far more friendly than most other places, including Latin America.  There is a strong cultural expectation for people to give each other privacy and space even in a crowd in such a high density a place as Japan, so that may come across as unfriendly or cold, maybe even shy, but it's certainly not - it's simply considered manners.

Japanese are honest to a fault, but you may encounter a lot of beating around the bush and not getting to the point, another cultural expectation. Directness isn't prevalent. On the other hand, you'll almost never encounter covert hostility, a smile hiding evil intent, like you might in China or the Middle East. Most people are easy to read if you get past the poker face.

You probably won't find an upper middle class or upper class Japanese girl interested in someone just scraping by, but of you have dreams and goals for your life, if you have a passion or drive to achieve something, no matter what, most Japanese women won't really care about your bank account. They seem to get that it takes time and effort to get where you're headed. Very few are out looking for the instant gratification of what a guy with a fat wallet can offer over a guy with big dreams. I've been reading post after post lately of how Colombianas live in the moment and don't worry about mañana, well most Japanese don't care nearly as much about today as they do tomorrow.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 10:48:40 AM »
I would say Chinese women tend to be very honest, especially if they are from more of a middle class background, and generally in a straightforward way. It can be annoying as hell sometimes so careful what you wish for. What you seem to be asking about is avoiding scammers more than finding someone who is straightforward and honest. In that case the simplest way is to avoid girls who are poor.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 12:23:13 PM »
I am madly in love with you because I’m tired of living in poverty

Love that part! made me smile because sadly it is so true from what I read online... you can avoid that by not getting yourself a girl that lives in poverty to start with, but odds are any woman will still expect you to be responsible enough to pay the bills, have a place to live and food on the table, if she plans on having children or already has then it's only reasonable that she will worry about tomorrow a bit more than one that doesn't plan to have children... and if she doesn't then YOU should be worrying about the kind of wife and mother she might become.

As a woman that has never lived in poverty but has seen it from up close I can tell you that I don't expect the man for me to have his life solved and/or have a fat wallet. I do however expect that he will be up front and tell me about a problem he is working on and more importantly that he gets it solved, if we were together when this problem arises I would of course try my best to help solving it. I would certainly not be interested in a guy who is scrapping by, why? because that shows he either doesn't care about his future or that he has made some very bad choices in his life, I will not judge him as a bad person, but would not consider spending the rest of my life with him either, I might be impulsive sometimes but I like to think the risks I take are within reason. I would guess a girl that is used to scrapping by wouldn't mind at all and might end up better off than with a guy that is scrapping by in her own country.

I am sorry I can't even attempt to answer the main question of this post, for all is worth at this point I am starting to wonder where are the trustworthy men hiding at... and how about those men that think "I love you because I am tired" when they come across any decent looking foreign girl... not exactly romantic either is it?

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 12:38:32 PM »

I am sorry I can't even attempt to answer the main question of this post, for all is worth at this point I am starting to wonder where are the trustworthy men hiding at... and how about those men that think "I love you because I am tired" when they come across any decent looking foreign girl... not exactly romantic either is it?

You bring  up a good point here...It seems completely ridiculous reading about the constant complaining men have about women from Colombia or wherever.  I hold that men should stop the impotent and futile complaints and realize that they (as individuals) need to get their house in order.  Once that happens, good things happen. 

I also believe a woman in your position must put herself out there, time is ticking away and there are some reasonably decent men out there but they can't easily find you.

Finally I also believe that the honestly of the woman a man finds will depend on the man, the country she hails from is secondary.  Certain men will find dishonest women in every country, others will not. 

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2011, 01:31:26 PM »
I would say Chinese women tend to be very honest, especially if they are from more of a middle class background, and generally in a straightforward way. It can be annoying as hell sometimes so careful what you wish for.
That's the impression I get, that Chinese girls are more brutally honest.  Whereas, as Maritime notes, in Japan, "face" seems far more important.  Though not just your own face, but the face of others.  So lies tend to be about sparing people embarrassment rather than lies of malicious opportunism for personal advantage.  A common example would be if you tried to use your meager beginner level Japanese with someone.  They might reply that, Wow! Your Japanese is very good!  Of course your Japanese is not good.  But they are not going to come out and say Your Japanese sucks and no one can understand you.  They want to encourage you, not embarrass you and discourage you.  So they give you a polite white lie of encouragement.  Note that my wife is no longer required to be socially polite to me, so won't feed me the polite BS encouragement.  Though even then, she won't be brutally honest and say my Japanese sux.  Instead she will give me a curious look and say she can't understand what I'm trying to say.  :-[

Another example of a polite lie is what my wife had to do to her mother.  My MiL is in early stages of Alzheimer's, so it has become unsafe for her to drive.  but she refuses to acknowledge this sad fact.  So my wife, to spare her mother's feelings and allow her to save face, took her mother's car and put it in storage, and told her the car was broken and would take thousands of dollars to repair (money her mother no longer has available in discretionary cash due to other circumstances).  And then arranged a home care service to come pick her mother up every day to take her on errands so she won't feel imprisoned.  A lie, but a lie of necessity to possibly save the life of some kid walking home from school.
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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 02:52:55 PM »
I have made this point any number of times.
I dont have any recent expereice wiith Oriental wmen, but I have a lof ot expereince with colombianas...not enough with peruanas to mae comments.
But in Colombia as long as a man understands that avoidance of confrontation, and polite white lies are just par for the course, he can make his plans accordingly.
You ask a woman to go out with you, she says CLARO QUE SI!!!!  that can mean anything form yes, I do want to go out with you and I will keep the no, Im not interested in you, but I don t  want to tell you that.
So, you take te claro que si at face value and you pick a place next to your hotel or within easy walking distance and you wait a half hour and then you call her and if she does answer, you get...someone is sick, we had an emergency, yadda yadda, yadda
And from our perspective as men...thats not honest, but we can t do anything about it, except say....

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2011, 05:37:40 PM »

  Which country has the most trustworthy women? Easy answer: None of them. There is good and bad in every country I have ever visited. Culture, "smulture" women are women.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2011, 06:17:28 PM »
So, you take te claro que si at face value and you pick a place next to your hotel or within easy walking distance and you wait a half hour and then you call her and if she does answer, you get...someone is sick, we had an emergency, yadda yadda, yadda
And from our perspective as men...thats not honest, but we can t do anything about it, except say....

I think it is SHE who said NEXT denis..........................................................

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2011, 06:25:40 PM »

I think it is SHE who said NEXT denis..........................................................

  I agree Maritime. I would also like to add that sometimes people do have things to come up.It isn't all excuses for not showing up.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 06:45:02 PM »
  I agree Maritime. I would also like to add that sometimes people do have things to come up.It isn't all excuses for not showing up.


I agree with Rese on this one!  SOMETIMES a pretty woman will really have to do something other than go on a date with somebody she barely knows.  I say it is not necessary to jump to conclusions based only on her saying, 'she has to visit sick sister in hospital' or 'has to work' or 'has to go out to dinner with father who just rolled into town'...these all CAN be legit reasons why she can't see the if she says this and it is accompanied by other warning signals it may well signal a general disinterest.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 06:45:02 PM »

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2011, 11:43:00 PM »
I was joking, we have all been there, and denis is right if a girl leaves you waiting and doesnt pickup her phone it was becuase she was not intrested. end of story, she should have just come out and said that, but they dont, end of story.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2011, 01:31:39 AM »
I was joking, we have all been there, and denis is right if a girl leaves you waiting and doesnt pickup her phone it was becuase she was not intrested. end of story, she should have just come out and said that, but they dont, end of story.

          My wife had things come up when we were dating. That didn't mean she wasn't interested in me. If I believed this stuff we probably never would have married. Instead it would have been "end of story".

         Don't try to read something into every little incident...that's something that many chicks do.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2011, 02:26:11 AM »

Lets see...(Strictly Zulu's Opinion and limited experience if you are offended...well.... 8) )

Here we go, I've dated-

Koreans ....not very trustworthy, very good liars and very judgemental and superficial...but f*cking hot!!

Japanese....Shy, non-commital, very hard to get a straight answer...but basically honest big cultural barriers there

Colombian...Secretive, lots of agendas that I had no clue about...somewhat deceptive

Mexican...Simple, nice but always looking for an advantage

Russian...Smart, cunning, intelligent and I always felt I had to watch my back

Iranian...Sorta like Russians (with brown skin ya feel me)

Brazilian...As long as we were screwing nothing else really mattered...really don't know what she was thinking  ;)

Venezuelan...Very nice girl honest to a fault (a hottie)...I screwed that one up

Pinay (Filipina)...province girls...shy, basically honest and idealistic good wifey material....

Pinay (Filipina) girls...lbf machines...sorta like babes in any American city...will tell you what you want to hear...all about the chedda!

These are observations from INDIVIDUAL women, your mileage will vary!!


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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2011, 01:35:59 PM »
Zulu did say it was his own opinion based on individual women he encountered.  Your own experiences are very likely different.  Though I do agree with his assessment of Russian girls.  Smart, beautiful, classy, but watch your back always.  Let me tell ya, I'm insured for a million bucks with my wife as the sole beneficiary.  If I get hit by a bus, my wife gets rich.  And she knows it.  But I still sleep sound at night.      Whereas with my Russian -ex, I quickly realized I needed to keep my dad as the beneficiary of my insurance policy.  If I got hit by a bus, she'd leave my body to rot in the street while she grabbed the cash and got back on the bus she was driving.  :(
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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2011, 02:13:54 PM »
I work with a Ukrainian woman and she is an extremely nice and trustworthy woman. She met her husband through some sort of catalog dating service some 15-20 years ago. I've also known some very nice Iranian women who are anything but untrustworthy. I can't imagine even beginning to try to compare the two cultures though as they're so completely different.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2011, 02:27:17 PM »
I work with a Ukrainian woman and she is an extremely nice and trustworthy woman. She met her husband through some sort of catalog dating service some 15-20 years ago. I've also known some very nice Iranian women who are anything but untrustworthy. I can't imagine even beginning to try to compare the two cultures though as they're so completely different.


My experience has been different. 

There are millions of women in any given country and no two are the same.

In fact my Chinese and Viet friends are shocked that I love and trust my pinay sweetie because they consider pinays to be untrustworthy and green card sharks.

I don't take their experiences to be insulting to 10 million pinays (to use Robert's term).

I just understand their experiences are different than mine and leave it at that because no matter what I say I won't be changing their minds.

They lived it, not me.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2011, 02:49:39 PM »
I work with a Ukrainian woman and she is an extremely nice and trustworthy woman. She met her husband through some sort of catalog dating service some 15-20 years ago. I've also known some very nice Iranian women who are anything but untrustworthy. I can't imagine even beginning to try to compare the two cultures though as they're so completely different.

My experience is actually the opposite. Out of all the men I've met that decided to bring Eastern European and Russian women from their homeland to marry them here in the states, none of them are still married because of deceit on the wife's part. On the other hand, I know quite a few Persian Girls, some born in the U.S., others elsewhere, and all of them are very honest, stand up gals. A couple of my best female friends are from Iranian backgrounds.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2011, 03:12:30 PM »

My experience is actually the opposite. Out of all the men I've met that decided to bring Eastern European and Russian women from their homeland to marry them here in the states, none of them are still married because of deceit on the wife's part. On the other hand, I know quite a few Persian Girls, some born in the U.S., others elsewhere, and all of them are very honest, stand up gals. A couple of my best female friends are from Iranian backgrounds.


I dated 1 Iranian babe and know many many more and they were not mutual friends.

The other Persian babes are pretty decent but I never knew how they treated their bf and husbands although most are got married and are still together from what I know.

The one I dated was not a very honest person and basically a user who was looking for a guy to take care of her, get married, get her US citizenship and take a run.

This is pretty much the Russian MO and it was so similar to the babe I dated from the Baltic States (I think Latvia) that I just slotted them both (prematurely) in the same category.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 03:16:48 PM by z_k_g »
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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2011, 04:28:08 PM »
Maritime, Dennis, Whitey, Zulu, all of you guy’s and girl's actually put into words what I’ve been searching for in my head.
I must admit, I’m somewhat of a moron when it comes to human relations and picking the right woman.
How did I chose a bride? After I was satisfied about age, height, weight and measurements, I kept analyzing their virtues, worrying  if she had a shady past or not, our compatibility, her intellect or luck of it, if she is a religious fanatic, if she is a good cook, if she is compassionate, has no chronic health problems, doesn’t need millions of pesos worth of dental work, if I was expected to support her family; I made a list of positives and negatives, than added it all up and when I finished agonizing which on to chose, I picked the one with the nicest boobs. This is no joke, folks, happened to me twice so far, we ended up in long term relationships, and one ended in divorce, the other one is on shaky grounds.
Little that I know about them, I agree with Zulu 100 % about colombianas,
Whitey yours is an exception I’m very sure, I can tell by her smiling eyes, she is angelic.
I’ve dated a Filipina once in the States, she was illegal and hell bent on getting married because she needed a green card, she gave me the impression that she would have married any man, as long as he had a head, two arms and two legs. She had a girlfriend in her mid thirties who was newly married to an older, quiet guy; she left him a couple of weeks after they arrived in the States. A friend of mine who has been writing a Filipina for a while told me that his cyber gf seems somewhat detached and that was the best description he could come up with.
Robert, I keep reading how content you are with you Filipina and I am glad you did well in chosing a bride.
There is good and bad in every race and in every country. To find a good woman is not easy. It takes experience, knowledge and lots of luck. In countries where poverty is widespread some women think of desperate means to better their lot, others keep their decency and honor and hope their time will come when they meet a man who cherishes them.
Tony, the accountant I used when I lived in California took a trip to Russia, came back with the English speaking tour guide he had met earlier, a long legged blond model type, about 30 with a ten year old son, he was exited to no end and he was crazy about the kid. I saw him once a year of course and the last time, before I left the States, he commented sadly that it might come to an end soon, if one get’s four years out of them one does well, he said.
If I had to live my life over again, I would probably try to find a Japanese woman, but that language scares me and I do speak three languages, well, have way’s to go with Spanish to be fluent.
Don’t know what to say to jm 21’s words, to avoid girls who are poor.
Does he have the answer; is this an ancient Chinese wisdom?
Some guy’s say the well to do can be just as devious or worse than the poor.
I’m not well off by any means, so I have no choice but to stick with the poor girls. LOL.
Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2011, 06:23:02 PM »
  My ex from Peru was pretty trustworthly when I had her with in arms reach!

Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2011, 06:23:02 PM »

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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2011, 07:48:03 PM »
Zulu did say it was his own opinion based on individual women he encountered.  Your own experiences are very likely different.  Though I do agree with his assessment of Russian girls.  Smart, beautiful, classy, but watch your back always.  Let me tell ya, I'm insured for a million bucks with my wife as the sole beneficiary.  If I get hit by a bus, my wife gets rich.  And she knows it.  But I still sleep sound at night.      Whereas with my Russian -ex, I quickly realized I needed to keep my dad as the beneficiary of my insurance policy.  If I got hit by a bus, she'd leave my body to rot in the street while she grabbed the cash and got back on the bus she was driving.  :(


Maybe you ought to rethink that insurance policy and just to be 'fail safe', redo it and make me and my cousin Vinny the beneficiaries. We'd make sure it's extra safe!! Besides, I recently got a letter from some friendly sounding folks in lovely Lagos, Nigeria, who promised me they could double large sums of money in 18 months! :D  The Missus could stand to make TWO million in the  most unfortunate event of your early demise! ;)

All the same, remember those electric cars and buses are awfully silent, to always take your vitamins and buckle up!

PS, My wife's well covered too from my end and she's covered on her's for even much more, so that God forbid she passes, her family's set for life and the $30,000 bill they'd really charge for airfare to send her body back to the Philippines for a proper Catholic burial is covered (that's 30K---without  the inflight dinner and movie!) and I'd still have enough left over for a new fishing rod.

I told her to save a few bucks, I want to be cremated (she really doesn't like the idea) and for her to make sure my ashes are put into the ocean when the tide's going OUT--ahhhh--the 'little details' in life and death. I was going to show her how to use a chainsaw and really make a good fire in our fireplace to save a few bucks there, but I didn't want to upset her..... :'(

My two sons are so thoughtful. Seriously, they've already asked me what I plan on doing with my watches, guns, car, collectibles and other sundry items, should I pass..... ::)  My wife made me stipulate that she and each son get a third of the proceeeds from our house, should I expire prematurely, so there's no bad blood between them and her, which really shows the kind of class she has. I don't think that's typically the 'Ukranian way'.

I didn't have the heart to tell the boys that before I move abroad in 5 or 6 years, that everything I own that can't fit in a few suitcases, is going on Ebay  and/or craigslist-- Humbug! >:(
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Re: Which country has the most trustworthy women?
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2011, 02:24:30 PM »
Sure, Robert.  I'll add you as a beneficiary.  Just after I get chipped with a homing becon that will soon be found in the belly of one of those gators found crawling through your neighborhood.  :o

BTW, further discussion about Pinay city girls and LBFMs has been moved to the Asian General Board.

Mod Bob
...a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
- "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift


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