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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #250 on: November 29, 2011, 01:56:05 PM »
I am not trying to re-write reality, all I am doing is calling you on the paradise propaganda and other such non-sense.

Maritime05, I'm just curious, and in no way mean any disrespect to you, but since you are 1/2 Colombian, is it possible that you are not getting the same types of social "perks" that us pasty white guys get when we go to South America?  Even with your Colombian heritage, you may be just as "white" as I am, but I am just genuinely curious about this question.

It just seems to me that Colombia holds little to no positives for you, but my experiences down there are very similar to what Zon describes.

I know things aren't always as they may seem in South America, and I've very aware that it is not "paradise" down there.  On the other hand, in my travels to both Peru and Colombia, and I can tell you that from the moment I step off the plane, I experience a lot of the same things that Zon talks about.

The interest from younger women, "feeling" 10 years younger, the living in the moment, the gringo "social value" (you say the extra "social value" doesn't exist, but it sure seems real to me), etc....

I personally love it so much that I literally think about it every single day and have been planning my entire life around my goal of eventually living part time down there (Lima, Peru being my goal at the moment).

So, Maritime, is it possible that you are "too Colombian" to experience what some of us white guys do?  And how is your Spanish?  Do you sound like a local as well?  Just curious.


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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #251 on: November 30, 2011, 12:00:36 AM »
Good question I am a gringo despite having some roots and family in Colombia, my Spanish is decent but horrible accent. The locals will never see me as a Colombian, women will never look at me as they would a local guy (I wish they did).
There is no offense taken I am not pasty white; I have been mistaken for Arabic in Colombia and Egypt, and allot of times people only know I am not from there, and can only guess where.
I really do not know where to start, I have to remember that allot of you guys have very little experience with cultures outside of the states. Well to answer your question no I do not think that I am “too Colombian” to experience what you say are positives, that is not because they do not happen to me, it’s because I do not really take them at face value, or think it is a big deal.
The interest from younger women; I was 25 when I arrived in Colombia, and had been traveling Mexico, coast a rica, and panama the year before. I was mostly fooling around with women in my age group (20s). I have allot of difficulty understanding why the older guys insist on this issue, my experience from talking with Colombian women my own age group(20s) gives me the opinion that it defiantly is not there goal in life to marry older foreigners(40s), some of them use words like “viejo verde”, “que gas”, and “guacala”. That’s what they say, what they do is another story.
I do not even know what age you are referring to anyway; when you say “younger women” do you mean 5 years, 10 years 20 years?
Feeling 10 years younger, ok anybody can feel any way they want.
Living in the moment, yes those countries have a wild wild west feel to them, where anything can happen at any moment. Sure I understand that feeling.
The social value, nobody who says they have a “social value” can explain what that exactly is? they just say it like it is supposed to explain everything away.
I can honestly tell you I have had similar experiences in Colombia that you or zon have had, I just see and understand more of the “behind the scene things” because I have lived there long enough and can speak the lingo. I understand the culture enough, and know the players I am actually tired of it all in a big way. Also if I might add the vibe of your post seems to imply that you think the locals do not have the type of fun you are having, why would you assume that? My opinion from experience is quite the opposite, those guys are as happy as pigs in [snip]!! And they live like it tooo

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #252 on: November 30, 2011, 06:22:39 AM »
Mari04 - I heard your last points, and realize I could be much more substantive in my posts, logic, and argumentation.   I have through the years, only offered my anecdotal experience.  I have tried to speak in not the most personal terms.  I have not tried to be balanced, necessarily ... I have just posted on my impressions and observations.   Perhaps I ought to write a better thought out post that encompasses all these so-called criticisms more properly, perhaps then some of my points would meet a greater concensus? 

It will take some thought...

The interest from younger women; I was 25 when I arrived in Colombia, and had been traveling Mexico, coast a rica, and panama the year before. I was mostly fooling around with women in my age group (20s). I have allot of difficulty understanding why the older guys insist on this issue, my experience from talking with Colombian women my own age group(20s) gives me the opinion that it defiantly is not there goal in life to marry older foreigners(40s), some of them use words like “viejo verde”, “que gas”, and gala. That's what they say, what they do is another story.

Am I to understand that you are a male under the age of 30?!?!?   

That would surely change perspective a great deal.

Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #252 on: November 30, 2011, 06:22:39 AM »

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #253 on: November 30, 2011, 11:49:00 PM »
No Zon i am a lizard over the age of 300 come as a pre-invasion scout team for my "reptilian people", kidding..............No reptilian here folks earth is SAFE!

Zon I see you back for some seconds, OK

I am 31 years of age; i passed my 31st birthday last summer.


Am I to understand that you are a male under the age of 30?!?!?

"That would surely change perspective a great deal."

Why would that change perspective? I think I made my opinions and arguments clear, as have you, mine are more rooted in deep thought; experience and knowledge as yours are more observed with little background information, as I said before you confuse probability with expectation.


What I find the most interesting is your portrayal of “wife-hunters”, your constant downgrading them as no better the wide eyed day dreamers with limited contact and understanding of Colombian culture.


“now I want to see and experience things much more than just find a wife; I had that beautiful wife for 13 years. That does little to insure happiness. Most of the time, marriages are as much of a curse as a blessing. I am not against marriage at ALL. But I am keenly aware how rare good marriages are…….”


“they both smile and kiss….they do some act with their hands that say “ we cannot talk, but we are going to get married and there will be no problems…giggle,giggle, kiss kiss………….”

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and sure I understand why you would say these things, but you sound like a smart fellow, until I read stuff like this.

“many women who are model quality where accompanied by men who were physically unremarkable- and often times far older than the women, so age gaps and league……have to be rethought a little”


“The norm in Colombia with regard to league and age gap is NOT the same as in the US. I doubt seriously that most men can transplant the Colombian truth to the American truth. They are two different things”


“Great curiosity that benfits me just being a gringo. Generally, it is a good place for a mans self esteem. That much is certain.”

And in all this, you never once used that same pessimistic attitude you share with “wife-hunters” to ask an obvious question……………..WHY. It would be one thing if you just shut-your mouth enjoyed it and lived, but you make up some fantasy about “social value” nonsense about this or that, give it a rest man!!
Positive perks, wow let me tell you that I no longer view having sex with, partying with, or going out with multiple women as a positive in my life. I did that; it was fun awhile it lasted and I got bored, and moved on, I lived it up as good as anybody eles, but I always knew it was never about me just the money(I had) the drugs ( I bought) and the Clubs (I would take them to).
Social value my ASS, want respect do something worth being respected, want social value do something for the community, want companionship get a girlfriend, do you see where this is going?
If your self-esteem is attached to the simple fact that women will do anything for a free drink and a trip to a night club. If your so called paradise is a place where women are forced to prostitute themselves in a culture that not only tolerates this but encourages it. If your only recourse is to belittle and mock men who’s only goal is simply to get married (be it cuter & younger), and live in mutual harmony, I pity it.
Colombia is what it is, Nobody can change that, and I would never hold it against anybody for enjoying it, but dude shut up about it!!!!
Happiness is less than an arm’s reach away; in fact you do not have to reach at all, because it is simply a state of mind that you will never satisfy with personal surroundings, only personal accomplishment.

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #254 on: December 01, 2011, 01:13:12 AM »

   Excellent post Maritime!

   I think alot of the negative stereotyping of wife hunters comes from a combination of bad experiences with marriage and only observation. When I was "on the hunt" I didn't just observe others I enjoyed having a few beers and the "bull sessions" among my fellow hunters. The actual "types" I ran across was wide range. From guys looking for a woman to start a family with, guys looking for a companion, to guys looking to connect with a special woman. There was everything in between. If a guy was looking for something different than myself I didn't look down on him. I think it is perfectly OK to want a wife and kids and live a life that is settled down. I lived the single life and the married life and I agree: happiness doesn't come from either.  After a while anything becomes "old hat".

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #255 on: December 01, 2011, 06:44:45 AM »
Why would that change perspective? I think I made my opinions and arguments clear, as have you, mine are more rooted in deep thought; experience and knowledge as yours are more observed with little background information, as I said before you confuse probability with expectation.
but dude shut up about it!!!!

Have I , or my positions, become an irritant to you somehow?   Do you not see that these subjects, no matter how small minded to a priest or public servant, are central and constantly at work here?    Additionally, in most posts there are debates about observations, perspectives, and preferences.  Few posts can be debated by empirical data that would be the the case with academics.   In the end, providing nobody has some hidden agenda, people are left to draw their own opinion.

1, ME A WIFEHUNTER HATER: Rather than presume, guess, or claim, let me tell you EXACTLY what I think of "wifehunters" in Colombia: 70% are hapless, and are emotionally and physically needy, and they are searching - in most cases desperately - to fill voids in their life that they can not fill in their own home town.  Do you have a different perspective?  Is this not true?   I have already posted an enormous amount of allegorical evidence to support this observation. These boards are full of it.   Perhaps one would want to argue that the ratio is 50 % -  50%  - but the general gist is flat out true. Does that insult you / or anybody else here?

That leaves 30% - 20% that are men seeking the best life choices for themselves. While there are many train wrecks, there are other examples of a Colombiana who is a judge, or doctor (not poor, or desperate), meeting a similarly successful American man, in their own general league, and live happily ever after.

Now, it happens from time to time that a brand new guy comes here and says he just met a girl on line from Medellin, and now she is his "novia".  He has never travelled outside the USA, and he does not speak Spanish.  And, many posters cheer him on with addaboys.  I tend to be more realistic and less Ra Ra.  My observation and position on this subject pretty much agrees with Jamie's information pages to a "T".

A) On Age and Marriage: While you are not a child, you are not a person who is pursuing "Plan B" in life either.  I think it is fair to guess that most men here are on their second marriage?  I think it is fair to guess that most men here are 40 - 60?   Of course, that is not a requirement, but you have to acknowledge that many of the subjects discussed here are a result of life experiences.   It is possible for a person to get a PHD in Psychology with a special emphasis on human relations from Harvard.  But, if that person is 29 years of age, and has never been kissed, well.

Similarly, you not having yet been married (that is true, no?) and being only 31 years of age ... how can you understand the very statement that going to Colombia can make a guy feel younger?   While you may understand the words and definitions, you do not understand the perspective and feeling.   Again, this is something that can not be empirically supported.  But, others in this thread have affirmed this observation with their own experiences. 

B) On Social Value:  Look at the graphics on the front page of Planet Love.  Watch an old US movie.  Now look at gender in the USA today.   A lot has changed in the last 30 years, pal.   I am not saying it is good, or bad.  It just IS.   Now, being 31, you may not know, or care.   But, especially when I come back from 3 months in Colombia, I SEE and FEEL the difference - it is huge. 

On this issue, forget the ugly social underbelly (rape, incest, murder), that is not a mainstream thought. Look at what I am referencing with clear eyes.  Do you see television advertisements that depict the husband as a fat, lazy, uninformed creature; while the woman is directing and in control. Do you see the changes in gender enrollment at universities?  Do you see how the gender income has changed for males in the USA.  Have you seen how divorce and child support / Dad's rights are slanted to the female gender.  Do you see how personal protection and security, in the most intimate and personal level is not the man's responsibility in the USA?  Do you not see a youth obsessed culture in the USA?

Again, I am not saying this is right or wrong ... I am just saying it is.  And, Again, I am not suggesting that the social value of a man is higher in a latin american whore house either; the point is much wider than that!

3, LIFE BEFORE WIFE: I state that marriage ought not be a goal, in and of, itself. I have reminded people (and myself) that we were mostly hopeful and happy when we first married.  That did not solve the long term challenges, and that does not create long term happiness in life.

I get the impression you live in Medellin, Mari04.   I did not like Medellin for the exact reasons you are expressing. It is normal for men to change their goals when they visit a world that holds out different possibilities.   I have seen much that has been hard to stomach. But, you can not boil everything down to that one dimension.  The world is bigger than that, and the motivations of men are wider than that.

GENERALIZATIONS INFLAME: When we read "20 - 25 year old Colombiana" we think of a beautiful young actress, but there are many (most, actually) when in that age range that I would never spend time with - based strictly on physical terms.  Most are to damn ugly for my liking - hahaha  When we read 40 - 55 year old man, it is natural to think of an overweight bald guy holding out his money for female attention, but there many guys in that age range that can "fairly" attract virtually any woman in Colombia - and that again is different in the USA.

ALL MEN'S FEET ARE MADE OF CLAY ... you are quick to imply that social work and  human/spiritual growth is the best way to a better, more fulfilled life. Nothing we write on these boards give the slightest observation into another's inner world.  Do I sense self-righteousness in you?   And do you know how Mahatma Gandhi slept at night, or the sexual proclivities of Paramahansa Yogananda? 
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 05:36:40 PM by Zon »

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #256 on: December 01, 2011, 07:26:18 AM »
Zon sez
ME A WIFEHUNTER HATER: Rather than presume, guess, or claim, let me tell you EXACTLY what I think of "wifehunters" in Colombia: 70% are hapless, and are emotionally and physically needy, and they are searching - in most cases desperately - to fill voids in their life that they can not fill in their own home town. [/font]
Dude if you saw the women in my hometown, you would shudder down the the depths of your lowest chakra.  :o   jajajaja
"Any club that would have me as a member I wouldn't want to join." - G. Marx,  not Karl

"Now children all colombianas you meet on the internet are bad. Muukay". - Mr. Makey

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #257 on: December 01, 2011, 10:10:39 AM »
1, ME A WIFEHUNTER HATER: Rather than presume, guess, or claim, let me tell you EXACTLY what I think of "wifehunters" in Colombia: 70% are hapless, and are emotionally and physically needy, and they are searching - in most cases desperately - to fill voids in their life that they can not fill in their own home town.

From my experience, I'd say 90%...

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #258 on: December 01, 2011, 02:00:47 PM »
"Danger! Will Robinson! Warning! Warning! Iminent thread drift!" - Robbie the Robot
Are any of you aware of the fact that in the in the Google online translator, one of the Spanish equivalents for 'the dude" is "The Dude"?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 05:28:38 PM by beginthebeguin »
"Any club that would have me as a member I wouldn't want to join." - G. Marx,  not Karl

"Now children all colombianas you meet on the internet are bad. Muukay". - Mr. Makey

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #259 on: December 01, 2011, 05:24:19 PM »
I find very little to disagree with in Zon's post above.

Whitey the Wife Hunter
Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #260 on: December 01, 2011, 05:50:08 PM »
I find very little to disagree with in Zon's post above.

Whitey the Wife Hunter

  I'm disappointed in you Whitey. Zon's post is his usual BS.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #261 on: December 01, 2011, 06:15:54 PM »
1, ME A WIFEHUNTER HATER: Rather than presume, guess, or claim, let me tell you EXACTLY what I think of "wifehunters" in Colombia: 70% are hapless, and are emotionally and physically needy, and they are searching - in most cases desperately - to fill voids in their life that they can not fill in their own home town.  Do you have a different perspective?  Is this not true?   I have already posted an enormous amount of allegorical evidence to support this observation. These boards are full of it.   Perhaps one would want to argue that the ratio is 50 % -  50%  - but the general gist is flat out true. Does that insult you / or anybody else here?

That leaves 30% - 20% that are men seeking the best life choices for themselves. While there are many train wrecks, there are other examples of a Colombiana who is a judge, or doctor (not poor, or desperate), meeting a similarly successful American man, in their own general league, and live happily ever after.

Now, it happens from time to time that a brand new guy comes here and says he just met a girl on line from Medellin, and now she is his "novia".  He has never travelled outside the USA, and he does not speak Spanish.  And, many posters cheer him on with addaboys.  I tend to be more realistic and less Ra Ra.  My observation and position on this subject pretty much agrees with Jamie's information pages to a "T".

Well, I don't know what exactly the percentage would be, and I haven't spent any time in agencies ... but I've seen some of the videos and heard stories from my best friend ... and many of those guys I would classify as pretty strange and needy.

There are many examples of guys that bring a ring, propose on their first trip to practically the first woman that goes out with them, and all with no Spanish.  But at least they have a nice cowboy hat!

A) On Age and Marriage: While you are not a child, you are not a person who is pursuing "Plan B" in life either.  I think it is fair to guess that most men here are on their second marriage?  I think it is fair to guess that most men here are 40 - 60?   Of course, that is not a requirement, but you have to acknowledge that many of the subjects discussed here are a result of life experiences.   It is possible for a person to get a PHD in Psychology with a special emphasis on human relations from Harvard.  But, if that person is 29 years of age, and has never been kissed, well.

Similarly, you not having yet been married (that is true, no?) and being only 31 years of age ... how can you understand the very statement that going to Colombia can make a guy feel younger?   While you may understand the words and definitions, you do not understand the perspective and feeling.   Again, this is something that can not be empirically supported.  But, others in this thread have affirmed this observation with their own experiences. 
I'm getting close to 50, second marriage, and I definitely feel younger when I'm in Latin America.  But then, maybe I'm just self-deluded!

B) On Social Value:  Look at the graphics on the front page of Planet Love.  Watch an old US movie.  Now look at gender in the USA today.   A lot has changed in the last 30 years, pal.   I am not saying it is good, or bad.  It just IS.   Now, being 31, you may not know, or care.   But, especially when I come back from 3 months in Colombia, I SEE and FEEL the difference - it is huge. 

On this issue, forget the ugly social underbelly (rape, incest, murder), that is not a mainstream thought. Look at what I am referencing with clear eyes.  Do you see television advertisements that depict the husband as a fat, lazy, uninformed creature; while the woman is directing and in control. Do you see the changes in gender enrollment at universities?  Do you see how the gender income has changed for males in the USA.  Have you seen how divorce and child support / Dad's rights are slanted to the female gender.  Do you see how personal protection and security, in the most intimate and personal level is not the man's responsibility in the USA?  Do you not see a youth obsessed culture in the USA?

Again, I am not saying this is right or wrong ... I am just saying it is.  And, Again, I am not suggesting that the social value of a man is higher in a latin american whore house either; the point is much wider than that!

How can you disagree with this?
3, LIFE BEFORE WIFE: I state that marriage ought not be a goal, in and of, itself. I have reminded people (and myself) that we were mostly hopeful and happy when we first married.  That did not solve the long term challenges, and that does not create long term happiness in life.


Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #262 on: December 01, 2011, 06:32:35 PM »
I'm disappointed in you Whitey. Zon's post is his usual BS.

It is easy to throw a blanket of criticism.  I could post that the sun provides light, and you would go on some rant and likely attach some stupid clip art. 

did you disagree with in my post above? 

I am not asking you to do a research project, just be honest.  Being specific in this answer would reveal what, if any, substantive disagreement you see in my thinking.  Or, as I presume, you just have a standing and infinite objection to me, personally.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 06:39:21 PM by Zon »

Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #262 on: December 01, 2011, 06:32:35 PM »

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #263 on: December 01, 2011, 06:49:18 PM »
    I didn't want to steal maritime's thunder but oh well.

Have I , or my positions, become an irritant to you somehow?   Do you not see that these subjects, no matter how small minded to a priest or public servant, are central and constantly at work here?    Additionally, in most posts there are debates about observations, perspectives, and preferences.  Few posts can be debated by empirical data that would be the the case with academics.   In the end, providing nobody has some hidden agenda, people are left to draw their own opinion.

     Maybe it is what these "observations, perspectives and preferences" reveal about someone that can be irritating.(see last paragraph in this post)

1, ME A WIFEHUNTER HATER: Rather than presume, guess, or claim, let me tell you EXACTLY what I think of "wifehunters" in Colombia: 70% are hapless, and are emotionally and physically needy, and they are searching - in most cases desperately - to fill voids in their life that they can not fill in their own home town.  Do you have a different perspective?  Is this not true?   I have already posted an enormous amount of allegorical evidence to support this observation. These boards are full of it.   Perhaps one would want to argue that the ratio is 50 % -  50%  - but the general gist is flat out true. Does that insult you / or anybody else here?

And tell us Zon, how did you arrive at such a conclusion? Did you sit these guys down and interview them or maybe you had them lie on a couch while you "analyzed" them. How are you even qualified to classify anyone as "emotionally needy". Is it not normal to seek companionship? Does that make someone "hapless" and "physically needy"? Maybe many view this type of judging as arrogant on your part.

   As far as "filling a void not available in one's hometown" this can be said about anyone that travels to another country so throw all those expats in the mix as well.


That leaves 30% - 20% that are men seeking the best life choices for themselves. While there are many train wrecks, there are other examples of a Colombiana who is a judge, or doctor (not poor, or desperate), meeting a similarly successful American man, in their own general league, and live happily ever after.

   So any woman who doesn't have some advanced degree is a trainwreck? And by "general league" I guess you are saying the same about men. If this is your true view about relationships you know very little.

Now, it happens from time to time that a brand new guy comes here and says he just met a girl on line from Medellin, and now she is his "novia".  He has never travelled outside the USA, and he does not speak Spanish.  And, many posters cheer him on with addaboys.  I tend to be more realistic and less Ra Ra.  My observation and position on this subject pretty much agrees with Jamie's information pages to a "T".

   And yet you NEVER seem to chime in. How many posts have you made in some newbie's thread warning him of such things. What a hypocritical statement!

A) On Age and Marriage: While you are not a child, you are not a person who is pursuing "Plan B" in life either.  I think it is fair to guess that most men here are on their second marriage?  I think it is fair to guess that most men here are 40 - 60?   Of course, that is not a requirement, but you have to acknowledge that many of the subjects discussed here are a result of life experiences.   It is possible for a person to get a PHD in Psychology with a special emphasis on human relations from Harvard.  But, if that person is 29 years of age, and has never been kissed, well.

        But there are also 40 plus year old men on this forum that still have a "high school mentality" when it comes to women.

Similarly, you not having yet been married (that is true, no?) and being only 31 years of age ... how can you understand the very statement that going to Colombia can make a guy feel younger?   While you may understand the words and definitions, you do not understand the perspective and feeling.   Again, this is something that can not be empirically supported.  But, others in this thread have affirmed this observation with their own experiences. 

    Are you saying that a 31 year old can't have the experience of feeling 21? Nonsense. I remember having such an experience when I was 31. Maybe that's because I can still recall it.


B) On Social Value:  Look at the graphics on the front page of Planet Love.  Watch an old US movie.  Now look at gender in the USA today.   A lot has changed in the last 30 years, pal.   I am not saying it is good, or bad.  It just IS.   Now, being 31, you may not know, or care.   But, especially when I come back from 3 months in Colombia, I SEE and FEEL the difference - it is huge. 

    Has things changed in 30 years or 3 months?  Either way things change no matter where you are, especially over 30 years. What a silly statement.

On this issue, forget the ugly social underbelly (rape, incest, murder), that is not a mainstream thought. Look at what I am referencing with clear eyes.  Do you see television advertisements that depict the husband as a fat, lazy, uninformed creature; while the woman is directing and in control. Do you see the changes in gender enrollment at universities?  Do you see how the gender income has changed for males in the USA.  Have you seen how divorce and child support / Dad's rights are slanted to the female gender.  Do you see how personal protection and security, in the most intimate and personal level is not the man's responsibility in the USA?  Do you not see a youth obsessed culture in the USA?

    Yes....and? What does this have to do with anything other than being good reasons to look outside the US for a wife.

Again, I am not saying this is right or wrong ... I am just saying it is.  And, Again, I am not suggesting that the social value of a man is higher in a latin american whore house either; the point is much wider than that!

     And what point is that Zon. Stop talking gibberish and get to the point already.

3, LIFE BEFORE WIFE: I state that marriage ought not be a goal, in and of, itself. I have reminded people (and myself) that we were mostly hopeful and happy when we first married.  That did not solve the long term challenges, and that does not create long term happiness in life.

      How many people go through life with just this one goal? The norm seems to contradict you here.

      As far as long term happiness goes you can only speak for yourself. Don't assume you know what is best for everyone.

I get the impression you live in Medellin, Mari04.   I did not like Medellin for the exact reasons you are expressing. It is normal for men to change their goals when they visit a world that holds out different possibilities.   I have seen much that has been hard to stomach. But, you can not boil everything down to that one dimension.  The world is bigger than that, and the motivations of men are wider than that.

     The world is bigger than Medellin...groundbreaking info.

GENERALIZATIONS INFLAME: When we read "20 - 25 year old Colombiana" we think of a beautiful young actress, but there are many (most, actually) when in that age range that I would never spend time with - based strictly on physical terms.  When we read 40 - 55 year old man, it is natural to think of an overweight bald guy holding out his money for female attention, but there many guys in that age range that can "fairly" attract virtually any woman in Colombia - and that again is different in the USA.

     When you say "we" you mean "you". Don't speak for others and when I say "others" I mean "everybody else".

ALL MEN'S FEET ARE MADE OF CLAY ... you are quick to imply that social work and  human/spiritual growth is the best way to a better, more fulfilled life. Nothing we write on these boards give the slightest observation into another's inner world.  Do I sense self-righteousness in you?   And do you know how Mahatma Gandhi slept at night, or the sexual proclivities of Paramahansa Yogananda? 

    It looks to me like Maritime is only giving examples of what can be better ways of achieving fulfillment. But I'll take self righteousness over arrogance any day....let's see so far you say : the majority of guys looking for wives in Colombia are emotionally and needy unfortunates, Colombianas who don't have a college degree are "train wrecks", Maritime doesn't know anything because he is 31 and that is just in this thread alone. The arrogance wreaks!

« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 06:51:54 PM by Researcher »
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #264 on: December 01, 2011, 07:27:38 PM »
It is easy to throw a blanket of criticism.  I could post that the sun provides light, and you would go on some rant and likely attach some stupid clip art. 

But you would post it as if you discovered to sun and then remark how you don't need light and those that do are just needy.


BUT WHAT EXACTLY AND SPECIFICALLY[/b] did you disagree with in my post above? 

I am not asking you to do a research project, just be honest.  Being specific in this answer would reveal what, if any, substantive disagreement you see in my thinking.  Or, as I presume, you just have a standing and infinite objection to me, personally.

      Actually I do like some things you post but you cancel that out with the rest. I mean come on, so what if someone finds happiness in being married and having a family? Does everyone have to follow the "path of Zon"  to find happiness? You seem to think so and I find that to be arrogant. Not only do you disagree with how many guys are looking for what they want you call them "hapless" and "emotionally needy". Who do you think you are to make such a judgement?

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #265 on: December 01, 2011, 08:51:23 PM »
  Does everyone have to follow the "path of Zon"  to find happiness?

Well, let's hope the kid, Mari04, sticks to a line of reasoning better than you!  HAHAHA

I state MY observations.  Many of those very factual observations were amplified, or confirmed by others in less than 16 hours .... and then there is your exception, which is a light weight, knee jerk, counter- response, full of ad hominem comments that are fallacious - I get it!  You do NOT like me.

I stated my observations as facts, and asked if they were, or were not true.  I asked if they are true, then do they / should they insult anyone. 

( Researcher, You, evidentally put yourself in a group that I insult.  Fine.  You know yourself better than I.  Sorry you feel that way about yourself - sincerely. )
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 09:01:34 PM by Zon »

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #266 on: December 01, 2011, 09:09:16 PM »
Well, let's hope the kid, Mari04, does better than you!

    Maritime has already given you the smackdown and I apparently have upset you because you really have no answer to my previous posts other than your weak comments.


I state MY observations.  Many of those very factual observations were amplified, or confirmed by others in less than 16 hours .... and then there is your exception, which is a light weight, knee jerk, counter- response (and I did notice that you avoided defining yourself with a rant of  ad hominem comments that are fallacious - little logic)

   If they are YOUR observations then it is YOUR OPINION. Opinion are not FACTS.     

    Others within 16 hours? How many "others"? Making claims without backing them up, stick with the FACTS here.

I stated my observations as facts, and asked if they were, or were not true.  I asked if they are true, then do they insult anyone.  You, evidentally put yourself in a group that I insult.  Fine.  You know yourself better than I. Sorry.

     Again your observations are just that. They are not facts.

     I put myself in no group. You assume too much.


Let's try to stay with the facts even if they hurt some people's feelings, and see where this goes.

       Apparently this is going nowhere. Your response to my last two posts is quite weak.

     Facts? You need to learn the difference between what is fact and what is opinion.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 09:34:50 PM by Researcher »
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #267 on: December 02, 2011, 04:10:52 AM »
Well, I don't know what exactly the percentage would be, and I haven't spent any time in agencies ... but I've seen some of the videos and heard stories from my best friend ... and many of those guys I would classify as pretty strange and needy.

There are many examples of guys that bring a ring, propose on their first trip to practically the first woman that goes out with them, and all with no Spanish.  But at least they have a nice cowboy hat!


    No doubt many guys rush into a relationship and there is plenty of ANECDOTAL evidence to show this. I don't know if there are many men who propose on the first date but many do rush in my opinion. They may look "emotionally needy" but look at the whole picture here.

     First, it takes two to rush into a relationship. Face it, a relationship can only move as fast as both allow it. Given the woman is a latina moving quickly in a relationship seems to be a cultural thing. I had many women who wanted me to commit way too soon. That happened in Mexico as well. One woman told me that latinos get married first and then get to know one another. So is the guy "emotionally needy" and forcing a woman into a relationship? No, it takes two to do this.
    Second, most guys I talked to who rushed into a relationship knew they would have to wait at least six months for visa paperwork before they could be with their woman so in reality they didn't see it as rushing. If things didn't work out in that time they would just break it off and start over. Many figured if the relationship worked out they would be ahead of the game. Not a good idea in my opinion but this was the thinking. So rushing into a relationship doesn't prove a guy is "emotionally needy" if he figures he will have to wait six months minimum.

       Third, someone who is "emotionally needy" craves immediate attention. Do you really believe someone like this could handle a long distance relationship for at least six months to a year? How long were you and your lady apart? Do you think someone who craves alot of attention would put themself in this kind of situation. My wife and I spent a year apart and I don't see anyone who is "emotionally needy" being able to handle that.

      Do guys rush into these relationships? yes, but it doesn't prove they are "emotionally needy". Someone like this would crave immediate attention and probably have to move to Colombia to live. That way they could get the attention immediately.

     Zon has taken a fact: "Many guys do rush into relationships with Colombianas" added his own delusional opinion: "They must be emotionally needy" and tried to pass it off as being true.

  BTW: What the heck is ALLEGORICAL evidence?


 I have already posted an enormous amount of allegorical evidence to support this observation.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #268 on: December 02, 2011, 12:58:33 PM »
   Maritime has already given you the smackdown and I apparently have upset you because you really have no answer to my previous posts other than your weak comments.

What in the hell are you talking about?   You act like this is a boxing match:)    I stated my positions above, if the kid wants to comment and debate, that is fine ... but it is pretty obvious he has a different perspective than me, and other's here.  Nothing wrong with that! Rock on.

What the heck is ALLEGORICAL evidence?

These are truths or observations derived from stories - psst ... Trip Reports.  Lessons learned from story telling.  There are many stories that support my positions if you care to look.   REALLY, they are not "my positions"!  Most people would agree with my comment upthread.  AND my purpose here is limited to my very narrow post up thread.  You object to me observing that many of the wife hunters I have met and seen, appeared to me to be "emotionally needy" - well, tough; I was being "nice."

SO, RESEARCHER, it is your contention that gingos are all super duper, and that most women a guy is likely to meet is sincere and ready for a life long marriage.   PLUS, you are on the edge of your seat to cheer anybody that appears ready to pursue this behavior.   I see you as a guy wearing Rose Colored Glasses ALL THE TIME.  You are insulted (very insulted) by me when I suggest that I have been EMBARRASED just based on "gringo by association" on NUMEROUS occasions.   So what?  This is not an accidental conclusion for me.  It remains my holding.

===  Please do not allow your contempt for me, personally, require you to post twice for every post I make.   I am happy to live without your admiration  HAHAHAH.  But, please limit tread pollution  ====
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 01:09:20 PM by Zon »

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #269 on: December 02, 2011, 03:12:31 PM »
Good debate here,

Positive perks, wow let me tell you that I no longer view having sex with, partying with, or going out with multiple women as a positive in my life. I did that; it was fun awhile it lasted and I got bored, and moved on, I lived it up as good as anybody eles, but I always knew it was never about me just the money(I had) the drugs ( I bought) and the Clubs (I would take them to).
Social value my ASS, want respect do something worth being respected, want social value do something for the community, want companionship get a girlfriend, do you see where this is going?

I think this is called maturity.

If your self-esteem is attached to the simple fact that women will do anything for a free drink and a trip to a night club. If your so called paradise is a place where women are forced to prostitute themselves in a culture that not only tolerates this but encourages it. If your only recourse is to belittle and mock men who’s only goal is simply to get married (be it cuter & younger), and live in mutual harmony, I pity it.
Colombia is what it is, Nobody can change that, and I would never hold it against anybody for enjoying it, but dude shut up about it!!!!
Happiness is less than an arm’s reach away; in fact you do not have to reach at all, because it is simply a state of mind that you will never satisfy with personal surroundings, only personal accomplishment.

Sad but true, some men want to escape to the past, stripped of their self esteem they travel to SA or Asia to get it back in the arms of a hot chick (payment required).

Have I , or my positions, become an irritant to you somehow?   Do you not see that these subjects, no matter how small minded to a priest or public servant, are central and constantly at work here?    Additionally, in most posts there are debates about observations, perspectives, and preferences.  Few posts can be debated by empirical data that would be the the case with academics.   In the end, providing nobody has some hidden agenda, people are left to draw their own opinion.

Excellent point Zon.

We are lacking of this type of exchange on the Asian side.

Certain esteemed members choose to focus and spend huge amounts of time and energy on the use of "one" archaic outdated slang word.


Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #270 on: December 02, 2011, 03:44:08 PM »
We are lacking of this type of exchange on the Asian side.

Certain esteemed members choose to focus and spend huge amounts of time and energy on the use of "one" archaic outdated slang word.



What's pitiful is a rookie posting vile, dehuminizing, racial slurs and whining like a small child when he gets scolded for his bad behavior.
Some folks need to grow up...   :P

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #271 on: December 02, 2011, 04:16:17 PM »


Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #272 on: December 02, 2011, 05:13:44 PM »
What in the hell are you talking about?   You act like this is a boxing match:)    I stated my positions above, if the kid wants to comment and debate, that is fine ... but it is pretty obvious he has a different perspective than me, and other's here.  Nothing wrong with that! Rock on.

    If it were a "boxing match" the "kid" would have scored a KO with you. Maybe you are upset by this and this is why you continue to call Maritime "kid". hahaha!


These are truths or observations derived from stories - psst ... Trip Reports.  Lessons learned from story telling.  There are many stories that support my positions if you care to look.   REALLY, they are not "my positions"!  Most people would agree with my comment upthread.  AND my purpose here is limited to my very narrow post up thread.  You object to me observing that many of the wife hunters I have met and seen, appeared to me to be "emotionally needy" - well, tough; I was being "nice."

   Oh you mean ANECDOTAL evidence. You see Maritime has got you pegged. You make some decent posts and then muck them up with gaffes like this! Some may find it irritating but I find it hilarious! HAHAHA!


SO, RESEARCHER, it is your contention that gingos are all super duper, and that most women a guy is likely to meet is sincere and ready for a life long marriage.   PLUS, you are on the edge of your seat to cheer anybody that appears ready to pursue this behavior.   I see you as a guy wearing Rose Colored Glasses ALL THE TIME.

       More lies mixed with truth. Where have I stated ALL GRINGOS are super duper?  Where have I stated any of what you claim? Provide proof or have your statement be seen as a lie.

       Rose colored glasses? Hardly. Could it be that you are angry because I see you as having an arrogant attitude instead of joining in on your wife hunter bashing?


 You are insulted (very insulted) by me when I suggest that I have been EMBARRASED just based on "gringo by association" on NUMEROUS occasions.   So what?  This is not an accidental conclusion for me.  It remains my holding.

       I find your arrogant attitude insulting. How could anyone be "embarassed" by simple association unless they were so arrogant to begin with.


===  Please do not allow your contempt for me, personally, require you to post twice for every post I make.   I am happy to live without your admiration  HAHAHAH.  But, please limit tread pollution  ====

     Silly excuse to cherry pick the only statements I make that you can try and defend. You seem to be at a loss for words when it comes to responding to my posts. Clearly because you have none.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 06:01:31 PM by Researcher »
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #272 on: December 02, 2011, 05:13:44 PM »

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #273 on: December 02, 2011, 05:41:17 PM »
    Maritime has already given you the smackdown and I apparently have upset you because you really have no answer to my previous posts other than your weak comments.

   If they are YOUR observations then it is YOUR OPINION. Opinion are not FACTS.     

    Others within 16 hours? How many "others"? Making claims without backing them up, stick with the FACTS here.
     Again your observations are just that. They are not facts.

     I put myself in no group. You assume too much.

       Apparently this is going nowhere. Your response to my last two posts is quite weak.

     Facts? You need to learn the difference between what is fact and what is opinion.

   Well at least we did not have to hear about Calipro again!!

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Re: Prepago al Maximo
« Reply #274 on: December 02, 2011, 06:03:40 PM »

  Oh you mean ANECDOTAL evidence. You see Maritime has got you pegged. You make some decent posts and then muck them up with gaffes like this! Some may find it irritating but I find it hilarious! HAHAHA!
Repoire and you meant rapport  HAHAHA! Res you're calling the kettle black.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 06:16:22 PM by JimD »
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