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Author Topic: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!  (Read 14317 times)

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Offline benjio

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #75 on: August 23, 2011, 09:04:31 AM »
Benjio I understand what you are saying but it is a better bet to deal with someone who at least starts out with saying they are not interested in being a career woman if that is what you are looking for, rather than getting together with someone who is saying straight up that she wants something that you do not want.

Anything is possible as the years go on. But for me, the relationship is only as good as it is in 2011. In 2012 it is a new time and if she is doing her own thing, cheating us as a family, becoming a parasite, whatever thing like that, then the relationship is BS and it is time to go our separate ways. If a guy stays in a relationship like that, they are a loser.

My business partner is married to a Colombiana. She has been here more than 20 years and is same as ever. Does not work, has a beautiful home, kids on the honor roll, they have healthy meals every day, still looks terrific, they exercise together, go on alot of vacations, and everyone is happy. There are a bunch of other couples and families who we socialize with here and they have the same stories. Granted none of them are Costenas. But I think it is definitely possible.

If things every do dissolve between me and my wife, I will simply cut my losses rather than get conned.

And my kids are getting older every day which makes the "Andy Lee" plan more and more near and feasible. So no need to get all teary eyed if your Colombiana evolves into some kind of cartoon character or little monster. I think guys need to listen to people like you and CaliPro to name a few who have seen how things can turn out sometimes with these women.  Just be like a Colombian guy and move on to the next. No problem. Or stay single and just date and enjoy life. There should be no desperation involved in any of your decisions when dealing with an international relationship/marriage.

We're on the same page Bama. Initially you have to accept your significant other as the person they present themselves to be. If and when I do get serious about another Colombiana, if it leads to marriage, I can only hope we love each other enough to stick together, regardless of any change in our initial game plan. I don't disagree with any man that brings his girl back to the states. It's just something I'd prefer not to do. I'm in the unique position where I can work anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. Most guys aren't. In those types of circumstances you have to bring them over to be with them. We'll see...who knows. I may be on here in a year or two posting about my experience with getting a girl a visa. I'm looking forward to the adventure either way.

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2011, 05:01:41 PM »
We're on the same page Bama. Initially you have to accept your significant other as the person they present themselves to be. If and when I do get serious about another Colombiana, if it leads to marriage, I can only hope we love each other enough to stick together, regardless of any change in our initial game plan. I don't disagree with any man that brings his girl back to the states. It's just something I'd prefer not to do. I'm in the unique position where I can work anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. Most guys aren't. In those types of circumstances you have to bring them over to be with them. We'll see...who knows. I may be on here in a year or two posting about my experience with getting a girl a visa. I'm looking forward to the adventure either way.

I am pulling for you Benjio, you seem like an intelligent man. That last relationship you had was a real level set for you, so the next one you will hit a home run I am sure, often times in life, past experiences, trials and tribulations prepare us for what the future has for us, I am sure that will be the case for you, but you already know that. 30 years old, bro, we are the same age, 30. I am kinda off like you I think, I am at the front of my peer group career wise, make good money, not great, I am getting closer to the 6 digit marker every year, should be there soon, as long as the global economy does not take a hard nose dive.

Everything you say makes good sense. For me and my girl, we are both people of faith, Christians, and we are building our relationship on the rock of Christ. For me, that is the only rock I trust and is the only rock that has gotten me through the trials and tribulations in my life, the darkest hours, and they were dark, most people thought I would end up dead or in prison, and this is the rock I will call upon in the future. We are spiritually compatible, which for me is the most important level of compatibility. She is versed in the scriptures, which I love, she has read the Bible cover to cover twice, we read the scriptures together and we pray for each other and we pray together. She inspires me to be a strong head of household and she submits to me. She won't let me get away with any mess, we have gotten into it a couple times. I had to correct her on something, she spoke truth into me, so I like the way things are going with her. It is the best of both worlds, she naturally submits to me by the culture and she submits to me as the scripture directs, she respects me in all regards. To mitigate the risk you describe, that is the best I know, the storms of life will come, the trials will come, the man who builds his house on the sand, his house will wash away, the man who builds his house on the rock, his house will hold firm, that is the wisdom I believe in. Otherwise, I really do not know what to anchor a relationship in to weather the trials of this life, at least that is my experience.

Anyways, that is me on my soap box for the day, I will get off it now...jejejeje... 8)

« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 05:15:57 PM by Colgando »
So let mercy come and wash away, what I've done

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #77 on: August 25, 2011, 09:56:55 AM »
I'm in the unique position where I can work anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. Most guys aren't.

Man, I really like my position right now with my wife, the odds of living a good, interesting, satisfying life, but if I did not already have that going for me, I would love to trade lives with you! You have an unbelievable opportunity to live "Andy Lee" style and take as much time as you need to bump into the right girl over there. The options and opportunities are endless in your situation. That would be like a dream come true for guys who are adventurous, know Spanish, and are addicted to the Latina "flavor". Make sure to keep the trip reports (life reports) coming.

Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #77 on: August 25, 2011, 09:56:55 AM »

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #78 on: August 26, 2011, 04:49:37 PM »
I just read an article on about equality between men and women in the countries of the world.  Today is World Women's Equality Day.

There are 134 countries in the survey.  The US ranks 19th, Colombia 55th, Brazil, 85th, and Mexico 91st.  The Scandinavian countries took the top ranks.   There were 4 constructs for which men and women were compared for degree of equality or inequality.  The constructs were educational attainment, health, political participation, and economic participation.

So, maybe not so soon!

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #79 on: August 27, 2011, 06:06:56 PM »
I just read an article on about equality between men and women in the countries of the world.  Today is World Women's Equality Day.

There are 134 countries in the survey.  The US ranks 19th, Colombia 55th, Brazil, 85th, and Mexico 91st.  The Scandinavian countries took the top ranks.   There were 4 constructs for which men and women were compared for degree of equality or inequality.  The constructs were educational attainment, health, political participation, and economic participation.

So, maybe not so soon!

Maybe this is why I've met two guys from Norway at Jamie's.  ;D

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #80 on: August 27, 2011, 06:31:00 PM »

Maybe this is why I've met two guys from Norway at Jamie's.  ;D

Wow, what a feast for the eyes that must be for the guys to see all these beautiful morena's in Baq.  My image of Norway is that the people are all very white, except for the recent muslim immigrants. 
I would imagine the transition to Norway would be more difficult by a longshot, than here in the states.  Obscure language, super cold, and sparsely populated. 

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #81 on: August 27, 2011, 06:44:29 PM »
Well, Oslo must be a fairly large and cosmopolitan city, and the airfare to major cities in Europe is quite cheap.
I have met a Colombiana here who was married to a dude in Norway.  Well, she was completely depressed.  There were no Colombians, no Hispanics, people's culture obviously was as different from Colombia as it gets, most of the year it was cold and drab weather.  She went to stay with a relative in Miami and was actively fishing for a different guy.

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #82 on: August 28, 2011, 01:46:17 PM »
I just read an article on about equality between men and women in the countries of the world.  Today is World Women's Equality Day.

There are 134 countries in the survey.  The US ranks 19th, Colombia 55th, Brazil, 85th, and Mexico 91st.  The Scandinavian countries took the top ranks.   There were 4 constructs for which men and women were compared for degree of equality or inequality.  The constructs were educational attainment, health, political participation, and economic participation.

Those "surveys" seem like means to advance the political leanings of those who create the criteria for the rankings.  Scandinavian countries are hot with androgynous progressive socialists.  Heterosexual men would rank other countries higher.

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #83 on: August 28, 2011, 03:46:03 PM »
Quote from: Alabamaboy! 6559.msg90156#msg90156 date=1313855771

I would never work another day if it was not necessary. I would loveeeeee to spend all my time with the kids, wife, exercising, chilling out, developing hobbies, all those things. If there are no kids involved, then who cares?

If she was making 6 figures however I would be all for it and would gladly quit my job to do the much more important, and fun thing in my eyes of taking care of the kids, cooking, chilling out while she works.

Your wife who is a bank manager must be bringing in some significant cash so it makes more sense than some of the other situations I have seen.

Almost all of the women working for me are divorced or getting ready to divorce with one of the biggest issues being that the husband says they are lazy to cook, take care of the kids, or do other things with them after work. None of them are making more than $15/hr. All of them have their own cars which they pay for out of "their" money. They all eat fast food every day. They are hard workers and are tired at the end of the day so I don't see how their families are getting much benefit out of any of this. They are like a dog chasing their tail.
you bring up some good points AB so i think I'll jump in & add my 2 cents worth. how many of the chicks that work for you also have credit cards in their name that they like to use? I can understand if a woman has older children & she works during their highschool years to bank some cash to put towards their up coming college tuition. however if all these chicks are doing is paying car payments , credit card bills (that they ran up in the mall)
wouldn't it be better for the family as a unit if she stayed home (while the kids are young) & cooked all the meals from scratch like our grandmothers did???
they did that because it doesn't cost much if you don't ever buy any pre packaged (loaded with MSG) food.
my wife & i already agreed that we will take 50% of all her earnings once she arrives & put that towards paying off our house. once the house is paid for if a couple of little "packages" arrive you know the kind of "package" that needs 3 O'clock feeding no problem she will be free to take however much time off from work & not need to worry about the bank bitching about us missing mortgage payments. she will also be free to decide how many days a week she works or doesn't work.
she thought she wanted to work 2 jobs once she arrives here. I explained most nurses that work for hospitals here work either 3 or 4  12 hour shifts a week. I then explained she would probably want 1 day to just rest up & recharge her batteries & she would also need time to clean the house & do the laundry ( we will split the cooking) I then said that i would like to spend time with her too so maybe a 2nd job wouldn't be so good for us. she had a big smile on her face about that last part ( maybe she thought i was talking about bedroom activities???) :o anyhow we came to an agreement , we will see how all of that works out
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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #84 on: August 28, 2011, 04:08:31 PM »
I dated a very beautiful brunette morena in Linkopping Sweden for a while when I was going there regularly in the early 80s. I was pretty surprised to find out she was born and raised in Sweden and never left til she was in her 20s, of Swedish parents. There were people of all shades there. There's a famous university there that attracts people from all over the world so I suppose it's possible that she might have had some mixed ancestry. She wouldn't have been out of place anywhere in Latin America.

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #85 on: August 28, 2011, 04:19:32 PM »

  I would love to hear Bear's perspective since he had 3 little ones with his young wife from the Philippines, and he was far from a spring chicken. Has anybody heard from him? he has been gone from here for a long time.

I catch him about once a month on YM
all is well & Honey is driving  :o :o :o
I think his job keeps him at work quite a bit but i think he knows he doesn't have forever to work so he is trying to get as far as he can in the company given the time frame he has to work in.
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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #86 on: August 30, 2011, 06:11:49 PM »
I catch him about once a month on YM
all is well & Honey is driving  :o :o :o
I think his job keeps him at work quite a bit but i think he knows he doesn't have forever to work so he is trying to get as far as he can in the company given the time frame he has to work in.
Thanks for the info pigglet! 

Wow his woman is driving, that is a pretty big step for some of these ladies, my woman is going to be learning for a while!

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #87 on: August 30, 2011, 06:18:35 PM »
Well, Oslo must be a fairly large and cosmopolitan city, and the airfare to major cities in Europe is quite cheap.
I have met a Colombiana here who was married to a dude in Norway.  Well, she was completely depressed.  There were no Colombians, no Hispanics, people's culture obviously was as different from Colombia as it gets, most of the year it was cold and drab weather.  She went to stay with a relative in Miami and was actively fishing for a different guy.

Heck Traveler, it probably wasn't even the guy's fault that she was fishing for another man.

  Bringing a lady to  Norway seems like it would be a huge shock for most of these innocent latina babes.  There are used to being around lots of people.  Bringing a ripe one to Norway and having her isolated in a cold house all day without any other latina people around to sorta build a base of friends from would be tough.  Maybe the Norweigen should have 'bred out'  :D  his latina babe a little sooner than she might have tried extra hard to adapt, for the sake of the child!

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #87 on: August 30, 2011, 06:18:35 PM »

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Re: The Fertile Latina Will Soon Be A Product of Another Time!
« Reply #88 on: August 30, 2011, 06:34:40 PM »
Driving is really 'the last frontier' for us--at least parallel parking is anyways. I lost a couple layers of tooth enamel teaching my wife how to drive and although I thought I'd save time and money by having her take driving lessons back in her country, they were all but a total waste of her time and my money--none of it really transferred to back here the USA. Maybe it's because they have basically no rules, few signals signs 'over there'--you don't even need insurance and if a cop pulls you over, you typically give him 50 pesos or so to make sure he gets some lunch or dinner for 'his time'.

I was a bit surprised--not that she she passed the written part of the test the first time, but that she passed the driving test, including parallel parking. She was as nervous as I ever saw her before that driving test.

Over five years later, she has never parallel parked again--not even once. We live in an area of over a quarter million people and to this day, when she has to go into the city, I have to drive, or otherwise--which is exceedingly rare, she drives forever until she can find a parking place that doesn't require parallel parking.
I have mentioned how some time we're going to practice, but somehow the subject always gets changed quickly.
Other than that--she's a better driver than me--follows all laws, is ultra courteous with zero road rage, never speeds.
For the life of me, I'll never understand how with her never having got into any trouble in her entire life, when she sees a police car's lights--really any lights that remotely look like a cop's, her heart races and she all but yells to me "POLICE!", even though we're doing absolutely nothing wrong. She's better than a radar detector, that's for sure.
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