One of the problems one has with chatting on-line is one never knows if the other party is really paying attention. They could be doing their nails, chatting with a relative or girlfriend at the same time they are chatting with you. You get those 'throw away' responses like 'lo se' or 'te amo' or 't.q.m.' from the other party. It doesn't take much effort to type in 5 or 6 characters and give one the appearance of interest.
Found a great solution to see if this is really the case. Type in a totally absurd (absurdo) statement and see if you get a reaction. examples I used the other day. "A UFO just landed on my front lawn, the occupants got out and asked me if I wanted to come with them visit their home planet. Should I go?" or "Selma Hayek just called and asked me to move to California to be her pool boy. Should I take the job?".
If it takes more that 30 seconds, barring net lag, to get a response you are #3 or #4 on her current task listing. jajajajaja