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Author Topic: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"  (Read 3164 times)

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Who else had received a letter from CSH?


Colombian Sweethearts has been a very profitable business in the Latin Dating Industry for over the past 8 years. We are the #1 Marriage Agency in Medellin, Colombia!

This business offers a great potential for growth and profit, with #1 Page Rankings on Google and also gives you the option of living in the Most Beautiful City in Colombia!

As the sole Owner, I am selling the businesses at a REDUCED PRICE OF $40,000 USD.
What is being Offered: Websites, Google #1 Page Rankings, Large Data Bases of clients and More!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 07:56:17 PM by Gato4Astrid »

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2011, 08:46:27 PM »
Who else had received a letter from CSH?


Colombian Sweethearts has been a very profitable business in the Latin Dating Industry for over the past 8 years. We are the #1 Marriage Agency in Medellin, Colombia!

This business offers a great potential for growth and profit, with #1 Page Rankings on Google and also gives you the option of living in the Most Beautiful City in Colombia!

As the sole Owner, I am selling the businesses at a REDUCED PRICE OF $40,000 USD.
What is being Offered: Websites, Google #1 Page Rankings, Large Data Bases of clients and More!

If he'll throw in a gold and silver mine in with the deal, I'd think about it. Otherwise, why would he reach out to total suckers--errr, I meant 'strangers' instead of family and friends with this wonderful deal?

Hate to leave this valuable thread too quickly, but I need to close on a deal with a cousin I didn't even knew I had, from Lagos Nigeria, who told me our deceased, great, great grandfather left us 3.5 million dollars, but that I need to send him $10,000 for the legal and other probate administrative costs so that I can get my $1.75 million dollars wired to me by Tuesday.

Some people are just sooo thoughtful, it makes me want to cry sometimes!
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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 02:11:56 PM »
I wouldn't give 40000 COP...
Are you lost? You may be on the wrong forum(?)

Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 02:11:56 PM »

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 02:39:25 PM »
I got that email. Probably the third "FOR SALE" notice I've gotten from CSH since I was considering going to Medellin instead of Barranquilla before my first trip. Guess the owner sends it to everyone in his address book. I've read some not so flattering comments about their operation on numerous boards in the past. Particularly the fact that really beautiful girls that attract the most attention are not removed from the site after they have clearly informed the agency they have boyfriends or are married.
Good luck to them at a price of $40K. Gato did not post the entire content of the email but plenty of "convincing" arguments are made for why this is such a SPECTACULAR bargain. My question is if the business has such a great potential for profit, why is it being sold? Too bad really, there are some beautiful single women in Medellin that would love to meet a few honest gringos. If someone were there to run the agency like Jamie runs his, it could be a very successful endeavour.
Micky? Dennis? Zon? Any takers? LMAO!!!!

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 02:43:59 PM »

    I wonder if Mudd got the same email.He could expand his operation but he doesn't seem like a sucker.

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 03:28:44 PM »
Yeah. I don't think it's that outrageous, considering the amount of time and money it takes to get what they have - Google 1st page, presumably a good mailing list and inventory of women. It would seem to me to be a pretty good self sufficient business if you were looking for a way to earn a living while you live in Mendellin and meet a lot of single women. As other's have said, it just needs to be run right.

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2011, 04:22:03 PM »
That price IS outrageous.  From what I've heard the business has been slowly dying for the past few years.  Not only was it shown that they use ringers on their web site but the owner is for all practical purposes an absentee owner.  They downsized their operation from when they had a B&B to just a small office now in Parque Lleras.

Using one web site's value determination they list it being worth $1,819.00


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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2011, 04:53:05 PM »
If you really want to buy the business, you will have to ask some important questions, for example:

Why is he selling the business?  <<  That's one of the most important question to ask

And, if you seriously want to buy the business, you will need to ask for evidence.  For example, ask for accounting, to see if the business is genuine.   If they refuse, then you would know that he might be very dishonesty.   Look for past years accounting as well.  In this way, you would know the real reason for him to sell.

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2011, 04:59:00 PM »
Why is he selling the business?  <<  That's one of the most important question to ask.

The obvious reason as to why they are selling is because they aren't making much money in spite of their good Google ranking.  With the economy in the crapper, the higher cost of international travel, and relatively inexpensive competitors like Colombiancupid the writing was on the wall years ago.

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2011, 05:19:58 PM »
FWIW, I played around with the web site above and came up with a few other interesting valuations.  For example,

Agencies  $4,487  $2,029  $2,421

Forums  $9,163  $413*Unapproved Link*_com.html  $0 (eFB)

Sure you did - and those sites are totally and completely worthless for determining website valuation.

The *only* way to know what a site is worth is to conduct a thorough due diligence. If you care to try to make use of valuation products such as the one you've cited, you will be badly misled.

- Dan


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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2011, 05:48:58 PM »

The obvious reason as to why they are selling is because they aren't making much money in spite of their good Google ranking. 

Yes, but it is not always the case.  It could be that he wants to enjoy his retirement life.   

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2011, 12:31:43 PM »
If you care to try to make use of valuation products such as the one you've cited, you will be badly misled.

I agree with you Dan and meant no disrespect.  Still, I would not pay anywhere near CSH's asking price.

Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2011, 12:31:43 PM »

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2011, 12:51:16 AM »
It doesn't seem like you are getting anything for the $40k, just the name.

And some email addresses from guys who the agency either failed to deliver up to expectations (these guys are still single so they probably feel the agency is a rip off) or guys who received what they wanted (are now married and are no longer in the market). Neither group seems likely for repeat business.

The chicas photos and contact info might be worth something (not much) but it isn't mentioned to be included. unless the girls are considered "clients" as well.  But even if it were, the list is likely out of date and the girls are most likely used to dealing with the current staff in the current location.  Some strange guy call them up and says he is the new owner and none of the staff is the same, then girls most likely wouldn't feel comfortable showing up any more and likely would end their participation.

Tell you guys what I'll do.  I am going to and set up the "2ND MOST POPULAR" webpage for an agency in Medellin (there isn't much competition), I will copy down a bunch of photos and email addresses of hot girls living in Medellin off facebook and Colombian Cupid, I will copyright the names MedellinBrides, MedellinGirlfriends and MedellinHonies... and I will sell it all to you for a one time only discount price of 20k!!!! What a bargain! Half the price of ColombianSweethearts  but just as worthless!

Seriously, if they aren't providing any TANGIBLE assets (like an office, equipment, etc), and the staff who has actual experience operating the business, all you are getting is an unsuccessful brand name.  I can give you those for free:,, help yourself to any of these names!

You would be better off just using that 40k to rent some office space and hire some staff.  Go someplace with little competition like Santa Marta or Cucuta or wherever.

And why the hell is this in the Asian board? Gato, you need to put your reading glasses on B4 posting buddy!
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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2011, 12:17:48 AM »
Valuation of a website domain name per se is a completely different thing.
As far as valuation of a business, whether internet or brick and mortar, you need to know projected profits for the next three years.  And then you negotiate based on that.  Obviously I don't know what those profits are, and without knowing this variable it's hard to say if the price is a bargain or a rip off.  Although my hunch is it's the latter.  The page is worth something because it's been around for awhile and has free traffic due to organic google ranking.  However, most of this free traffic is just people looking for info rather than buying.  If they were buying, business would have been booming.  Besides, the business model of a traditional marriage agency in Colombia is flawed IMHO, which is why they are dying.

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2011, 04:19:06 AM »
I used the agency back in 2006 and 2007; steve had just started to offer introductions for 10 & 20 contacts, they had a house in Poblado but not in illeras, anywaz my opinion was that they had many women profile's up, that were not avilable or able to contact, they had many other women coming and going though, his reputation is good, or was at the time it was....... the agency was in Medellin before the coast a rica refugee herd came through, and way before the gringo invasion of poblado. I purchased 10 contacts for about 500 USD, (i won the money on 11 black at rio). The girls i met were very nice, and a few were pregao, i met one blonde that a few years later i saw again in another sense or situation.
I saw the price was orginally 70K, and has been for sale for a few years, I do not think the main flow of gringos coming to medellin is to get married maybe just to meet allot of pretty girls in a normal setting, but theres been alot of other agency start ups, B&B for gringos, and personal tour guides ect...there had been a huge fluex of gringos coming into the city mostly poblado but the have been wandering out to the barrios, it maybe a good buy for some one who is willing to put in the work.


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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2011, 06:49:09 AM »

I saw the price was orginally 70K, and has been for sale for a few years, I do not think the main flow of gringos coming to medellin is to get married maybe just to meet allot of pretty girls in a normal setting, but theres been alot of other agency start ups, B&B for gringos, and personal tour guides ect...there had been a huge fluex of gringos coming into the city mostly poblado but the have been wandering out to the barrios, it maybe a good buy for some one who is willing to put in the work.

Few years ago CaliCharm was for sale - they sell not only the agency but also the PROPERTY itself.    CSH - only agency for sale ???

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Re: Who else had received a letter ? "CSH for sale for $40,000"
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2011, 09:32:12 AM »
i cant belive i blew money like that for contacts.................maybe i should buy that place!


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