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Author Topic: Colombian people "so loving and kind, etc....." Time to bust these myths !!  (Read 5703 times)

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Offline STM

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I only go to Colombia for one reason, the women ratio is quite good, and at one time there was what is called the gringo effect.
Otherwise I would never pick this country to go on vacation,  so many better places in the world, Fuji, Caribbean islands, Australia, Brazil....
In the US huge variety state parks, and geographical settings.
Pristine beachs of Sarasota Florida, to Colorado Rockies, relaxing N.C. mountains.....
I get a chuckle when I read the posts that talk about the Colombia people so kind and thoughtful, loving, caring, much better then Americans.... "  I am so glad I live in Colombia......"
Colombians are not any better or worse the Americans.  In fact I would say worse.
Some of the posters praising Colombia people , like God's gift to mankind......
So many out of wedlock children, dysfunctional families, lying , even family members are not trusted, and try doing business in Colombia that's a whole other story.
What has Colombia done for the world?  how billions$$$ have been spent helping other countries, how Colombians have died helping other countries??,  jack[snip] is the answer.
If it wasn't for IVA taxes added to each purchase,  they would have a huge problem, Colombians would hate income taxes.
Houses with triple dead bolt locks, all windows have bars, etc......    Not a very fun place for security compared to the US.
Colombians rate higher in ability to partying,  then most countries.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 02:01:56 PM by STM »

Offline benjio

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Did someone here actually write that "Colombian people so kind and thoughtful, loving, caring, much better then Americans" Or are you paraphrasing? I don't think I've ever read that on this board even though I've only been here a few weeks. Please post a link if I'm wrong. I think the guys here that have been to Colombia enough times or live there for the most part share your opinion of the people in general.

Offline chameleon

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While you are just trolling, I'll indulge you because i'm bored at work.

I've lived in a couple of world-class cities and have been to a few places in South America (as well as most of Europe). The vibe is definitely different down there and I prefer it overall (at least from NA).

Is the country itself better than any developed western countries? No. Are there certain advantages? Yes.

Are the people better? No. Are they different? Yes. For some, the net differences might be positive and for others a negative. For my own part, I try to avoid being judgmental about people whose life experiences and opportunities have been vastly different from my own.

Trying to compare the charitable/military contributions of a country like Colombia to that of the US is a laughable metric for comparison.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 02:11:21 PM by chameleon »

Offline Alabamaboy!

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STM if you did a poll of the world's population, I doubt the US would come out higher than average in regards to how wonderful we are. Many would contend we are the scourge of the earth and are a huge threat to civilization as a whole.

Many times the US "helps" other countries in order to take advantage of them.

The US is a great place, but there are some super dishonest, dysfunctional, destructive things going on here too. A lot of which is being done by our own government.

And we do it for little or no reason other than flat out greed. Nobody is staving here. We are not living difficult lives when compared against most other countries and cultures. Probably 90% of the world's population would give their right hand to be living like our "poverty level" folks, watching tv all day, eating from the McDonald's dollar menu, no requirement to work , sleep when you like, but still have full healthcare, decent living conditions, etc.

The only place I have ever seen a triple deadbolt lock was when I lived in Pittsburgh PA and I still got my crappy apt. robbed.

Offline Alabamaboy!

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I only go to Colombia for one reason, the women ratio is quite good, and at one time there was what is called the gringo effect.

It is good to know that there are good "Americans" out there that are not too shy to just come right out and say what desperate losers they are that they only go to a distant country to look for women because the ratio is good or there may be a "gringo effect".

I go to Colombia to try to get away from people like yourself so I hope you don't bring your friends along.  Maybe you can post a picture of yourself and some contact information so the Colombian people can have a nice "welcome party" waiting for you when you get off the plane.  ;) If you arrive underdressed and  forget your necktie, maybe these thoughtful people will be willing to give you one.....a Colombian one.

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If it wasn't for IVA taxes added to each purchase,  they would have a huge problem, Colombians would hate income taxes.
The formula is a little complicated but Colombians do indeed pay income tax if annual salary received is more than $100.013.000 (in dollars around $60.000.00).  The tax is based on  something called “Declaración de Renta”.
Tax is also owed under “Declaración de Renta
1. You have personal property valued at more than $ 110.498.000
2. Your credit card purchases are more than $68.754.000
3. Your recorded purchases are more than $68.754.000
4. The value of your bank deposits and investments is more than $110.498.000
Those were the figurs for 2010.
Esposa y mosa vida hermosa

Offline utopiacowboy

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Nice rant, dude. I would say that Colombians are no better nor worse than anyone else roaming this planet. It's not a place I would call home but then as a Canadian, personal security has always been a concern of mine.

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Nice rant, dude. I would say that Colombians are no better nor worse than anyone else roaming this planet. 
to this point,this is also how I feel. 


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Offline AndyLee

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I only go to Colombia for one reason, the women ratio is quite good, and at one time there was what is called the gringo effect.
Otherwise I would never pick this country to go on vacation,  so many better places in the world, Fuji, Caribbean islands, Australia, Brazil....
In the US huge variety state parks, and geographical settings.
Pristine beachs of Sarasota Florida, to Colorado Rockies, relaxing N.C. mountains.....
I get a chuckle when I read the posts that talk about the Colombia people so kind and thoughtful, loving, caring, much better then Americans.... "  I am so glad I live in Colombia......"
Colombians are not any better or worse the Americans.  In fact I would say worse.
Some of the posters praising Colombia people , like God's gift to mankind......
So many out of wedlock children, dysfunctional families, lying , even family members are not trusted, and try doing business in Colombia that's a whole other story.
What has Colombia done for the world?  how billions$$$ have been spent helping other countries, how Colombians have died helping other countries??,  jack[snip] is the answer.
If it wasn't for IVA taxes added to each purchase,  they would have a huge problem, Colombians would hate income taxes.
Houses with triple dead bolt locks, all windows have bars, etc......    Not a very fun place for security compared to the US.
Colombians rate higher in ability to partying,  then most countries.
I was in line at the bank in Pereira today, probably 20 people ahead of me and that many behind, a baby started crying and when I looked at the child and it's mother I could see she was pregnant, holding a 1 year old, and trying to keep the baby quiet. The woman about 10 people ahead of me called over the security guard and suggested he let this pregnant woman with the crying baby go to the head of the line so she could finish her banking and take the baby home for his nap. The security guard then turned to all the people in line and asked if that was okay.....without hesitation all of us nodded yes and the woman almost burst into tears as she was moved to the head of the line. NOW, that's a really big reason why I love Colombian people, because they respect mothers and children

STM, you've been on P-L for one month, you've made 8 posts, some of which were good (IMHO). But,  you've never visited Colombia and you really don't know a darn thing about this country or her people. Why not relax and let me and other colombogringos like me love Colombians and Colombia if we want to? I've been on vacation to most of the places you give preference, except Fiji and I always meant to go there and hang out with Marlon, but never got the chance. Yes, all of your vacations suggestions are excellent, I agree 100% that there are better vacation spots than good old crime ridden, war torn, every dude fer himself colombia.........but, guess what bucko, the girls are still prettier here and there still is a HUGE gringo effect. I enjoy it every moment of every day when I'm with my fiancee who is 25 years younger than me and a Halle Barry look alike to boot. Learn to capitalize on on the good parts of Colombia instead of knocking it.
BTW, the IVA tax of 16%? ??? ?? Huge benefit for all of us....the taxes on my house are about $45 per the US the taxes on this house would be probably 100 times that much. The taxes on my fiancees house are about $10 US per year. My fiancee pays nothing in income tax on a salary which would cost her $10,000 per year US in income taxes and state taxes. I figure between my house has almost no real estate tax, and my wife pays no income tax, then the 16% IVA is a hell of a bargain compared to the 5% sales tax in the US that is on top of the 30% federal and state taxes and the hellacious real estate taxes. Who is really better off? Us or the Colombians? Don't bother to answer that question, it's rhetorical. My point is, walk a mile in the shoes first bud.
If you are unhappy change something. Quit your job. Move. Leave your miserable relationship. Stop making excuses. You are in control.

Offline DesmondID

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STM, you've been on P-L for one month, you've made 8 posts, some of which were good (IMHO). But,  you've never visited Colombia and you really don't know a darn thing about this country or her people. Why not relax and let me and other colombogringos like me love Colombians and Colombia if we want to? I've been on vacation to most of the places you give preference, except Fiji and I always meant to go there and hang out with Marlon, but never got the chance. Yes, all of your vacations suggestions are excellent, I agree 100% that there are better vacation spots than good old crime ridden, war torn, every dude fer himself Colombia.........but, guess what bucko, the girls are still prettier here and there still is a HUGE gringo effect. I enjoy it every moment of every day when I'm with my fiancee who is 25 years younger than me and a Halle Barry look alike to boot. Learn to capitalize on on the good parts of Colombia instead of knocking it.

Well you do have the award for "looks happiest in his avatar photo" wrapped up for sure :)

To the OP:

I only have a few trips under my belt but thus far have been very impressed with the Colombians whom I have had the opportunity to spend time. There are exceptions of course: A grumpy old man jammed his seat into my legs on a bus ride Medellin to Bogota.. and I have had a couple of taxi drivers that were a tad on the rude side.. and others that were beyond friendly and helpful. I am sure they have varying opinions of foreign men coming into their cities and hitting up on the local women. I wonder how my city would react if there were suddenly plane loads of "rich" men coming in on a daily basis looking to take the youngest and most beautiful women away.

As to the comments of other places to visit: The OP is correct there are many great places in the US to visit.. I plan on taking my wife to Yellowstone and Crater lake next year.. When she arrives in the US (most likely October) we will be spending a few days in Las Vegas before going home.. She is dying to try a roller coaster - but those are for her, for me I can't wait to return - Medellin is an amazing and beautiful city - and I want to visit more of Latin America -  and hey don't sell the partying short! Man I had a fun time the last visit :)

OK I wandered off my main point of this post: This board is themed around finding a wife in a foreign land. Very few places in this world are going to compare to Colombia when it comes to the number, looks, and availability. Get your girl then go visit Fiji and enjoy life :)

..and for the record I hate income taxes as well.   

Offline Alabamaboy!

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I'm with my fiancee who is 25 years younger than me and a Halle Barry look alike to boot

Yeah Andy, that is a great pic man! Great taste. Wish you all the best. Is she Costena?

Offline Traveler

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The best beach you have seen is Sarasota?  Seriously?  If that's the best place you can think for a vacation, you are not that well travelled, sir - as in, not well travelled enough to compare anything with anything else.
Is Colombia a good vacation spot, aside from the women factor?  Sure, especially given its value.  Is it the most compelling travel destination in the world?  Well, IMHO it's not.  But neither is Sarasota.  You made me laugh.

Offline whitey

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The best beach you have seen is Sarasota?  Seriously?  If that's the best place you can think for a vacation, you are not that well travelled, sir - as in, not well travelled enough to compare anything with anything else.
Is Colombia a good vacation spot, aside from the women factor?  Sure, especially given its value.  Is it the most compelling travel destination in the world?  Well, IMHO it's not.  But neither is Sarasota.  You made me laugh.

Haha ... I have to agree with that ... but ... if you only consider the sand and surf, Sarasota has a pretty sweet beach.

Does Captain Curt's still exist down at Siesta Key?  Haven't been there for 25 years, but if I still had it, I would wear my t-shirt that said "I got the crabs at Cap'n Curt's"!
Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!

Offline Alabamaboy!

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I do have to agree with STM that Siesta Key Beach is the best beach I have ever seen.  Good call on that one IMO.

Offline Traveler

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Well, I generally don't travel for the sake of a beach.  I am not a beach fanatic, and I live in Miami, so I don't really miss beach.  However, just for the sake of discussion, here are my entries:
1. Maya beach, Phi Phi islands, Thailand
2.  Ao Nang beach, Krabi, Thailand
These are not inferior to Sarasota.  And Maya beach also had a significant number of young topless Scandinavian girls, too.  I am usually not into Euro blondes, but I confess that I did enjoy the view.  (Ao Nang was mostly families and more crowded.)

Offline maritime04

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Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women,Women, Women, Women, Women, Women, Women
DOESNT THAT GET OLD..............................................................
There is more to Colombia then WOMEN; yes there is high crime, Yes they have social issues, Yes there is class warfare, and YES they have a diffrent culture and view on life. Poverty is huge in Colombia so naturally they will have many of the problems that come with it, you can obsess over this or learn to deal with it.Colombia past history makes for a good read, and will give you an understanding about the place. We complain allot about it here, but this is just conversation, voice of opinions ect....
If the only thing you want to take out of Colombia is the hottest women you can find, carefull becuase it may just take allot of the only thing you want to offer it; MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY..................................................

Offline robert angel

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Well, I generally don't travel for the sake of a beach.  I am not a beach fanatic, and I live in Miami, so I don't really miss beach.  However, just for the sake of discussion, here are my entries:
1. Maya beach, Phi Phi islands, Thailand
2.  Ao Nang beach, Krabi, Thailand
These are not inferior to Sarasota.  And Maya beach also had a significant number of young topless Scandinavian girls, too.  I am usually not into Euro blondes, but I confess that I did enjoy the view.  (Ao Nang was mostly families and more crowded.)

On the USA Atlantic side of things 'beach'--"The Baths" on Tortola, in the British Virgin Islands are very pretty, although it's been a long time since I've been and they're not near as "virgin" anymore. They probably have cheese burgers now.

Cinnamon Bay Campground, located in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands now known as St. Johns National Park, is really nice too and they limit the amount of visitors, so it's not over run or over commercalized--but you might have to make reservations wayyyy in advance.

Bahaia Honda, a Florida state park in the Keys, usually makes most 'top five beaches in the USA' lists, (including CA and Hawaii) although it is on the small side.

If you have the time, a good jeep and sense of adventure, Mexico's Yucatan peninsula has incredible beaches, some of which I don't even know if they have actual names. They--along with Florida's panhandle, probably have some of the prettiest sand imaginable--it's as white and fine as confectioner's sugar in places. On a sunny day, you'd  better bring sunglasses!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline Researcher

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    I think STM brings up a good point.I don't completely agree with his point of view but I understand where he is coming from.It is easy to take some knowledge and a little experience and form generalizations about a culture.He states what the US gives to the world but that doesn't necessarily reflect on the population so much as the government.Also, it could be said that since the US has probably the largest percentage of its population in prison(compared to other countries) that people here in the US must be a bunch of criminals....I don't agree with that but from his type of logic that could be said.

     After travelling myself I have learned that generalizations are OK to get kind of an idea about a culture but my experience with that culture may not always match.Sure, Colombia has liars, etc...but until you really get to know the place you will not understand certain things like that.It just doesn't match what has been said about the place.

     I would say that for the most part the people are friendly.The women are approachable, which is a good reason to go.But I do agree there are better places to vacation.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline Alabamaboy!

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Well, I generally don't travel for the sake of a beach.  I am not a beach fanatic, and I live in Miami, so I don't really miss beach.  However, just for the sake of discussion, here are my entries:
1. Maya beach, Phi Phi islands, Thailand
2.  Ao Nang beach, Krabi, Thailand
These are not inferior to Sarasota.  And Maya beach also had a significant number of young topless Scandinavian girls, too.  I am usually not into Euro blondes, but I confess that I did enjoy the view.  (Ao Nang was mostly families and more crowded.)

Those beaches look great too! But wow man, anyone who has not been to Siesta Key Beach and is a real lover of the sand and water should check it out. The sand was impossibly white, cool, powdery, and clean. The water was impossibly blue and clear. The big puffy clouds, everything perfect the times I went there.

I definitely like the vibe of the beaches in SoCal or even Rodadero compared to Siesta Key, but the beach itself was better than I could even imagine in my dreams.

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So many out of wedlock children, dysfunctional families, lying , even family members are not trusted, and try doing business in Colombia that's a whole other story.

its a general statement, but i would have to agree with that. mostly  "dysfunctional families"    wow i could write a book on the basket case families that i have seen in medellin.

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   Hey Mudd not to mention the part about doing business in Colombia.I can't even imagine that by only what I have seen.I'm sure you have seen that firsthand.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The best beach you have seen is Sarasota?  Seriously?  If that's the best place you can think for a vacation, you are not that well travelled, sir - as in, not well travelled enough to compare anything with anything else.
Is Colombia a good vacation spot, aside from the women factor?  Sure, especially given its value.  Is it the most compelling travel destination in the world?  Well, IMHO it's not.  But neither is Sarasota.  You made me laugh.

Sarasota,  Siesta Key,     St Petersburg Beach,  Clearwatert Beach, Caladisi Island,  all rank top beaches in the US by Dr Beach,  for several years.
I did not say it was the most compelling travel destination,
This board is filled with annoying [snip]s, along with a few good people,  goodbye
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 02:25:07 PM by STM »

Offline STM

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I have been to Colombia for years, and many of its cities.
What I have experienced, and seen Colombian themselves treat each other , no way are these people better then the U.S.
Maybe not worse , but not better.
This post can just warn newbie, into not thinking these people are God's gift to world, just because they seem friendly , while you are on your first vacation.
Colombia just does not have the same trust and honor system morals as the US.
Cash only, collect taxes at point of sale IVA,  imagine the Colombia population filing tax returns to pay what they owe for the previous year.  Concept will not work in Colombia.
Overall what have the Colombian people done for the world compared to the US, how many lives and dollars lost by Colombia to better the world.
There is a ton of money in Medellin and Bogota, let these people do something for the world,  do not send one dollar to Colombia of US taxpayer money.
PS-  daily direct flights Bogota to Washington DC (Avianca)  what US official and how many officials , got a blow job from his Colombiana amiga/novia to make that flight happen?   Or maybe how much was the $$$ payoff to the US govt official.
Bogota direct daily flight to Wash DC, give me a break !!!  Colombia does not do  S H I T for the U.S.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 02:46:26 PM by STM »

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The woman about 10 people ahead of me called over the security guard and suggested he let this pregnant woman with the crying baby go to the head of the line

....the taxes on my house are about $45 per year....
Yes that´s also customary when you get off the plane and wait in line to get your passport stamped. Pregnant women and women with small children shoot to the front of the line. I would say it´s one of very few courteous behaviors I´ve observed in Colombia in nine years.
Wow that is cheap property tax! My predial (property tax) comes to $260 in US dollars. Still cheap of course by stateside standards.
Esposa y mosa vida hermosa

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that Siesta Key Beach is the best beach I have ever seen.
We´ve yacked about beach destinations before but it bears repeating: the all out best beach destinations in Colombia are Isla Providencia and Capurganá in the caribbean and Nuquí on the pacific side. Believe it!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 05:57:24 PM by JimD »
Esposa y mosa vida hermosa


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