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Author Topic: May be starting new job after 26years how will this effect the K1 visa???  (Read 2058 times)

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Offline dewey4350

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Alright fellas I have another what if question. I have had the same job for some 26years. I have two options one I can start a new job. Two I can keep the same job and relocate from Texas to Kansas City Mo. I like KC but not like I do Texas. I have till May to make the decision. What I am most curious about is how will this effect our K1 visa. Is it best to keep the job and relocate or would they frown on me changing employment before the process. I know I am putting the wagon in front of the horse.
 I am still 6weeks from seeing my lady for the first time. I tell you this because I have no idea of the length of the process are the technicalities involved. I would just like to know you guys thoughts and hear your advice, that way it may help me make a better decision. Mr. Ray your on!!!!

Offline Jeff S

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If you haven't even met her, or really even if you have, do what's best for your life first - don't do something just out of fear of the government will or won't approve. Why would you imagine that changing jobs would affect a possible future visa you haven't even applied for.? There's enough to think about when making big decisions like this - don't add irrelevant information that would only cloud the real issues. Just my 2 cents.

Offline Ray

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If you are concerned about the income requirements and evidence of income, there is no need to worry.

What they are looking for primarily is proof of full time permanent employment with a salary that exceeds the published poverty level guidelines. The fact that you just recently started a new job is of minor concern, especially since you have been steadily employed in recent years.

Moving and changing your mailing address in the middle of the visa processing can sometimes cause problems but can easily be overcome with a little advance planning.

Like Jeff said, do what is best for you, not for the government.


Offline piglett

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Alright fellas I have another what if question. I have had the same job for some 26years. I have two options one I can start a new job. Two I can keep the same job and relocate from Texas to Kansas City Mo. I like KC but not like I do Texas. I have till May to make the decision. What I am most curious about is how will this effect our K1 visa. Is it best to keep the job and relocate or would they frown on me changing employment before the process. I know I am putting the wagon in front of the horse.
 I am still 6weeks from seeing my lady for the first time. I tell you this because I have no idea of the length of the process are the technicalities involved. I would just like to know you guys thoughts and hear your advice, that way it may help me make a better decision. Mr. Ray your on!!!!
You may want to marry in the PI & then have a small ceremony here once your bride arrives. a church wedding is the biggest day in a woman's life if she is from the Philippines & she will want all of her friends & family to attend. to say that a church wedding very important to your girl would be a huge understatement IMHO.

good luck
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 08:22:52 PM by piglett »
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