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Author Topic: Actor 'dies' five times in 24 hours  (Read 920 times)

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Actor 'dies' five times in 24 hours
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:34:24 AM »
As runs of misfortune go, it really is hard to beat. While veteran HK & TVB actor Law Lok-lam is very much in the land of the living, he now holds what could be a television record for dying. Soap opera fans saw him die five times, as five different characters in five shows, in a 24-hour period last week....

His onscreen deaths were during a fight in the martial arts drama "Grace Under Fire", in the Wuxia drama "Face to Fate" and he from an illness playing the Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in "Relic of an Emissary".

In two other shows, "Police Station No. 7" and comedy "Virtues of Harmony", the actor did not die on screen but his death was discussed.

Hong Kong actors whose characters die are given a red packet with a token amount of money for good fortune, and Law, 63, received several from the superstitious production crews before shooting his death scenes.
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