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Author Topic: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy  (Read 5902 times)

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Offline ryanfra412

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I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« on: June 12, 2006, 03:04:32 PM »
Here is a good article I came across that describes what women look for in men, I felt it was worth sharing...

The Top 10 Things You Need To Get HOT Women

Lately I've been noticing a lot of guys getting confused about what is really important when it comes to being attractive to women. This is very dangerous and can affect your overall game because when you spend too much time on things that don't matter... you are actually moving backward instead of forward.

If you are one of the many men who have been reading up and learning about how to improve your chances with women, yet have not yet seen any results, this may be the source of your problem.

I've put together a list of what I believe to be the most crucial skills that you must master to be successful with women. Here they are (in order of importance) :

Confidence - Everyone should already know that this is the #1 thing that women look for in men. It's more important than muscles, brains, money and everything else.

Flirting Skills - Even though you must learn to be care-free in order to become a good flirt, this skill must be taken very seriously... it can make your or break you!

Conversation Skills - I have never met a man that could get beautiful women interested in him without knowing how to talk to them. This is a detailed subject that I go over in my book.

Understanding Women - You can't hop in a helicopter, start pressing random buttons and expect not to crash. This works the same way : Learn what women are all about and how they operate and you'll always be successful with them... and believe me, they are much different than men in many ways.

Your Personality - Did you know that you can change and mold your personality into the type that women are uncontrollably attracted to? You can, and it can be a very useful asset to your game if you know how to use it.

Charisma - This is the skill that literally takes everything that you've learned about getting girls and pulls it all together... making it work. Needless to say, this is a necessity.

Fear Of Rejection - If you are afraid to approach girls you will definitely need to get that under control before anything else comes into play. However, this is a very common problem that many men face and it can be easily fixed... it's just a matter of knowing how.

Playing Hard To Get - This works wonders with women. When it comes to all of the sneaky little tricks that you can use to attract women, playing hard to get takes the cake every time. This is not a necessary skill, but it is still very important.

Eye Contact - There is a lot more to eye contact than you might think, and the difference between a man that can use it correctly to his advantage and one that can not is astounding.

Your Appearance - This is not as important as the rest of this list, but many girls are picky when it comes to how a man looks. However, you do not have to stay exactly how god made you, as there are many things that you can do to improve your physical appearance.

Well there you have it, the top ten things that you need to work on if you want to be able to pick up hot women. On my website I discuss these subjects in more detail in my free 7-day training course, check it out.

All the best!

The Player

Hope this helps some of you guys, I'm on day 4 of the mini course and some of the stuff I'm learning is great, I'm already seeing a dramatic improvement in how women respond to me.


Admin Comment: Ryan, if you want to sell your product on the site, I encourage you to contact me (PM or email) about a paid advertisement.

- Dan

Offline flipflop

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 05:34:35 PM »

Be yourself

Offline ryanfra412

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 06:18:03 PM »
To admin : Dan, I do not own the product and I am not (really) advertising it. I was impressed with the free training course and since I'm not doing very well financially I contacted the author and asked him if there was anything I could do to get my hands on a free copy. He said if I told some people about the book he would give me a copy, and gave me that article to use. You are the admin so it is up to you to determine if this is a direct ad or not, but I hope you can consider the fact that it contains much more quality content and info then actual advertisement.

RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 06:18:03 PM »

Offline jm21

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2006, 06:31:07 PM »
I think many people here are here precisely because they don't want do deal with that BS. They're tired of flirting and the dating game, or getting older and don't want to spend months or years trying to find the elusive decent American girl. They may just be tired of American women in general, or can't find the type they're looking for in America, or just have an attraction to women of a different culture. Likely, they're looking for a woman with more traditional values, a rarity in America.

Personally, I'm a young law student with above-average looks and generally am well received by women. I live about a block away from one of the Cal State Universities, and if I just wanted to pick up a girl it would be easy. The problem is that the chance of finding a decent girl in the LA/OC area is absolute rock bottom (MANY times worse than OR where I grew up, and it was hard enough there), and the members of this very limited pool have incredibly high pricetags.

Sorry, not going to sell myself short just to marry American, I'm not that nationalistic (or desperate, or sex-crazed).

I also hate the idea of a dating game, and think personals are a much better idea, where you can be relatively up-front with the person and cut a lot of the bull[snip] out. Flirting is annoying, and I don't acting like someone I'm not just to hook a girl in. Dating here is very biased in favor of the woman as well (as one girl down here said "of course he's paying for the date, it's MY time!"). I also don't think dating a person for 3 years without living with them (which is what a decent, educated, traditional American girl will want) doesn't make that much more of a difference than knowing them for a few months.

Ryan, instead of learning about how to play "the game" and possibly degrade yourself into becoming a player, why not find a loving, faithful  foreign woman? The stats are in, and the divorce rate between American men and foreign women is about 1/3 as that of domestic relationships, and the primary causes for divorce in American man/foreign woman relationships are green card sharks and the like. Save yourself some time and pain, and don't wait until after your first or second divorce to start looking abroad.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 06:50:17 PM by jm21 »

Offline ryanfra412

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2006, 08:43:28 PM »
jm21 - I'm sure that you are correct about the divorce rate between American men and foreign women is much lower than that of American/American. However the main reason for this could be the fact that the American men who have foreign brides paid too much money to get them through mail-order to watch it go down the drain... or perhaps they don't want to let them go simply because they know that they can not get anyone else, which is the exact reason why they opted for the alternative (meaning second) choice of getting a foreign bride in the first place.

When you say loving, faithful foreign women don't you really mean that they are loving out of respect for you because you gave them an opportunity at a better life and faithful because they are in a country that is alien to them and you are the only familiar thing to them... and in most cases they barely understand anything because all things around them are not written in their native tounge and the people here do not speak it either... so in reality they simply need you?

I mean, I can see where you are coming from... with a foreign woman an American man could be happy, but REALLY happy... as in "I know my wife loves me because I'm ME, and I am the one she fell in love with"... no way. You can't pick a girl out of a catalogue and expect everything else to just fall into place nicely. Perhaps you got the wrong idea about me, just because I want to read up on the art of seduction and picking up women does not mean that I'm so desperate that I need to purchase a partner... I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.

Offline Nathan

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Note to the clueless
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2006, 08:46:54 PM »
    You left out the most obvious thing that many men reading this forum
already know. This forum is not about picking up chicks.

   The obvious first step in finding a quality woman....

 I meet so many men in the US that have everything but a clue...
I repeat...GET A PASSPORT...then a plane ticket...

« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 08:47:43 PM by Nathan »

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2006, 08:55:48 PM »

   I think you would be best of educating yourself a bit on the topic as you do not sound like you know much about it. You repeat silly stereotypes and do not come across like you are really interested yourself...actually you sound like many untraveled, uninformed, oversized American women I know.
   By the way, the educational and income averages for men married to
foreign women are above average. If you are interested in actually learning something about this for your own benefit, you could do so here.


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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2006, 08:59:07 PM »
Quote from: ryanfra412
jm21 - I'm sure that you are correct about the divorce rate between American men and foreign women is much lower than that of American/American. However the main reason for this could be the fact that the American men who have foreign brides paid too much money to get them through mail-order to watch it go down the drain... or perhaps they don't want to let them go simply because they know that they can not get anyone else, which is the exact reason why they opted for the alternative (meaning second) choice of getting a foreign bride in the first place.

When you say loving, faithful foreign women don't you really mean that they are loving out of respect for you because you gave them an opportunity at a better life and faithful because they are in a country that is alien to them and you are the only familiar thing to them... and in most cases they barely understand anything because all things around them are not written in their native tounge and the people here do not speak it either... so in reality they simply need you?

I mean, I can see where you are coming from... with a foreign woman an American man could be happy, but REALLY happy... as in "I know my wife loves me because I'm ME, and I am the one she fell in love with"... no way. You can't pick a girl out of a catalogue and expect everything else to just fall into place nicely. Perhaps you got the wrong idea about me, just because I want to read up on the art of seduction and picking up women does not mean that I'm so desperate that I need to purchase a partner... I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.


I think it is now clear what your 'agenda' was in your first post. Clearly, your objective for being here is NOT to collect information and education about seeking and living with a foreign bride. There are so many thinly-veiled insults (and some NOT so thinly-veiled) that it is nearly impossible to not tag you a troll.

If you really think the guys on this board and in this endeavor have, or will, "pick a girl out of a catalogue" - then I think you are entirely correct that the girls you will find in foreign countries "just doesn't fit the bill" - and I suggest you go elsewhere.

If your next post contains any of the trollish, insulting nature of this one - it will be the last one you post to the board and will not see much light till its removal.

- Dan

Offline Nathan

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2006, 09:06:10 PM »

     Our friend Ryan actually sounds like a woman...bitter ex-wife?


Offline jm21

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RE:  I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2006, 10:41:46 PM »
Quote from: ryanfra412
jm21 - I'm sure that you are correct about the divorce rate between American men and foreign women is much lower than that of American/American. However the main reason for this could be the fact that the American men who have foreign brides paid too much money to get them through mail-order to watch it go down the drain... or perhaps they don't want to let them go simply because they know that they can not get anyone else, which is the exact reason why they opted for the alternative (meaning second) choice of getting a foreign bride in the first place.
1. Cost of meeting a foreign bride: as little as $2500. Cost of divorce from American woman: HOLY CRAP. Money isn't the issue.
2. If foreign brides are so easy to get, you could easily get another one right? So not being able to get anyone else isn't the issue.
3. You seem to imply that men are the cause of the high divorce rate in America. Are you nuts? There are so many men who hang onto marriages for their kids or because they know they'll get screwed in is WORSE for a man in America to get a divorce, there are HUGE punishments for doing so. Men try to AVOID divorce.
4. A foreign woman has been my first choice since I've been interested in dating. An American woman was my second choice, and only considered because I thought meeting and marrying a foreign woman would be too complicated to pull off. It was very depressing until I learned more about the whole foreign bride movement. It has given me great hope of finding a woman I can truly respect, which is almost impossible to find here.

Quote from: ryanfra412
When you say loving, faithful foreign women don't you really mean that they are loving out of respect for you because you gave them an opportunity at a better life and faithful because they are in a country that is alien to them and you are the only familiar thing to them... and in most cases they barely understand anything because all things around them are not written in their native tounge and the people here do not speak it either... so in reality they simply need you?
1. Filipinas (who most people on this board are married to) speak English just fine, at least well enough to not be impaired because of it. The Phillipines are also very Americanized.
2. Even if things aren't written in their native tongue, it only takes a few years to learn English, and signing a girl up for English classes usually happens before they move here. Also, there are many women all around the world who speak some English, as it's a very popular language.
1. Let's assume for a second that the main drive of some of these women is having a better life...OK. That makes them the same as every other woman on the planet. 90% of American women marry up, and generally have stringent expectations of salaries. A large cause of divorce in America is if the woman starts making more than the man.
2. Japanese women are coming from a deprived country? Hello? Many Japanese women pay large sums to meet men in this way, because western men are perceived as being better partners and more respectful of women.
3. Have you ever thought about how many American men have fetishes regarding groups such as Russians, Asians, Latinas, Africanas? Ever think that those groups might have reverse fetishes? Why not satisfy each other?
4. Western men are generally regarded as the best partners in the world.
5. From posts I've read, Filipinas actually very successful in America because they're hard working women. Doesn't Jay's wife make more than him (no offense intended)?
6. Japanese women, as well as women from just about any other country, can find work in America. You learn to work in a developing country, unlike many pampered Americans.

Quote from: ryanfra412
I mean, I can see where you are coming from... with a foreign woman an American man could be happy, but REALLY happy... as in "I know my wife loves me because I'm ME, and I am the one she fell in love with"... no way. You can't pick a girl out of a catalogue and expect everything else to just fall into place nicely. Perhaps you got the wrong idea about me, just because I want to read up on the art of seduction and picking up women does not mean that I'm so desperate that I need to purchase a partner... I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.
1. See language, above. Plenty of foreign women speak decent English. Some speak better English than most Americans. I've tried both intenrational and domestic personals, and quite frankly, many domestic ones have worse grammar than women from China, Japan, and the Phils. Also unlike American women, foreign women often want to improve their English.
2. There really isn't much difference between an international personal or a domestic personal except for less time to date in the former, generally.
3. You keep talking about "hot girls." This shows me you're shallow and just like most American men, caring more about physical appearances and sex than anything else. It completely contradicts your comment about finding love.

Another example of successful marriages that is similar is religiously arranged marriages, which are also not as bad as people make them out to be.

The plain fact is that you don't really know [snip] about a person from dating them. All you can do is make speculations on how the marriage will be like, and people change over time. Extended dating (over a year or 2) is largely a waste of time unless you're a poor judge of character, and then you can waste all the time you want. Marriage is largely about commitment and adapting to the other person. Promiscuity, extended dating, and self-centeredness make American women's (and most men's)level of commitment very low.

The real thing Americans want out of dating is not love or a lasting relationship but quick fun and sex.

Fortunately, you can have it all with a foreign girl, because for them all those go hand-in-hand.

EDIT: hahaha, ok that was maybe a bit too flattering of foreign women in some ways, got a little carried away, but still. if you look at the average foreign girl compared to the average american girl, i can't think of a country where you wouldn't be better off.

EDIT2: Thinking about it, I've never been attracted to a 2nd+ generation American woman. Every girl I've been seriously attracted to (meaning more than physical attraction) has been foreign, an immigrant, or the child of an immigrant. Wow...that's really weird...I hadn't even thought about it.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 11:34:23 PM by jm21 »

Offline jm21

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RE:   I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2006, 11:27:20 PM »
Quote from: Dan
Quote from: ryanfra412
jm21 - I'm sure that you are correct about the divorce rate between American men and foreign women is much lower than that of American/American. However the main reason for this could be the fact that the American men who have foreign brides paid too much money to get them through mail-order to watch it go down the drain... or perhaps they don't want to let them go simply because they know that they can not get anyone else, which is the exact reason why they opted for the alternative (meaning second) choice of getting a foreign bride in the first place.

When you say loving, faithful foreign women don't you really mean that they are loving out of respect for you because you gave them an opportunity at a better life and faithful because they are in a country that is alien to them and you are the only familiar thing to them... and in most cases they barely understand anything because all things around them are not written in their native tounge and the people here do not speak it either... so in reality they simply need you?

I mean, I can see where you are coming from... with a foreign woman an American man could be happy, but REALLY happy... as in "I know my wife loves me because I'm ME, and I am the one she fell in love with"... no way. You can't pick a girl out of a catalogue and expect everything else to just fall into place nicely. Perhaps you got the wrong idea about me, just because I want to read up on the art of seduction and picking up women does not mean that I'm so desperate that I need to purchase a partner... I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.


I think it is now clear what your 'agenda' was in your first post. Clearly, your objective for being here is NOT to collect information and education about seeking and living with a foreign bride. There are so many thinly-veiled insults (and some NOT so thinly-veiled) that it is nearly impossible to not tag you a troll.

If you really think the guys on this board and in this endeavor have, or will, "pick a girl out of a catalogue" - then I think you are entirely correct that the girls you will find in foreign countries "just doesn't fit the bill" - and I suggest you go elsewhere.

If your next post contains any of the trollish, insulting nature of this one - it will be the last one you post to the board and will not see much light till its removal.

- Dan

Why not let him troll? The responses might be enlightening for those wanting to learn more. I read a couple troll posts in the archives and learned quite a bit from seeing the trolls arguments rebutted.

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RE:  I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2006, 03:52:33 AM »
Quote from: ryanfra412
I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.

Hey dude, I think that's really great that your American girlfriends can understand you when you say "Let's go to the beach". Just make sure your truck is big enough to get them there.

Offline jm21

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RE:   I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2006, 01:35:55 PM »
Quote from: Ray
Quote from: ryanfra412
I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.

Hey dude, I think that's really great that your American girlfriends can understand you when you say "Let's go to the beach". Just make sure your truck is big enough to get them there.


It's scary they even make a bikini in that size...jesus..."enabling"

RE:   I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2006, 01:35:55 PM »

Offline doombug

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RE:    I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2006, 08:24:21 PM »
Quote from: jm21
Quote from: Ray
Quote from: ryanfra412
I have no problem getting girls, I only want to be able to get better girls, and in my opinion a girl that does not understand me when I say "Let's go to the beach" just doesn't fit the bill.

Hey dude, I think that's really great that your American girlfriends can understand you when you say "Let's go to the beach". Just make sure your truck is big enough to get them there.


It's scary they even make a bikini in that size...jesus..."enabling"

No, no, I've seen those before, and they are not bikinis.  The one in black is clearly stretching a Chevy Camaro bra to its limits.  Don't believe it?  Compare for yourself:

"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2006, 11:34:00 PM »
Am Guy: Let's go to the beach.
Phil Gal: Yes, that will be fun.
J-girl: Beechi?  Hai, ikimashou!
RW: Nyet, da'link, first I must buy a new swim suit!
AW: You just want to go there to look at the other girls, you bastard!  Do you think I look fat?  I hate you!
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- "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift

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RE:  I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2006, 07:11:32 AM »
Quote from: Bob_S
Am Guy: Let's go to the beach.
J-girl: Beechi?  Hai, ikimashou!

Funny Bob *(and AW so true!)

Hey the J-girl thing threw me (as I'm a total J-girl idiot/noob)...

Her objection was what?

Good stuff!


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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2006, 08:25:59 AM »
J-girl: Beechi?  Hai, ikimashou!

= "The Beach? Sure - Let's go!"

In other words, no objection at all.

The only correct response to an AW to the question if this (swim suit, dress, pants, etc) make me look fat, is:

"Naw, don't be rediculous. No way do those pants make you look fat. That big butt of yours is what makes you look fat!"

- Jeff

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2006, 08:39:06 AM »
Quote from: killer-b
Quote from: Bob_S
Am Guy: Let's go to the beach.
J-girl: Beechi?  Hai, ikimashou!
Hey the J-girl thing threw me (as I'm a total J-girl idiot/noob)...
Her objection was what?
No objection.  It's just that after 6 years of studying English in high school and college, she still cannot speak it. :( So her affirmative reply is of course in Japanese.  It's the one issue where the OP may have a point.  If, like me, you suck at learning foreign languages, it can be a frustrating barrier to this process.
But Ryan seems more concerned with how to be a player, and players don't care to commit themselves to the effort to become part of a new culture.  Anything that does not advance the goal of screwing hot chicks is irrelevant.  He completely misses the theme of this site: marriage.  And marriage means effort and commitment.
...a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
- "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2006, 10:28:42 AM »
Don't worry Bob, It'll improve - verrryyyy slooowwwllyyy over time, but after 20 years, I still feel your pain.

- Jeff

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RE: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2006, 02:17:25 PM »
Let the troll stay for a while, it's the most action I have seen here is a long time and some very good responses for newbies to read.

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Re: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2007, 06:17:31 PM »
Why not let him troll? The responses might be enlightening for those wanting to learn more. I read a couple troll posts in the archives and learned quite a bit from seeing the trolls arguments rebutted.

I agree with this. I am learning more every second I stay in this topic, and this web site for that matter.

I am married to a wonderful young American woman who is a loving Christian woman who wants a family and is an excellent cook.

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Re: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2007, 08:58:49 PM »
Dude I read a book like that when I got out of the Army in 1972.  It was tittled "How to Pick Up Girls" subtitled "and Get Laid the First Night".  Honestly!  The trick was amazing.  It was "talk to them".  OK, so I tried it.  Guess what! It worked!  Most girls wanting to be "good girls" are too shy to make that first step of speaking to you first and what stigma that action would put on them (read being a "bad girl - or at least in the 60-70s).  When my oldest son from the "ex" started getting interested in girls I taught him the "secret".  A few years later on a scouting trip I heard all the other guys asking him how he always got the girl shortly after he successfully got a girls phone number at a gas stop?  He listened to his Dad, thats how and talked to her cause she couldn't talk to him first.  What do you say?  A cute compliment - but be serious cause corny works the opposite, then shut up and let them talk.

But getting laid has only a little to do with family.  Sex in marriage can be awesome, it can also be so-so, but if its from someone who really loves you its always satisfying because they'll make sure of it.

Marriage is work you want more than anything else to be successful at because the true love must be protected.  True love never hurts because theirs no expectation of punishment (John 1 4:18).  The reason I (and I'll bet most guys here) looked away from home for a mate is a fear of punishment with marriage to an AW, so therefore I/we don't see a path to "true love".  I really didn't see it with my first wife, all kinds of "punishments" and "expectations".  Fear!

My Filipina wife is to me like most others of a christian 3rd world nation, they believe and hold to the values they were taught but yet strive to avoid the poverty and lack of opportunity of their culture.  As my wife, she constantly belittles my fears of her not approving of me (age, weight, hair, financial status, etc.) and I in turn give my wife hope of things she never would have realized (security and a better life).  There is no fear of punishment and hope for things better.  Love can be true and really is.

"How odd?", I think some times when it is so obvious that my wife loves me; to have gone over 40 years of my life and not felt that sensation.  AWs want the same but no one teaches them how to give it back.  They are taught "expectations", "performance" "reactions".  When instead they should show "desire to work with" "appreciation", and "pro-action".  Its our society. With "reaction" is "expectation of punishment", which means no "true love" is possible.  Without love marriage is just hard work and doomed to failure.

I am really surprised no one jumped you for your "mail-order-bride" comment.  Use of this term can only mean you really have no clue what really occurs here.  People meet through a media and discuss issues of importance to each with a desire and stated intent of finding a mate resulting of marriage.  To me the best part of our "courting" was the lack of "hormones" that inhibited making poor decisions and choices.  Unless you are just stupid (and I've seen a bunch of them) you meet someone with a lot in common and have an increased chances of a successful marriage.  The only difference in dating here and (as you so inadequately put it) by mail is "touching".  Absolutely no other difference.

The Bear Family

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Re: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2007, 11:21:38 PM »
Bear, would you be able to tell me who the author was of that book so I could track it down and buy a copy myself? It sounds like the perfect book to read over the weekend.
I am married to a wonderful young American woman who is a loving Christian woman who wants a family and is an excellent cook.

Re: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2007, 11:21:38 PM »

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Re: I learned how to get hot girls even though I'm shy
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2007, 05:35:52 AM »
Its been 34 years since I read that book.  I sleep far too many times since then to remember the author.  Funny I just remember another book on how to satisfy a girl that was being publically advertised then.   Wish I could remember the name but I knew I'd lose the book so I copied pages to give me son when her got married because it detailed several techniques on how to make a girl orgasm.  Hmmmm.  I'm go crazy trying to remember that name now.

I'm pretty sure the 1st part of the book title above is correct the subtitle might me slightly different.  Should be able to look it up on-line.

The Bear Family


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