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Author Topic: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?  (Read 7241 times)

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Offline Dwayne15

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Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« on: March 15, 2011, 11:27:05 AM »
Hi all,
I've been inspired lately by this Asian American expat who has a site and movement promoting the idea that going overseas will cure loneliness and alienation problems in America. He claims that people are friendlier and more inclusive overseas, and that women are more approachable and down to earth as well, making it easier to get dates. Have any of you found that to be true?

I saw his comparison chart here of key differences between the US and most other countries. They make other countries sound like some kind of a "social/dating paradise". How accurate are these comparisons? I know nothing is 100 percent true or false, so what degree of accuracy would you assign the comparisons in this chart?


The testimonials on his site seem pretty authentic too.


He also has some entertaining videos showing how much friendlier people (especially girls) were during his trips overseas:


What do you all think? Have any of you been overseas and found yourself less lonely or not lonely at all? Was it easier to make friends or get dates?

If so, then I'd love to travel or maybe even live overseas. But which country should I go to? I have no idea where to start or how to choose.

I was going to ask these questions in the forum of the site I mentioned above, but I figured that they might be a little biased, so I came here to try to get a more neutral third-party perspective first.

Also, do you think loneliness is a reflection of problems in society or of problems in the individual? I've heard people making arguments for both sides. I know that no one likes to accept blame and that people prefer to blame others or external circumstances, but seriously, how can we truly know whether the problem is in us or in society?


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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 11:55:27 AM »

Don't believe ANYTHING from someone who is trying to sell you something. They only want your money.

I took a look at some of his propaganda and started laughing.

If you want to know how people treat foreigners overseas, then be specific about which country you are interested in because there are vast differences between cultures. Just saying "overseas" is (fill in the blank) means nothing.


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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 12:06:18 PM »
Don't believe ANYTHING from someone who is trying to sell you something. They only want your money.

I took a look at some of his propaganda and started laughing.

If you want to know how people treat foreigners overseas, then be specific about which country you are interested in because there are vast differences between cultures. Just saying "overseas" is (fill in the blank) means nothing.

I couldn't agree any more with what Ray has already said. Don't believe the author's propaganda as he is trying to make a buck off of his readers.

Bottom Line: Your life is whatever you make out of it, no matter where your location may be.

Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 12:06:18 PM »

Offline jm21-2

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 12:12:44 PM »
Living abroad can be a great thing for the right person, but that list is an absolute crock of [snip].

Offline Bob_S

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 04:24:00 PM »
Guys, you actually clicked on the link?  I'm avoiding it because my "shill" alarm is ringing.  It feels like he is just trying to drive traffic to his site.  The more you hit his site, the more he can charge for future advertising.  The vagueness of the post just seems way too obvious. 

On the off chance that the OP is legit, let me tell you that what got me interested in living abroad even for a short time was the blog Belly Button Window whose travel stories start back 14 years ago when the blogger joined the Peace Corps and was stationed in Russia.

As for people being more friendly?  Um, no.  I haven't found people generally that much more friendly on a personal level than say any Midwest town.  But you can be forgiven for mistaking their curiosity for friendliness.  As a foreigner abroad, you are an oddity, and therefore exotic, and therefore interesting, so you will attract the attention of people, especially the opposite sex.  How that manifests itself will vary from country to country and from town to town.  But not all of it will be good.  In some (a lot of) countries, it will make you a mark to be robbed.  In some places, you will get lots of female attention, but no good girl will come near you.

If you are lonely for female companionship because you cannot find a compatible match, going abroad may help.  But if you are lonely because you have no friends, the problem is you, and going abroad is no panacea for what ails you because wherever you go, you bring you with you.  Work on your own issues and asocial dysfunctions first.
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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 04:48:25 PM »

Guys, you actually clicked on the link? I'm avoiding it because my "shill" alarm is ringing. It feels like he is just trying to drive traffic to his site. The more you hit his site, the more he can charge for future advertising. The vagueness of the post just seems way too obvious.

Yeah, me too Bob.

The site is some guy apparently selling everything from books, e-books, dating guides, phone cards, to romance tours with the typical hype and scantily clad women’s photos.

A bunch of crap if you ask me!

Bring old Winston himself on here to face some real scrutiny…


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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 05:40:20 PM »
If you are lonely for female companionship because you cannot find a compatible match, going abroad may help.  But if you are lonely because you have no friends, the problem is you, and going abroad is no panacea for what ails you because wherever you go, you bring you with you.  Work on your own issues and asocial dysfunctions first.


I didn't click on the link either. Looks like a spammer.

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 05:53:33 PM »
I'd have to say that in most places I've traveled, the hospitality is better than here in the Southern California coast, but I've never really had any trouble meeting people and getting dates here or there. I've been to rich and poor places, and have to say that the richer ones are a bit more standoffish if you're just wandering around, but as Bob said, you're more a novelty in the poorer places, so probably attract more attention. If you're there in any other context that chasing skirts or being a tourist, people everywhere are mostly cordial with always a few a-holes tossed in to keep things interesting.

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2011, 06:22:59 PM »
But if you are lonely because you have no friends, the problem is you, and going abroad is no panacea for what ails you because wherever you go, you bring you with you.  Work on your own issues and asocial dysfunctions first.

Reminds me of that great line by Harrison Ford in "Six Days, Seven Nights"

"It's an island, honey... If you didn't bring it with you, it ain't here!"  ;)
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.

Offline Winston

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2011, 05:39:52 AM »
Hi guys,
Winston here. I'm surprised at the unduly negative comments here without justification.

First of all, sure my site is monetized. So is this one you're on right now. The home page of this site has dating ads and adsense ads too. So what? A smart person monetizes his site. We all have to make a living and eat and pay bills. Why can't I make a living out of something I love to do, while helping others at the same time? Isn't that the greatest blessing? I live overseas now and make my living from my site. Thus I'm living a dream come true and that's an inspiration to many others. So what is your problem with that? Do you hate seeing other people happy?

That being said, there is nothing deceitful or misleading on my site. Nor do I emphasize selling anything as the main goal. If you read through my introduction pages, you will see that truth is my main motivation and my objective to the new reader is to awaken/enlighten him FIRST. The stuff I sell and the dating ads are by-products that are optional. Unlike others who sell something online, NOWHERE on my site do I say "You MUST get my ebook in order to date abroad" etc. NOWHERE. That makes me far more honest and genuine than most.

You guys ought to give credit where credit is due. Furthermore, most global daters love my site so I'm surprised at the jaded cynicism here toward my site.

FYI, I happen to have many third party character references that vouch for my integrity and credibility. See here:


Moreover, if you look at the profiles of me and my team, you will see that we have a lot of credentials and qualifications.


Finally, feel free to come to my forum and ask the guys there about me. They will tell you that I am very genuine and credible and no-nonsense. My friends say that I am the most GENUINE person they've ever met. Notice also how the guys on my forum are very intellectual, freethinking and aware and attuned to truth. That's what makes my forum stand out from others, and why people who are aware and attuned to truth love it.

Bottom line: There is nothing false or misleading about my site, so you guys do not have a basis in dogging it other than pure bias and ignorance.

My site speaks for itself. If you take the time to read it, you'll see what I mean. I rest my case.

Any questions?
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Offline Winston

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2011, 07:44:16 AM »
Also guys, I invite you to listen to my interviews. You can hear for yourself what my mission is. Listen to Steve Hoca's interview with Steve and Larry as well. They are full of truth and useful information. Very no-nonsense and truthful and accurate.


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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2011, 07:52:24 AM »
Just one. Did you come here to contribute or just to promote your site?

If the former, welcome. We value your participation, and some of us, myself included, have responded to your question and offered our opinions. Isn't that what you asked for?

What do you all think?

Commonly people who show up here, don't introduce themselves and have their first post contain numerous links to some other site are doing to to troll for customers, or simply to improve their search engine placement. If that is not your intent then great. If it is, and you wish to promote your site here, please contact Dan for advertising rates.

- Jeff

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2011, 07:52:51 AM »
Hi guys,
Winston here. I'm surprised at the unduly negative comments here without justification.

First of all, sure my site is monetized. So is this one you're on right now. The home page of this site has dating ads and adsense ads too. So what? A smart person monetizes his site. We all have to make a living and eat and pay bills. Why can't I make a living out of something I love to do, while helping others at the same time? Isn't that the greatest blessing? I live overseas now and make my living from my site. Thus I'm living a dream come true and that's an inspiration to many others. So what is your problem with that? Do you hate seeing other people happy?

That being said, there is nothing deceitful or misleading on my site. Nor do I emphasize selling anything as the main goal. If you read through my introduction pages, you will see that truth is my main motivation and my objective to the new reader is to awaken/enlighten him FIRST. The stuff I sell and the dating ads are by-products that are optional. Unlike others who sell something online, NOWHERE on my site do I say "You MUST get my ebook in order to date abroad" etc. NOWHERE. That makes me far more honest and genuine than most.

You guys ought to give credit where credit is due. Furthermore, most global daters love my site so I'm surprised at the jaded cynicism here toward my site.

FYI, I happen to have many third party character references that vouch for my integrity and credibility. See here:


Moreover, if you look at the profiles of me and my team, you will see that we have a lot of credentials and qualifications.


Finally, feel free to come to my forum and ask the guys there about me. They will tell you that I am very genuine and credible and no-nonsense. My friends say that I am the most GENUINE person they've ever met. Notice also how the guys on my forum are very intellectual, freethinking and aware and attuned to truth. That's what makes my forum stand out from others, and why people who are aware and attuned to truth love it.

Bottom line: There is nothing false or misleading about my site, so you guys do not have a basis in dogging it other than pure bias and ignorance.

My site speaks for itself. If you take the time to read it, you'll see what I mean. I rest my case.

Any questions?

Hey Winston,

If things are so great with you then why did you have to create the Dwayne15 user id to make a dishonest ruse/attempt at drumming up traffic to your site? Shills are not appreciated here.

Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2011, 07:52:51 AM »

Offline Researcher

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2011, 08:07:49 AM »

      I don't know if the broads are happier....oh I misread it.*scumsuckingleechsite*.com I thought it said

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline FlyingMoose

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2011, 09:07:39 AM »
Do you hate seeing other people happy?

No, but we hate spam.

That being said, there is nothing deceitful or misleading on my site.

Your original post in this thread was deceitful because you pretended to be someone else to promote your site.

Bottom line: There is nothing false or misleading about my site, so you guys do not have a basis in dogging it other than pure bias and ignorance.

The basis was that your site was posted by a new user with no previous posts.  That pretty much screams "spammer."

I think that most of the criticism in this thread is of your method of promotion, and that it makes your site looks scammy, even if it's not.

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2011, 09:39:58 AM »
if it were me i would take down all links to this guy's site.

not that i object to the site itself, (i haven't seen it yet), but the manner in which he self-promoted here dishonestly and now refuses to answer the questions raised.

as it stands, the site he promotes will benefit even from negative publicity and he does not deserve any benefit.  as a site owner that advertises on his own site, he clearly knew better than to try to pull this dishonest crapola, and in my mind it indicates how his whole operation likely runs.

he has been given a chance to come clean and would rather cower in the corner and chuckle about his free advertising here.

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2011, 10:18:35 AM »
Also your website has some usability issues.  Both the "big secrets" and "comparison chart" need to be separated more so the text is easier to read.

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2011, 12:09:17 PM »

  I agree, if this guy is a shill he doesn't deserve to benefit any.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2011, 04:31:39 PM »
FlyingMoose is spot on.  It's not that you run a business and are trying to drum up potential customers, it's the surreptitious method you went about it, coming on as a shill.  We are not a bunch of doe-eyed horny old geezer halfwits fresh off the turnip truck enthralled by photos of buxom foreign babes.  Well, okay, we're not a bunch of doe-eyed halfwits anyway.  A lot of us have been around the block a few times and can spot spammers, scammers, shills, and the occasional ladyboy from a mile away.  Now, maybe you've lived abroad so long, you've gotten used to having to lie and cheat a bit to get around the system to make a living.  I understand that.  I've traveled a bit and know about baksheesh.  But most of us are Americans, Canadians, Brits, Aussies, and what have you that are used to more honest business practices and get pissed when someone tries to pull one over on us.  If you got something to offer, you gotta be up-front and honest with us.  There are business owners that are members of this forum and they declare themselves as such.  They are agency owners, matchmakers, rental apartment brokers, and even private investigators.  They register with Admin Dan as commercial members and everything is cool.  (Do you see the "Services" links to the left?)

So maybe you just didn't know how things run around here.  Maybe you just got off on the wrong foot.  Contact Admin Dan to get yourself registered as a commercial member, come back and re-introduce yourself.  Some of us may be willing to give you a second chance.  Heck, Moose already tried to give you some helpful advice on how to make your site more user-friendly.  If you got products or services that folks here might find useful, great.  But if you've spent too much time surrounded by obsequious toadies that you've forgotten how to deal with your own kind, then you won't find much of a welcome in this neighborhood sandbox.  Dan has let us play here for free for many years, so many of us are very loyal to his interests.
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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2011, 08:15:47 PM »
Hey Winston,

If things are so great with you then why did you have to create the Dwayne15 user id to make a dishonest ruse/attempt at drumming up traffic to your site? Shills are not appreciated here.

I'm not sure Winston did it himself. One disciple of Wu turned up for one thread on another board I frequent even taking "*scumsuckingleechsite*" as a screen name. From his post, he was not a one and run type, I knew him from another site and it wasn't Winston. Dwayne, maybe or maybe not I guess we will see if he returns.

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Re: Are people friendlier/more inclusive overseas?
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2011, 10:53:58 PM »
Winston Wu and company have infested the internet for quite some time. He and his troupe of misfits have made runs at leeching activity from PL before, and surely will again.

I'll close this topic as we don't need to give roaches any more press.

- Dan


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