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Author Topic: Lets be clear on this because its important to alot of people here and beyond  (Read 3132 times)

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Offline vallenatoman

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Well i was actually surprised at some responses to some of my thoughts/questions posed.

I am not a "master" of travel no. But i have some experience with colombia/colombians or i wouldnt be here.

But really....ok reality: Colombia is a 3rd world country. That brings with it both POSITIVE and negative implications of course. agreed.

But colombia does have ALOT of great things about it and its people.

I mean they were rated happiest people / country once recently. As i stated ... i noticed the social aspect connections of colombians long ago WHICH is what im interested in. I think americans and other more advanced cultures have become somewhat distant in aspects and kind of cold for lack of a  better word.

I love the fact that in the right time place amount a girls family can be alot of fun and nice to be with and if worked out right (communication) can be great for her and you.
I mean you go to colombia and you would always have friends/family to help you out so you arent "alone" i think thats been an issue sometimes being unsafe alone there without having people who care abotu you.

Also if you find the right colombian lady...youll have a fun, happy, sexy, social, family oriented lady with good family values (again not referrign to street chicks).
I know that i have met a few and seen them marry even up here!

Thats one of the things beyoind the great foiod, music, and parties that made me want to fidn my own sweet colombian lady....

I mean yea you hook up with a scammer sure you have no chance.

If you find a good one....i think the opposite is true....

I understand what woody was saying and im glad he said it.

I dont agree with the fact he coudlnt find an intellectual lady in colombia tho. heck im looking for a somewhat educated lady doesnt have to be brainiac... just have common sense and some education.

But the fact is the reason so many people from al over do concentrate on colombia is because there is SOME UNSEEN intangible factor(s) that mnake "colombia" fun cool nice even with its PROBLEMS.

Also the women draw men down there... the bad ones draw the bad ones the good ones draw bioth sadly.

But they are there...its just really hard to find i know that sigh. Thats why i am trying to garner as much info and experience i can by posing my thoughts/questions i have inside.

Someone might just post something (and they have i think already) that people say "hey that person is right....i didnt know that or didnt think that way"

so its good when good responses keep comiing and people post their thoughts from exeprience or research.

some may be wrong... most may br mostly right... thats why theres a board here :)

Offline Chris F

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I dont agree with the fact he coudlnt find an intellectual lady in colombia tho. heck im looking for a somewhat educated lady doesnt have to be brainiac... just have common sense and some education.

But they are there...its just really hard to find i know that sigh. Thats why i am trying to garner as much info and experience i can by posing my thoughts/questions i have inside.

If you are looking for educated woman in Colombia, and I define "educated" as having some college or a degree your best bet would probably be Bogota.

In my opinion, Bogota has more educated women that are interested in getting involved with an American.

The vast majority of women from other cities in Colombia( i.e. Cali, Barranquilla,  Medellin) who are open to getting involved with you will be  non educated women from a lower social economic status background.

I am in no way putting down this type of woman. They can be very beautiful, sweet, sincere, loving women with great hearts but reality is reality here.

There are always exceptions to that and a few guys have found educated women who they married from other cities.

But again...if this is what you are looking for Bogota has the best odds for you.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 12:18:04 AM by Chris F »

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   The thing about finding a good woman in Colombia is that you need to keep your wits about you.IMHO, many guys get taken in by a pretty face and then it's too late.Most guys that seem to do well there already have alot of experience with women.Then there are guys who learn things the hard way.You do need to keep your head on straight when there."Road apples" need not apply!

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline utopiacowboy

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If you are looking for educated woman in Colombia, and I define "educated" as having some college or a degree your best bet would probably be Bogota.

In my opinion, Bogota has more educated women that are interested in getting involved with an American.

The vast majority of women from other cities in Colombia( i.e. Cali, Barranquilla,  Medellin) who are open to getting involved with you will be  non educated women from a lower social economic status background.

I am in no way putting down this type of woman. They can be very beautiful, sweet, sincere, loving women with great hearts but reality is reality here.

There are always exceptions to that and a few guys have found educated women who they married from other cities.

But again...if this is what you are looking for Bogota has the best odds for you.

I agree. You can find an educated woman in the other cities but usually there will be some factor that makes her available, in my case my wife was an older widow with three kids. The chances of a Colombiano marrying her were extremely small.

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I dont agree with the fact he coudlnt find an intellectual lady in colombia tho.
It's not a fact, it's an experience.  Don't read too much into it.  It could mean one of 3 things:
1.  There are no intellectual ladies in Colombia.
         Not very likely, given the experiences of members of this board, some of whom are married to intellectual, i.e. smart, ladies from Colombia.  Even Woody would admit to this.
2.  He did not hang out in places where intellectual ladies can commonly be found.
3.  There were intellectual ladies around him, but he was not sending out a vibe that made him attractive to intellectual ladies in that culture and as such was ignored by the very kind of ladies he was trying to attract.
         Very probable, I think.  Each culture has its own rules on what constitutes appropriate signals for particular attractive qualities.  He was striking out because he was misreading them and they were misreading him.  Hey, it happens. 
...a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
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Offline Chris F

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It's not a fact, it's an experience.  Don't read too much into it.  It could mean one of 3 things:
1.  There are no intellectual ladies in Colombia.
         Not very likely, given the experiences of members of this board, some of whom are married to intellectual, i.e. smart, ladies from Colombia.  Even Woody would admit to this.
2.  He did not hang out in places where intellectual ladies can commonly be found.
3.  There were intellectual ladies around him, but he was not sending out a vibe that made him attractive to intellectual ladies in that culture and as such was ignored by the very kind of ladies he was trying to attract.
         Very probable, I think.  Each culture has its own rules on what constitutes appropriate signals for particular attractive qualities.  He was striking out because he was misreading them and they were misreading him.  Hey, it happens. 

The vast majority of Colombian women who are from an educated upperclass background from the cities mentioned have no interest at all in meeting an American man. They are successful and have no desire to leave their country. They "look down" at the lower social economic woman who do end up marrying men outside their country.

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  I disagree Chris F.I don't know what your experiences were in Colombia but I met several ladies who were educated and quite "well to do" who were just looking for a suitable mate.I guess we all have our own stories here.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I disagree Chris F.I don't know what your experiences were in Colombia but I met several ladies who were educated and quite "well to do" who were just looking for a suitable mate.
Were they self-made well-to-do, or were they born and raised in the privileged upper classes?  It might make a difference on their outlook and being open to a foreign spouse.  But that's just a hypothesis.
...a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
- "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift

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   Bob S., I would say a mixture of both.I can recall dating several "well to do" women that had different backgrounds.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline Chris F

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  I disagree Chris F.I don't know what your experiences were in Colombia but I met several ladies who were educated and quite "well to do" who were just looking for a suitable mate.I guess we all have our own stories here.


In Bogota in my opinion and experience this is more likely to happen. It is a lot less likely in other cities but, like you, there will always be exceptions.

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   I don't know Chris, the most "well to do" woman I was interested in was in Cali.We would go to her family's ranch for horseback riding, eat out at fancy restaurants or sometimes go to the casinos there.Come to think of it I did feel like her "trophy" gringo at times.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The higher class Colombianas, in my experience, were more motivated to leave Colombia than the lower class ones. I think it was because they realized what exactly are the opportunities here in the States. Not necessarily to scam a guy for cash, but to use their degree to it's potential, to develop their careers, or even to have a better life in general with cheap electricity, unlimited shopping potential, ability to own and drive a car much easier, etc.


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