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Author Topic: Finding a true partner no just a chick  (Read 8364 times)

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2011, 12:40:10 PM »

    My wife is just the type that could do well at her own business.She already does sewing and alterations for people and makes money from it.

I could see a niche market for tailoring and alterations here in the States.

If you are close to a major military base, there is always a demand for tailoring/alterations there, like sewing on patches and stripes, hemming uniform pants, etc.

They have facilities on base for that, but the turn-around time can be very slow. If she had a small shop outside the base, where she could do quick turnarounds at a reasonable price, I think she could do well, depending on the competition, etc. Some dry-cleaning shops may rent out space to an alterations person also.

With solid sewing skills, she could possibly apply for a job on base in the tailor shop to learn the details first.


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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2011, 01:21:07 PM »
I think I am a much better--long term--match for Chinese culture. Unfortunately, it would be career suicide for me to marry a native Chinese woman(See previous statement about starting a business, same reason the FSU was never on my list).  So, I'm looking more along the lines of the Philippines or Japan(Not sure where Taiwan falls, but I am excluding it to be safe).

Interestingly enough, in my browsing of FH/FC and sorting through women, the youngest woman that piques my interest is 21, the vast majority of the others are 26-28. So far, after browsing over 10,000 profiles, only 30 or so women have me interested. Not that it matters, with the sheer number of women on FH/FC it isn't like I won't find more if none of them end up being what I'm looking for.
Taiwan is funny...the US's official stance is that they don't recognize it as a country, but they've been backing them against China for years. I wouldn't think it would be any worse than Japan for security clearances or whatnot. Unless China takes them over which is always possible. My fiance's brother was a driver for generals in the military and he seemed pretty convinced China could take them over in 1-2 days. But considering all the business between Taiwan and China I'm guessing they'd work out some sort of deal like HK has.

Singapore should be alright. Lots of Chinese in Malaysia too.

It seems like a lot of Chinese education focuses on rote memorization and exams. But plenty of Chinese girls enjoy learning about new things. Maybe not always in the way you're used to though.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 01:37:19 PM by jm21-2 »

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2011, 01:42:27 PM »
There are a lot of do-gooders out there trying to free the foreign wife slave from her control-freak batterer husband. Probably one of those idiots who man the battered women's shelters. While I feel the shelters are a necessity for some folks who do need to escape, the operators seem to be overzealous in their efforts.

One of my associate attorneys about 12 years ago was in court and was approached by some of the shelter representatives. She practiced tai kwon do at a competition level, which meant that she frequently came to court with severe bruises on her arms and legs- and sometimes to her cheeks when she forgot to duck (lol).

"You dont have to put up with that; we can help you." "No man should treat a woman that way." Etc Etc Etc. After a few minutes of trying to explain her hobby to them, she was informed that she was "just in denia" and she should "stop making excuses." They pushed a card on her and told her to call for help when she had enough of the abuse.

I see stuff like this all the time. A large number of divorce here start with the woman filing for an emergency domestic violence protection order. No notice to the other party and can kick the guy out of the house and have the children residing with her temporarily. They often take oral testimony too so it's very difficult to figure out the allegations from the paperwork they file.

I have mistaken some advocates for lawyers before due to them offering legal advice, advising the person, negotiating for them, etc.

Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2011, 01:42:27 PM »

Offline william3rd

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2011, 03:17:34 PM »
We run into these victim advocates all the time as well. They get to sit at the counsel table with the victim to offer "moral support."
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline El Escéptico

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2011, 06:07:30 PM »
Philipines is similar, but different enough that it has a lasting appeal for me. High focus on education(hopefully learning as well, not just degree mills), little to no emphasis on partying at the club/dancing(more on karaoke and family socials, which I enjoy), easier adaptation into a non-Hispanic community, etc.

Colombianas are, in general, uber-Colombia centric and seem to know nothing about anything not immediately relevant to daily survival. Jamie said it best, the most common thing you will hear from a Colombiana is, "I don't know." I'm not looking for someone to have a few kids with and be a housekeeper for me, I want an intellectual equal with opinions and ideas. Not a yes-woman.
Making statements like the ones you just made indicate how small your world is and how little you actually understand and know about Colombia and Colombianas. You made how many trips and now your an expert? Have you been to Bogota, or talked to an Electrical Enginner or doctor from Medellin  and discussed your theories? What nonsense people pawn off here as fact.

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2011, 06:58:22 PM »
It doesn't read as if Woody is trying to pawn it off as fact. It's obviously his opinion based on his personal experience. That your experience has been different is a good thing and you should post your own experience as well, so readers can take both in and make their own conclusions.

A post saying that what Woody says is crap, is meaningless unless you explain how your viewpoint differs and why.

Hopefully this won't turn into yet another bash Jamie flamefest.

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2011, 07:39:29 PM »

El Esc,

I agree with Jeff S.

I didn't hear Woody claiming to an expert or presenting his opinions as absolute fact.

How about giving him a break and if his opinions are off base, please go ahead and educate him based on your vast experiences.   :-*


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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2011, 07:46:31 PM »
Making statements like the ones you just made indicate how small your world is and how little you actually understand and know about Colombia and Colombianas. You made how many trips and now your an expert? Have you been to Bogota, or talked to an Electrical Enginner or doctor from Medellin  and discussed your theories? What nonsense people pawn off here as fact.

Well, I just now searched my own post history for the word expert, since I did not recall ever claiming to be an expert. As it turns out, it came up with zero hits.

You talk about fact, but provide no supporting evidence. I used qualifiers in my posts. I was talking in general, as in the most common person you will encounter. I also was speaking from anecdotal evidence. I did not say that there are not women that fit my description in Colombia, I am sure there are. If you had bothered to read between the lines instead of flying off the handle you would have put the following sentences together to form a complete picture:

I'm not saying Colombia isn't great, but for my personality type and interests, it doesn't have much staying power.

Philipines is similar, but different enough that it has a lasting appeal for me. High focus on education(hopefully learning as well, not just degree mills), little to no emphasis on partying at the club/dancing(more on karaoke and family socials, which I enjoy), easier adaptation into a non-Hispanic community, etc.

Colombianas are, in general, uber-Colombia centric and seem to know nothing about anything not immediately relevant to daily survival. Jamie said it best, the most common thing you will hear from a Colombiana is, "I don't know." I'm not looking for someone to have a few kids with and be a housekeeper for me, I want an intellectual equal with opinions and ideas. Not a yes-woman.

With a bit of reading comprehension one can determine the following:
1. Woody likes Colombia, but no longer does HE feel he is a good fit for Colombia
2. Woody does not want to party and dance forever.
3. Woody does not feel that a Colombiana that he might bring to the US would integrate well into a non-Hispanic community.
4. Woody thinks that the majority of Colombianas are a product of their culture, which is good and bad.
5. Woody does not think the chances are good of him finding a Latina with not only the intellectual prowess he wants, but the social temperament he is more comfortable with.

Summary: Colombia is good for some people, not good for Woody because Woody is more laid-back and conservative than most Colombianas. Therefore Woody is focusing on a more laid-back and conservative culture that he believes will make him happier in the long term.

If you can't understand what I just said, then I really don't know what to say to you.

There is a reason I do not speak in factual terms when talking about Colombianas, the plural of anecdote is not data.

Edit: It appears the search function is broken. I manually checked my entire posting history, I have used the word expert twice and expertise once. Expert once when referring to a difficulty level in Guitar Hero. Expert once and expertise when referring to a woman's knowledge of/skill in a subject.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 07:56:43 PM by Woody »

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2011, 08:41:21 PM »
Well im glad you posted woody thank you :)

i like to hear what you have to say.

I still am alittle shocked based on all the stuff from day 1 of your postings (i went back and read most) that you have come to the conclusion your not a fit.

I thought well yes you had a few experiences but you seemed to handle colombia well and even enjoy it.

i just hope you werent negatively influenced by something that may not be a wide sweeping thing.

Whatever you decide youll do fine.

i just wish you would give colombia one more shot with as much vigor as you did before.

you may find a pearl.

Offline El Escéptico

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2011, 08:42:12 PM »
Colombianas are, in general, uber-Colombia centric and seem to know nothing about anything not immediately relevant to daily survival. Jamie said it best, the most common thing you will hear from a Colombiana is, "I don't know."

The posters on this board think I should show proof that a person who makes that kind of statement is incorrect? Have you all gone mad. No offense to the owner of this board who I think well of and is very level headed but I can't get over what nuts who post on these boards. Woody thinks this and Woody thinks that....are you kidding? Are you not the guy who was ready to get married to a women from BQ only after a short time. Then traveled to Medellin and told us how great it was? Now you telling others who may view this board that after your brief experience that Colombian women seem to know nothing about anything?
 Listen to those who think I need to justify my comments after he made that statement they can Kiss my A@#
 and to Woody who made that statement do all the Colombian people a great favor and never return! :'(

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2011, 08:51:58 PM »
It doesn't read as if Woody is trying to pawn it off as fact. It's obviously his opinion based on his personal experience. That your experience has been different is a good thing and you should post your own experience as well, so readers can take both in and make their own conclusions.

A post saying that what Woody says is crap, is meaningless unless you explain how your viewpoint differs and why.

Hopefully this won't turn into yet another bash Jamie flamefest.
Listen if you agree with his logic and you think that any of what he said makes sense and that insulting Colombians is justified just because another gringo who washed out in Colombia now finds it not to his liking..... then to me a favor and throw me the hell off this board and ban the hell out of me forever.

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2011, 09:59:53 PM »
The way I see it, Woody spent a lot more time and approached his 'search' and his stays with logic, in a very pragmatic way than most guys. He wasn't some pie eyed dreamer schemer looking for 'loose hookups'. He went, stayed longer than most, and is entitled to his opinion.

Further more, the guys shared it in a generous, very helpful way to others, not bashing the place or people, but explaining that after considerable thought, he's going to widen his 'options' in his search.

Isn't he as entitled to his opinion as anyone?

I should think so and I for one, would rather listen, learn and formulate my own opinion, based on diverse, informative posts from guys who have been here, there and to other places, rather than listen to the sorely predictable rants of those 'nattering nabobs of negativism', who periodically return here in their familar vein.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 10:22:28 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2011, 10:25:40 PM »
Listen if you agree with his logic and you think that any of what he said makes sense and that insulting Colombians is justified just because another gringo who washed out in Colombia now finds it not to his liking..... then to me a favor and throw me the hell off this board and ban the hell out of me forever.

Geez - another new poster really taken with his expertise on everything foreign bride - Though I strongly suspect this is some old friend hiding behind some new moniker to take pot shots from the safety of anonymity.

Just curious where you got the idea that I agree with anything Woody said, or I think it makes sense. He's expressing his viewpoint about Colombianas. The only viewpoints you seem to be expressing are that Woody's gone mad, that he couldn't cut it in the holy land, and that you should be thrown off the board, if anyone reads his posts. Have any viewpoints yourself about Colombia and Colombiana, or are you just planning on continuing to snipe from cover?

Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2011, 10:25:40 PM »

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2011, 10:28:58 PM »

I don't think there are many here who agree with Woody.

But the guy has a right to his opinion.

Express yours.

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Offline El Escéptico

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2011, 04:15:47 PM »
I should think so and I for one, would rather listen, learn and formulate my own opinion, based on diverse, informative posts from guys who have been here, there and to other places, rather than listen to the sorely predictable rants of those 'nattering nabobs of negativism', who periodically return here in their familar vein.
So let me make a general statement about Filipinos that is insulting that any person  who had a brain that was functioning  at 5% of capacity would know had no basis and pawn it off as fact, post it on this board and see how you react. Your argument has no standing and truly exposes you for the person you are.

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2011, 04:39:16 PM »
Geez - another new poster really taken with his expertise on everything foreign bride - Though I strongly suspect this is some old friend hiding behind some new moniker to take pot shots from the safety of anonymity.
 Have any viewpoints yourself about Colombia and Colombiana, or are you just planning on continuing to snipe from cover?
How you call insulting Colombian people a viewpoint is beyond me. My take...that's fair enough. The women that Woody met were most likely from a site like Colombian Cupid or or some of the few Agencies left in Medellin/BQ. Most of those women if not close to all, are women with few options left and have run into hard times. Most of them are very poor, young, naive, dreamers with a limited education. Woodrow makes a statement that the Colombian women he has met in his little world know nothing. First any blue-blooded Colombian upper class would not be seen with Woody, no offense but it's true. The truth is the Woody's of the world are pretty much locked out of upper class high strata Colombian world. Those are the facts as I see them.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 05:37:20 PM by El Escéptico »

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2011, 05:02:25 PM »
How you call insulting Colombian people a viewpoint is beyond me. My take...that's fair enough. The women that Woody met were most likely from a site like Colombian Cupid or or some of the few Agencies left in Medellin/BQ. Most of those women if not close to all, are women with few options left and have run into hard times. Most of them are very poor, young, naive, dreamers with a limited education. Woodrow makes a statement that the Colombian women he has met in his little world know nothing. First any blue-blooded Colombian upper class would not be seen with Woody, no offense but it's true. The truth is the Woody's of the world are pretty much locked out of upper class high strata Colombian world. Those are the facts as I see them.
My fiance (Paisa) is a successful Jean designer who has her own fashion line, who owns a 9000 SF home in Medellin and a cab company in Medellin and Enivagado. I met here through a family recommendation from her sister who lives in St Augustine. I have 3 children who are all Latin. One is working on a Masters in English, the other a nurse working BA, and the youngest is a 3rd year student in Electrical Engineering. Not hiding at all

Well I guess you are just a superior being who condescends to posts on this board for the benefit of us losers. I would agree that it can be tough to crack the upper class Colombian world but it can be done. I bet my wife has met (and partied with) more Colombian presidents than your fiance.

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2011, 05:18:30 PM »
How you call insulting Colombian people a viewpoint is beyond me. My take...that's fair enough. The women that Woody met were most likely from a site like Colombian Cupid or or some of the few Agencies left in Medellin/BQ. Most of those women if not close to all, are women with few options left and have run into hard times. Most of them are very poor, young, naive, dreamers with a limited education. Woodrow makes a statement that the Colombian women he has met in his little world know nothing. First any blue-blooded Colombian upper class would not be seen with Woody, no offense but it's true. The truth is the Woody's of the world are pretty much locked out of upper class high strata Colombian world. Those are the facts as I see them.
My fiance (Paisa) is a successful Jean designer who has her own fashion line, who owns a 9000 SF home in Medellin and a cab company in Medellin and Enivagado. I met here through a family recommendation from her sister who lives in St Augustine. I have 3 children who are all Latin. One is working on a Masters in English, the other a nurse working BA, and the youngest is a 3rd year student in Electrical Engineering. Not hiding at all

Talk about a nutcase freakout. I didn't even see woody's statements as insulting. He said essentially that he visited Colombia and the girls he met were not really for him. You're basically saying the same thing, that he probably didn't have access to high quality women and that is why he couldn't find them. You're really agreeing with him when you get right down to it, but come to it in a different way. The people on the board can read both your comments and learn a little.

One person will look and say "oh, blue blooded Colombians sound really nice, I should work on making some connections!"

Another will say "it sounds like it is hard for an average joe to meet a really hardworking educated girl who doesn't like partying for me."

Then hopefully they will read many more viewpoints and mesh them all together to try and figure out a foreign culture a little.

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2011, 05:43:07 PM »
Well I guess you are just a superior being who condescends to posts on this board for the benefit of us losers. I would agree that it can be tough to crack the upper class Colombian world but it can be done. I bet my wife has met (and partied with) more Colombian presidents than your fiance.

The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent.

This board is really not for me......if the Mod on this board can delete me I would appreciate it.


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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2011, 06:38:43 PM »

I don't get it.

You see his observations and experience as insults.  He is just relating his story.

Express your opinions, show us the complete picture, and let everyone read your posts.

We are not pro or con, at least I'm not. 

In this case, after reading Woody's post then your post today, its obvious why he sees Colombia completely differently that you. 

This is a classic story of the 5 blind monks and the elephant.

In various versions of the tale, a group of blind men (or men in the dark) touch an elephant to learn what it is like. Each one feels a different part, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then compare notes and learn that they are in complete disagreement.

The stories differ primarily in how the elephant's body parts are described, how violent the conflict becomes and how (or if) the conflict among the men and their perspectives is resolved.

Take a chill pill.

No one here is bashing Colombia that I can see.

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2011, 06:56:11 PM »
The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent.

This board is really not for me......if the Mod on this board can delete me I would appreciate it.



Get on some Meds please as you got some real anger issues. One of my good friends here in the states is a 6th grade Science teacher from Cali and he says the same as Woody. Most Colombians cannot see past the door to there apartment, comida de el dia or the Disco. Does not make it a bad thing but it is what it is. Upper class Colombians are very high minority as there are just not many of them. Low to middle make the bulk of the country and they really do not see past tomorrow . Why the anger ?

She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2011, 09:45:13 PM »
How you call insulting Colombian people a viewpoint is beyond me. My take...that's fair enough. The women that Woody met were most likely from a site like Colombian Cupid or or some of the few Agencies left in Medellin/BQ. Most of those women if not close to all, are women with few options left and have run into hard times. Most of them are very poor, young, naive, dreamers with a limited education. Woodrow makes a statement that the Colombian women he has met in his little world know nothing. First any blue-blooded Colombian upper class would not be seen with Woody, no offense but it's true. The truth is the Woody's of the world are pretty much locked out of upper class high strata Colombian world. Those are the facts as I see them. blooded Colombian upper class? Thats a good one.I have never had any trouble getting into those circles.After all I am a high ranking official here in the US....I just got elected the Mayor of the local landfill!! Now there's some credentials for ya.....hehehe

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2011, 12:30:51 AM »

This board is really not for me......if the Mod on this board can delete me I would appreciate it.

If you decide to leave the forum because you can't handle differing opinions, then that's cool.

But instead of making a big scene over it like a whiny little child, why not show a little class and just quietly slip away. You don’t have to be “deleted” to stop participating here.


Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2011, 12:30:51 AM »

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2011, 01:17:05 AM »
First any blue-blooded Colombian upper class would not be seen with Woody, no offense but it's true. The truth is the Woody's of the world are pretty much locked out of upper class high strata Colombian world. Those are the facts as I see them.

    This notion of "blue-blooded" Colombian upper class is just plain nonsense.Considering that the majority of Colombians live below the poverty line(about 80%) and the majority of the remainder is struggling to stay barely above the poverty line makes these "upper class Colombians" about as elusive as bigfoot.Woody's experience there is fairly typical of any average Joe who decides to trek to Colombia so even aspiring to hob-nob with the blue-bloods is just plain silly.When it comes to finding a Colombian bride who cares about these upper class ultra high strata folks. Since they only stick with  their own kind they are probably inbred anyway, if they even exist.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #49 on: January 07, 2011, 08:57:22 AM »
Come on now guys, we asked him for his opinion and he gave it. The blue blooded Colombians would never hang around with guys like Woody. This is useful information for bride seekers interested in Colombia. They should restrict their attention to the remaining 99.97% of the eligible Colombianas.

EDIT: Oops, I didn't mean to try to pawn that off as fact... It's just the opinion of one poster.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 09:11:28 AM by Jeff S »


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