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Author Topic: Finding a true partner no just a chick  (Read 8335 times)

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Re: Finding a true partner no just a chick
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2011, 09:20:06 AM »
Kiltboy, you made a great point. If you have Colombian friends, and they are living in the States, and they make comments about how things are in Colombia because they actually lived there most of their lives, and you travel there and experience similar things and have similar experiences, then it carries a little more weight than someone just making comments based on one trip or experience.

It is not always accurate to generalize, but when you start hearing and seeing the same patterns over and over again, it gives you more perspective on things and opens your eyes a lot more.

And in the case of Woody, did so to the point where he sees that it is not really such a good fit for his life. And he does not feel like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Nothing wrong with that.


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