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Author Topic: I'm totally amazed  (Read 63069 times)

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Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #175 on: January 12, 2011, 07:43:07 AM »

I'll continue to render my opinion and you can continue to waste your time responding however you like.

No one is wasting their time - certainly not me.
We are here to learn, teach, support, have fun, argue, support, exchange ideas, whatever - that is what I am doing. I can argue with anyone on a subject & at the end of the day go out and have a few beers with them - that is just me, I do not know about anyone else.

We exchange ideas & opinions. Some are viewed as excellent, superb & first rate, etc. While others are view as cruddy, erroneous, flawed, self-centered, etc,. I myself have seen many critical thinking in here .

To everyone, remember, this site is visited by thousands of people every day. Some come to read, get advice, get updates, set the drama, etc,. They see & read what is written - many, many of them are more knowledgeable than us in what we write about.  They can draw their own conclusion.  The downside I see is that they have not join or logged in to share their experience & knowledge - I wish that they would (well some). :D

We can argue, fight, laugh, cry, but in the end we educate people. I will repeat again we educate people.

Well, my opinion is that I think that we do educate people.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Offline piglett

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #176 on: January 12, 2011, 09:31:12 AM »

Depends. You can have a pretty pleasant experience on a fairly low end laptop under windows 7, as long as you have 1.5GB of ram at a minimum. This assumes the processor is a Pentium Dual Core or Athlon X2 at minimum. Anything less and the experience is not very smooth. Webcam might be important for her. This is the cheap option.
She might not be happy with OS X because of the UI shift. But if you want a great laptop with phenomenal battery life and good looks, MacBook or MacBook Pro. Expect processor updates in the spring/summer.
rite now i am running a Dell with 1.6GB Duo core processor & 1 GB ram.
it came with XP so why am i going to give "uncle Bill" more of my hard earned cash for windows 7 ?
my basic understanding is this, an OS is an & OS without one the computer will not run so it best to have one ;D
but after playing with vista 1 time I just walked out the door saying to myself WTF is this??? so if windows 7 is laid out anything like vista (can't find anything, nothing is where is on XP) then really windows 7 will not be up for consideration. After all if the wife's computer develops problems i will be the guy that has to straighten it out & if i can't then i have to pay some dude & during that time the wife is without a computer (this is now acceptable in my book at all)

I do have a copy of Ubuntu OS but i don't have an extra system to try it on.maybe i can score something this summer for short money at a yard sale. I just can't see setting up my ONLY computer with a maybe,mite work, mite be able to figure out how to use it.

I used to be able to figure out the windows 95/98 systems with no real problem.
IMHO windows is for some reason getting tougher to "play around with" things that i used to be able to do with no real problem are now hard for me to figure out. maybe i am getting old, maybe i have not kept up, probably some of each. ;D :D ;D

Btw, if you still want to steal your neighbor's wifi and have anything even close to line of sight (3-4 walls), I have the product for ya. I use these babies to shoot 500m links, through walls and roofs. Ubiquity Networks NanoStation Loco M2. Cost about $75 each, you may need two depending on the setup. They also have a M900 that works in the 900mhz band, but twice the cost and you would definitely need two. I'm shooting a link through 200meters of dense forest with a completely destroyed fresnel zone, and it still works(barely).
i did buy a router & it is working just fine next door.
the problem is on my end (haven't been able to get my system to pick up N band)
so i am in a holding pattern at this time. :-\
The pigster is all the way up there - he needs all the help he can get.  ;D
correct it tough to keep the woollymammoth & abominable snowman all out of the house at the same time. if I allow them in all they want to do is drink up my Yukonjack which is a bad thing ;D >:( ;)

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #177 on: January 12, 2011, 09:45:23 AM »
do any of you guys know about computers??  ;D ;D ;D

when Marily arrived she will need her own laptop
what do ya think ?? Apple??
i want something i can just hand her & it works, no BS no problems
my Dell is now 5 years old & it is still live & kickin
the good news is that if she doesn't like an Apple i can trade her even for mine :D :D :D


Dell occasionally has some internet coupons that offer some of their lower end models at really low prices. Just google dell coupons and it should come up with something. I don't know what the best sites are anymore. They are often used up (they only get so many uses before they expire) within 24 hours for the best coupons. If you've got some time to shop around, it can be a great deal.

I would not advise on an Athlon processor for most people. I don't know how the new ones perform but they've always had problems with multi-tasking in the past which really hurts for most users.

Most laptops are all originally made by the same company and then branded. It's called ODM and OEM. So most laptops you will get are basically the same no matter the brand. My fiance worked for a company that dealt with the ODM and she got an unbranded laptop factory direct for about $250. Same as one of the higher end dells at the time. There are really only 2-3 Chinese companies who actually make the laptops.

Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #177 on: January 12, 2011, 09:45:23 AM »

Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #178 on: January 12, 2011, 10:34:11 AM »
Yes keep an eye on Dell Outlet, they occasionally have great deals. They always have coupons & free shipping.

I was  lucky & got a Zino from Dell outlet to use as a HTPC for a little over $400.

These are the specs on it:
PROCESSOR:      AMD Phenomâ„¢ II X4 P940 Quad Core Processor, 1.7GHz, 2MB
OS:                  Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit
MEMORY:           8GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz
HD:                   1TB SATA Hard Drive (7200RPM)   
VIDEO CARD:      ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5450 MXM Discrete Graphics Card   
OPTICAL DRIVE:  Blu-ray Disc (BD) Combo Drive (BD-ROM, DVD/CD Burner)   
SOUND:             THX® TruStudio PC
WIRELESS:          Dell 1520 802.11 b/g/n wireless card   

Bestbuy just had an i3 for about $330, but you can do better.

Also checkout slickdeals, you can register & set a deal alert. Every time a deal on what you set the alert on is posted - you get an alert.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Offline z_k_g

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #179 on: January 12, 2011, 11:02:54 AM »
If that is the case (highlighted in red) - why are you still using it?
You ridicule, deride, degrade & derate a product - yet you still use it.  ::)
That is saying a lot.

You sound like a fanboy. ::)
Actually your post proves that you are. ;D

What was the purpose of the above responses and how did they fit into your premise below:

No one is wasting their time - certainly not me.
We are here to learn, teach, support, have fun, argue, support, exchange ideas, whatever - that is what I am doing.
We can argue, fight, laugh, cry, but in the end we educate people. I will repeat again we educate people.
Well, my opinion is that I think that we do educate people.

I also enjoy P-L for the sharing of ideas.  We don't always agree but that's part of any discussion, its actually enjoyable to get other viewpoints, makes us all better in the end.  
In my opinion, your responses to my posts contradict your stated purpose for posting here and demonstrates why a person would not want to post here.

As I said, I enjoy posting here, sharing my opinion, will continue to do so.  My posts are my opinion to educate, enlighten and inspire and I respect everyone.

If you wish to respond to my posts in the manner above, feel free to continue to do so.   ;D

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #180 on: January 12, 2011, 11:47:05 AM »
What was the purpose of the above responses and how did they fit into your premise below:
I was giving ignorante some guidance/advice on how to fix a problem he had with his software, then you came AND quote the post I made to ignorante (NOT TO YOU)  but you ridicule both my post and a product. That post had NOTHING to do with you but you quoted it & berate it.  Why?

I ask you if you "do not" like a product why are you still using it. A gentlemen response could have been "because I make money out of it".

What was the purpose of the above responses and how did they fit into your premise below:
You made a post directed to me (it was directed to me because you said my name). I responded to THAT post & said that you are fanboy. Do you know what a fanboy is? Glad you ask - I will tell you:
A fanboy is someone who is extremely devoted to a very specific product or topic of interest. They believe that their product or "topic of interest" is superior to everything else. Sometimes they takes their love a step further by deriding those of the opposing product/opinion. 

Isn't that what you did?

I also enjoy P-L for the sharing of ideas.  We don't always agree but that's part of any discussion, its actually enjoyable to get other viewpoints, makes us all better in the end.
That mirror what I said earlier.
In my opinion, your responses to my posts contradict your stated purpose for posting here and demonstrates why a person would not want to post here.
How is that? Please educate me.

If you wish to respond to my posts in the manner above, feel free to continue to do so.   ;D

I think that you are taking things way way way too personal.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Offline z_k_g

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #181 on: January 12, 2011, 12:03:17 PM »

Fanboy?  Love?  Extremely Devoted to what?

I pointed out that my OSX hasn't had a virus in 2 years.

What are you talking about?

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 12:09:59 PM by z_k_g »
Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Offline FlyingMoose

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #182 on: January 12, 2011, 12:14:34 PM »
On Windows vs Mac:

First of all, this is just my opinion.  I do have a degree in Computer Science, and have worked with both Windows and Mac for many years.

If you compare them to the evolution of the automobile, I would say that Windows is like an older car that you have to start with a crank, and Mac is like a newer car with a starter motor.  In other words, they both work, but Windows is slightly more of a pain in the butt.  Macs are more well-designed and well-made, both the hardware and the software, but do cost a bit more.

Macs may be more immune to viruses partially because of the lower number of installations out there, but a large part of it is also that the design of the system is more robust and secure, with properly-designed layers of security, fewer security holes, and easier-to-manage settings with better defaults.

If you're into games, Windows may be a better choice, or the only choice, depending on the game.

One anecdote:  I've been using a Mac for about 7 years, and in that 7 years I've run into fewer bugs in Mac OSX than I did during the first hour of using Windows 7.

I use Windows at work and a Mac at home.

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #183 on: January 12, 2011, 12:22:56 PM »
Waiting as patiently as I can. She'll leave tomorrow at 6:15AM her time and be in Atlanta 1/13/11 3:55 EST. Patience is a virtue so I must be virtuless.. Is that a word?
That 6:15am her time was something like 11:15pm yesterday your time.  It's kinda weird wrapping your head around that to begin with, but if you're going to have extended family (in-laws) overseas, you gotta starting thinking along those terms.

Webcam might be important for her. This is the cheap option.
Good point.  As long as there is someone on the other end who knows how to receive it (some web-savvy or 'puter-savvy person who knows how to activate their program to view her when she video-calls).

What was the purpose of the above responses and how did they fit into your premise below
Please educate me.

Can we not?  While I am awed and humbled before both of your geek-fu (and a bit jealous I must admit), let's not scare Bill off before we find out the end of this story (or would that be the beginning?).  Should be this afternoon.
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Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #184 on: January 12, 2011, 12:24:46 PM »

Fanboy?  Love?  Extremely Devoted to what?

I pointed out that my OSX hasn't had a virus in 2 years.

What are you talking about?

See below


I haven't got a virus in 2 years, and oh yeah, the Viao is still running at the same speed or faster than when OSX was first installed.  I've upgraded twice.

I am very knowledgeable about hardware, software and firmware.

I've programmed everything from old DECs to PDP11's, FRADS, SCADA, and used most IDE's and coded with punch cards on mini mainframes in straight hex and binary, and I'm pretty handy with Unix/Linux, Dos, Adtran, Cisco IOS, HPunix command line.

OSX is built on top of a solid foundation of Unix/Linux/NeXT, can be hardened to military grade very easily, and the  Unix/Linux core is inherently processes independent and so stable you can upgrade the kernel with your computer running (Try this with Windoze 7). 

Windoze is mom and pop consumer grade software for kids and the masses.  Its cute stuff, when it works!

Unix/Linux runs our cars, network routers, mainframes and the emergency room equipment in every hospital and pretty much anything of critical value in the world.   

Try rebooting your EKG or heart monitor during a surgery because you get a virus!   ;D  Never happens because the EKG OS is embedded Unix.

The reason you need 6 or 7 software layers added as watchdogs in your process tree in Windoze is because the threads are unprotected and most of kernel processes and threads are interdependent.  Junk software

This is the core vulnerability of all Windoze kernels.  A nasty brings down one peripheral process and your house crashes, you start leaking data, get buffer over and under runs.  A nasty virus or rootkit that you caught from the wild can bring your Windoze 7 world to a halt.

If thats not bad enough news, and you don't happen to get a nasty virus or bot, then whats probably worse is Windoze's consistent destruction of every HDD its installed on with its' fragmentation and inefficient disk usage issues.  Western Digital, Hitachi, and Seagate love Windoze users for this reason!

When you install Windoze, its basically HDD suicide. If a virus doesn't take you out, the the poorly written Windoze OS will eventually slow down to a crawl and self destruct.

OSX/Unix/Linux is better software.

If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #185 on: January 12, 2011, 12:26:27 PM »
Can we not?  While I am awed and humbled before both of your geek-fu (and a bit jealous I must admit), let's not scare Bill off before we find out the end of this story (or would that be the beginning?).  Should be this afternoon.
I 100% agree.

Bill the next post should be by you or better yet you should start a new thread. you (she) could also tell us about her trip/experience coming over.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 12:28:29 PM by thekfc »
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Offline z_k_g

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #186 on: January 12, 2011, 12:30:58 PM »
I really wanna know how Bill is doing!

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #187 on: January 12, 2011, 01:33:42 PM »
I really wanna know how Bill is doing!

i hope they come up for air soon & give an update  ;D :D ;D

PSA 101:7 No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who
speaks falsely will stand in my presence.

Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #187 on: January 12, 2011, 01:33:42 PM »

Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #188 on: January 12, 2011, 02:03:04 PM »
That 6:15am her time was something like 11:15pm yesterday your time. 
Actually 6:15am her time (1/13/11) will be 5:15pm Bill's time (tonight - 1/12/11). 13 hours ahead of EST.

Patience guys.
With her leaving on Thursday 1/13/11 @6:15am her time & arriving on Thursday 1/13/11 around 3:55pm Bill's time - she will be landing in Atlanta tomorrow thus we should be getting an update from bill on Friday or the weekend (or Thursday night).
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #189 on: January 12, 2011, 02:08:27 PM »
Waiting as patiently as I can. She'll leave tomorrow at 6:15AM her time and be in Atlanta 1/13/11 3:55 EST. Patience is a virtue so I must be virtuless.. Is that a word?


^ What he said!  ;)

Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #190 on: January 12, 2011, 03:11:39 PM »
That 6:15am her time was something like 11:15pm yesterday your time.  It's kinda weird wrapping your head around that to begin with, but if you're going to have extended family (in-laws) overseas, you gotta starting thinking along those terms.

She is exactly 13 hours ahead of me and she is leaving in 10 minutes from right now (when I typed this). She is already on the 13th. She'll also arrive here on the 13th which is my tomorrow, Thursday, at 3:55 PM EST. We talk twice a day. When I get home from work in the evenings shes getting up in the morning of my tomorrow, when we talk my AM before I go to work in the morning, we're on the same day but shes 13 hrs ahead. Everything is happening on Thursday the 13th, both hers and mine, thats my tomorrow. ;)


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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #191 on: January 12, 2011, 03:18:24 PM »
And if that ain't confusing enough scroll back and read the geek speak that this thread has turned into... :P

I promise an update when I have something to post, until then, I'm just impatiently waiting. My finger nails are almost gone, I can't drink anymore coffee or I won't sleep tonight, I managed to stay semi-focused at work most of the day, and I didn't crash any ruby stylii into any parts. Now if I can just sleep tonight things will be SWEET tomorrow!!!!!

"Always do right. That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." -- Samuel Clemens

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #192 on: January 12, 2011, 04:10:43 PM »
She is exactly 13 hours ahead of me and she is leaving in 10 minutes from right now (when I typed this). She is already on the 13th. She'll also arrive here on the 13th which is my tomorrow, Thursday, at 3:55 PM EST. We talk twice a day. When I get home from work in the evenings shes getting up in the morning of my tomorrow, when we talk my AM before I go to work in the morning, we're on the same day but shes 13 hrs ahead. Everything is happening on Thursday the 13th, both hers and mine, thats my tomorrow. ;)


That is what I said - stop drinking that coffee. haha  :D
We know that there will be no concrete news until late tomorrow evening at the earliest.

Just try to stay focus and do any last minute "chores" before she gets here.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #193 on: January 12, 2011, 04:37:16 PM »
All my chores are done; my list is completely cleaned up. The house is spotless; cleaner in fact than when I moved in. I've made room for her in the closet and put away hunting gear to open up drawers in the dresser. I have a full tank of gas, new plugs, and the oil changed in the ride so there will be no problems on the drive to Atlanta tomorrow. The refrigerator and pantry are stocked with the staples from, I think it's Bob_s' list, and we'll shop for whatever else we need after she's here. I have a sweat shirt and a coat for her when we meet in the airport already in the truck. I stopped at the ATM on the way home from work so I have cash, my CCs are all paid up and I have them with me, and I ordered pink roses (her favorite) to be delivered on Friday afternoon in case we stop in Macon tomorrow evening instead of driving all the way back. After 23 hrs getting here a four and a half hour drive may not be what she needs.

When I asked her what she wanted to eat first when she got here, she said fruit, lots of fruit so I have apples, bananas, green mango, Georgia peaches, and fresh pineapple. I chuckled when she said that and asked what she wanted for breakfast Friday morning and she said an American breakfast, whatever my favorite is. So I'm going to make her bacon, eggs over medium, fried potatoes, and rye toast with OJ and coffee Friday morning. It this too much? Will it make her sick?

I have some nonprescription sleeping pills and I'll take one later tonight to make sure I get a good nights sleep.

I just hope this COLD snap we're having here doesn't make the roads nasty or cause any flight delays.

"Always do right. That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." -- Samuel Clemens

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #194 on: January 12, 2011, 04:42:43 PM »
Bill M,

Kfc and I had to keep everyone occupied! ;)

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #195 on: January 12, 2011, 05:12:51 PM »
Her flight from Manila to Negoya is delayed 165 minutes, she WILL miss her connection in Detroit. Shes got my cell number...

"Always do right. That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." -- Samuel Clemens

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #196 on: January 12, 2011, 05:46:31 PM »
I think it's Bob_s' list,
Not my list.  I know nothing about Pinay cuisine.  Credit Ray and Robert for that.  I would have said stock up on tofu, soy sauce, dried seaweed, mochi, fish, and short grain rice.   ;D

Her flight from Manila to Negoya is delayed 165 minutes, she WILL miss her connection in Detroit. Shes got my cell number...
...a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #197 on: January 12, 2011, 06:23:25 PM »
She just left Mania, 3 hours late. They'll make up about 30 minutes to Negoya and another hour to Detroit. That will leave her 61 minutes, based on estimated arrival in Detroit, to clear customs, ICE, and catch her connecting flight to Atlanta. I don't think that is happening. The good news is that there are 5 additional flights to Atlanta after her scheduled flight. If I know her at all, shes already talked to ticketing agents and either gotten her flight changed or knows exactly what to do to get on the next available flight out of Detroit.

Who me? Excited? Nervous? Nahhhh just sharing the experience. :D

"Always do right. That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." -- Samuel Clemens

Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #197 on: January 12, 2011, 06:23:25 PM »

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #198 on: January 12, 2011, 07:48:53 PM »
No, that's called sweating!!    ;D

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #199 on: January 12, 2011, 09:36:48 PM »
get a good nights sleep Bill & update us tomorrow

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