Well for a really good job in Cali paying in dollars at US salary levels that provides housing subsidy and a new Nissan product for transport you´ll want to be employed by CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical). You won´t need to speak Spanish but you will need a doctorate (or be working on one) in an agriculture related field. Next down the ladder would be teaching a subject (science say) in English at a top private bilingual high school but you might need "pelanca" to get the job. Lets see, after that I met a guy on the plane once who works in Buenaventura, two hours from Cali as a salvage diver making propeller repairs etc. to mostly Chinese ships. Moving further down the pay scale I know three Americans who operate video chat businsses in Cali. I don´t think business is booming. And then at the bottom of employment opportunities would be teaching Enclish at an instituto.