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Author Topic: cuba wants foreign investors, build new golf courses. land lease 99 years ect.  (Read 2133 times)

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Don't recall them having paid reparations for all of the foreign property they nationalized 50 years ago......why trust them now? Sure, build a golf course and a five star hotel for them, watch them steal those also.

Offline william3rd

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I dont think they really care whether WE invest there or not. Cuba will reopen in a year or two or three. We just wont deal with Castro; even our allies will deal with him.  Most of the rest of the world trades with Cuba although their best and closest trading partner would be the US.

Our boycott is one of the silliest things I have ever seen. Maybe it would mean more if I were a Cuban.

And wet foot dry foot- ohhh puullleeese/

 If the money for these projects comes from Europe or Asia, it will still get done. Our multi nationals will get in on it; they never miss a good thing.

And reparations. . . .  who pays reparations these days?
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

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one way or another, it will happen, probably faster when Fidel is gone,

Offline Dave H

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Investing in Cuba is a very bad idea until a new government and leadership takes over, US-Cuba relations normalize, and the island  stabilizes! There are many Cuban exiles chomping at the bit to snatch everything on the island up once the Castros are gone...whether it now belongs to the state, Cubans that remained in Cuba loyal to Castro, Gringo Carpetbaggers who come in to seize opportunities, or other exiles claiming it belongs to them! Exile Cubans believe that everything is still theirs on the island, whether they actually had a title once, want to believe they did, or were told that they did. Cubans, like most Latins, are very impulsive don't usually think before they act! I expect a lot of bloodshed!!!

« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 05:52:19 AM by Dave H »
The developmentally disabled madman!

Offline william3rd

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The exiles didnt do so good the last time they visited the island back in the 60s. They will do even worse this time.

How much luck have the Palestinians had getting their property back after they left as refugees?

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

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The exiles didnt do so good the last time they visited the island back in the 60s. They will do even worse this time.

Hey William,

You may be right...they definitely won't get any support from Obama, which is about as much about as JFK gave them at the Bay of Pigs! Unfortunately for him, Jack didn't live long enough to enjoy his large stash of H. Upmann Petit Upmann Cuban cigars! But, I enjoy them every now and then. ::) Not going to be a massive Cuban exile invasion to overthrow the communist government. I believe that Cuba will implode from within, without outside assistance. Quite possibly when the batteries on "Robo Fidel" run out.  ;D

Massive flotillas of exiles will go there ASAP (like the Mariel Boatlift) after the collapse! They have accumulated more guns, more advanced US military training, GPS, and bigger, faster boats over the years. Once the Castros are whatever means, many exiles that I know are ready to go back and force off any "squatters" on "their" land. The average Cuban can't afford to buy shoe laces, let alone a gun! So there won't be much of a fight with the populace...unless a new commie comes along to lead them with lots of money from Russia or China. If none step up to the plate and "democracy" is restored, Cuba will go back to pre-Castro 1959...remember the term "democracy" has always been used very loosely in Cuba and LA!  ;D

« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 10:54:40 AM by Dave H »
The developmentally disabled madman!

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How much luck have the Palestinians had getting their property back after they left as refugees?
Not so bad.  They got most of the West Bank and still haven't had to yield to any of Israel's qualifiers.
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